Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 457: Farewell to the Six Realms

Chu Yan's seriousness made the old man in the mirror become serious, with reluctance flashing in his eyes. He watched the young man step by step until he was today, fighting for his long-cherished wish in the six realms, and who knows how many life and death encounters there were.

Involuntarily, the old man's eyes turned slightly red, and he glared at Chu Yan: "Aren't you being pretentious?"

"Yes." Chu Yan stood up and smiled bitterly. This really didn't look like him.

"In the future, when I'm not around, I've arranged for someone to bring you some wine every year. Drink less, and you'll be old."

"Also, now that Zhentian has reappeared, this star field is very safe. There is no need to hide in this mirror all the time. If you have nothing to do, go out for a walk, otherwise you will be derailed by the times." Chu Yan jumped on the Shengtai Monument and raised his hand There was a huge wine jar, and people started drinking without ceremony.

"Get lost!" Old Mirror Image said angrily. The master and apprentice were just drinking.

Regarding the Soul Palace Supreme, Chu Yan wanted to ask, but after hesitation, he did not speak.

No matter who the Supreme Lord of the Soul Palace is, based on his disregard for all sentient beings and everything he did to Qingcheng, he is destined to be the person Chu Yan wants to kill. Since he will kill sooner or later, why bother asking?

Would Chu Yan be timid and not kill him because he was strong or had a strong background? Obviously not. Instead of doing this, it would be better not to ask, quietly become stronger, and then fight back.

The day of departure is getting closer, and Chu Yan's realm has reached the peak of the human emperor. His vitality, blood, and life soul have all reached the limits of the three lower realms of the emperor.

On this day, in a green bamboo forest in the world, Chu Yan and others were drinking and having fun. The person who came was Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao still looked cool and unrestrained. Being granted the title of emperor made him feel more at ease. He walked around the six realms without worrying about whether he would go or stay. His white clothes were scattered and he was leaning on a thin bamboo.

"Really decided to leave?" Li Xiaoyao asked sideways.

"Yes, the six domains are too limited for me now. If I want to seek better development, I can only go to a broader place." Chu Yan nodded.

"I'm so envious. I also want to go out and have a career, but I can't help it. My father won't let me." Li Xiaoyao sighed and looked at Chu Yan: "By the way, if you have any news about what I told you, you must tell me. "

"Yes!" Chu Yan agreed, and Li Xiaoyao asked him to help find out the cause of Qian Mengyu's death.

In fact, Chu Yan had some vague guesses, but he couldn't confirm it yet, and he wouldn't tell Li Xiaoyao. The reason was very simple. If Qian Mengyu really died at the hands of the Soul Palace Supreme, he would never want Li Xiaoyao to take revenge. At least, not now.

The Soul Palace Supreme was too powerful, his realm surpassed that of Renjun, and he was the top existence in the six realms. Li Xiaoyao would undoubtedly die if he took revenge.

But he also believed that maybe one day in the future, Li Xiaoyao would become very strong sooner or later.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan stood up. He wanted to go to the Ancient Dynasty to say goodbye to everyone.

"Xiaoyao, don't make any announcement about my departure, and neither will the Li family."

"I know." Li Xiaoyao nodded, not minding at all. Chu Yan told him that it was because they were friends, but the Li family was divided into several lines. Among them, the second elder lineage always had murderous intentions towards Chu Yan. Once it was spread that Chu Yan Yan left, and the six domains experienced another wave of fluctuations.

After Chu Yan left, Li Xiaoyao looked up, with a hint of passion in his eyes.

"As soon as Bai Conglin saw him, the young man of that day has already taken advantage of the wind." Li Xiaoyao thought in his heart, and suddenly shouted to Chu Yan's back: "Chu Yan, have a good time. If I have a chance, I will go to Xinghai to find you."

Chu Yan paused for a moment and did not step back, but a smile appeared on his face. Then he raised his hands high and bowed with his back turned, saying his final farewell.

In the ancient dynasty, everyone gathered together. Ancestor Xiahou, Zilong Yaojun, Shangcang Daotong and others stood together. King Chen Tianwang and Yaotong were also there. These people were from the Zhentian lineage.

There were Ren Emperor, Yao Lao, Hua Feng and others beside him. Hua Zhixu also returned with the Purple Dragon Yaojun.

Su Xishuang, Su Guyan and others also came. Zheng Yutong was smiling at the side, still very sweet. She looked at Chu Yan, as if she loved her little brother, she reached out and rubbed Chu Yan's head, which made Chu Yan feel happy. Speechless, I am now the King of Dust, okay?

"In a blink of an eye, he's a big boy."

"Senior sister..." Chu Yan's head was covered with black lines, and Zheng Yutong rolled his eyes: "Why, you're still not happy? Whatever achievements you have in the future are all due to my little junior brother, how can you rebel?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Don't dare."

"That's pretty much it. Are you really leaving?" Zheng Yutong said disappointedly. This was the second time he was bidding farewell to Chu Yan.

It was different from the last time. Last time, Chu Yan left the mortal world, but after all, he was still within the Six Domains. It would be easy to come back, but this time it was different. This time, he really traveled far away.

"Yeah, I'm leaving." Chu Yan smiled. Zheng Yutong's eyes couldn't help but turn red. Chu Yan smiled lightly: "Sister, you should be happy."

Zheng Yutong nodded, and then Chu Yan said goodbye to Xiahou Yuehe and Chen Nichang respectively.

Chen Nichang was still slim and beautiful. She was the goddess of all the students of Lihuo Academy at the time. She glared at Chu Yan resentfully: "It's all your fault. Now, I can't find the right one."

