Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 471 The Demon Sect Arrives

On the sword stage, everyone looked at Chu Yan pitifully, as if since Changfeng agreed, Chu Yan was already a dead man in everyone's eyes.

Qingfeng City has its own rules, but in front of the Sixteen Veins of Tianbei Mountain, these rules are fragile. Changfeng's words are enough to determine Chu Yan's life or death, and even Fengqing Sword Master is powerless to stop it.

"Asshole!" Wangfeng shouted angrily and looked at Yang Chen: "You lost the battle and couldn't beat my senior brother, and now you want to borrow the power of others?"

Yang Chen sneered and said nothing, but in his opinion, since Changfeng agreed to him, Chu Yan would be dead. As long as Chu Yan died, he would have no more troubles. At that time, he would be the real descendant of the Sword Master.

"Surround him." Changfeng said lightly, and Jian Wuya immediately stepped out with his disciples and surrounded Chu Yan.

"My dear nephew Changfeng, this is Qingfeng City. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this, right?" Fengqing Sword Master frowned and spoke lightly.

"This boy contradicted me, Jian Wuya, in a despicable place in the galaxy. When I saw him today, I had to fight him with my sword. Senior Feng Qing, do you have any objections to what I said?" Changfeng said calmly. He was just a newcomer to the Heavenly Emperor, but Jian Wuya's identity gave him the qualification to sit on an equal footing with Feng Qing Jianjun.

"I just think that Jian Wuya should not create killings today when the Seven Veins of the Heavenly Monument are accepting disciples." Feng Qing Jianjun snorted coldly. He loved talents. Chu Yan had shown extraordinary swordsmanship in the past, and he didn't want Chu Yan to die like this.

"Feng Qing Jianjun, just be your own city lord." Changfeng insisted on his own way. In Jian Wuya, countless sword winds whistled and enveloped Chu Yan.

Everyone sighed. It seemed that Chu Yan was doomed to die. It was a pity for a good sword cultivator. Chu Yan's performance yesterday amazed many people.

Wangfeng looked at the side with red eyes, and the long halberd was sacrificed, as if he was going to fight for Chu Yan.

The little wolf turned into a ten-meter demon wolf, dormant beside Chu Yan and growled.

In an instant, Chu Yan became the center of attention, but this attention was not for good, but because Jian Wuya wanted to kill him.

The elders of Juesheng Sword Sect sneered, Chu Yan had made Juesheng Sword Sect lose face yesterday.

But today, Chu Yan will eventually become a dead man.

"Hehe." Chu Yan felt the power of the sword and laughed sarcastically, then he looked at Changfeng and Yang Chen, so sarcastic.

"Dying man, what are you laughing at?" Yang Chen growled.

"I laugh at your ignorance." Chu Yan said lightly, then he took a step forward, standing alone on a piece of empty land, he looked up at the Seven Veins of the Heavenly Stele: "Today the Seven Veins of the Heavenly Stele are here to accept disciples, but Jian Wuya wants to kill me. If I can pass your test, is there anyone willing to accept me as a disciple?"

Changfeng's eyes were cold, Chu Yan, did he want to join the other six veins to fight against Jian Wuya?

"You are also looking to join the Heavenly Monument? Ridiculous, I want to see who dares to accept you today." Changfeng said coldly, but at this time, an ethereal voice sounded in the distance, Li Xian'er looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "If Mr. Chu can pass the coral illusion array, my Wangxian Tower is willing to make an exception and accept you."

There was an uproar, and the fairy Wangxianglou spoke to Chu Yan, saying that she was willing to accept Chu Yan?

Changfeng's face was gloomy. He had known that Wangxianlou was interested in Chu Yan, but he did not expect that Wangxianlou would still do so in Jiancheng today.

"Thank you, fairy, Chu will consider it." Chu Yan smiled calmly and did not agree to Wangxianlou, but Li Xian'er did not mind, and smiled lightly: "Okay."

In Wangxianlou, many senior sisters looked at Li Xian'er with a rather strange look. When did their little junior sister smile at a man like this?

