Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 516: Dialogue across space [3rd update]

The Heavenly Emperor Sect was established in the Emperor Road, with Chu Yan as the sect leader.

This news spread quickly and caused quite a stir in the Emperor Road.

Of course, no one was optimistic about them. After all, Chu Yan and his men were weak. Although they had several top-level masters, they were still far behind the Four Gods Alliance.

In an ancient city in the center of the Emperor Road, the defense was strict, and it was the headquarters of the Four Gods Alliance.

There were four halls in the ancient city, namely Jian Wuya, Beast King Hall, Beiming Dynasty, and Zilei Dynasty.

On this day, the four parties gathered together, each with a top Heavenly Emperor master in charge, and the spiritual energy aura behind them was as high as a hundred feet.

"Everyone, it seems that someone has begun to question our Four Gods Alliance." Zi Chen, on the side of the Zilei Dynasty, smiled while playing with his folding fan.

"Heavenly Emperor Sect, have any of you heard about it? Do you know which lineage it was established by?" A one-armed swordsman said from the direction of Jian Wuya.

"I don't know, they are all new faces, but there are a few people with good strength." A dragon demon in the Beast King Hall said.

After the three of them finished speaking, they looked towards the direction of the Beiming Dynasty, where there was a proud figure. He just sat there, giving people an inviolable aura.

"Shatian, what do you think?" Zi Chen asked.

Beiming Shatian, another prince of the Beiming Dynasty, but he is different from Beiming Shahuang, and his status in the Beiming Dynasty is higher.

Because he is the prince, that is, the heir, the existence of the next emperor of the dynasty. And his name is also very outstanding in the Star Sea.

The name of Shatian is the hope that the Emperor of Beiming has placed on him, and he can defeat all the emperors in the world. And he did not disappoint everyone. Since he was crowned as an emperor at the age of 20, he now has the ability to break the emperor and reach the great perfection of the emperor realm.

Beiming Shatian also has a title. In the land of the Star Sea, he is called the first person under the monarch.

"A bunch of clowns, why bother? Since they want to die, just kill them." Bei Ming Sha Tian slowly opened his eyes and said calmly, but there was an imperial momentum in his words, which made people dare not refuse.

Zi Chen showed a playful smile: "It is indeed a bit overestimating one's own ability."


After the formation of Tiandimen, Chu Yan was very high-profile and directly issued several instructions.

The first one was to recruit people from all over the world. Anyone who had a grudge against the Four Gods Alliance would be accepted and protected by Tiandimen.

The second one was that all disciples of the Demon Sect would be unconditionally protected by Tiandimen.

The third one was to openly go to war with the Four Gods Alliance. Anyone who met them in the Emperor Road would be killed without mercy.

And Chu Yan did it. They swept all the way. Anyone who met the Four Gods Alliance in the Emperor Road was killed directly without asking the reason.

The reason why he did this was to let the news spread quickly and reach Meng Ya's ears.

After all, the Emperor Road is too big. After being here for nearly two months, Chu Yan found that the Emperor Road is like a world, too vast, and it is difficult to find a person who wants to hide.

So what he can do is to make a big noise and let Meng Ya come to find him.

In the next month, the reputation of the Tiandi Sect in the Emperor Road is very large, and some people have begun to join.

"No news yet?" This day Chu Yan found Huo Feng and You You, and they shook their heads helplessly: "No, we have searched almost everywhere in the Emperor Road, but there is no one the sect leader wants to find."

Chu Yan's heart is even more uneasy, but he can be sure that Meng Ya is still alive, because the divine consciousness is not destroyed, but is trapped.

"Keep looking!" Chu Yan ordered, and the people of the Tiandi Sect responded.

"Master, the Four Gods Alliance has made a move. They have begun to fight back, and the pursuit of the Demon Sect has become more intense recently." Huo Feng did not leave, but informed Chu Yan of the recent situation.

Chu Yan nodded, he was not surprised by this. The Four Gods Alliance is composed of the four major Tianbei forces and has its own pride.

"Keep an eye on them, mainly to gather the disciples of the Demon Sect first." Chu Yan explained. The conflict with the Four Gods Alliance was minor, and the main thing was the safety of the Demon Sect.

The Heavenly Emperor Sect now occupies an ancient city in the Emperor Road and opens a mountain gate here.

On this day, there was a commotion in the Emperor Road. A shadow appeared in the center of the Emperor Road. It was Bei Ming Sha Tian. Everyone who saw the shadow showed great respect and then said a word.

"Let the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect go to the Four Gods Alliance to kneel down and surrender within three days, and you can spare your life. Otherwise, you will be killed when you see him."

This news made everyone in the Heavenly Emperor Sect panic. Everyone was guessing what Chu Yan would do. After all, it was who spoke this time.

The first person under the monarch.

However, when everyone was concerned about whether Chu Yan would go to the Four Gods Alliance to surrender, Chu Yan walked out of the ancient city of the Heavenly Emperor Sect alone that day, looked at some disciples of the Four Gods Alliance, and used his vitality to turn into a voice, sending a message, responding strongly, leaving everyone speechless.

"Go back and tell Bei Ming Sha Tian that within three days, he must roll over to the Heavenly Emperor Gate and commit suicide in front of the gate to settle all grievances, otherwise I will kill all the people of the Bei Ming Dynasty in the Emperor Road."

"How arrogant." The Emperor Road was ashamed, and many people shook their heads secretly, mocking Chu Yan for not knowing the height of the world.

Who is Bei Ming Sha Tian? He is the best in the star sea and the best under the emperor. Chu Yan's words made him roll over to the gate and commit suicide?

