Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 455: Farewell

"No!!!" Chu Yan roared, the blood in his body kept boiling, and the golden blood also burned.

But at the same moment, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower spun crazily and suppressed it with ruthless power, causing him to vomit blood continuously and his eyes were red.

"Why!" Chu Yan was heartbroken. God Xian'er died in front of him, and he was powerless. Could it be that at this moment, Qingcheng was also going to leave him?

He didn't want it, so he roared. He couldn't use the golden blood. He ran the magic art, hoping to transform into an evil demon again, but the floating immortal art prevented the demon spirits from condensing, and he was furious.

He transformed into a soul and glared at Jiutian Xuanta: "You lied to me!"

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda once said that the Immortal Technique of Floating Life can disperse demon spirits, but if he uses it again, he will create demon spirits to devour him. He doesn't care, but now, the demon spirits cannot condense.

"You haven't mastered the demon body yet, so what can you do if you attract the demon spirit?" Jiutian Xuan Pagoda said calmly.

"Boom!" Chu Yan punched out. He never thought that he would be deceived by Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. He could not transform into an evil demon and could not save Qingcheng.

"Chu Yan!" Liu Qingcheng raised her head and looked at Chu Yan in the distance, shedding tears, but she was still smiling: "The thing I regret the least in my life is meeting you."

"You care about all sentient beings, and I care about you." Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and then she turned around and flew towards the Supreme Soul Palace, and then a terrifying power rose up in her body.

Chu Yan had never seen that kind of power before, and he didn't know that Liu Qingcheng had such terrifying abilities.

But now Chu Yan didn't care about this at all. He roared, but countless ghost hands in the distance seemed to crawl out from the land of corpses and grabbed Chu Yan, making Chu Yan unable to burn at all.

"Bloodline, sacrifice!" Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly, and a light of surprise flashed in her body, turning into a blue divine phoenix and dancing for nine days. Then the mountains and rivers were frozen, and the Crescent Lake was frozen.

In Liu Qingcheng's body, it was like an iceberg, freezing mountains and rivers, snowflakes falling in the sky, and for a brief moment, a star turned into a land of ice and snow.

So beautiful, yet so sad.

The Supreme Soul Palace was shocked. He retreated very quickly. The cold power froze his ghost palace and turned it into ice. It was still approaching him. His figure retreated very quickly, but the endless ice power Shrouded toward him.

For a brief moment, Liu Qingcheng seemed to be frozen. Her heart stopped beating, but she still kept her smile.

Liu Qingcheng had the bloodline of the Heavenly Realm in the Upper Realm. When she entered the Nine Nether Heavenly Lake that year, what she saw was different from Chu Yan. What she saw was her own bloodline.

"Liu Yatou!" The spiritual thoughts in Liu Qingcheng's body were furious, and turned into a shadow and flew out to protect Liu Qingcheng.

The Soul Palace Supreme spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with fear. He stared into the distance. The old man's spiritual gaze swept away and glared at the Soul Palace Supreme: "You really deserve to die."

"Who are you?" the Soul Palace Supreme asked in fear. He had been in the Six Realms for ten thousand years, and Ji Huangji had to listen to him, but at this moment, he felt a murderous intention from his spiritual mind.

"You don't deserve to know!" Shen Nian snorted coldly, shook his big hand, and the ghost hand broke, as if it was buried in the world, and mercilessly grabbed the Supreme Soul Palace.

The Soul Palace Supreme screamed, and saw his soul flying out, turning into a terrifying ghost head and swallowing the divine thought: "It's just a divine thought, even if your power reaches the sky, how can you defeat me."

His spiritual thoughts were so indifferent, and when he held his palm, it was as if the void was locked.

"Practice evil ways, devour human souls, and practice like neither humans nor ghosts. Today, I will destroy all your souls." Divine Mind shouted, and the space suddenly burst. The Supreme Soul Palace screamed, and his body, Being separated from those souls, he glared at Shen Nian: "You deserve to die!"

"Bang!" However, Divine Mind struck out with another palm, and the Supreme Soul Palace spurted out blood.

The Soul Palace Supreme was completely frightened. He no longer wanted to fight, and only wanted to escape. He turned around and backed away crazily. Then he looked at Chu Yan again, let out a cold snort, and finally flew away from here. Escape into a void.

Shen Nian did not go after him, but stayed by Liu Qingcheng's side.

"Qingcheng!" Chu Yan stepped forward quickly, but his spiritual thoughts swept across Chu Yan, and a chill bloomed: "You failed to protect her!"

Chu Yan clenched his fist and lowered his head guiltily. Shen Nian was right, he failed to protect her.

"So, I won't let her stay with you anymore." Shen Nian said again, looking at Liu Qingcheng with such distress and love. At this time, Liu Qingcheng turned into ice, and her sweet smile remained the same, but There was no life left, as if everything was frozen.

"Senior..." Chu Yan still wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, because he knew that Shen Nian was right.

"With your current strength, you can't protect her at all. Let her stay, but it will only delay her talent. I don't know who you are, but she is destined to be the divine phoenix dancing in the nine heavens. If you want to be worthy of her, There will be a difficult road to follow." Shen Nian looked at Chu Yan and sighed.

Chu Yan looked at Liu Qingcheng and asked, "Is this how we say goodbye?"

They just agreed to go to the Star Sea together.

But now, there's not even a goodbye.

