Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 537: The Path of the Emperor

The Second Hall, a shocking battle.

This battle lasted only half an hour, and the outside world was still confused and didn't know what was going on inside. However, everything was over. The Second Hall, the alien master.

Li Pin stood in the distance, looking at the figure standing at the top, and was also shocked.

Is Mingyou not strong? Of course not, on the contrary, he is very strong.

Otherwise, Mingyou would not be able to sit firmly as the second hall master, second only to the first hall master. The third hall master challenged him and was easily defeated. Even just now, he was still standing there proudly, saying that Chu Yan was stupid and ridiculous, but now, he is dead.

Chu Yan alone swept the entire Second Hall.

The hearts of the people in the Second Hall trembled, especially those who were originally in the Fourth Hall. At this moment, their eyes were dull.

Five days ago, they betrayed Chu Yan and joined the Second Hall. Now, Chu Yan is the second hall master.

"Mingyou is dead. From today on, I am the second hall master. Do you have any objections? If so, you can stand up." Chu Yan turned around and looked around the ruined hall. His voice was calm but full of majesty.

"Greetings to the hall master!"

"Greetings to the hall master!" After a moment, a magnificent voice sounded, and the people of the second hall knelt down one after another. They were not fools. If they did not follow now, they would only be slaughtered.

Chu Yan was too strong, stronger than at the exchange meeting. His limit was far from the fourth hall master, and even the second hall master was no match for him.

"Li Pin, these people are handed over to you. If you don't accept traitors, you will be killed." Chu Yan ordered. The people of the fourth hall were desperate. They wanted to beg for mercy, but they knew that it was impossible. They chose to betray when the sun was setting. Now Chu Yan has made a comeback. What use are they?

They regretted it. They even wondered what kind of glory they would have if they were like Li Pin.

Li Pin was named deputy general by Chu Yan. Everyone laughed at him, but now he is the deputy general of the second hall, and his status is higher than some hall masters.

"Yes!" Li Pin responded with a smile. He knew that he had made the right bet.

"Also check the spiritual essence and resources of the second hall, and prepare the offerings. Tomorrow is the offering. You will go to the Chilian Palace with me." Chu Yan gave another instruction, and then he did not stay. He jumped and left, and continued to practice.

But this matter was not peaceful.

The second hall was bloodbathed by Chu Yan, and the news of the hall master's alien master spread like wildfire, and soon spread to the sixth hall and the fifth hall.

In the Fifth Hall, the Hall Master and the Deputy General were discussing Chu Yan. He had intended to help Chu Yan overcome the difficulties and said, "I will allocate a part of my Hall's resources and prepare to send them to the Fourth Hall. If there is not enough, he can only rely on himself."

"Hall Master, the Fourth Hall Master is lazy every day. In five days, the Monster Forest and its resources were all plundered. He did nothing and didn't even show up. You don't have to help him like this."

"He spared my life." The Fifth Hall Master shook his head. He knew very well that Chu Yan spared his life at the exchange meeting that day.

"But even so, what can he achieve if he is so decadent? He will only drag down the Hall Master." The Deputy General said, and the Fifth Hall Master also frowned. He couldn't figure it out in recent days.

"Hall, Hall Master!" Just at this time, a disciple hurried in.

"What's the matter?" The fifth hall master said unhappily. The disciple looked nervous and stuttered: "Reply, reply to the hall master, the fourth hall master has made a move. He went to the second hall."

"What?" The fifth hall master frowned and stood up; "He is so impulsive, looking for death? It's so stupid!"

Hearing the hall master's words, the disciple trembled even more and left: "Not long after the fourth hall master went to the second hall master... the Chi Lian Sect issued a message. From then on, the Chi Lian Sect only had six halls. The second hall master Mingyou was killed. The second hall had a strange master. The hall master: Emperor Shenchui!"

"What?" The fifth hall master widened his eyes, full of disbelief: "Say it again!"

"The second hall master... Emperor Shenchui!" The disciple repeated it again, and was also extremely shocked. Hall masters and strange masters are common, but the top three are rare. As for the non-exchange meeting, he directly swept the whole hall, which was something he had never heard of. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

The fifth hall master sat down with a bang, and after a long time, he burst into laughter.

The news also reached the sixth hall. Ye Bingning's almond eyes were full of surprise. Xu Miao has now been promoted to deputy general, behind the curtain.

When she knew that the second hall was destroyed by Chu Yan, Ye Bingning smiled bitterly. She couldn't help but think of the day of the exchange meeting. Chu Yan said that he could help her, but he refused at that time. Later, when she saw Chu Yan destroy two halls in a row, she was a little shocked, but she also thought that was Chu Yan's limit.

But now, she realized that she was wrong. She even wondered what would happen if she accepted Chu Yan's help that day, and what position she would be sitting in now.

Of course, Chu Yan knew nothing about these rumors and would not care.

The second hall was richer than the fourth hall, with countless imperial demon forests and some opportunities in the imperial road.

After killing Mingyou, Chu Yan practiced alone. He could vaguely feel that he was only a few feet away from the Emperor of Heaven and could enter at any time, but he kept suppressing it and didn't break through.

