Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 461 Sword Heart [3rd update]

Looking at the unruly young man, Chu Yan was slightly surprised, and Jun Zailai also looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"See Jun Ya, I can see you, you are the predecessor who carved the sword method in the past?" Chu Yan asked tentatively, Jun Zailai smiled and said: "Why, don't you look like it?"

"Uh..." Chu Yan laughed dryly and did not respond.

"What do you think I should look like? An old man with white hair?" Jun Zailai smiled, and Chu Yan nodded, he really thought so.

Aren't those who inherit the sword carving like this usually old monsters who have lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years? Shouldn't they be white-haired and dirty, similar to the mirror image old man? How can you turn into a young man who looks younger than yourself?

"It's just a physical body, why worry about it, according to my age, it shouldn't be too much for me to be your ancestor." Jun Zailai smiled, and then his thoughts seemed to sweep, and seeing the surging sword wind under Jun Ya, countless people became extremely pious, like pilgrims.

"Qingfeng City, has it become so glorious?" Jun Zailai said with a smile, and then he looked down at Chu Yan: "Boy, you have a deep understanding of the sword intent. Previously, you had a sword intent that was not weaker than mine. I think you have had a chance with the sword before, right? In the land of Xinghai, who can have such a sword intent?"

Chu Yan was stunned. Jun Zailai actually realized the evil sword?

But before Chu Yan could reply, Jun Zailai waved his hand and said: "Forget it, everyone has their own opportunities, and such a sword intent, I am afraid even you don't know where it came from. But now you have inherited my legacy, aren't you going to kowtow to me when you see me?"

"..."Chu Yan's head was full of black lines, and he ignored the other party directly. He now seriously suspected that he was deceived.

"Why, you still don't believe in my ability?" Jun Zailai raised his eyebrows, and then he raised his palm upwards. It was just a thought, and Chu Yan was shocked. He only felt an extremely powerful force descending on him, like Mount Tai.

Then the sky was filled with sword curtains, everything was a sword, capable of killing the Emperor of Heaven.

"What a terrifying sword intent..." Chu Yan was shocked. He was at the peak of the second realm of his sword bloodline, with sword sound bloodline, sword out, sword chanting, and he thought he had never met an opponent in swordsmanship for a long time, but now when he saw Jun Zailai, his heart trembled. Jun Zailai's sword seemed to be the king of all swords, and he was just a minister.

"How?" Jun Zailai withdrew his hand and smiled.

Chu Yan was shocked, thinking: "This Jun Zailai is indeed powerful, seemingly unruly, but his sword intent is superior to any sword."

"Senior." Thinking of this, Chu Yan immediately bowed.

"Hehe, now you know how powerful I am? You want to inherit? Unfortunately, I don't want to pass it on. The door is there, go away by yourself." Jun Zailai smiled wickedly.

"..." Chu Yan was full of black lines, this was naked revenge.

"That senior, I offended you just now." Chu Yan laughed dryly. Jun Zailai still smiled and did not respond, which made Chu Yan speechless.

"The inheritance is already in my heart." However, the next moment, Jun Zailai said lightly, his voice became ethereal, and his figure disappeared. In the vast void, only Chu Yan's soul was left.

"Huh? Gone?" Chu Yan was puzzled. Jun Zailai said that the inheritance is already in my heart? What does it mean?

Chu Yan was suddenly startled, and his soul was suddenly shaken back into his body, but he was surprised to find that there was something more in his body.

At his heart, a jade sword was suspended, the heart of the sword.

The inheritance of the sword is already in his heart.

"Is this... the heart of the sword?"

Chu Yan sighed, but at this moment, he saw Jun Ya's sword wind constantly rippling, and a touch of holy light rose into the sky, turning into a thousand feet of red clouds. For a moment, the sky was the sword blade, the earth turned into the hilt, and there was a natural phenomenon, and Jun's power was displayed.

Seeing Jun Ya, everyone was excited and looked at the sky devoutly: "It is the holy light of Jun Wei, seeing Jun Ya, there is really Jun, seeing Jun Wei! Today, someone has inherited!"

The people of Yu Jian Villa and Jian Hai Zong were excited. The people of Yu Jian Villa immediately said: "It must be Senior Brother Yang Chen!"

"Wu Ya, is it you?" The elders of Jian Hai Zong were also looking forward to it silently in their hearts. Seeing Jun Ya for 30,000 years, Junzhe appeared twice. The last time, he inherited Feng Qing, became a generation of kings, and ruled Qingfeng City. Now what kind of achievements will the second person have?

"Jian Wu Ya and Yang Chen's sword violence is still going on, who will it be!" Someone looked at the two people, and the sword violence was still going on.

Chu Yan, however, returned to his soul and slowly opened his eyes. Then he found that there was something strange around him, and there was a Junzhe in the distance.

However, none of this matters. Chu Yan saw Wang Feng's breath was unstable the next moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Wang Feng, what's going on?"

Lu Mang glanced at Chu Yan, his eyes full of contempt: "You actually have the nerve to stay here!"

"I saw Jun Ya resonate earlier, saying that the Jun appeared, so Yang Chen and Jian Wuya had the greatest hope, so Yu Jian Villa cleared the people around." Wang Feng said, and then he looked at Lu Mang unconvinced: "Now that Jun's power is revealed, anyone can comprehend the sword formula. You said it was Yang Chen, and I said it was my senior brother."

"Him?" Lu Mang was full of ridicule: "Now that the inheritance has appeared, Jian Wuya and Yang Chen have not woken up. Obviously, one of them is comprehending the inheritance. As for him, what is he?"