For a time, the situation between the Four Gods Alliance and the Heavenly Emperor Gate became more urgent, and the disciples of both sides kept clashing in the Emperor Road.

The most serious one even had a top Heavenly Emperor fall, and the battle lasted for three days. That battle directly alarmed the Emperor Road and changed some patterns.

And on this day, there was finally a beam of light in the Emperor Road that reached the sky, making the entire Emperor Road bright.

The beam of light came from the land of the Four Gods Alliance. Fire clouds were seen above the ancient city where the Four Gods Alliance was located, and an ancient dynasty pattern was vaguely emerging.

"Is that a thousand-foot spiritual essence? Has someone finally attracted the favor of the Heavenly Sovereign?" Everyone envied, and when the ancient dynasty descended, a figure floated in the void.

"It's Bei Ming Sha Tian!" Seeing that figure, everyone envied, but they were not too surprised, as if it was a matter of course.

"It's worthy of being the first person under the Lord, the first to be favored by the Heavenly Sovereign."

"It seems that the rumors are true. This spiritual essence is indeed related to the Heavenly Sovereign. If it reaches a thousand feet, it can attract the favor of the Heavenly Sovereign and get the inheritance."

After the Bei Ming Sha Tian incident, a hunting frenzy in the Emperor Road was triggered. The Emperor Road, which was originally balanced, fell directly into the era of killing.

In order to compete for the spiritual essence, everyone became more crazy, and even many people began to kill.

Now the spiritual essence behind Chu Yan is also very magnificent, a few hundred feet high, which was given to him by Huo Feng and others.

He refused, but Huo Feng and others refused. According to Huo Feng, Chu Yan was the leader, so their mission was to assist him, and the relationship between the monarch and the ministers could not be confused.

Chu Yan had no choice but to accept it, and his mind was still on Meng Ya. The inheritance of the Heavenly Monarch might be precious, and the relics might be rare, but in his eyes, they were not as important as Meng Ya's safety.

It was just unexpected that as his spiritual essence grew, Chu Yan broke through inexplicably and reached the sixth level of the Emperor Realm, the highest level of the three realms in the middle of the Emperor.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly at this breakthrough, which he did not expect, and his combat power became stronger.

"The Sect Master is only one step away from the Heavenly Emperor." Huo Feng smiled aside.

Youyou said happily: "Brother Chu's cultivation speed is so fast, it's simply terrifying."

After Chu Yan came out of retreat, he also smiled and said to everyone: "The spiritual essence here hides good fortune. You should also comprehend it more in your daily life, and strive to make everyone improve before leaving the Emperor Road."

"I will obey the orders of the sect master." Everyone agreed. Chu Yan treated Huo Feng and others sincerely and hoped that they could become stronger.

The competition in the Emperor Road continued. Almost every day, people died, and various collisions continued. From time to time, there would be news of the death of a certain emperor. Everyone was accustomed to this.

And this time there was another piece of news that attracted the attention of many people, just because the person related to this news was the most beautiful woman in Wangxian Tower: Li Xian'er.

Wangxian Tower has always only accepted women, and each of them is as beautiful as a flower. In the sea of ​​stars, they are often coveted by others for their beauty, but Wangxian Tower dare not be too presumptuous.

But in the Emperor Road, all rules are broken, and finally someone has evil intentions.

"Have you heard? The Donghuang clan and the people of the Poison Sect have joined forces to attack Wangxian Tower. Li Xian'er from Wangxian Tower was captured by the Donghuang clan." Someone was discussing in the void.

"I heard that Li Xian'er is a beauty. Usually, Li Xian'er is extremely cold and arrogant. This time, she has become someone else's plaything. It's a pity. I wish I was also from the Donghuang clan." A pervert laughed.

After Chu Yan broke through, he strolled in the Emperor Road, looking for Meng Ya's footprints. After hearing this news, his eyes turned cold and he suddenly looked at the two people who were discussing.

As if they felt Chu Yan's gaze, the two were stunned. After looking at Chu Yan, they found that Chu Yan had an extraordinary temperament and couldn't help but say: "Who are you?"

"Are you talking about Li Xian'er from Wangxian Tower?" Chu Yan spoke coldly, and suddenly an imperial power surged out, covering the two people.

The two felt a chill in their hearts, and one of them hurriedly said, "It's Li Xian'er."

"Li Xian'er is the saint of Wangxian Tower. Donghuang clan dared to attack her. Aren't they afraid of Wangxian Tower's revenge?"

"You don't know, when they were outside the ruins, they were humiliated for fighting for an ancient bell and hated the Demon Sect Chu Yan. It is rumored that Li Xian'er and Chu Yan are old friends. Not long ago, the two sides had some quarrels. Donghuang clan directly joined forces with Du Zong to attack Li Xian'er, and claimed that they wanted to retaliate against Demon Sect Chu Yan."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

What Donghuang clan did was not bad. At that time, although Wangxian Tower would hate Donghuang clan, they would also vent their anger on him.

He had long forgotten the hatred for the Donghuang clan, but he did not expect that the other party would use him as an excuse to attack the fairies of Wangxian Tower. He immediately asked: "Where are they?"

The two frowned. Now the Donghuang clan has joined forces with the Poison Sect, and the Donghuang clan is related to the Four Gods Alliance. They have an extraordinary status in the Emperor Road. Why are they not afraid at all?

"There is a stone forest formation just ahead, and the Donghuang clan is located there." The two whispered, and Chu Yan's eyes flashed fiercely. In the end, he stopped talking nonsense and flew away.

The two breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Chu Yan leave, and then showed a disdainful smile: "Provoking the Donghuang clan is simply courting death."

"Let's go and see." Another disciple's eyes flashed with a cold light.

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