Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 479 Four Great Divine Powers

The appearance of the remains of the Heavenly Monarch in the Beiming Dynasty had a great impact. In the Xinghai Land, the Heavenly Monarch was also a top-level power. Now that the remains were left behind, they must be full of opportunities, so they would attract countless people, including the Sixteen Veins of the Heavenly Monument.

After Chu Yan received the news, he continued to practice. After half a month, the other two true bodies also completed the transformation and broke through the realm of the fourth level of the Emperor.

After the fourth level of the Emperor, Chu Yan found that his perception of the vitality of heaven and earth became more acute. After reaching the Emperor Realm, there is a huge gap between each realm. It seems a little bit, but it is actually a thousand miles away. Moreover, there is another watershed between the third and fourth levels, which is the difference between the Human Emperor and the Earth Emperor.

"Now that the Emperor is at the fourth level, both the bloodline and the soul have improved a little with the realm, but after the realm is high, the original skills seem a little useless." Chu Yan sighed when he woke up from his meditation.

This breakthrough made him realize a problem. In the past, the breakthrough had significantly improved his combat power. But this time, although he broke through the realm, his combat power had limited room for improvement, and was limited by his skills and magical powers.

"The Zhentian inheritance and the Absolute God Swordsmanship that I originally practiced were top-notch in the Star River, but now I am in the Star Sea, where there are countless top-level skills, and ordinary imperial skills are better than the Zhentian inheritance. This time, the Tianjun Ruins will be dangerous, and it seems that I need to practice some new magical powers." Chu Yan thought, and got up and left.

Chu Yan entered the Demon Mountain again and chose the Magic Palace of Magic Powers.

In the Magic Palace of Magic Powers, there are countless skills, and some people practiced the imperial skills. Chu Yan did not rush to choose, but read it first. This reading took several days and was attracted by many magical powers.

For example, a top-level pupil technique called: The Eye of the Great World. This method cultivates pupil power. After practicing it, you can cultivate a pair of true and false eyes, which can see through all illusions and prevent yourself from being disturbed by illusions. Dacheng can see through people's hearts, observe the law quietly, and see through the true meaning of magical powers.

"What a powerful pupil technique. If you can master it, you can set foot on countless opportunities and treasures in the world. When you fight with others, you can see through the opponent's intentions and take precautions in advance. It can't be said that it is not strong." Chu Yan exclaimed.

In addition to the Eye of the Great World, Chu Yan also found a top-level bow technique, Piercing Clouds and Arrows. This archery technique can penetrate clouds and shoot into the void, which can be unexpected and have miraculous effects.

Chu Yan picked it up in the Magic Palace and finally chose four magic skills. They are a sword technique: Emperor Destroying Sword Technique, a bow technique: Piercing Clouds and Arrows, and a hammer technique: Honghuang Hammer Technique.

Chu Yan has three true selves. The original body practices swordsmanship, and the other two incarnations practice hammer techniques and bow techniques respectively. They have never practiced magic skills, and this time is just to make up for it.

There is another one, which is the Eye of the Great World.

After choosing the magic skills, Chu Yan walked down the Magic Mountain and continued to practice.

However, on this day, Xie Yun was in a remote place in the Demon Sect. He looked at the young man in front of him with cold eyes and said coldly: "Brother, are you sure? I am not among the disciples going to the Tianjun Ruins this time?"

"The list was personally decided by the eleven demon kings and handed to me yesterday. Could I be wrong?" The young man shrugged.

"Impossible, I was on the list before, why am I removed now?" Xie Yun questioned.

"Then Chu Yan will replace you. You also know Meng Ya's identity. When she speaks, the eleven demon kings will give her some face." The young man stepped forward and patted Xie Yun on the shoulder: "Xie Yun, forget it. Although the ruins of the Heavenly King are rare, there will be people going to the sixteen veins of the Heavenly Monument this time. Many of the kings and emperors will only be cannon fodder if they go there. It's a waste of time and they won't get any chance. You might as well use this time to practice more. If you can be the first to become a Heavenly Emperor, your status will be different."

"Chu Yan! It's him again!" Xie Yun's eyes were cold. It was this name again. Since Chu Yan appeared, he seemed to have been unsuccessful: "This matter can't be let go like this."

"So what? Disciples in the Demon Sect are not allowed to kill each other. Can you still do something to him?"

The young man said indifferently, but his tone was quite cold, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Chu Yan.

Recently, Chu Yan has been in the limelight. Of course, the young man doesn't care about this, even if Chu Yan has been recognized by the eleven demon mountains.

His name is Di Feng. Among the three people who got the seven magic mountains, Xie Yun, Meng Ya, and one more person, that is Di Feng. He knows very well that he got the seven magic mountains only because he was forbearing. If he wants, the eleven magic mountains will also light up for him.

He has a pivotal position in the Demon Sect. He is a ninth-level Heavenly Emperor and a real leader of the generation. Gu Lie and others also have to call him senior brother.

However, there is one thing he can't tolerate, that is Meng Ya. It seems that Meng Ya is very concerned about Chu Yan. When Jiu Jun decided on the quota to go to the ruins yesterday, Meng Ya personally spoke for Chu Yan, which made him particularly unhappy.

Xie Yun was speechless. Di Feng was right. With the rules of the Demon Sect, he really couldn't do anything to Chu Yan.

"I have a way." Di Feng smiled aside.

"Senior brother, please." Xie Yun looked up at Di Feng.

"Although the Demon Sect cannot fight in private, you can challenge him openly. If he accepts the challenge, you can defeat him and tell everyone in the Demon Sect that you, Xie Yun, are stronger than him. If he doesn't dare, that's better. It will also let everyone in the Demon Sect see that he is a coward." Di Feng said calmly.

