Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 421: The Thought of Revenge

Shangcang Island seemed to be sealed, and there was a light of imprisonment on the sky, making the void still.

"Who are you, are you from the upper world?" Ji Huangji said in a deep voice, he must find out the identity of this person.

"Don't you like to bully the weak with your numbers and hold guns?" However, at this time, the wine fairy finally moved. He slowly raised his head and looked at everyone again. His eyes were no longer gentle, but very sharp and tricky, full of murderous intent.

"Next, it's time for you to pay for your sins." The wine fairy took a step forward, but it was just one step, and the rules between heaven and earth changed.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Countless strong men vomited blood immediately. Facing this person, the world was like an ant, and the great monarch had to lie dormant. Ji Huangji and others were all shocked back.

"How is it possible?" Everyone was shocked. They were all the supreme beings in the six domains, but at this moment, they were so powerless in front of each other.

"You are so weak. If I want to kill you, it's like killing ants." The wine fairy smiled contemptuously, with a bit of arrogance in his eyes.

Everyone was terrified, and a monarch of the Mu family gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, you are a celestial being in the upper realm, with supreme divine power, but if you attack us, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by others?"

The wine fairy's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at Mu Jun coldly: "You thousands of emperors and great lords, surrounded and killed a young man, is there anyone more shameless than you?"

Everyone was speechless, and couldn't say anything. Shameless, who could be more shameless than them chasing Chu Yan?

They naturally understood, but due to Chu Yan's talent, they didn't dare to let Chu Yan live any longer.

He was once a general of the Divine Palace, and followed Qin Ruoming to fight thousands of battles. He didn't know how many powerful enemies he had killed, but at this moment, he retracted his arm and didn't do it.

"It's a pity that I shouldn't have taken your lives." The wine fairy finally sighed and shook his head, and then he withdrew his might. Ji Huangji and others all breathed a sigh of relief and sweated profusely.

"He will come back. You may have to spend the next few days in torment, because what you are waiting for is the return of the king. When the time comes, you will all perish one by one." The wine fairy laughed loudly, as if he was full of extreme confidence in Chu Yan.

Above the sky, the clouds dispersed, and the wine fairy did not stop. As usual, he cleared the memories of some people, but this time he cleared everyone under the monarch.

Only a few great monarchs remembered what happened today.

When everything was gone, everyone was so dull and confused.

"What happened?" The memory of the Emperor of Heaven was erased, and he looked at the ruins of the land and questioned.

In the direction of the Tianxing Sect in the distance, Zi Yan looked at the disappeared Chu Yan. Just now, she didn't know what happened, but she felt as if something was missing in her life and was erased.

But now, Chu Yan is already on Shangcang Island.

"Is Chu Yan dead?"

"Too tragic, he was killed by the might of the king, not even his body was left."

More voices rang out, but only Ji Huangji and other kings looked very embarrassed. They still remembered, and they also knew, that Chu Yan was not dead.

The faces of the overlords of several parties were not good. At this time, a king of the Mu family suddenly sighed and looked at Ji Huangji: "Ji Jun, today's events have caused a disaster. My Mu family believes that we are unable to compete with it. From today on, we will withdraw one side. The Mu family will no longer participate."

Ji Huangji snorted coldly and did not speak, but he sneered in his heart. The Mu family did not participate? The Mu family thought, but would Chu Yan agree?

If Chu Yan really did not die, would he let the Mu family go after returning in the past?

How could any overlord who attacked Chu Yan today escape?

Zuo Jun of Tian Yao Peak had a gloomy face, and a vague regret rose in his heart. If they had not been enemies with Chu Yan in the ancient demons in the past?

Perhaps today, it will be another ending?

But everything is too late after all. The hatred has been brewed. Who will allow them to survive next?

"Everyone, take care of yourself."

The female monarchs of Younv Palace sighed. They had no hatred with Chu Yan. It was just because of Tian Yao Peak that they abandoned Qiu Meng and chose Tian Yao Peak.

"Really, is it wrong..."

Once, Younv Palace thought this was a very simple choice. Tian Yao Peak was one of the overlords. What about Chu Yan? He had no background and was born in a lowly star. Does this need to be chosen?

But now, Younv Palace knows that they are ridiculously wrong.

It's over, everything is over. The major overlords are very depressed. They have their own ideas in their hearts, and then they all dispersed.

The Shangcang Island, which was originally as beautiful as a fairyland, finally turned into ruins.


The battle of Shangcang Island, a legend of the ages, finally spread and went viral in the six regions.

The brutality of this battle reached a subversive level, even comparable to the battle of the ancient dynasty ten thousand years ago.

Just because, the number of great kings who fell today is no less than that of ten thousand years ago, and four great kings finally fell, who did it?

A generation of heavenly monument, his surname is Chu and his name is Yan.

However, few people know the final outcome of this battle. Even the overlords of all parties are cautious after returning, and there is no growth.

But no one has seen Chu Yan again. He seems to have been destroyed like Shangcang Island. Everyone believes that Chu Yan is dead. It seems that his death is inevitable in this battle. Under the threat of countless great kings, how can he survive?

That day, in the Tianxing Sect, Zi Yan cried bitterly. She was so sad that if an elder of the Tianxing Sect had not arrived in time, her eyes might have been blinded forever.

