Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 445: The Witch Tried Me [Three Updates]

"..." Gu Feng was speechless for a while, and he was speechless.

Although the Gu family is the top existence in the First Star Territory, it does not have a king, and naturally cannot compare with the overlord forces. As for the Sky Monument Master, there has never been one.

In the casino, the other people were surprised when they heard about the Gu family, and behaved quite respectfully.

However, Qin Zixuan did not. This made Gu Feng feel that he had been humiliated. He said in a bad tone: "Girl, you have gone too far. Do you know that if others were so disrespectful to my Gu family, they would have been dead long ago, but I see how many you have." Fenzise, ​​if you are willing to apologize to me and stay with me in this world for a few days, I may be able to forgive you."

Chu Yan was drinking beside him. When he heard these words, he almost burst out. He looked at Gu Feng strangely and couldn't help but want to laugh. He felt that Gu Feng must be crazy.

Of course, Gu Feng didn't think so. He puffed out his chest and deliberately unleashed the third level of Emperor's power. He seemed to have determined that Qin Zixuan would definitely agree to him.

Everyone looked at Qin Zixuan, some secretly thought it was a pity, and some thought that Qin Zixuan would refuse, but Qin Zixuan did not. She just smiled and turned to look at Chu Yan. That gaze immediately made Chu Yan feel an ominous sign.

"Xiao Yanyan, they are bullying me." Qin Zixuan said crisply.

"..." Chu Yan suddenly became the center of attention. Gu Feng also looked at Chu Yan with an extremely cold look, making Chu Yan's head covered with black lines.

Damn, the witch tricked me.

Everyone in the gambling house looked like they were watching the fun.

"Don't look at me, I don't know her." Chu Yan said innocently.

Qin Zixuan looked even more aggrieved and looked at Chu Yan: "How can you do this, play with other people's feelings, and now refuse to admit it?"

"..." Chu Yan has the intention to kill people. Sister, you are my sister. Don't talk nonsense. If you are like this, how will you face Qingcheng in the future?

But Chu Yan was really scared. He was even thinking that if he didn't stand up again, this witch might be able to say something.

When the time came, he was really in trouble. He glared at Qin Zixuan, finally rubbed his forehead and took a step forward.

Gu Feng was also in the imperial realm, and he could see through Chu Yan's realm at a glance that he was even more advanced than him. He mocked: "A rage for a beauty? Haha, boy, I advise you, you can find another woman, you only have one life. You'd better consider whether you are qualified to bear the wrath of my Gu clan."

Chu Yan glanced at Gu Feng, as if he didn't hear what he said, and said calmly: "Get out of here, maybe you can leave the world unharmed."

There was silence in the gambling hall, and after a while, laughter sounded. Gu Feng was also stunned for a while, rubbed his ears vigorously, and asked the guard beside him: "Did I hear wrong just now? He asked me, roll?"

"Young Master, no, he told you to get out." The guard said bluntly.

Gu Feng sneered: "Do you know who I am?"

"Love so and so." Chu Yan rolled his eyes, Qin Zixuan chuckled at the side, thinking to herself: "Not bad, little guy, he is becoming more and more like a man, and he knows how to protect his sister."

However, Chu Yan's heart was racing, and his teeth were almost broken. What was this?

"Arrogant! My Gu family is a powerful star in the Star Territory. Even Chu Yan, the king of dust, has to be polite when he sees me. Three days later, at the banquet, I, the Gu family, will be invited as a distinguished guest. You actually asked me to get out?" Gu Feng said proudly , many people around said with envy: "As expected of the Gu family, we are the guests at the banquet."

"From what you say, do you know King Chen?" Chu Yan pretended to be surprised.

"Of course! When I arrived in the mortal world yesterday, he personally met me and had a drink with me all night." Gu Feng said proudly, and everyone in the gambling house looked at him with envy.

In the gambling house, someone even said with a smile: "Ancient style, how about the King of Dust? But as rumored, he is so powerful and charming?"

"The King of Dust is indeed powerful, with extraordinary temperament. He is a few years younger than me, but his combat power is comparable to the fourth level of the Emperor. Especially his courage has a special charm, otherwise how can he destroy the gods of the four directions." Gu Feng said proudly He said, as if he had really seen the Dust King.

Of course, he had indeed seen it, after all, Chu Yan was right in front of him.

"That makes sense." Chu Yan couldn't help but nodded and said to himself. Why didn't I realize that I was so good?

Qin Zixuan rolled her eyes when she saw it. She was so cruel and shameless.

"Gu Feng, if there is an opportunity in the future, please help us introduce him, and let us admire the style of King Chen." A drunkard stood up, looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "Little brother, for today's matter, please listen to my advice. , Forget it, the Gu family is a big family."

"Gu Feng, give me some face." The drunkard looked at Gu Feng again.

After Gu Feng hesitated, he realized that this drunken man was very powerful and was from one of the top families participating in the banquet. Gu Feng snorted coldly: "You open your mouth and I'll give you a face. You guys, get out."

"Sister, let's go." Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head, not caring about it. After ten years of practice, if he didn't even have this kind of tolerance, he would probably live up to the ten years of humiliation that Qin Ruomeng asked him to practice.

Chu Yan didn't bother to care about people like Gu Feng.

"It's boring, I thought there was going to be a fight." After leaving the gambling house, Qin Zixuan said with unfinished thoughts.