With Chu Yan's intelligence, he naturally understood that Liu Qingcheng's life experience was not simple. Otherwise, Qin Ruomeng would not have allowed himself to marry her.

It was just a marriage that he was originally very resistant to, but he had feelings for it because of a childhood encounter. Now that Liu Qingcheng's bloodline from the upper world was bursting out in her body, and he was protected by such a powerful divine mind, he felt a lot more relieved.

He looked at Liu Qingcheng gently, stretched out his hand, and touched her cheek. Liu Qingcheng seemed to be the same as usual, but she was so cold at this moment.

"Wait for me, I will go find you." Chu Yan said in his heart, his spiritual thoughts finally sighed and turned into a strong wind, sweeping Liu Qingcheng away.

Looking at the back, Chu Yan felt resentful in his heart and was unwilling to give in. He clenched his fists, feeling some hatred for his own weak strength.

But Chu Yan will not give up. No matter where he is, he will find Liu Qingcheng.

"Chu Yan!" The void in the distance suddenly burst, and suddenly, a group of strong men stepped into this place, their eyes full of murderous intent.

The ancestor of the Shi family is here, and behind him are countless emperors of the Shi family. The ancestor of the Shi family has extremely cold eyes. He saw everything just now clearly: "I didn't expect that your fate would be so great. Even the Supreme Lord of the Soul Palace took action himself." , didn’t kill you.”

Chu Yan raised his head fiercely, locking eyes on everyone in the Shi family like a tiger. The next moment, murderous intent appeared, and there was a constant sound of swords in the sky.

"The end of the powerful crossbow." The ancestor of the Shi family sneered. He had been hiding here for a long time. He was shocked when he saw Liu Qingcheng's explosion. He thought there was no chance, but he found that the mysterious strong man did not save Chu Yan, but just took him away. After Liu Qingcheng was killed, and Chu Yan was injured by the Soul Palace Supreme Lord before, now Chu Yan can no longer pour out the Immortal Killing Sword Technique. This is definitely an opportunity for his Shi family.

"Today you will die!" The ancestor of the Shi family said fiercely. After the death of the Shi family, he had long hated Chu Yan deeply.

"Kill him!" The ancestor of the Shi family ordered. Immediately, several emperors flew out and turned into halberds to attack. Chu Yan did not waste any time at this time. His eyes were cold. The incident of Qingcheng made him heartbroken, so now he also If you want to fight, fight with all your heart.

"Qi Sha Swordsmanship!" Chu Yan came in with his sword, killing with every step, his sword intent was overwhelming, and the whole world seemed to be filled with swords.

"You have been seriously injured and cannot use your magic anymore. Who can save you today?" The ancestor of the Shi family coldly snorted, unleashing his royal power and transforming into a huge petrified giant, swinging out his giant arms, shaking the mountains and rivers.

"Destroy!" The ancestor of the Shi family blasted out with a palm, and Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood. He suffered huge injuries and was knocked upside down in the ruins.

"Whoosh!" However, at this moment, before the Shi family could take advantage of the victory, a green light bloomed, and a pair of green wings seemed to be fanning on the horizon. Suddenly, a graceful figure landed and stood in front of Chu Yan.

"Qing Yi!" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. In the desperate situation, he saw Qing Yi again.

The people watching from a distance were also moved. The young man was the King of Dust, and one after another, two beautiful women risked their lives for him.

Tsing Yi appeared, her fair skin flashing with high-spirited business. She was protected by green light. She still had a cold expression, but she glanced at Chu Yan, supported Chu Yan with her slender jade hands, and wanted to take Chu Yan away.

"Want to leave?" The ancestor of the Shi family snorted coldly, turned into a huge stone arm, and grabbed Qing Yi, but Qing Yi didn't seem to see her. Her long hair was fluttering, but her fairy-like jade face was extremely stubborn. She wanted to take him with her. Chu Yan leaves.

"Kill!" The powerful men of the Shi family took action to destroy one side.

The space was continuously cut off by stone arms, and Qing Yi spat out a mouthful of blood. Her eyes remained determined, looking into the distance.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan wanted to push her away, but Qing Yi shook his head and said crisply: "No!"

Chu Yan was helpless. The scenes he least wanted to see happened one after another today. He was so exhausted that he was very weak. But at this moment, the star field was turbulent. He saw the butler from the previous jewelry store appearing. Following him was the ancestor of Xiahou. When they saw Chu Yan was seriously injured, they all showed strong anger.

"Surround them up!" Ancestor Xiahou issued an ironclad order, and people from the Nine Meridians surrounded and suppressed them from all directions, intercepting everyone in the Shi family.


The six realms that had been peaceful for a long time once again broke out into a battle between kings.

"Retreat! Let's go!" The ancestor of the Shi family was unwilling to give in, but he had no choice but to retreat quickly.

Ancestor Xiahou, Ancestor Qin Zixuan, and Ancestor Tiandao, the three emperors, the ancestor of the Shi family could only protect themselves. The huge stone arms kept blasting out, tearing open a piece of void, and fled away, but he left, and many emperors of the Shi family But they were all buried here, and several other Heavenly Emperors from the Shi family were killed.

"Stop chasing!" Chu Yan said palely. Ancestor Xiahou and others stopped unwillingly, and then came to Chu Yan's side, their expressions not very good-looking.

They thought that the truce in the six regions would be safe in a short period of time, but they all underestimated the intentions of the major overlords to kill Chu Yan.

This time, the Supreme Master of the Soul Palace was invited to kill Chu Yan.

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