"Ah..." Mu Bai roared angrily, with fire flashing in his pupils. He wanted revenge, he must have revenge!

Today's news spread even further, to the Li family in the distant Wuwang Star Region.

In the main hall of the Li family, Li Hongwei sat in the first seat, and many elders lined up below, their eyes flashing in different ways.

"What do you think of this?"

"The battle on Shangcang Island caused too much of a stir, but the final battle situation was indeed confusing. None of the major overlords stood up to speak. I suspect there is something hidden."

"Indeed, but Chu Yan should be dead. His life could not escape the massacre of the great monarch. I heard that Chu Yan might be the descendant of Zhentian, and Emperor Ji might have intentionally blocked the news in order to lure out all the descendants of Zhentian and kill them all."

"Then elders, according to your ideas, what should my Li family do about this matter?" Li Hongwei asked.

"In my opinion, the six domains are in chaos. Now the eastern Qinggu star domain is leaderless. The Mu family intends to unify, but the Younv Palace seems unwilling to accept it. My Li family can have a share." The elders of the Li family said.

Li Hongwei nodded: "This matter still needs to be discussed in the long run, please leave."

Everyone left, and when Li Hongwei was the only one left in the hall, a touch of helplessness and longing suddenly flashed in his eyes. He put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky.

"Mengyu, another young man has followed in your footsteps, but who did it? After more than ten years, I still haven't found out who killed you!" Li Hongwei sighed, not knowing whether he felt sorry for Chu Yan's talent or missed the beauty who had passed away for a long time.

Li family, when Li Xiaoyao learned the news of Chu Yan's demise, he was very heavy. His only son drank alone and did not go crazy for revenge.

Just because he knew that his strength was not enough, he kept getting drunk. For half a month, he was intoxicated in the wine forest. Until one day, his eyes were red and he roared to the sky: "Ah!!! I want revenge! I must have revenge!"

In the Xuannv Sect of Yunhai Star Region, on a bell tower, Mi'er's only daughter stood here, still wearing a fluttering blue dress. She looked down, her eyes full of murderous intent.

After the Heavenly Monument, although she hated, she could not despair. She also killed countless disciples of the Nv Palace. However, when she heard the news of Chu Yan's death this time, she was desperate.

She stood there with a dull look in her eyes, without moving a step. In a blink of an eye, it was several days. She stood there, as if she wanted to collapse the bell tower.

"Brother Chu, if you die, what if I avenge you? What's the use of killing everyone in the world? I just want you to live..." Mi'er was sad. After several months, she finally shed a tear, but the tear was turned into blood.

The people of Xuannv Sect were shocked. Countless people came to comfort her, but it was useless. She seemed to have entered a state of madness. The blood in her body turned into a blood phoenix, wailing to the sky.


A month later, the battle of Shangcang Island was still widely circulated and never stopped.

As for Chu Yan, he never appeared again. He seemed to be really dead as the rumors said.

However, the six domains did not calm down. The ancient demon star domain took the lead in the war.

On this day, on the three demon mountains, Qingyi stood there quietly. She was bound by countless forces all over her body, but she did not look back and walked forward step by step.

"Girl." The Purple Dragon Demon King also came in person, looked at Qingyi, and sighed helplessly.

"He's dead. I want to avenge him." Qing Yi said crisply. The green light in her body suddenly appeared, and she actually lifted the seal of the Purple Dragon Demon King. Then she walked into the air and rushed towards the direction of Tian Yao Peak in a blink of an eye. In just a few days, Tian Yao Peak was almost devastated.

This is not over yet. Qin Zixuan, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared. The thousand-foot giant hammer appeared out of nowhere and landed in the center of Tianhuang Sect. She smashed the main hall of Tianhuang Sect with the power of a hammer.

On that day, Ji Huangji was the leader. Four great lords chased Qin Zixuan. One of them seriously injured Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan still escaped in the end.

The six domains fell into a tense atmosphere. Everyone was extremely careful, and the overlords of all parties did not even dare to show their heads.

However, another day, a mysterious force suddenly appeared in the Ancient Demon Star Domain. The person leading this force was a cloud-like roc. He spread his wings for three thousand meters, like a sky monarch, overlooking all the monsters.

He has a pair of mysterious eyes, which are extremely strange. Some people say that this person is a human, with eyes like a demon, and he turned into a big roc, commanding a dark force, and swept across the entire Tianyao Peak overnight.

This battle seemed to have been prepared in advance. The three major demon mountains and the Xiahou lineage launched a general attack on Tianyao Peak at the same time. Three months later, Tianyao Peak came to an end, and the originally majestic seven peaks were razed to the ground.

This battle was extremely tragic, with countless casualties. Youjun was a sea eagle who cultivated to become a monarch, but in that battle, his wings were broken by the purple dragon demon monarch and he fell completely.

Zuojun and the ancestor of Tianyao Peak fled in a panic, and finally survived by joining the demon mountain gate, but from today on, the ancient demon star field completely changed. The original three major forces were destroyed, and a situation of two parties competing against each other was formed.

A new name was also remembered, becoming the second name that shocked the six domains after Chu Yan.

Demon pupils.

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