Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 418: I'll go to the cold underworld for you

All the strong men of Meteorite Pavilion died.

I am afraid no one expected that today's crusade would be almost overwhelming for Chu Yan alone, but it actually led to the destruction of Meteorite Pavilion.

Many years later, when someone mentioned this battle again, they were still full of energy and talked about it with relish, because this battle was the first time that Chu Yan truly killed a great monarch.

Even though he used the power of the Eight Directions God, this battle broke the balance of the six domains and disrupted the six domains. Because of this, the six domains were completely plunged into chaos.

Today was like a fuse. From this moment on, the wars in the six domains for several years were set off. In the chaos, countless killings were made, and the pattern and peace of ten thousand years were destroyed.

It was also this battle that officially opened the road to the revival of Guchenjian.

The current head of the Mu family looked towards the direction of Meteorite Pavilion, and he had already begun to think about how to annex Meteorite Pavilion.

Among the six domains, there are eleven overlord forces. Why is the Emperor Sect the strongest? It is because the Emperor Sect controls one domain alone and has countless cultivation resources.

But now, only his Mu family is left in Qinggu. After he controls Qinggu, he will definitely rise to the sky one day and become the dominant force second only to the Tianhuang Sect.

The phoenix eyes of the Palace Master of the Nvnu Palace also changed. No one expected that the Meteorite Pavilion would be destroyed today, but since it was destroyed, it was destroyed. It was not them who were destroyed, so they would not have too much mercy.

But once the Meteorite Pavilion was destroyed, wouldn’t they want to share such a big piece of the pie? How could they watch the Mu family grow stronger?

Qinggu is different from the Four Directions God Realm. Although the Four Directions God is also a ruling area, the resources there are poor and it is the periphery of the six domains.

But Qinggu is different. Whether it is the vast starry land or the rich resources, it can be sent to the top three of the six domains.

The several overlords have their own ulterior motives.

In the distance, the people who remained in the Meteorite Pavilion roared in grief.

They knew that the destruction of the Meteorite Ancestor would make the destruction of the Meteorite Pavilion unstoppable. Even if Chu Yan died today, his Meteorite Pavilion would also be destroyed, so the disciples from all sides finally dispersed, not daring to stay here, and they did not even return to the Meteorite Pavilion.

"Hmph!" Ji Huangji stood in the sky and snorted coldly. He would never let Chu Yan go. At this time, he moved his mind, and his royal power spread out, turning into countless golden lights. It seemed that a road of the dynasty was paved in the void, and he walked down.

"I didn't expect that your last desperate struggle would drag a dominant force to be buried with you. It's really amazing, but this also proves my idea even more." Ji Huangji said calmly.

Chu Yan looked at Ji Huangji and didn't speak.

"You are the son of Chu Hanfeng. Chu Hanfeng is from the upper world. He must have offended someone, so he lives in the six domains. But he has left. Now you are on the verge of death, but he still hasn't appeared. It is impossible for him to come back. So today, you will come back to Tianhuang Sect with me. I want to know the secrets in you." Ji Huangji said.

Chu Yan can control divine objects and possesses the immortal method. This is known to all the six domains. There was the Evergreen Tree in the past, the Fire Patterned Bronze Mirror in the Ancient Demon Star Domain, and the Haotian Tower in the Dust World.

So he must have a secret in his body. In addition, he is the son of Chu Hanfeng. Will Chu Hanfeng leave nothing for him?

In the upper world, any divine weapon or martial arts may be a world-shaking treasure in the six domains.

"Let me see what secrets are inside you."

Ji Huangji said calmly. He clenched his palms in the air and the space was sealed. Chu Yan wanted to struggle, but now that his Zhuxian Sword had fallen, his vitality had already been overdrawn. If it weren't for the burning of his super-strong blood, he would have been a dead man now.

Chu Yan spit out a mouthful of blood. He was in the ruins, looking at Ji Huangji with his eyes free and easy.

This life is enough for him. Although he was unwilling, he asked himself that he had tried his best.

Now how could he block this attack from the monarch?

"Chu Yan!" A tearing sound came from a distance, causing Chu Yan's body to tremble slightly. He, who had given up struggling, moved again.

He turned around, and Shangcang Xian'er cried and her makeup was ruined. She was still so beautiful, like a fairy, and she flew back to Chu Yan's side.

"Why did you come back? Who told you to come back!" Chu Yan's pupils shrank and he let out a low roar.

Shangcang Xian'er cried, but smiled. She looked at Chu Yan, letting Chu Yan blame her, but she smiled calmly: "I don't want you to die!"

"Go!" Chu Yan roared again.

"Since you are here, you don't have to leave. Although the Shangcang lineage is extremely weak, it is a threat to let it go. Little girl, the Shangcang bloodline in your body is very pure. You should be the descendant of the Taoist master, right?" Ji Huangji glanced at the Shangcang lineage. That look seemed to see through everything, and directly saw through Shangcang Xian'er.

Shangcang Xian'er stood in front of Chu Yan, and she looked at Ji Huangji vigilantly.

"In this case, you will follow me. The Shangcang Taoist lineage will fall into the trap." Ji Huangji said lightly, and then he clenched his palm in the air again, and the power of the monarch descended, directly locking Shangcang Xian'er.

"Asshole!" Chu Yan roared in pain all over his body. He stood up with all his strength, his lips and teeth moving.