Chu Yan felt ashamed and said helplessly: "Sister, how much do you want to see your brother being bullied?"

"You've already been crowned emperor, and you're still torturing that ancient style for fun?"

"I didn't see it. Are there any Heavenly Emperor-level guards behind them?"

"What are you afraid of? In the worst case, I will take action and beat them to death with a hammer. Their ancestor is here, so I will hit them without fail." Qin Zixuan looked like she would fight until the sky fell, then rolled up her sleeves and looked at Chu Yan: " Xiao Yanyan, why don’t we go back and have a fight with them!”

"My little ancestor!" Chu Yan was startled and hurriedly grabbed Qin Zixuan. He had no doubt that this witch would really go back if he didn't stop her.

"You are really my sister." Chu Yan said with itch in his teeth. Qin Zixuan said proudly: "Of course."


After leaving the gambling house, Chu Yan and Qin Zixuan walked away and walked on the horizon. Looking at the prosperous world, Qin Zixuan said sadly: "When my mother was here, what she wanted to see most was a prosperous world. Now the prosperous world has appeared. , but my mother is not here.”

"Sister, I will find my mother." Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly. Although Qin Zixuan was informal in daily life, she respected Qin Ruomeng very much. She said "mother" full of endless longing.

"Sister, I have something to ask you."

"I don't know!" Qin Zixuan said suddenly, Chu Yan's face twitched: "I haven't asked yet!"

"Oh, then you ask."

"You must know what's going on with the blood in my body?" Chu Yan looked at Qin Zixuan seriously.

"have no idea!"


"You asked this time." Qin Zixuan paused and repeated.

Chu Yan stopped, raised his head, and looked at the sky, feeling miserable. Mom, when you left, why didn't you take this witch with you?

"I'm not lying to you. I really don't know about this. But that bloodline comes from the upper world and is inherited by Chu Hanfeng. Now you can't control it or use it. Remember, before you reach Before a certain level, if you use that blood, it will kill you," Qin Zixuan said with an unprecedented seriousness.

Chu Yan became serious. He had long thought that the bloodline came from his parents, but why was Qin Zixuan so sure it was Chu Hanfeng?

Could it not be Qin Ruomeng?

Qin Zixuan sighed: "The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda in your body suppresses this bloodline. Previously, you forcibly broke the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, causing cracks in it and causing the seal to loosen. However, the bloodline will not appear easily, so don't think about it. That bloodline will save you in desperate situations, but once you go crazy, it will cause natural disasters!"

Chu Yan frowned. It seemed that his guess was not wrong. Jiutian Xuan Tower was by no means simple. Qin Ruomeng asked him to practice humiliation for ten years, crippled his cultivation and asked him to wait, which should also give him a chance.

"Tianxing Juechen Canon, it's not that simple." Qin Zixuan said lightly, and Chu Yan was shocked. Tianxing Juechen Canon, his real name, has not been practiced for a long time. It seems that if there is a chance, he will have to consolidate it.

Chu Yan knew something about his own bloodline, but he also knew that Qin Zixuan was right. The power of that bloodline was obviously beyond the six realms and even the sea of ​​stars. It was a height that he could not touch now. He is not bothering people, nor is he forcing himself.

But he still vaguely remembered that Chu Hanfeng controlled this bloodline and was so powerful that he thought to himself: "Dad, one day, I will control this bloodline and achieve great power like you, even if the opponent is the gods and demons in the sky. , let that hatred disappear!”


The canonization in the mortal world ushered in the first feast, which was extremely lively outside the ancient dynasty.

The powerful people in the star field came to visit and prepared generous gifts. Gu Feng was also among the crowd, and the drunkard of the day was also there, looking quite arrogant.

None of them had entered the imperial dynasty, and they seemed to be waiting outside to be picked up. Chu Yan also came here, with Wangfeng beside him, smiling: "Brother Chu, the world is becoming more and more prosperous now. This is even more lively than the banquet in the northern temple! What a pity. , Brother Xun is not here, otherwise he will be very happy."

Wangfeng was a little disappointed. He was an orphan since childhood, and later joined the Northern Temple. Now he regards the world as his hometown.

"I didn't expect that even people like you were invited? It seems that banquets in the world are not as noble as I thought. King Chen also made mistakes sometimes." When Gu Feng saw Chu Yan, he showed a look of contempt.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Chu Yan.

It's just that this is not a gambling house. Many people know Chu Yan, and some people's smiles became interesting.

Chu Yan glanced at Gu Feng and didn't care. He had been praised by others.

"Senior brother, where did this idiot come from?" Wangfeng was straight-tempered, but not used to the ancient style, and said as if he was looking at an idiot.

Gu Feng frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "How presumptuous. If it weren't for the drunken lunatic who interceded for you that day, I would have killed you in the gambling house. But today, since you can also participate in the banquet, do you think you are on the same level as me? What you don’t know is that even if you are invited, there are different levels. I, the Gu clan, are the top VIPs, but you can only be an ant on the periphery. "

Wangfeng blinked, Gufeng actually called Chu Yan an ant? Metaphorically speaking, the Gu clan is the top VIP guests? He thought to himself: This... is really an idiot.

"Why are you laughing?" Gu Feng frowned and glanced at Wangfeng coldly.

Some of the people from the outer space also smiled and were no longer in a hurry to enter the banquet. They waited on the sidelines to watch the excitement.

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