"Since Wangxianlou is here to help you, do you think you have a chance to get on the sword stage?" Changfeng said calmly. He stood up slowly, and the sword whistled, suppressing Chu Yan.

Everyone frowned. They didn't expect that Changfeng was so determined to kill Chu Yan.

Wangxianlou spoke, and Changfeng still wanted to kill Chu Yan. Of course, many people thought that Changfeng did this for Yang Chen, but they didn't know that Changfeng was just greedy for Chu Yan's skills.

Li Xian'er frowned, but Chu Yan was not a disciple of Wangxianlou after all, so she didn't say much.

"Shameless!" Wangfeng roared, and Changfeng's eyes flashed fiercely, turning into a sword light and shooting out. With a thud, Wangfeng was repelled and vomited blood continuously.

"Wang Feng!" Chu Yan's face darkened, and he supported Wang Feng. Then he became even more angry and looked at Chang Feng coldly: "Chang Feng, are you sure you want to do this? Can you represent the entire Jian Wu Ya?"

"If you had joined the Tianbei lineage back then, perhaps your current status would not be weaker than mine. Unfortunately, you didn't. So today, you are not worthy of saying this to me." Chang Feng said proudly.

Chu Yan's eyes were even colder, but everyone shook their heads helplessly and still didn't think highly of Chu Yan. Zhang Jiayu sneered again and again.

Chang Feng wanted to kill Chu Yan. Today, who can stop him? Not even Feng Qing Jian Jun.

"Jian Wu Ya, I'll say it again. Today, it ends here. I can pretend that nothing happened! Don't force me." Chu Yan said again, but everyone thought his words were ridiculous. He was just one person. How could he compete with Jian Wu Ya?

Changfeng looked at Chu Yan with a sneer: "How about forcing you?"

"Why bother to compete with me!" Chu Yan sighed, and then his eyes flashed with sword light. Indistinctly, he saw the sword power coming out of Junya in the distance?

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came, which made Chu Yan happy and put away the sword power.

"Brother Chu, my people have arrived, you don't need to expose yourself!" The voice came from the Demon Sect.

"Jian Wuya, in my Demon State, when is it your turn to be so arrogant?" The next moment, a huge demon roar came from the distant void, shrouded in black clouds, descending from a distance, with a huge demon body coming and stopping on Qingfeng City.

Everyone was startled when they saw the huge demonic body. They were members of the Ancient Demonic Sect, the real overlords of the Demonic State.

"It's rare that someone from the Demon Sect is here," someone commented.

"It is indeed rare. Although the Ancient Demon Dao Sect belongs to the Tianbei Mountain lineage, it never accepts disciples from outside. It has the least disciples. Everyone is a top genius and a demon cultivator. I didn't expect that they would come today."

"It seems that they are also here for the successor of Sword Lord. Even the Demon Sect cannot resist the temptation of Sword Lord's successor." Everyone in Qingfeng City discussed.

A look of pride rose on Zhang Jiayu's pretty face. Half of the sixteen veins of the Heavenly Monument came here today, but all of this was because of her lover.

"Juniors pay homage to the seniors of the Demon Sect." Zhang Jiayu took the lead in handing over his hand and said with a proud smile: "I have heard grandpa talk about the power of the Demon Sect a long time ago. I am lucky enough to meet you today. It is a blessing in my life. Compared with all the seniors, I am here for my lover, right? His pleasure."

Three people came from the Demon Sect, all of whom were at the Demon Emperor level. The leader was named Yan Xie. He looked at Zhang Jiayu in surprise and said with a smile: "Has another successor of the Sword Lord appeared in Sword City? This is a happy event for our Demon State."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned. The Demon Sect didn't know about Jianjun's successor? Then why did they come?

Zhang Jiayu also frowned slightly and looked at Yan Xie in confusion: "Aren't you here to recruit disciples because you are the heirs of Sword Lord?"

"Successor of Sword Lord?" Yan Xie shook his head with a smile: "Successors of Sword Lord are rare, but the people I brought to Qingfeng City this time are several times more important than the successors of Sword Lord."

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