Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 451: One move is enough

"Have you ever seen such a soul?" Zi Longyang said with a proud smile. The four souls were like mountains and ridges. The fourth holy soul showed infinite brilliance.

The fourth soul was like a Shura puppet. Zi Longyang's fingertips formed a line with his vital energy, and he manipulated the puppet technique, holding a huge killing, and bombarded Chu Yan continuously.

The puppet let out a roar, extremely huge, and the huge Shura claws crushed down. The huge body seemed to bury everything. Chu Yan looked very small under the huge puppet.

"Puppet technique?" Chu Yan was slightly surprised. He had seen the puppet method in the Six Domains File. It was a very rare way of cultivation. The master who performed it could control the puppet as if it were a clone.

In the Six Domains, few people practiced the puppet technique because puppet refining was very troublesome and cumbersome.

Especially for high-level puppets, the materials needed are all treasures of heaven and earth, top-grade minerals. I didn't expect that the seventh soul of Zi Longyang was actually a Shura puppet.

Chu Yan raised his palm and punched out to meet the Shura puppet. There was a crackling sound in the air. With just this punch, the space produced a strong fluctuation, which turned into waves of vitality and pushed to the left and right.

The huge face in the void waved his hand to block the remaining power, and then turned into a shield to protect the younger disciples who were watching.

The confrontation of imperial power affected too many areas and was very large. If there was no shield, those disciples of the Huangji Zun level could not bear it at all.

But those disciples standing aside were not panicked. If they were placed in the six domains in the past, they would be amazed to see such a level of imperial battle, but in their eyes, it seemed to be commonplace.

It can be seen that the vision of people in the outer world is different. Even if they are only at the Huangji Zun level, they have seen a lot of imperial battles.

"Boom! Boom!" Two more consecutive punches, Chu Yan stepped on his feet, turned into thousands of thunder afterimages, circling around the puppet, his body took a step into the air, leaped over the Shura puppet, stepped out, and a furious thunder wing grew on his back, the wings flapped down, and with a thud, the puppet was repelled.

"Your soul is not that good either." Chu Yan said lightly, glanced at Zi Longyang, then he clenched his palms slightly, and a bright light began to appear on his forehead, followed by a series of four souls rising into the air.

In an instant, the divine pillar formation became extremely dazzling, and the originally brilliant Zi Longyang suddenly dimmed, and everyone's eyes stagnated, staring at Chu Yan.

"Have you seen my soul?" Chu Yan fought back, and four souls were sacrificed, six grades, six grades, seven grades, and seven grades. The four lights were extremely dazzling.

"Sacred Soul?" The disciple who had been calm in the distance finally showed some strange colors and looked at Chu Yan in surprise: "I didn't expect that his soul also has a sacred soul?"

"Moreover, there are two! The realm of the Venerable has cast a seventh-grade sacred soul. This is the first time I have seen it."

The huge face in the void also showed a hint of interest. Anyone who can cast a sacred soul is a top-level genius even outside the galaxy.

"The top disciple of Shenzhu Mountain? With your strength? Then it seems that there is no need to fight again in this battle." Chu Yan said calmly. At this time, he has transformed into a thunder body, like the Nine Heavens Thunder God, overlooking all living beings, and the spear points to the wind.

"You really have some skills, so let you know how big the gap is between the humble land and my upper star sea!" Zi Longyang said coldly. Chu Yan's performance was indeed beyond his imagination, but even so, he was still confident that he still had many trump cards.

Suddenly, the ancient seal flipped, and the Shura puppet was taken back by him. Then, a mysterious gate opened under the puppet, and he turned into a puppet and became Shura.

"This is my soul, the most powerful power. I turned into my soul, how can you resist?" Zi Longyang said wildly, and then he turned his hand seal, and the world seemed to have turned into a Shura battlefield, and a series of killing marks rushed towards Chu Yan.

Wherever the Shura palm wind attacked, a terrible strangling storm was formed.


Took a step forward, Chu Yan did not advance but retreated, and then his body began to collide, turning into thunder, and the Doutian Jifa danced out, turning into a long spear piercing out, as many as ten thousand.

"Bang!" Zi Longyang's Shura hand kept slapping down, and every palm fell, leaving a deep mark in the void, and the ground shattered. However, at this time, a golden light burst out from Chu Yan's body, and he used the Vajra Dharma to the extreme, blocking all palm prints.

Chu Yan approached step by step, and actually walked towards the center of the storm.

Let the storm strangle Chu Yan, making a clanging sound on his body, like a sharp sword cutting on an iron plate, and it couldn't break Chu Yan's defense at all.

Everyone in the distance frowned slightly: "What a terrible body and defense!"

"Huh?" Zi Longyang's face froze. He couldn't break Chu Yan's defense? He was the pride of a disciple of Shenzhu Mountain, and at this moment he seemed to be greatly humiliated.

"I said, without Shenzhu Mountain, you will find that you are nothing. You think you are a genius, your eyes are high, but your strength is not very good." Chu Yan said coldly, he took another step forward, put away his spear, and suddenly a sharp sword appeared in his hand.

"One move is enough to win you!" Chu Yan said calmly, and then he turned into lightning, and extremely terrible power roared, and he shot out in an instant, and a terrible sword curtain formed in front of him.

