Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 503 Battle with Changfeng

"What's going on?" The faces of Changfeng and Beiming Dynasty were pale, and the weaker ones had their souls broken on the spot.

"It's that ancient bell, he's actually protecting me!" Someone else's eyes flashed with a flash of light, including people from the Zichen and Donghuang clans.

This bell, like a demon, is extremely powerful and can destroy people's souls. Now it is protecting Chu Yan, which means that Chu Yan may really conquer the ancient bell.

Realizing this, Changfeng's face became even more gloomy, but he had no choice but to do so. Now that the ancient bell is here, the Emperor of Heaven is not allowed to approach it unless there is a great king.

"Beiming Dynasty, you want to kill him, why are you in a hurry? Although the ancient bell is strong, it is still an external force. Once the divine object recognizes its owner, its power will inevitably weaken. Can he still hide in the ancient bell forever? "At this moment, Donghuang Mingyao suddenly spoke, and the people from Beiming Dynasty nodded: "Indeed."

"Hmph, we are just waiting. If he can't bear the nine bells, there is no need for us to take action." The people from the Beiming Dynasty said.

Seeing this, Mengya breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Di Feng indifferently. Di Feng also noticed it and acted extremely calmly: "You also saw the situation just now. Our Demon Sect is not only one of his disciples, I also have to take care of the rest. Human beings, so it’s normal not to take action.”

Mengya shook her head and said nothing, but Di Feng's heart had already followed Qing Yi and his eyes were filled with greed.

He had never seen Qing Yi before in Demon God City, but now that he saw her, he was tempted to surpass Mengya.

"I have chased you away. Next, if you can't survive the nine ancient bells, I will kill you myself." The thought of the ancient bell rang again, making Chu Yanqian laugh. It was really unreasonable, but He didn't waste any words, there were only three left to go from the nine shots.

"Boom!" There was another ear-shattering bell. This one was stronger than the previous six, and echoed left and right, as if it could crush the world. Chu Yan looked serious in it, and the body of immortals and demons in troubled times immediately started to move, and then formed a The terrifying armor punched out, hitting the sound waves, and there were sudden shattering sounds.

Now the sound wave has become concrete, like a divine spear shooting out, making everyone's hearts flutter.

"Boom!" The eighth sound, the ancient bell was stronger. The sound of the bell spread throughout the ruins, attracting more people. There were also people from Wangxian Tower in the distance, as well as countless big demons from the Beast King Palace. Some of them Seeing the ancient clock, a touch of greed suddenly arose.

"One more ring to go!" Everyone stared at the Soul-Hungry Bell. Now that the eight rings have passed, there is only one ring left between the inscriptions on the stone tablet. Everyone is guessing whether Chu Yan can persist, not even the Donghuang clan. Success, and whether he can successfully conquer this bell.

"The last sound, ring!" Chu Yan roared, his arms changed, and a terrifying wind suddenly formed, as if nine meteorites fell from the sky, bombarding the Soul-Hungry Bell.

"Nine stars in the sky!" Chu Yan punched out. The strongest blow was the fifth-level comprehension method of becoming an emperor. Nine meteors suddenly fell down. The soul-loving bell divine pattern was bright and dazzling. The last sound, It finally rang out and spread throughout the nine heavens.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The last sound, like a wave that could no longer be stopped, suddenly shook the entire ruins, and the wasteland was sunk. The ancient bell became more powerful, and actually showed a faint shadow, and Chu The rocks slowly merged, and the divine patterns emerged, three-dimensionally, wrapping around Chu Yan's wrist.

"Successful..." Meng Yayu said excitedly, covering her mouth with her hand.

Zichen's eyes flashed. He was bound to get this ancient bell. He immediately took a step and turned into a ray of imperial power to envelope Chu Yan. However, his imperial power was not hostile. First, he did not want to be an enemy of the Demon Sect. , Secondly, Chu Yan's talent is good, and he also intends to make friends with him, so Diwei just protects him.

"Chu Yan, I am the prince of the Zi Lei Dynasty. Do you control this clock?" Zi Chen asked.

Chu Yan looked at Zichen and understood what he meant. He smiled flatly: "The prince is joking. The Donghuang clan said before that if they can't, no one in the ruins can take back this bell. I am just a descendant." , whose level is lower than yours, how can you collect the antique clock?”

"You..." Donghuang Mingyao was full of anger. The nine bells had passed, but Chu Yan's words were clearly a slap in the face.

"Brother Chu, I love this clock very much. If you are willing, you might as well give it to me. If you need it in the future, I, the Purple Thunder Dynasty, will definitely stand by you. Even now, I will stand by your side. After all, you are now The situation is not good." Zichen said with a smile, and the faces of Changfeng and Beiming Dynasty suddenly looked ugly. Zilei was also a dynasty, and Zichen was a prince.

"Zi Chen, are you crazy? This is our Beiming Dynasty!" A disciple of the Beiming Dynasty said angrily.

Zichen shrugged indifferently: "If Brother Chu gives me the ancient bell, he is my friend, and I will protect him."

Chu Yan sneered in his heart. Zichen had previously intended to make friends with the Donghuang clan, but now he communicated with the Soul-Hungry Bell to win over him. It was quite straightforward, but he didn't care. He said calmly: "Prince Zichen expressed his kindness to Mr. Chu." I understand, if the prince needs it, he can challenge Jiu Sheng on his own, and if he succeeds, Chu will give in. "

Zichen's face darkened, Chu Yan's words were obvious, he refused. As for asking him to challenge the nine bells, it was definitely impossible, otherwise he would have challenged it long ago.

