Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 453 Phoenix Screen [Three Updates]

In the land of the six domains, half a year has passed since the canonization of the Dust Star Domain. After the war subsided, some people finally let go of their worries.

However, behind the scenes, it seems that it is not as calm as on the surface. Some overlords have their own small actions.

In the Dust Star Domain, many people secretly monitor Chu Yan's every move. This time, as soon as Chu Yan left the Dust, the news immediately reached the ears of several overlords.

In the Emperor Star Domain, in the Emperor Sect, the ancestor of the Shi family sat in front of the bell tower with a grim face. In the previous war, his Shi family suffered the most serious losses.

Several overlords went to the Dust, and all suffered considerable losses, but his Shi family was directly wiped out.

The hatred of extermination of the clan is intolerable. The ancestor of the Shi family must kill Chu Yan. Now he can only hide in the Tianhuang Sect. He raised his head and said to the void unhappily: "Ji Huangji, I joined the Tianhuang Sect because you promised me that Chu Yan would definitely die. Now Chu Yan has left the mortal world and left the ancient dynasty alone. When are you going to take action?"

There was a fluctuation in the air, and Ji Huangji's figure appeared. He said lightly: "Why do we need to take action? We just need to wait for the news. Someone will kill him."

The eyes of the ancestor of the Shi family brightened: "That person, is he going to do it himself?"

Ji Huangji smiled without saying a word, and his figure flashed again and disappeared.

In the extremely mysterious secret place in the Six Realms, in the Soul Palace, Ji Huangji appeared here and said to a shadow on the high platform in the palace: "Chu Yan's only son left, now is a great opportunity, you should take action this time, right?"

The Supreme of the Soul Palace sneered in the void: "Mortal world, do you really think you can stir up waves?"

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

A gust of wind swept past, and soon after, the Supreme of the Soul Palace disappeared. Ji Huangji showed a fierce look on the spot: "Chu Yan, Zhentian, this time I see who can save you!"


In the Six Realms, Chu Yan left Shenzhu Mountain and went hand in hand with Liu Qingcheng. The two did not go back to the mortal world directly, but wandered outside, like a pair of happy gods, enjoying life.

The two came to a crescent lake in the Six Realms. The lake was very wide, as if it was as big as a star.

There were people boating in the crescent lake, and some people who practiced piano and painting, boating on the lake, playing the piano and painting.

There are luxurious restaurants and bustling markets on both sides of the river, with a wide variety of goods. Of course, there are also some more high-end auction houses and jewelry stores.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng are always the envy of many people when they walk together. Unconsciously, the two came to a jewelry store. This store is extremely luxurious and top-notch. Those who can come here are all extremely noble young masters and young ladies in the star field.

"So beautiful!" Liu Qingcheng looked up and saw a phoenix long skirt. The skirt was ten meters long, rising without wind and fluttering with the wind. The stitches were perfect, and there was a piece of fiery red phoenix feather embedded in each place. It was very beautiful.

Chu Yan glanced at the phoenix long skirt and was quite surprised. There was a hidden fire pattern in the long skirt. It was a seventh-level armor magic weapon.

"Miss, you have good eyesight. This long skirt is called Fengqiuhuang. It was made by a senior who spent his whole life picking 3,000 phoenix feathers just to seek the love of his life. It contains a level 7 fire pattern array, which is a level 7 magic weapon, both offensive and defensive." A woman in the store greeted her with a smile.

"How much?" Chu Yan asked.

"30,000 emperor jades." The woman smiled, and Liu Qingcheng frowned and opened her mouth slightly: "It's expensive."

Emperor jade is a kind of spiritual jade, but it contains the power of the emperor, so it is extremely precious. One piece of emperor jade is equal to hundreds of millions of level 1 spiritual jades.

For the mortal world, 30,000 emperor jades is a huge fortune.

The woman in the store looked down upon hearing this, and her attitude obviously changed: "You are really ignorant. This is the most fertile Crescent Moon Holy Lake in the Dust Star Domain. Is 30,000 Emperor Jades for a Level 7 Magical Weapon expensive?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly. A Level 7 Magical Weapon and 30,000 Emperor Jades were indeed not expensive, but how could he be happy if the woman said Liu Qingcheng was ignorant just because of Liu Qingcheng's words?

"I'll buy this Feng Xi." Chu Yan said lightly. 30,000 Emperor Jades might be a lot for ordinary people, but now that he controls the unified star domain, it is nothing. With a wave of his hand, he wanted to take down the Feng Xi.

"Don't move!" The woman shouted and stopped Chu Yan. Chu Yan couldn't help but frown: "I bought this dress, so why don't you sell it?"

The woman could be a clerk in this top-notch store, so she naturally had some skills. She smiled and said: "Young master, you are joking, but this Fengqi is the most precious in my store, so I think you should pay first and then take it down."

"Do you think I can't pay?" Chu Yan said with an unhappy face.

The woman smiled but didn't say anything, but her contempt was naturally a kind of tacit agreement.

Chu Yan took out a space pocket and threw it to the woman casually: "Take it and touch it lightly to see if it is enough for 30,000 emperor jades."

The movement here alarmed many people, and some people looked over. The woman was also stunned. She took the space pocket and was stunned for a while, and then injected a telekinesis into it, and then a look of surprise appeared on her jade face.

In the space cloth bag, there were piles of emperor jades, including top-level emperor jades.

"Enough..." The woman's expression changed immediately, and she became respectful to Chu Yan.

