Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 489: Mo Wangchen

After hearing what Dean Han said, Guo Feng couldn't calm down for a long time.

In his mind, a name came to mind.

Mo Wangchen.

Mo Wangchen, a madman who appeared in Tongtian Xinghe thirty years ago. So far, everyone in the galaxy is probably familiar with him, just because what he did was too crazy.

He didn't come from any place in Tianbei Mountain, but he killed countless Tianjiao in Tianbei Mountain. He was too outstanding, a peerless Tianjiao, in his prime, and about the same age as Chu Yan now.

Tianbei Mountain's sixteen veins accepted disciples, and he won all the glory alone. Later, he entered Tianbei Mountain, but threatened to quit just because of one unhappiness.

Tianbei Mountain wanted to kill him for this, and encircled and blocked him, but he killed him alive. In that battle, several great monarchs died under his sword, and he finally escaped.

Later, Mo Wangchen fought against Tianbei Mountain alone, and countless emperors died in his hands. In those years, the monarchs of Tianbei Mountain didn't even dare to act alone.

Tianbei Mountain did not dare to let him grow up. Later, someone found out that Mo Wangchen had a lover in the lower world, named Youhuan.

On that day, led by the Jiuyou Dynasty, thousands of strong men were sent to capture Youhuan and threaten Mo Wangchen to surrender.

Youhuan and Mo Wangchen also loved each other sincerely, with deep feelings that moved the world. Youhuan knew that if she fell into trouble, Mo Wangchen would disregard all dangers, accept his threats, and go to die.

For this reason, Youhuan committed suicide in the galaxy. That day, the sky rained heavily and the earth wept.

The death of Youhuan triggered a chain reaction. Mo Wangchen was like a madman. That day, he descended on the galaxy, cut down countless stars, hugged Youhuan's delicate body for a night, and howled, causing the sky to change color.

Later, Mo Wangchen went into Jiuyou alone with a sword. With one man and one sword, he killed all the grass in Jiuyou. That year, Jiuyou Saint Emperor was forced to go nowhere and could only hide in Tianbei Mountain and dared not come out.

Later, he and Tianbei Mountain had a life-and-death feud. He cut the sky with his sword and destroyed the earth with his feet. He was chased and fled every day, but he killed all the people in Tianbei Mountain he saw, becoming a nightmare for Tianbei Mountain.

This battle lasted for ten years, and it was not until Tianbei Mountain sent out a message that Mo Wangchen had been killed and died tragically that it subsided.

But some people firmly believed that Mo Wangchen was not dead.

And now, Dean Han actually compared Chu Yan with Mo Wangchen, which shows how highly he thinks of Chu Yan. That kind of person is born to be a dragon and a phoenix, and a genius among people.

Guo Feng looked at Chu Yan seriously and couldn't help thinking, if the two were the same kind of people, then what kind of achievements would he make in the future? What kind of legend would he leave in the land of Xinghai, and what kind of crazy things would he do?

Chu Yan was completely unaware of the conversation between the two. He was suffering from the crazy erosion of the dark blade. The Vajra Dharma in his body was running, and a layer of golden armor formed on his body surface, which collided wildly with the blade. Suddenly, the battle of the Artisan Academy was broken.

"Die!" Shen's Heavenly Emperor roared fiercely, and the magic knife in his hand slashed out, as if a soul rushed out of the sky. Everyone's eyes froze and stared at this moment.

Shen Long was extremely excited under his stage. He looked at Chu Yan as if he was dead, and then he looked at Min Yue again, full of hatred.

In his opinion, he still didn't know that he was wrong. All this was thanks to Min Yue and Chu Yan. As long as Chu Yan died, he would be right, and he wanted Min Yue to live a life worse than death.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes were cold, unusually calm: "Since I started practicing, countless people wanted to kill me, but in the end I killed them all. Do you know why?"

Shen's Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but frown, wondering what Chu Yan would say before he died.

"Last words?" Shen's Heavenly Emperor said contemptuously.

Chu Yan laughed and shook his head: "Because they are all as arrogant and conceited as you, thinking they are invincible and treating my life as worthless, but in the end, they all died, and you will be the same as them."

The voice was extremely calm, but full of arrogance. Shen's Emperor was stunned, his mouth corners still raised, as if mocking, but the next moment his eyes shrank, as if he saw something extremely terrible, and the humiliating words on his lips were not uttered, only a scream remained.

"Immortals and demons, troubled times!"

Chu Yan's lips moved slightly, and four words were spit out, and then two auras burst out from his body, attracting immortals and demons into one body. His left hand turned into a giant that could support the sky, and he ruthlessly rushed towards the Shen's Emperor. With one punch, he carried the power of both immortals and demons, as if destroying the world.

"No!" The Emperor of the Shen Family roared, and a ruthless force crushed down. Then, the earth continued to shatter. Under that might, his facial features were distorted, and the magic knife in his hand broke. He was blasted out by a giant and smashed on the battlefield miserably.


The impact of this scene was too strong, and everyone in the audience was shocked. Chu Yan, the fourth level emperor, broke through the realm by force, fought the Emperor of the Heaven, and destroyed him with one punch.

"This..." Everyone's throat rolled slightly, and they couldn't speak. Obviously, they couldn't figure out why Chu Yan was so strong when he was only the fourth level emperor.