"Haha, Zichen, it seems that the other party doesn't appreciate it." Changfeng sneered from the side.

Zichen's eyes were sharp and he refused to give up and said: "Brother Chu, have you thought clearly? In the current situation, without me, you may not be able to escape death. Although the treasure is good, you have to die to get it."

"Thank you Prince Zichen for reminding me, but Chu has been interested in me for a long time." Chu Yan said decisively, and then he looked at Changfeng and the people from Beiming Dynasty, with murderous intent in his eyes: "As for this group of trash, Chu has not let go yet. In the eyes."

"Boom!" Changfeng and the people from the Beiming Dynasty were immediately furious, and their murderous intent became even stronger.

"In that case, it's me who's troublesome." Zichen snorted coldly, stepped aside, and looked at Chu Yan. In his opinion, Chu Yan's rejection of him would be a dead end. Neither Changfeng nor Beiming Dynasty would do that. Let him go. Although there is help from the Demon Sect, there are still several other bloodlines around him.

Although they didn't take action, it was only for a while. People and money died. If this bell is a monster, it will definitely cause a fight.

"Prince, what should I do?" Someone asked, Zichen sneered and said, "Don't worry, let them fight first, and then take action when you have the chance."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and so did the monsters in the Beast King's Palace. They stared at the ancient clock with their sneaky eyes. There were several rocs circling in the sky, ready to go.

When Meng Ya saw this, her jade face turned pale. Chu Yan was now the target of public criticism. Not to mention Chang Feng and Beiming Dynasty, the other dynasties would never let Chu Yan take the ancient bell away easily.

"He asked for it. He has no ability, but he still likes to show off. Does he want me, the Demon Sect, to bury him?" Di Feng sneered at the side, thinking in his heart that if Chu Yan died, the woman in green would give him a chance. .

"This guy..." On the side of Wangxian Tower, Li Xian'er smiled, but she was a little worried. Today's situation is more serious than every time before.

"Chu Yan, pay for my prince's life!" The seventh-level Heavenly Emperor of Beiming Dynasty stepped out of the air, and a long halberd suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing Chu Yan mercilessly.

Chu Yan's eyes were indifferent. Previously, when he communicated with Gu Zhong, people from Changfeng and Beiming Dynasty wanted to kill him and even hurt Gu Lie. Now that he has returned, he must take revenge.

"Kill!" Chu Yan was not polite. He stepped forward with a thump. Then he stood up with his sword and flew out from the ancient bell. Without the help of the ancient bell, the natural sword was in his hand, and it immediately formed a strong roar. The sound of the sword was invisible. Behead towards the Emperor of Heaven.

"Bang!" There was a collision in the air, and then Chu Yan's true self transformed, his body became ten feet tall, and he punched out fiercely. There was a huge tremor, and a storm was caused in the air, blocking everyone's sight.

But just for a moment, everyone's eyes were focused, and they saw that the storm had dissipated, and Chu Yan was covered in glow, like a god of war. As for a Heavenly Emperor from the Beiming Dynasty, he was tightly held in his hands, trembling all over, and directly crippled.

"Is the Beiming Dynasty such a waste? Emperor of Heaven? Indescribably weak!" Chu Yan said with contempt. The disciples of the Beiming Dynasty were furious: "Chu Yan, how dare you! If you kill him, the Beiming Dynasty will become yours." Burial Ground!"

"Haha!" Chu Yan laughed wildly and looked at the person who spoke. Then his eyes were strange and flashed with golden light. He clenched his arms, and the sound of teeth grinding continued. The Heavenly Emperor died tragically and fell to the ground.

"How can you say such shameless words? I communicated with the ancient bell, and you secretly attacked me. Now I have crossed two levels and killed one person, and you still have the nerve to threaten me? The Beiming Dynasty is just a joke!" Chu Yan looked down upon Fang Fang, Standing in Jiutian, he then looked at Changfeng and roared: "Changfeng, you still have the nerve to stand there. Aren't you going to kill me? Why don't you get out!"

Suddenly the sound of the sword turned into a dragon, approaching Changfeng, which made his face look ugly, but for a moment, he did not dare to step forward.

The Heavenly Emperor who died just now was no weaker than him, but he was instantly killed by Chu Yan with one move, so he knew very well that he might not be Chu Yan's opponent now.

"Don't you dare to fight? Back then on Tianbei Mountain, you were extremely proud and looked down upon me, saying that my life was like a piece of grass. Why, now that I'm standing here, you don't even have the courage to fight?" Chu Yan said every sentence with heart-wrenching words. Humiliated, Changfeng clenched his fists tightly with unspeakable hatred.

Chu Yan was right. When the Six Domains met, when did he put Chu Yan in his eyes? He even thought that if he wanted to, he would kill Chu Yan like a dog, but now, the other party has grown to the point where he can compete with him.

"Fight!" Changfeng took a deep breath, but he still took a step forward. In today's battle, he couldn't escape. Otherwise, he would really become a joke in the sea of ​​stars.

Chu Yan glanced at Changfeng and said nothing nonsense. The sword in his hand danced wildly, and the energy in his body surged wildly, showing a menacing posture. Then he transformed into a god of war and crushed Changfeng down.

Changfeng's eyes sharpened, and he also released his life soul. The four life souls were all swords, suspended in the air, and slashed towards Chu Yan. In today's battle, he could not be defeated. He wanted to kill Chu Yan to prove his name.

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