Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 539 Sect Master You Yu

The battle between Qing Yi and Bei Ming to kill the emperor caused quite a stir in Dilu.

The main thing is that Qing Yi refused the inheritance that everyone demanded from heaven. For a time, Qing Yi's reputation became more and more popular in the Imperial Road.

In the Chi Lian Sect, there was quite a stir because Chu Yan bloodbathed the Second Hall, but he seemed not interested in this and simply went into seclusion, ignoring the outside world.

All trivial matters in the second hall were handled by Li Pin.

Li Pin had no complaints. Now he could directly represent Chu Yan.

"Hall Master." Li Pin came into the hall and acted very respectfully. Chu Yan opened his eyes and looked at him and said, "I didn't tell you, so there is no need to be polite in private."

"There is still a distinction between superiority and inferiority." Li Pin smiled nonchalantly, and Chu Yan did not force him: "Is there any news?"

"Yes." Li Pin nodded. After Chu Yan sat down as the second hall master, he asked him to check on a person, and this person was Qing Yi, who was second on the emperor list.

"Just now, Qingyi fought against Beiming Shatian, Zichen, and several major heavenly emperors from the Four Gods Alliance joined forces to put her in crisis." Li Pin said, and then he felt an icy chill sweep through the hall. It made him tremble slightly, and he looked at Chu Yan in confusion.

Ever since he met Chu Yan, whether it was at the exchange meeting or during the second bloodbath, Chu Yan had been extremely calm, neither happy nor angry, and always smiling. But now, he can clearly feel that Chu Yan There are strong mood swings and a lot of anger.

Li Pin couldn't help but think that his hall master might be infatuated with Qing Yi. Indeed, who wouldn't love a woman like Qing Yi who even Beiming Shatian would be willing to make her his queen? She has a beautiful face.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Pin to guess that the Great Hammer Emperor belonged to Chu Yan.

"What happened next? Was she injured?" Chu Yan asked.

"No, it is said that it was inherited from heaven. An ancient thought appeared and saved her. No one knows where she went after that." Li Pin said. Chu Yan was relieved, but the murderous intent in his eyes was even stronger. Beiming Sha Tian's attack on Qing Yi was undoubtedly to lure him out.

"I know." Chu Yan nodded, and Li Pincai stepped back. The arrogance in his body became stronger, and he clenched his fist slightly: "It's just a little bit short, that's enough."

The next day was the day of worship at Chi Lian Sect. Chu Yan originally wanted Li Pin to go alone, but he had no choice. On the day of worship, the hall master had to be present in person.

Chu Yan just came out of seclusion and rushed to the center of Chilian Palace with Li Pin.

Chilian Palace is built in the center of seven halls. It is very huge, with beautiful buildings and jade buildings, many layers of it, and some small rivers surrounding it. It is more like a huge city.

"What kind of person is the leader of the Chilian Sect?" Chu Yan asked, looking at the palace in front of him.

"The Chilian Sect is a force established by Chiliantang on the Imperial Road. The leader of the Chilianmen is himself the chief disciple of Chiliantang. With the strength of the top Heavenly Emperor, if we must compare, he should be able to fight Zichen." Li Pin Said aside, Chu Yan nodded secretly. It seems that the ranking on the emperor's list is not accurate. An existence like the leader of the Chilian Sect is ranked tenth on the emperor's list, but there is no chance of fighting Zichen. strength.

"Who is coming?" As soon as they arrived at the palace, a guard immediately stopped the two of them. Chu Yan kept calm and said: "The second hall master, the God Hammer Emperor, was ordered to come here to pay homage to the master and worship the spirit essence."

"You come in with me." The guard checked and nodded. As for Li Pin, he did not invite him.

"It's normal. The day of worship is an exchange between the sect master and the hall master. Although I am the deputy general, I am still not qualified to enter." Li Pin explained, Chu Yan nodded: "Okay, you wait for me outside. "

Chu Yan followed the guards into the palace. The palace was very high, with only one floor. There were fairies dancing inside and a piano player playing music. There were seven stone tables next to it. The other six hall masters had already arrived, and he was the last one to come.

There was a high platform corresponding to the seven stone tables, and there was a tall woman sitting cross-legged. She was very beautiful, with long hair shawl, and a dignified manner, which made Chu Yan a little obsessed.

He had seen many beauties, but he had to say that this woman was very beautiful. She was not as charming as Li Xian'er, but she was a bit more heroic.

"Have you seen enough?" The woman snorted displeasedly, and Chu Yan just woke up and said: "I'm sorry, girl, I didn't mean any offense."

"Are you the Hammer Emperor?" The woman looked at Chu Yan, her eyes full of curiosity.

"It's me." Chu Yan nodded, and the first hall master snorted coldly: "You are so brave, why don't you kneel down and salute immediately when you see the master?"

Chu Yan looked at the woman and was stunned for a moment. So the leader of the Chilian Sect is a woman? Moreover, she is also a beauty.