Wherever they passed, it seemed as if there were only swords, and each sword had the power to pierce the heart. The sound of "dong dong dong" continued. Zi Longyang was shocked. The soul of his seventh-grade Shura puppet was trembling violently. The power of the sword could even penetrate the puppet and cut him inside, leaving a bright red bloody wound on his cheek.

Zi Longyang was shocked, and the Shura puppet quickly retreated, but the light screen continued, and the roaring sound hit the puppet, causing the huge puppet to fall apart and be cut.

The disciples at Shenzhu Mountain in the distance all looked shocked. Chu Yan's move made even them lose their composure. Under such a terrifying sword curtain, it seemed to be able to destroy everything. Who could stop it?

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and seven mysterious swords flew out and struck at Zi Longyang's puppet's vital points. Zi Longyang was shocked. He controlled the puppet, crossed his arms, and tried his best to resist, but he couldn't stop it at all.

"This..." Everyone felt suffocated. Chu Yan's power actually broke Zi Longyang's holy soul with one move?

Moreover, it was completely crushed?

Everyone was shocked, Zi Longyang screamed, and at the last moment he resisted with all his strength, and the endless storm slashed out, but Chu Yan allowed the storm to attack without defending, and the sword screen continued to kill.

"Bang!" Zi Longyang's pupils shrank. In order to save his life and soul, his body burst out, and a golden shield suddenly appeared in his body.

At the last moment, Zilongyang used the seventh-level defensive weapon. The reason was simple. He felt a complete threat from under the light curtain.

However, the next moment, thousands of sword screens stopped, and Chu Yan stood in the distance and looked at Zi Longyang teasingly. He had not planned to kill Zi Longyang. Even if the opponent did not sacrifice a seventh-level magic weapon, he would not kill him. After all, this was the Shenzhu Mountain Formation. He came here to find out information about Ye Xun. If he killed Zi Longyang, he would not kill him. Long Yang, he will definitely enmity with Shenzhu Mountain.

But the other party's sacrifice of his life soul undoubtedly proved that he was afraid.

Zi Longyang also noticed the other party's gaze, and felt even more ashamed in his heart.

All the disciples in the distance stood up in shock and stared at Chu Yan, feeling incredible. Chu Yan, has won? The disciples of Shenzhu Mountain were defeated, defeated by a lowly person from the same realm.

The huge face in the void also has a profound meaning. Is Zilongyang weak? He must not be weak, but Chu Yan still won, then maybe he really reached that level and was invincible in the same situation.

After defeating Zilongyang, Chu Yan was not proud of it while standing high in the sky. Now he was the third level emperor and was in the same realm as Zilongyang, so he felt nothing to be proud of defeating someone in the same realm, even if the opponent was from the gods. Zhushan is the same.

In the same situation, he is confident enough.

Zilongyang may be very strong and the genius of Shenzhu Mountain, but Chu Yan is not weak either. Zilongyang may be the top disciple in Shenzhu Mountain and within the same territory.

But he is the same. In the six huge realms, he is a heavenly monument and invincible among his peers. However, in the entire six realms, he is the only one named Chu Yan.

In Shenzhu Mountain, there may not be a second Zilongyang.

The shield dissipated, and Zi Longyang's face was extremely ugly, even gloomy.

Defeat is not difficult for him to accept. If the opponent is also Shenzhu Mountain or Tianbei Mountain, he can accept defeat in the same place. But the opponent is Chu Yan, a despicable star man who he looks down upon.

"The genius of Shenzhu Mountain?" Chu Yan smiled lightly, but the people watching from a distance felt bitter in their hearts.

Previously, Zi Longyang was so arrogant that he declared that Chu Yan was not worthy of entering Shenzhu Mountain, but now, he was defeated.

"Your identity in the Six Domains shouldn't be simple, right?" Zi Longyang let out a low roar. Chu Yan's life soul, bloodline, and magical powers were all extremely strong, and some of them were even rare in the land of Star Sea, so he dared to It was concluded that Chu Yan was definitely an ordinary person.

"You have already been defeated, so why bother asking me who I am? You just need to remember that although the land of Galaxy is barren, it is not despicable. You are a disciple of Shenzhu Mountain. Although there are many resources, it is not noble. There are some things in a despicable land. People can easily win against you," Chu Yan said lightly.

"Hmph, if I'm not wrong, you should be a Sky Monument Master in the Six Domains, right? I remember that three years ago, you were the first in the Sky Monument, and you should be your age. You are the Sky Monument Master in the Six Domains, Chu Yan, right? ? But as a Tianbei, you still come to Shenzhu Mountain, what is your intention?" Zi Longyang asked.

"After defeat, are you trying to elevate my status to cover up the shame of your defeat? But you have forgotten that no matter who I am, I was born in the Six Realms after all, and you, those words just now are still in my ears "It's so funny." Chu Yan shook his head funnyly.

Zi Longyang was so crazy before, when did he take him into consideration?

But now, after losing the battle, if you admit him and say that he is a heavenly monument, why don't you just make an excuse for yourself?

"Is failure so difficult for you to accept?"

Chu Yan shook his head lightly and ignored Zi Longyang, but looked at the huge face in the sky: "Senior, I have defeated, can I fulfill my promise?"

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