"With such strength, Bei Ming Sha Huang couldn't fight, but he also wanted to kill me? Shen Long, is this the Shen family you are proud of? In the end, it's just ignorance and pathetic." Chu Yan slowly landed, and then he turned his eyes and fell on Shen Long, and then stepped forward step by step. He also felt the murderous intent just now.

He was fine, but Min Yue was not.

"No!" Shen Long shouted in despair. The moment the Shen family's Heavenly Emperor was killed, it seemed as if all hope was shattered. Now seeing Chu Yan approaching him, he was only trembling with fear.

"Little friend Chu, you've gone too far!" However, at this time, the faces of the other people in the Shen family turned pale, and another Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly, releasing his imperial power.

"If you think you can do it, come out and fight. If you don't dare, don't talk nonsense." Chu Yan said contemptuously, and everyone was amazed, so arrogant.

How about you, the Emperor of Heaven? If you think you can do it, come out and fight, I, Chu Yan, will accompany you. If you don't, don't talk nonsense.

The corner of the mouth of the Emperor of Heaven of the Shen family twitched. If it was just now, he would definitely fly out to fight. The Emperor of Heaven would not tolerate humiliation, but now, he didn't dare to do it. He was also a seventh-level emperor, not much stronger than the elder just now.

"Although you are strong in combat, if we attack you in groups, you will die." The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly.

Guo Feng stood on the high platform and said lightly: "Does the Shen family really think that my Craftsmanship Academy is a decoration? A battle, lost, not knowing shame, you still want to attack in groups? You try."

"Hmph!" The faces of the elders of the Shen family changed slightly, but their faces were extremely ugly.

"Boom!" But at this time, there was another trembling sound, and a phantom appeared in the distance, old and old, descending on the Craftsmanship Academy.

"The old man of the Shen family, he actually came in person." Everyone looked up at the shadow and was slightly moved. This old man is definitely one of the top existences in the Artisan City.

"Since the Emperor of Heaven cannot win the battle, are you going to invite the ancestor?" Chu Yan glanced at the ancestor of the Shen family jokingly.

"Little guy, Long'er has offended you before, but today, my Shen family has borne the consequences. Let's end it here. If you are still not satisfied, my Shen family is willing to compensate." The ancestor of the Shen family stood in the void, but he didn't make a move after all. As the ancestor of the clan, it would be too embarrassing for him to make a move on Chu Yan.

Some students looked at Chu Yan. The words of the ancestor of the Shen family were considered to be an admission of defeat. It can be said that Chu Yan is still brilliant today, just like when he was fighting the seller. It is indeed enough here.

"Are you kidding?" But at this time, Chu Yan joked: "Bully when you can, and pay when you can't?"

The old man of the Shen family looked cold, and there was a hint of murderous intent flowing. He stared at Chu Yan: "You can't kill him, Shen Long, he is my grandson!"

"Your grandson?" Chu Yan was stunned, and then shook his head ridiculously: "It seems that you haven't figured it out yet. Since I stepped into the Artisan City, I have never shown any arrogance, but you don't know who I am or what my background is. Just because you think I am easy to bully, you bully me. If I didn't have some skills, I would have been killed by your Shen family just now. Now, you say he is your grandson? So what?"

Everyone trembled in their hearts and looked at Chu Yan in astonishment, including Min Yue and Guo Feng, who seemed to wake up. Indeed, they overlooked a problem, that is, Chu Yan's identity.

Like him, crossing two levels to fight the North Ming Killing Emperor, and the Shen family's Tiandi in seconds, the peerless Tianjiao, would he be an ordinary person?

Guo Feng's old eyes lit up. He still remembered that when the Lord of Craftsmanship invited him, he was calm. When Beiming Killer Emperor threatened him, he was unusually calm.

How could he not know who Beiming Killer Emperor was? But he was still not afraid. Was he an idiot? Of course not. There was only one possibility, that is, there was also a force behind Chu Yan.

And this force was enough to look down on the Beiming Dynasty.

"Since I entered the cultivation world, there have been countless people who wanted to kill me, including countless emperors and great kings. They all failed to kill me. On the contrary, many great kings died because of me. Do you think you can stop me today if I want to kill someone?" Chu Yan said calmly, as if he was explaining a fact. Of course, it was indeed a fact. In the land of the galaxy, the battle of Shangcang Island and the battle of the Four Gods all resulted in the death of the kings.

But it was not so calm when heard by everyone.

Finally, at this time, some people began to realize a problem. What a terrible existence this young man in front of them was. He was not only strong alone, but also had a powerful force behind him.

"Who are you?" The old ancestor of the Shen family condensed his eyes and uttered a heavy voice.

Everyone in the academy also looked at Chu Yan curiously, wanting to know who this brilliant and crazy young man was.

Chu Yan behaved very calmly. He didn't know when a black token appeared in his hand, which floated into the air and fell into the eyes of everyone.

On the token, there was a huge word "demon", which was extremely eye-catching, like the Supreme.

"This is the ancient demon token!"

When everyone saw the token, their eyes shrank and they felt short of breath. They naturally knew this token. It was the master of more than 300 cities in the Demon State, one of the sixteen veins of the Heavenly Monument, and the identity of the Demon Sect.

Things got to this point, and Chu Yan also understood that it was impossible to hide it anymore. Even if he didn't say it, the Shen family and the Craftsmanship Guild would investigate him soon. Instead of doing so, it would be better to confess directly and make the Shen family afraid, so as not to deal with Min Yue in the future.

"I come from the Demon Sect!"

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