"Why don't you take it out now!" Chu Yan said bluntly. The woman looked down on Qingcheng before, so how could he be polite? The woman immediately obeyed and took off the Feng Xi.

Everyone who saw this scene secretly sighed that Chu Yan was generous. What the woman said before was right. This Feng Xi was the most precious thing in this jewelry store. It had been a year, but no one bought it.

One is that the price is too expensive, and the other is that although this Feng Hu belongs to the category of divine weapons, it is ultimately about appearance, and its defense is naturally inferior to the inner armor of the divine weapons.

"Qingcheng, give it a try." Chu Yan looked at Liu Qingcheng and became very gentle. Liu Qingcheng felt a little distressed, but before she could speak, Chu Yan smiled and said: "As long as you like it, it's worth any price."

Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly and put the phoenix around her body. The ten-meter-long skirt was fluttering gently in the absence of wind. The three thousand phoenix feathers were even more spiritual, blooming with a strong aura.

Moreover, it is a magic weapon. The size follows Liu Qingcheng's slender waist and is very close to the body.

At this moment, the jewelry store was quiet, just because Liu Qingcheng was so beautiful, so beautiful.

"Does it look good?" Liu Qingcheng said shyly.

Chu Yan swallowed and nodded: "Beautiful!"

"Chu Yan, that green long skirt is also very beautiful. Buy it together and give it to Qing Yi." Liu Qingcheng looked at the display rack next to Feng Ku. There was a green long skirt. This long skirt was different from Feng Ku. Although Not luxurious, but not mediocre, revealing a different kind of beauty full of life.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded and was also attracted by the emerald green dress. He asked about the price and took off the emerald green dress directly.

Everyone was secretly sighing at Chu Yan's arms. Women were envious, and some people began to guess Chu Yan's identity, thinking that Chu Yan must be a powerful figure in a certain party.

After Chu Yan left, the clerk sent Emperor Jade back to the supervisor's room. When he learned that Feng Ku had been sold, the supervisor was extremely surprised. He glanced at the spatial cloth bag, and then his eyes froze.

He stared hard at a piece of imperial jade. On that imperial jade, there was a clear word "Chen King" printed on it. His old face became excited: "Who bought Feng Hu?"

The woman thought about Chu Yan's appearance for a moment: "Very young, in his twenties."

"As expected!" The supervisor took a deep breath, then looked at the woman and asked, "You didn't offend him, did you?"

The woman was stunned and lowered her head slightly. Since the supervisor could sit in this position, he couldn't hide anything from him. His face sank and he said, "Follow me!"

After saying that, the supervisor took the woman away and chased Chu Yan directly.

Chu Yan and Qingcheng were boating on the lake. Qingcheng was now wearing a phoenix robe. Just standing on the boat made countless fairies eclipse. Chu Yan was lazily lying on the bedside, admiring Qingcheng and smiling softly.

Going boating with beautiful women is a very happy thing for him.

But a moment later, the manager of the jewelry store came with the woman. When he saw Chu Yan, he immediately showed respect and said to Chu Yan: "Young Master Chu, I was not strict in discipline earlier. The woman in the store offended you. Why? I hope you won’t blame me.”

"Bow and apologize!" After the supervisor finished speaking, he scolded the woman.

The woman was stunned. Chu Yan didn't pursue the matter, but now the supervisor wants her to apologize? She is also the daughter of a large family. She works in a jewelry store just to get in touch with the powerful. But now, her supervisor asks her to bow and apologize to others? In her opinion, this kind of thing is absolutely humiliating.

"No!" The woman struggled in her heart. Even though she guessed that Chu Yan was an extraordinary person, she still refused to apologize.

"Do you know Young Master Chu's identity? If he wants to kill you, even ten golds from your family can't protect you!" The supervisor snorted coldly, and the woman was shocked.

"Young Master Chu, he is King Chen!" the supervisor continued. The woman's phoenix eyes were startled and she looked at Chu Yan in disbelief.

King of Dust, he is King of Dust, the king of that star field?

Chu Yan watched quietly from the side. He did not explain. He just said lightly: "It doesn't matter. Since you don't want to apologize, there is no need to apologize. It's just that as a clerk, you have no respect for the customers. In your eyes, It seems that you are more noble than the guests?"

The woman's heart trembled, and she immediately felt a chill enveloping her.

"Jin family, I've written it down." Chu Yan said calmly. The woman's jade face was ashen. She never expected that her casual words would offend someone.

"My wife and I are here today for a wander. I don't want to be disturbed. You can go ahead." Chu Yan said calmly. The supervisor laughed dryly, then left the imperial jade behind and said with his hands: "Young Master Chu, Feng Gu is a little bit of my heart. You’d better take this imperial jade back!”

"Since I bought it, how could I take advantage of you?" Chu Yan said displeased, and the supervisor felt helpless again, nodded repeatedly, and then left.

On the Crescent Lake, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, and the eyes around him were all strange. He looked at Liu Qingcheng: "It seems that he is going back."

I originally thought about playing quietly with Liu Qingcheng for a while, but I didn't expect that he would be exposed so quickly.

"Yeah." Liu Qingcheng smiled happily. She was satisfied that Chu Yan could accompany her.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a huge force suddenly descended on Crescent Lake. Dark clouds covered the sky, as if they were about to overwhelm them, causing the calm lake surface to form a huge whirlpool and a tsunami.

The king's power approached and locked onto Chu Yan.

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