Wang Feng snorted coldly, not caring, but in his heart, Chu Yan is still the strongest, and no one can replace him.

"As for you, get out, otherwise, although you can't kill people in Qingfeng City, I don't mind teaching you how to be a man." Lu Mang said contemptuously.

Chu Yan's eyes sharpened, and then his mind moved. At this moment, he saw Jun Ya suddenly tremble violently, and a huge virtual sword floated above the cliff valley, and then stabbed towards Lu Mang.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sudden scene shocked everyone. The virtual sword was extremely powerful, and the sword's intention was in everyone's heart, making many people feel fear.

"Ah!" Lu Mang was the worst. The sword seemed to be coming towards him, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. His body continued to retreat, and he screamed one after another.

This sudden scene shocked everyone. An elder of Yujian Villa narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hand to transform into the power of the Emperor of Heaven, trying to block the terrifying sword curtain.

But it's useless at all. The sword shadow is invisible, coming from Jianjun Cliff, and it can't be stopped by the Emperor of Heaven?

The sword curtain continued, suppressing every inch, and the mountains behind Lu Mang collapsed. However, the sword curtain continued, as if a tiger descended from the mountain and swallowed Lu Mang alive, leaving only a pile of bones.

Lu Mang died. Until his death, he didn't know how he died. Was he killed by Jian Junya?

"Hiss—" Looking at this miserable scene, everyone took a breath of air.

"Lu Mang!" Many elders at Yujian Villa looked sad. Although Lu Mang was not as good as Yang Chen, he was still a talented disciple. But just like that, he died inexplicably?

"What happened just now? Killing someone when you see Jun Ya?"

"Impossible. This kind of situation has never happened in ten thousand years. Is it because the monarch is showing off his power today?" Some people speculated, but Zhang Jiayu looked on from the side, with a bright light in his phoenix eyes.

"Is it related to you?" Zhang Jiayu sent a message to Chu Yan, and Chu Yan smiled faintly. Although he had a good impression of Zhang Jiayu, this matter was a matter of life and death, and he would never take the risk: "Miss Zhang is joking, see Jun Ya I have the power of a king, and I have been here for ten thousand years, but I am only an emperor or a third-level emperor, so what does it have to do with me.”

"You're going to be in trouble." Zhang Jiayu curled her lips and looked up.

Immediately, several sword powers descended from the sky, and countless disciples from Yujian Villa came and looked at Chu Yan with evil eyes. One of the disciples pressed him and asked: "But what did you do to Lu Mang? He can't have suffered for nothing." Kill with the power of the sword."

"It's ridiculous. Seeing that Junya is a holy place for cultivation and has its own immortal spirits, you Yujian Villa have no respect and instead drive people here. Who knows if it is because you are unscrupulous and have angered the immortal spirits and received retribution. Now you are going to Are you going to blame me?" Chu Yan sneered, joking, seeing that Junya's sword power was due to him, but let him admit it? Absolutely not.

Putting aside the fact that Qingfeng City prohibits killing, there are rules. If word spreads about the Sword Lord's inheritance, it will definitely cause trouble.

He was new to Xinghai and didn't want to cause trouble.

At this moment, there were constant explosions in the distance, and two sword blasts shattered at the same time.

"Jian Wuya, Yang Chen, wake up!" There was great movement on the other side, and everyone turned their eyes away.

When the two woke up, they were also confused for a while. The inheritance was not theirs, so naturally they didn't know why.

"Elder, what's going on?" Jian Wuya looked at the Jianhai Sect elder in surprise, and the elder frowned slightly: "Seeing the resonance of Junya, the appearance of Junwei, wasn't it caused by you?"

Everyone looked at Jian Wuya, but Jian Wuya was honest and shook his head with a wry smile: "It's not me.

"How can it be!"

"Seeing that Junya Sword Technique is profound, although I have some superficial understanding, I have not been recognized by the monarch. Master, I am disappointed." Jian Wuya cupped his hands and said.

"It doesn't matter, you have performed very well." There was a hint of disappointment in the Jianhai Sect elder's eyes, but he immediately shook his head. Jian Wuya was already very good. Even if he failed to obtain the monarch's inheritance, he would still be brilliant.

"Wow!" But at this time, there was an uproar.

The disciples of Yujian Villa couldn't help but light up.

If it's not Jian Wuya, then it must be Yang Chen.

"Could it be Yang Chen?" Everyone looked at Yang Chen. However, Yang Chen woke up at this moment, and his confusion disappeared briefly. The elder of Yujian Villa said: "Yang Chen, Junwei appeared just now, but you understand of?"

"When I see Jun Ya, I have a king. I came here to learn swordsmanship just to meet you. I am lucky enough to meet you." Yang Chen said with a calm smile, his white clothes fluttering, looking quite natural. His words were not acknowledged, but it was not otherwise. His words immediately caused an uproar and everyone became excited.

Yang Chen said that he met Jun Ya, Zi Zijun, and Wu Jian just to see Jun. He was lucky enough to see Jun. That means he met Jun? The inheritor, Yang Chen.

Just now I saw Jun Yaxia being dispersed, leaving only three people.

Jian Wuya, Yang Chen, Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan was directly ignored by everyone. Jian Wuya admitted that he was not him, so only Yang Chen was left. In addition, he said that he was lucky to meet you, so almost no one would doubt his words.

Chu Yan looked at Yang Chen with a strange look. This was interesting, but he didn't stand up to expose it. He didn't want to expose it, but he didn't expect that the inheritance would give birth to a celestial phenomenon and attract everyone, but since someone admitted it for him , he is naturally happy.

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