He had three true selves, and he hadn't switched them yet, so he needed to stabilize them.

As for the spiritual essence, he also had enough of a thousand feet. Whenever the spiritual essence was released, there were rays of light behind him, and he could even feel the resonance with the Emperor's Road.

The inheritance came from the sky, but he blocked it. He found that a thousand feet of spiritual essence was not the limit, and he could have more. In addition, the current situation was not suitable for attracting inheritance, so he kept forbearing.


At this time, in a certain place on the Emperor Road, other events were happening.

The Emperor Road was full of geniuses, and people died tragically every day. Various news kept coming. Even if the Emperor of Heaven died, no one would care now.

Recently, there was a new name in the Emperor Road, that is, the Emperor of the God Hammer, who quickly swept the Emperor List and now has reached the top 30, attracting the attention of many people.

Of course, it was just attention. After all, the top 30 was not enough to look down on those top existences.

In addition, something happened in the Emperor Road again. Ten days had passed since the battle between the Emperor of Heaven and the Four Gods Alliance.

In ten days, the Four Gods Alliance descended two inheritances in succession. The spiritual essence of the top beast kings of Zichen and the Beast King Hall reached one thousand feet respectively. The inheritance from the sky was envied by many people.

The Demon Sect Emperor Feng attracted the inheritance from the sky and became the fourth person.

Recently, the Jiuyou Dynasty has had an incident where they are often attacked by people. The origin and number of enemies are unknown, but they are very strong. Once they get a chance, they will slaughter crazily, causing the Jiuyou Dynasty to suffer continuous losses, and even dare not act alone.

In addition to these, there is another person who has risen rapidly in the Emperor Road, and he has the intention to compete with the top three, that is Lin Daoyan.

Lin Daoyan rarely appears in the Emperor Road, but every time he appears, he will do something big. Once he had a conflict with the Wandao Sect and killed three top emperors of the other side.

Later, he attracted the inheritance from the sky and became the fifth inheritor.

Someone wanted to seize his inheritance. The Wandao Sect and the Kuanglei Sect joined forces to launch a crusade with great momentum. As a result, Lin Daoyan killed countless emperors alone. In the end, he was not caught, but escaped and there was no news.


On this day, the sixth inheritance descended in the Emperor Road, a woman in green.

Qingyi was among the mountains, bathing in the spring breeze, her emerald skirt fluttering, she was still calm, like a fairy from the Ninth Heaven who was not in touch with the world.

"Another inheritance has come! Go and see!" The inheritance appeared, immediately attracting countless people, and the strong men from all sides went there, but when they saw Qingyi, they all laughed dryly, and no one dared to take it.

The reason was very simple, they all remembered the scene of Qingyi threatening the Emperor Beiming under the Soul-eating Ancient Bell.

Such people must not be provoked.

"It's you!" A huge crowd of people walked in from a distance, led by a very handsome young man, with a picture of rivers and mountains on the sky, it was Beiming Shatian, now the recognized number one on the road to the emperor.

Qingyi looked at Beiming Shatian, autumn eyes indifferent, did not speak, Beiming Shatian continued: "Your talent is indeed good, not worse than mine, but it's a pity that you followed the wrong person, why don't you break off your relationship with Chu Yan and follow me, I will ascend the throne one day and make you the queen, how about it?"

I will ascend the throne and make you the queen! What a high promise this is?

Many people looked at Qingyi, a little envious, but also felt it was normal. Whether it was impeccable appearance or talent, Qingyi was too outstanding, better than the people of Tianbei Sixteen Veins.

The fairy in Wangxian Tower could only be sad when she saw Qingyi.

Qingyi glanced at Beiming Shatian, turned away indifferently, and ignored him directly, which made people ashamed.

Beiming Shatian was not angry, but shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity, since you don't obey, then I have no choice but to take action today. Chu Yan has not appeared since the opening of the Emperor Road, but I know that he is in the Emperor Road. If you are captured, he should appear, right?"

Qingyi's delicate body stagnated slightly, and she turned sideways to look at Beiming Shatian, then she changed direction, and actually went straight to Beiming Shatian, with a terrible green light flashing behind her.

"This..." Everyone trembled in their hearts. Beiming Shatian, the first in the Emperor Road, Qingyi directly started a fight without even saying a word.

Qing Yi was like this. If the other party wanted to threaten Chu Yan, she would take action. As for any crazy words, she would never say them, and she was too lazy to say them.

Bei Ming Sha Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and he smiled: "Even if you are a beauty, I am reluctant to take action, but if we fight, I will not show mercy."

"Boom!" Qing Yi said nothing nonsense, and a blue beam of light spread out from behind, like a vine, and suddenly shot towards Bei Ming Sha Tian.

"Interesting!" Bei Ming Sha Tian smiled playfully, and the picture of the mountains and rivers changed. Then his body was huge, like the ancient human emperor, and his huge arms stretched out, even the space was torn apart.

Others immediately retreated a thousand meters away, their eyes were focused, and they stared at this battle.

This was the first battle between the first and second after the opening of the Emperor Road.

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