The next moment, the stars in all directions attracted the power of thousands of gods.

"I want to become an immortal, ascend to heaven in one step, borrow the power of the heavens, gather the stars and kill... poof!" Chu Yan wanted to use the Immortal Sword again, but unfortunately, his power had been dispersed, how could he withstand the power of immortals? The next moment he spurted blood and knelt on the ground with a thud. The immortal power descended, almost piercing his body.

Ji Huangji looked at Chu Yan with contempt: "With your broken body, how can you borrow the power of the gods? If you continue, you will only die."

"Chu Yan!" Shangcang Xian'er's eyes were red. She vaguely felt that she had done something wrong. Her return made Chu Yan even more miserable.

But how could she not come back? Shangcang once met, and she was wronged for life.

She liked Chu Yan.

"Bang!" Ji Huangji raised his arm, and it suddenly turned into a giant arm that could hold up the sky, suppressing Chu Yan from above. That power was too strong, and no one could shake the monarch.

The monarch was noble and the emperor was humble. How could the emperor resist the monarch's power?

That power reached the nine heavens.

Chu Yan was covered in blood, but at this moment, his pupils shrank, and a beautiful figure stepped forward and blocked her in front of him, allowing the power to explode, and she did not hide.

She didn't even look at the mountain, but just looked at Chu Yan with heartache. She smiled quietly, with blood stains on the corner of her mouth: "I'm sorry... I didn't listen to you."

"Why, why!" Chu Yan's eyes were red, his whole body was trembling, and he roared. He rushed forward and hugged Shangcang Xian'er's delicate body.

"I don't want you to die... So, I'm back." Shangcang Xian'er lay so haggard, injured by Junwei, her vitality was madly passing away.

"No!!!" Chu Yan roared.

"Fool, don't cry, if you had known this would happen, you would regret it, didn't you push me?" Shangcang Xian'er smiled, so sad, so beautiful, and so desolate.

Chu Yan's eyes were red, and his mind was thinking of the past.

The woman who always stuck to him and prepared dinner for him.

She was like a fairy, often tempting him, and her words were still in his ears.

"Am I beautiful..."

"If I am willing to give myself to you, will you accept me?"

"When I am tired, I will dance for you!"

That day, Feng Wu on the cliff was so beautiful that it hurt her heart.

"If you push me, I will fall."

"What if I am willing to be your mistress..."

"Cowardly guy!"

"Boom!" Chu Yan went crazy, and everyone was stunned. At that moment, his originally bright eyes gradually turned gray and black, and tears could not stop flowing out.

"Fool...don't cry!" Shangcang Xian'er stretched out her hand and gently wiped Chu Yan's tears.

He hugged Shangcang Xian'er so desperately, he roared to the sky, roared, and caused the sky to wail.

"No! No, no!!!"

"Fool, stay alive... The lineage of Shangcang needs you!"

"You will eventually be the Great Peng in the clouds, sitting on the highest throne, but unfortunately... I can't accompany you."

"Cowardly guy, I will go to the cold Yellow Spring Road for you!" Shangcang Xian'er finally fell. At the last moment, she was still smiling, so beautiful. Her vitality burned and drifted between heaven and earth with the wind. Chu Yan stretched out his hand to catch her, but he couldn't catch her. He could only let the power dissipate between heaven and earth.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan, but no one came forward at this time. Chu Yan closed his eyes, and tears finally fell from his eyes.

"Ah!!!" He roared almost crazily, the power in his body was burning, turning into dark dragons, messing up the day. He stood up and swept his eyes over everyone today one by one. His eyes were as cold as evil spirits. He wanted to remember everyone.

Shangcang Xian'er was forced to death by them. Today, he wants revenge!

He wants to kill!

Even if this is destiny, he will go against the universe!

Ji Huangji frowned, looking at the sudden burst of power in Chu Yan's body, he said coldly: "Chu Yan, you still don't surrender, she died, you will die today, no one can change this ending."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Between heaven and earth, several royal powers descended, ruthlessly suppressing them. They all participated in killing Shangcang Xian'er just now.

Mu Family, Shi Family, Tianyao Peak, Yaoshan Gate, Younu Palace, each of them will pay the price!

"Another monarch has taken action!"

At Tianxing Sect, Zi Yan was heartbroken, she could feel Chu Yan's despair at this moment.

"You forced me!"

Chu Yan roared, he stood there, at this moment, he suddenly let the royal power descend, he did not dodge, he raised his head and stared at everyone coldly.

Then, on Shangcang Island, a cold wind blew, it was a desolate wind.

Evil powers burned in Chu Yan's body. His eyes changed, and his pupils turned black. His lips and teeth moved slowly, looking at everyone.

Then, thousands of demons seemed to descend from all directions. Those demons became phantoms, but they all showed respect to Chu Yan, as if they were worshipping their demon lord.

"If I were a demon, I would kill all the six domains. Everyone today must die!"

"There are no demons in the six domains. You forced me to do it. Then I will become this demon, mess up the six domains, and destroy the heavens. What's wrong?"

"Ah!" Chu Yan was still roaring. Thousands of demonic energy descended from the world, turning into demon spirits and penetrating into Chu Yan's body. His body was undergoing terrifying changes.

He was growing taller, demon wings grew on his back, his skin turned black, and his vitality burned into pure demon essence.

"The evil demon is coming!"

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