"Uh..." Chu Yan smiled bitterly, and Chen Nichang smiled again: "Okay, I'm teasing you, but don't let Qingcheng down."

"Yes!" Chu Yan nodded and thought of Yi Ren again. During this trip, he still had another responsibility, which was to find Qingcheng.

He doesn't want to wait for that long separation, so he won't let this day be too far away.

Then came the farewells of the brothers. The last time they left, Hua Zhixu and Fatty followed Chu Yan. This time Hua Zhixu also clamored to follow Chu Yan, but was stopped by the Purple Dragon Demon Lord.

"You don't want to go anywhere. Follow me back to the Three Great Monster Mountains. If you don't join the Heavenly Emperor, you can never leave." Purple Dragon Demon Lord snorted coldly, and Hua Zhixu drooped his head.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Zhixu, you must practice well with the demon king."

"Forget it, take care of yourself without me." Hua Zhixu curled his lips.

The fat man's eyes were furtive on the side, as if he was very embarrassed. Chu Yan took the initiative and smiled and said: "Okay, stop thinking about it, stay, Xuanxin needs you, and besides, taking you with me is just a drag."

"Holy crap! Brother Chu, I'm not convinced when you say that to Fatty." Fatty said angrily, making everyone laugh.

"Fat man, practice well with Senior Crazy and protect Xuan Xin. If you go to Xuannv Sect, help me take care of Mi'er." Chu Yan said, and the fat man patted his chest: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the mission."

After the farewells between the brothers were over, Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the many seniors. Qiu Yu has now joined the Zhentian lineage, responsible for integrating resources and recruiting disciples.

"Everyone, now my Zhentian lineage has reappeared in the six regions, unified the land, and achieved some achievements. During my absence, Qiu Yu is like me. His words can fully represent me. You need to listen. In addition, Gu Don’t delay the matter of the Imperial Academy, cultivating the next generation is the top priority.”

"In several wars, all the major overlords have suffered losses, but there should be no war within a short period of time. However, when you are outside, you still need to be careful and do not expose your identity. All grudges will be held until I return. The ancient dynasty wants the throne of these six realms!" Chu Yan's words were concise and arrogant, and they resounded throughout the dynasty, and everyone's eyes lit up.

By then, when I return, I will claim the throne of the six realms!

"Qiu Yu!" Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Qiu Yu. Qiu Yu smiled freely and said: "I will cultivate for you all my life. There is no need to say any polite words. Don't worry, I am here."

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded. Qiu Yu was like his right-hand man, the sword hidden in his sleeve. He had unsheathed it several times in the past ten years, but every time, his sharp edge was revealed.

"When are you planning to set off?" Patriarch Xiahou asked.

"I always thought about doing something before leaving, but then I realized that things can never be done. It's better to be more free and easy, just for today." Chu Yan said with a smile, Wangfeng said at the side: "Senior Brother Chu, I'm with you."

"Yeah." Chu Yan nodded. Wangfeng's talent was very good. It was really not suitable to stay in the Sixth Domain. Since he wanted to go out and have a career, it was natural.

"From now on, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. Everyone, please take care. We will see you again in the future." Chu Yan said with a hearty smile, the wind was blowing under his feet, and a pink rabbit-eared cat demon in the sky had been waiting for a long time.

The little wolf howled and jumped into Chu Yan's arms. Chu Yan hugged him, jumped into the air, jumped onto the rabbit-eared cat demon, and left together with Qingyi and Wangfeng.

Looking at the back of the young man, everyone in the ancient dynasty sighed. After ten years of chaos, the young man has now become a genius of a generation.

Today, the young man left, but after this trip, he would eventually return. Therefore, for a time, a seed of expectation was planted in the hearts of everyone in the world, waiting for his return.

"What kind of demeanor will he have when he returns to the Six Realms?" Everyone couldn't help but think about it, but there was no doubt that when he came back, he would become extremely powerful.

The current boy's own strength may still be very weak, but next time, he will return with endless glory.

As he said, at that time, he wanted the throne of the six regions.

"Princess, it's time for us to set off." On a mountain in the world, Qin Zixuan always looked at the place where Chu Yan left. Behind her, an elder said.

"Let's go!" Qin Zixuan nodded lightly, her phoenix eyes were determined, she looked at the world again, and left.

Qin Zixuan has never been seen in gambling houses of all sizes.

After all, the news of Chu Yan's departure could not be concealed for too long. Half a month later, this news broke out, attracting the attention of countless overlords. They all sent strong men to chase him, but they could only escape. Half a month later, Chu Yan has long disappeared.

In the Emperor's Sect, Ji Longyu stood with a handsome figure on this day. Beside him were many talented people from Northern Jiangsu and the Emperor's Sect.

Ji Huangji and others were all there, and he said calmly: "You are out on this trip, so be more careful, Long Yu, take care of them."

"Don't worry, ancestor, I will definitely kill Chu Yan. If he goes to the Land of Star Sea, I will make him understand what regret means." A strong chill flashed through Ji Longyu's eyes. In the past, Chu Yan dared to Challenge him, then he will tell Chu Yan in the land of stars about the gap between them.

Ji Longyu returned to Xinghai Tianbei Mountain again. In addition to him, the disciples of the major overlords also set out together. Except for the dead Ji Wufeng and Shi Cangsong, the other Tianbei disciples all went to Xinghai to prepare to join the Sixteenth Lineage of Tianbei Mountain. one.

No one knows what kind of disturbance these young men from the Six Realms will cause in the Land of Star Sea in the near future.

But what is certain is that the six regions will not end here. Everything is calm, but it is just the eve of the storm. It is destined that one day, there will be a war in the six regions.

No one can predict the direction of history.

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