Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 466: Abducting the Lookout

Qingfeng City is one of the more than 300 cities in Demon State, also known as Sword City.

This city is full of sword cultivators. In the past, it was not outstanding among the more than 300 cities. However, recently, strong men from outside the region often come to this place. In a few short days, the restaurants in Qingfeng City were full, and people were like banners. There were often people on the streets. It can be seen that there are some strong men from outside the region.

There was a man on the street who was dressed luxuriously. He came from outside the territory and his name was Lin Qi. This man had unparalleled talent and was a genius of the Qingfeng City. At the age of twenty-eight, he had reached the fourth level of the Emperor. His bloodline was transcendent. .

"Lin Qi, do you think the rumors are true? The Sixteen Meridians will come here to recruit disciples?" A woman next to Lin Qi chuckled.

"Maybe." Lin Qi nodded seriously: "You don't know, the sword master who stayed behind to see Jun Ya was extremely powerful. It is said that when he reached the Jun Palace, he once fought against Tianbei Mountain alone. He was a legendary figure of a generation. His Future generations, how can it be simple?”

The woman giggled and said, "I don't know who is better, Yang Chen or you."

Lin Qi raised the corners of his mouth, looking extremely proud: "I'm really curious. If you have the chance, we can learn from each other."

Because there are rumors that some of the sixteen branches of Tianbei will come here to recruit disciples, Qingfeng City has become particularly lively.

Even though Qingfeng City is already strong, it is still weak in front of the Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei Mountain. The emperor of Tianbei Mountain has been in charge of the Tianbei Galaxy for hundreds of thousands of years and is the real overlord.

Therefore, it is everyone's dream to be able to worship at the foot of Tianbei Mountain.

In Jianhai Sect, an elder looked at Jian Wuya and said seriously: "Wuya, this is an opportunity. If you can worship the Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei Mountain, your future will be limitless. Your master picked you up back then." At that time, naming you Jian Wuya, with the same name as one of the sixteen meridians, is a sign of high hopes for you."

"Uncle Master, I will work hard." Jian Wuya nodded.

Not only Sword Haizong, but also Zixia Sword Master came to Qingfeng City in person on this day.

She was wearing a long purple dress, and her shadow was like a willow. Every step she took was graceful and light, but she gave people a sense of blasphemous coldness. Her purple sword aura was so powerful that the seven disciples she sat down immediately came to greet her.

Feng Xi flew into the sky and said respectfully, "I have met Master."

"Yes! During this exchange meeting, I heard that you lost to Xishan Sword Sect Lu Meng?" Zixia Sword Master said lightly.

"The disciple is not talented and has let the master down." Feng Xi felt slightly sad, thinking that the free and easy young man was useless in the battle that day, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"No problem, the Tianbei Mountain lineage will come here to recruit people next. You have to behave well and try to join one side." Zixia Sword Master said calmly.

"Yes!" Feng Xi agreed.

Yang Chen is the person who has attracted much attention this time. It is rumored that someone coming to Tianbei Mountain this time is because of him. In Yujian Villa, the owner of the village has arrived in person and has high hopes for Yang Chen.

The old sword master of Xishan Sword Sect also came and personally called Zhang Jiayu and Yang Chen. When Yang Chen saw the old sword master, he said politely: "This junior has met the Xishan Sword Master!"

"It doesn't matter, it's true that a hero comes from a young age." Xishan Sword Master smiled calmly and said: "Yang Chen, Jiayu will be handed over to you in the future. If you dare to bully her, I will take care of you."

"Junior, I obey." Yang Chen smiled and the Xishan Sword Master nodded with satisfaction. His eyes flashed with favor, and he was obviously very satisfied with his future son-in-law.

Yang Chen was originally the top disciple of Yujian Villa, and he was also the successor of Sword Master. His future achievements would be limitless.

Chu Yan also heard about the recruitment of disciples in the Sixteen Meridians, but did not arouse much interest. If he wanted to join the Sixteen Meridians, he would have the opportunity on Tianbei Mountain. Since he refused back then, why would he join this time?

What's more, he agreed to Gu Lie and wait for the ancient demon sect in Qingfeng City.

Although the Sixteen Meridians both belong to Tianbei Mountain, they are also fiercely competitive with each other.

On this day, Chu Yan came to the sword platform to watch the battle. Suddenly, several rays of light rose up from the sword platform, and then shone down and fell on several people.

One of them shrouded Chu Yan, making Chu Yan quite surprised.

"What is this?" Chu Yan wondered, while Tuoba Kuo said enviously: "This is the sword light, a reward from Sword Master Feng Qing. In every swordsmanship exchange, Sword Master Feng Qing will select a few people he values ​​​​The sword cultivator was given the sword light and had the opportunity to participate in the final battle. I didn’t expect that Brother Chu would be enveloped by the sword light.”

"But I didn't participate in the swordsmanship exchange." Chu Yan said.

"I must have seen Jun Yaxia fighting Xia Fan." Tuoba Kuo said with a smile; "Although this sword light is exchanged with others, the people selected are all those whom Senior Feng Qing values."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. Lord Feng Qingjian smiled at him and nodded in approval.

Chu Yan smiled politely, and then realized the sword light, which surprised him. This sword light actually contained a unique sword technique.

This sword technique is called the Qingfeng Sword Technique, and it is divided into nine styles. The sword technique is simple, but has a bit of the charm of Taoism into simplicity. It is like ocean waves, layered on top of each other, one layer higher than the other.

"Yang Chen, Feng Xi, Jian Wuya, and Zhang Jiayu are all appreciated by Jianjun as expected." Everyone was talking on the sidelines.