"My subordinates are here to meet the sect master." Chu Yan was not humble and did the ceremony. The first hall master snorted coldly and turned to look at the woman: "Sect master, this boy has just entered my Chilian sect, and he has killed him one after another. He has no respect for the two hall masters and does not abide by the rules. According to the wishes of his subordinates, people like him should not be reused. "

Hearing the first hall master's words, Chu Yan frowned and looked at the first hall master with unkind eyes: "The first hall master's words are really interesting. You are now the first hall master. You must have put in a lot of effort to reach this position. You have defeated many people, right?”

"Of course." The first hall master said proudly.

"Then according to your words, don't you have a sense of awe? Should the hall master deprive you of your position? According to the rules of the Chilian Sect, there is no hierarchy between the hall masters. Strength is respected. I can kill him, yes His skills are inferior to others," Chu Yan said calmly.

"Chichi!" The white-faced scholar of the Seventh Hall Master sneered: "You are really bold. Now that you are the second Hall Master, when you see the First Hall Master, not only do you disrespect him, but you actually dare to contradict him?"

"If I remember correctly, you should be the seventh hall master, right?" Chu Yan looked at the white-faced scholar, and a deterrent force shot out from his eyes. The white-faced scholar's face turned pale and he almost vomited blood.

"Be careful when you speak in the future, otherwise when I have time, I don't mind going to your seventh hall for a walk." Chu Yan was not good at talking. Since the other party was not polite, he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Now his resources are almost the same, there is no need to deliberately restrain and forbear.

Ye Bingning and the fifth hall master looked at the side helplessly, this guy...

"Okay." The leader of the Chi Lian Sect is named Youyu, and he said slowly with great aura: "Today, I have called everyone here, one is to worship, and the other is that this emperor will soon reach a thousand spiritual essences and lead the inheritance from the sky. At that time, I need someone to take charge of the Chi Lian Sect for me. Do you have any good recommendations?"

"The first hall master has unparalleled combat power. This position, I think, should be him." The seventh hall master immediately spoke.

"The second hall master is young and unparalleled, and his fighting power is extraordinary. I think he is also qualified to sit in this position." Ye Bingning hesitated and stood up to introduce him. Chu Yan looked at her in surprise. In fact, he didn't care about the matter of acting as the sect master, but it was rare that Ye Bingning could recommend him at the cost of offending the first hall master.

"Hall Master Bingning, you are joking. In terms of seniority, status, and strength, he is not as good as the first hall master. How can he be qualified?" The white-faced scholar sneered.

Ye Bingning was about to speak, but the white-faced scholar took the lead: "Or, he came from your hall, and you two have an affair? Tsk, I heard that he has an extraordinary relationship with a woman named Xu Miao in your hall, and now you have appointed her as a deputy general. Three people, Master Bingning, your taste is quite special."

"You..." Ye Bingning's jade face flushed, and Chu Yan's face turned cold at this time. He looked at the white-faced scholar. There are some things that he can tolerate, but what the white-faced scholar said really made him angry.

"Okay." Youyu spoke, and the palace became quiet. Then she looked up at Chu Yan, and there was a divine thought looking at him. Chu Yan also felt it, but he did not resist.

However, after a long time, Youyu retracted her mind and shook her head, revealing a regretful look and said: "If I appoint the first hall master as the acting sect master, will you have any objection?"

Chu Yan acted very calmly: "I have no objection."

"Yeah." Youyu nodded with satisfaction. She had heard something about Chu Yan and thought he was a good genius, but his realm was a little low. Even if he killed the second hall master, he was still a little worse than the first hall master in her opinion.

"In this case, during my absence, the first hall master will be the acting sect master, and the others will assist. In a few days, someone from the Western Region Galaxy will come to exchange and fight. At that time, I hope you can perform well and don't embarrass my Chi Lian Sect." Youyu ordered, and everyone sighed secretly. In the end, it was indeed the first hall master. The white-faced scholar looked at Ye Bingning with a sneer.

This time, Ye Bingning offended the first hall master, and now he is the acting sect master. Ye Bingning, I am afraid he will not have a good end.

As for Chu Yan, the white-faced scholar seemed to have seen his death.

Chu Yan was very calm about this result. He didn't care how Youyu decided, but this result made him know that he would not have much time left in Chilian Sect.

"I will obey the order of the Sect Master." The seven hall masters responded, and then handed over the offerings and left one by one.

However, when Chu Yan was about to leave Chilian Palace, the first hall master stood with him, and there was a faint pressure coming.

Chu Yan looked at him, and the first hall master was still as proud as when he was on the carriage in the void at the exchange meeting.

"If I wanted to kill Mingyou, he would have died long ago. One move is enough." The first hall master said coldly.

"Then what?" Chu Yan stopped and looked at the first hall master with a funny look. The others looked at the two of them and showed an interesting look.

"So remember, don't think that you are qualified to be on equal footing with me just because you beat Mingyou. You are far behind me. Not only Mingyou, but anyone in the Chilian Sect except the Sect Master, I can kill with one move." The First Hall Master was extremely arrogant at this moment, and his voice was not concealed at all, and the other halls could hear it clearly.

And he was talking about everyone, Chu Yan was one of them.

Chu Yan suddenly smiled, looked at the First Hall Master and shook his head: "Before I was not here, maybe, but now, I don't think so."

Everyone's face froze, and they all looked at Chu Yan in a daze, including Youyu in the distance, who was also smiling. This guy is really arrogant.

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