Xie Yun heard this and a hint of fighting spirit rose in his eyes, but after a moment, he shook his head helplessly: "It's useless. He is two realms lower than me. I will have an excuse for defeat."

"Who among our generation, the top geniuses, has not fought out of thousands of people to compete for the strongest? Who is not invincible in the same realm and has killed countless people across borders? The difference of two levels is nothing, and you should be about the same age, right?"

Di Feng smiled and said, "You challenge him. If you can defeat him, I can help you with the Eleventh Lord and get you a place in the ruins."

Xie Yun's eyes were fierce, and his fighting spirit rose.

"Thank you, senior brother." Xie Yun replied, and then he disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, a message came from the Demon Sect that Xie Yun, the former top prodigy, would challenge Chu Yan on the battlefield of the Demon God City in three days, and invited many disciples of the Demon Sect to come and watch.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation, and all the disciples of the Demon Sect were looking forward to it.

Xie Yun has been famous for a long time. Before Chu Yan appeared, he was called the first earth emperor of the Demon Sect. Because Meng Ya and Di Feng are both heavenly emperors.

"Xie Yun finally couldn't stand it anymore." The disciples of the Demon Sect said.

"It's understandable. Chu Yan is too arrogant. He dared to blaspheme the goddess. Xie Yun's challenge to him this time can be regarded as a vent for us." Meng Ya's many suitors said angrily.

"But Chu Yan has just broken through, and is two levels behind Xie Yun. This battle is not fair. Even if Xie Yun wins, it is not fair." A female disciple whispered.

"Little Junior Sister Xiu, you are talking nonsense. I think you have been deceived by that lecher. When do we, the disciples of the Demon Sect, measure strength by realm?" However, someone immediately refuted.

The female disciple lowered her head in grievance and said no more.

Chu Yan seemed to have not heard the news. After returning from the Magic Palace, he announced that he would go into seclusion and practice the law.

Three days later, the Demon Sect was boiling. More than half of the disciples entered the Demon God City and surrounded the battle stage. Xie Yun came here early in the morning with a sword.

Everyone was looking forward to Chu Yan's appearance and the scene of being abused by Xie Yun, but everyone was disappointed because Chu Yan did not show up that day, and Xie Yun waited on the battle stage for a day.

"Don't dare to fight?" After sunset, the disciples of the Demon Sect on the battle stage all stared with wide eyes and were speechless.

Even though many people had expected Chu Yan to lose, as a disciple of the Demon Sect, he should fight even if he knew he could not win. Losing is not terrible, but he should be open and aboveboard. What is that?

Xie Yun was on the stage, with his mouth slightly raised, and the sword in his hand finally turned behind him. Then he looked at the disciples of the Demon Sect and said lightly: "Today's incident will let everyone see clearly that Chu Yan has been recognized by the Eleventh Demon Palace, but he is not worthy of the name, and he is just a coward."

Once this news spread, it quickly became popular.

The disciples of the Demon Sect scolded Chu Yan, saying that he was a coward and a coward and was not worthy of being a disciple of the Demon Sect. Some of the disciples who originally supported Chu Yan also shook their heads secretly, full of disappointment.

However, Chu Yan was not affected at all by this, and even disappeared directly in the Demon Sect. Since then, no one has seen him.

After walking out of the Magic Palace of Divine Powers, Chu Yan has been busy practicing magical powers. In order to be quiet, he deliberately went to a remote mountain stream in the Demon Sect.

At the foot of the mountain stream, a young man can be seen practicing swordsmanship every day. He has thousands of moves in one style, just to pursue the ultimate, until the Emperor's swordsmanship is perfected. He is wearing white clothes and holding a sword in his hand, which keeps moving like a spirit snake. Every time he cuts, he has destructive power, leaving sword marks in the cliff valley.

Swordsmanship is used thousands of times, and then hammers. Chu Yan transforms his true self and smashes it with a sledgehammer, trying to destroy the mountains and rivers.

The bow of the third true self breaks the moon, and the bowstring vibrates, like the sound of an ethereal piano. Every time it sounds, there must be a huge rock that explodes and turns into powder.

Chu Yan practices at the foot of the mountain stream. At the top of the cliff, the breeze blows gently. Qingyi sits quietly. She is also practicing. There is often a green light flowing beside her skin, which is quite mysterious.

But every once in a while, Qingyi will look up at the young man. It seems that she feels at ease only when Chu Yan is in her sight.

Because he is afraid of delaying his departure, Chu Yan deliberately informed Mengya of his whereabouts.

"Interesting guy." A month passed in a blink of an eye. Meng Ya often came here. During this month, the outside world had rumors about how unbearable Chu Yan was, but what she saw was a different picture.

During this month, she saw an extraordinary boy at the bottom of the mountain stream, but he was doing ordinary things.

She seemed to see the determination of a determined boy, sweating like water here, not tired, and never tired, just for a delicate magical power.

Occasionally he would fail, but the boy would not be humble or discouraged. If he failed, he would start over again, calmly and confidently.

In addition, she also saw Qingyi, who silently guarded without regrets.

There were also the two monsters, although they were always smiling, the little wolf liked to be lazy and did not practice, and was always caught by Chu Yan, and then snorted with resentment, and Meow Meow kept sticking to Qingyi, and from their eyes, you can see the sincerity of Chu Yan and Qingyi respectively.

Meng Ya didn't know who Chu Yan was or what he had experienced, but regardless of his talent, just based on this character, she was sure that Chu Yan was definitely not an ordinary person. In the martial arts world, talent is important, but how many geniuses died halfway? And how many people with extraordinary talent, but not enough effort, wasted their lives?

Chu Yan is the one who can persist.

"He should have a big world in his heart." Meng Ya suddenly smiled brightly, and then she whispered in a low voice: "It seems that I really like him a little bit."

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