There were ten sword lights, and there were five more. One of them fell on a senior fellow from Dadi Gate, one fell on Lin Xizhe, one fell on another disciple of Zixia Sword Master, and two more fell on one named: Ziying. and a disciple named King Yu.

These ten people are the ten most outstanding people in this swordsmanship exchange.

It was a surprise to Chu Yan that he did not participate in the exchange, but he was still appreciated by Feng Qingjianjun.

This also made Chu Yan sigh that Lord Feng Qingjian was fair.

On this day, Qingfeng City became even more lively. On this day, a group of fairies-like figures arrived. They were Wangxian Tower, one of the sixteen branches of the Heavenly Monument.

When the people from Wangxian Tower arrived, Sword Lord Feng Qing flew out of the city to greet them in person, and was extremely polite: "Feng Qing has seen the fairies from Wangxiang Tower."

"Gee, Master Feng Qingjian, I haven't seen you for many years, but Qingfeng City has produced another genius." A female monarch from Wangxian Tower nodded.

"Borrowing the Heavenly Monument." Qingfeng said with a smile.

Everyone in Wangxian Tower was settled down, and then people from the other sixteen lines arrived one after another. The next day, people from the Poison Sect came, and people from the Beiming Dynasty and Jiuyou Dynasty also arrived one after another.

For a time, all the major sword sects in Qingfeng City were busy visiting and making friends. The original swordsmanship exchange meeting lost some momentum for a while.

On this day, Chu Yan was practicing, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the restaurant where he was.

Lin Xizhe and the disciples of the Juesheng Sword Sect entered the restaurant. Wangfeng was drinking alone on the first floor. Lin Xizhe sneered: "You actually have the nerve to stay in Qingfeng City?"

"My senior brother's men were defeated." Wangfeng glanced at Lin Xizhe and shook his head.

Lin Xizhe's eyes turned cold, and then he did not get angry and said calmly: "That's right, there are so many people who want to kill you now. There are rules to protect you in Qingfeng City. If you leave, I'm afraid you will be killed long ago."

"Will my senior brother be afraid of them?" Wangfeng said coldly. Lin Xizhe stood up without talking nonsense and winked at the person next to him.

"Do it!" Immediately, several fourth-level and fifth-level emperor auras from the Juesheng Sword Sect burst out, turning into terrifying sword power, directly suppressing Wangfeng.

Wangfeng's face darkened, his waist bent up, and he glared at Lin Xizhe.

"If you want to blame it, it's because you are with the wrong person. Although we can't kill you in the city, if we capture you and take you outside the city, no one will be able to care about your life or death." Lin Xizhe said with a sinister sneer, and then turned to face the person next to him. A young man said: "Senior brother, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The young man was extremely arrogant and wore white clothes: "It doesn't matter, he is just a monk of the second level of the Emperor, Jian Feng."

As soon as he raised his palm, Wangfeng's limbs were immediately blocked by the sword energy. His face turned pale, and the Emperor Level 5 brought extremely terrible pressure to him.

"It's Luo Tian, ​​senior brother of the Juesheng Sword Sect. Sword seals the bloodline!" Everyone in the restaurant was slightly amazed. At the last exchange meeting, Luo Tian was extremely famous. He sealed the bloodline with one hand and sealed countless sword cultivators.

With a bang of his foot, the halberd flew out, trying to cut off the sword lock, but a burst of light and shadow and several more forces suppressed it.

"Pfft!" Wangfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even paler.

"Ouch!" The little wolf stood aside, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly rushed towards a fourth-level emperor next to him. The emperor was full of contempt, and the sword light in his hand struck out from the void: "You little evil beast , Dare to kill!"

"Roar!" The little wolf roared like a beast king, which made the fourth-level emperor look shocked. His sword was actually bitten off by the little wolf, and then a flame scratch struck and his chest was torn into pieces. .

"Bastard, you dare to hurt me!?" The emperor was furious, and the power of the sword was raging. However, the little wolf was not weak either. Now the strength of the little wolf is as strong as the third level of the emperor. Coupled with his extraordinary divine beast bloodline, the ordinary emperor People at level four are no match for him.

However, at this moment, Luo Tian glanced at the little wolf and showed a hint of joy: "What a strong demon wolf, if you can use it for me, this recruitment of disciples in Tianbei Mountain will definitely help me soar to the sky."

Thinking of this, Luo Tian's sword power swept across, suppressing the little wolf immediately, turning into sword cages to trap the little wolf.

"Let's go!" Luo Tian yelled, and the Juesheng Sword Sect suppressed Xiao Lang and captured him alive.

Many people in the restaurant looked on and felt sorry for the two of them. The Juesheng Sword Sect was extremely domineering and even broke the rules, but it had nothing to do with them, so they naturally would not interfere.

In the evening, Chu Yan woke up from his practice. The next moment, his face was extremely angry. There was a mutual feeling between him and Xiao Lang. That feeling became more intense as his level improved.

At this time, a strong murderous intent flashed through his eyes, Little Wolf was in danger.

"Boom!" Chu Yan stepped out with a bang. In the restaurant, there were originally a group of people discussing what happened during the day, but immediately fell silent after seeing Chu Yan.

Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense. He walked towards a wine table and said in a voice as cold as ice: "Who is it!"

The disciple's face changed slightly, showing a hint of displeasure. He was also a genius of the Sword Sect. When had he been threatened like this before? He sneered and said, "I am incompetent and my friend has been kidnapped. Are you here to show off your power to me? I Why should I tell you?"

"Bang!" Chu Yan raised his hand, and the disciple subconsciously wanted to draw his sword, but then his eyes froze because he discovered that a row of top-level fire patterns of level six or above were spread out on his wine table.

"Say!" Chu Yan asked here.

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