Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 404 Robbery

The competition for the Heavenly Monument happens every three years. Thousands of geniuses from the six regions of the galaxy gather together to compete for the first place under the Emperor.

What an honorable status this is, but now, Chu Yan has achieved it, and his name will be engraved on the highest mountain peak that can be seen when the Six Realms Galaxy raises its head in the next three years.

Zi Yan and Mu Bai's eyes were red with joy in the distance: "Mu Bai, he really did it. He... seems to be only twenty-four years old this year, and he is still so young."

"Yes, as a senior brother, I am really a little ashamed." Mu Bai smiled excitedly. At this time, the eyes of several old men from the Tianxing Sect flashed. One of them said to Mu Bai: "Mu Bai, this is According to the Tianxing Sect’s decree, from today onwards, you will appoint the sect leader, and from now on, let your junior brother come to visit the sect more often.”

Everyone in the Tianxing Sect was shocked. Mu Bai, became the sect leader?

Of course, only the old sect leader understands that the gold content of the First Life Sky Monument is the first. If he does not fall, he will definitely be the one who disturbs the galaxy in the future.

The Yao Lao was in the audience, looking at Chu Yan's dazzling appearance, and smiled happily: "Master, have you seen it? The young master has not let you and your wife down. He has vaguely the master's style, standing in the six-region galaxy. The highest place, the country, he no longer needs my protection. "

On Tianbei Mountain, two big characters were finally engraved.

Chu Yan!

Everyone looked at the two golden words and understood one truth in their hearts, that is, from today on, Chu Yan's name will be famous in the six regions, as dazzling as Ji Longyu.

The people in the Sixteenth Line of Tianbei have been watching, Changfeng's face was cold: "A bunch of trash!"

The fairy from Wangxian Tower looked at Chu Yan with a graceful look. She suddenly took a step forward and said with a charming smile: "Chu Yan, you are extremely talented. I Wangxian Tower takes back what I said before. Today, I am still willing to recruit you as a disciple. , if you are willing, you can bring your friends to join, I hope everyone in the Immortal Tower will agree, are you willing?"

Ji Longyu's face darkened and he said coldly: "Li Xian'er, what do you mean? This kid killed my disciple of the Emperor's Sect. Do you want to become my enemy?"

"Messenger Long Yu was joking. I, Wangxianlou, belong to the lineage of Tianbei. Once every three years, I come to the Six Realms Galaxy to recruit disciples. Now that Chu Yan is extremely talented, I will naturally win over you. As for your hatred, it seems that it has nothing to do with me. Right." Li Xian'er snorted. If it wasn't for Ji Longyu, how could she have given up on such a genius? Now, she felt angry.

"Wangxian Tower, very good. I will take note of your words today. When I return to Tongtian Xinghai, I will personally visit Wangxian Tower." Ji Longyu said coldly.

"Whatever!" Li Xian'er said politely, looking at Chu Yan: "Little guy, your current situation is not good. If you are willing to join me, Wangxian Tower, I will protect you today."

Chu Yan looked at Li Xian'er and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Fairy, for your respect, but my heart remains the same!"

Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan refused again?

Li Xian'er nodded lightly, but this time he didn't feel any displeasure. He just said regretfully: "It's a pity that Wangxian Tower couldn't receive such a talented person like you. But if I have the opportunity to visit Tongtian Xinghai in the future, I'll come and visit you." Immortal Tower, I am still willing to receive you."

"Thank you, Fairy." Chu Yan said calmly, and then he raised his eyes and looked at the overlords of the six regions of the galaxy: "I know that many of you want to kill me, and if you have the chance, you will crush me at all costs, but, What I’m telling you is, so do I!”

"Arrogant!" An elder from Yaoshan Gate roared, and at this moment, he couldn't help but stood up.

"Bang!" But at this moment, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord raised his hand and said calmly: "Today, I want to take this son away. Anyone who dares to stop him will be my enemy, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord."

Ji Huangji's eyes were cold and cold. He looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Boy, your purpose in coming to the Battle of Heavenly Monuments is not just to become famous, right?"

"Do you still remember the world of thousands of years ago?" Chu Yan looked directly at Ji Huangji without any hesitation. Now that hatred has been forged, there is no need for him to hide his purpose.

"You are indeed the chosen one. In this case, I will not let you leave today!" Ji Huangji's eyes were fierce, the wind was rolling, and he said coldly to the void: "Are you still planning to hide? Now, he The chosen one is here to seek revenge."

When Ji Jun's voice fell, everyone was startled, obviously not understanding who Ji Jun was talking to. But at this moment, the clouds in the distance stirred, and then countless coercion descended on Xiangtian Bei Mountain.

The next moment, at the top of the clouds, figures emerged from the sky. Their eyes were full of deep gazes, so arrogant.

"What a terrifying aura...are these people all monarchs?" Everyone was shocked. There were at least seven or eight people in the sky, and their auras were all monarchs.

Qin Zixuan's pretty face turned cold. She glanced at Zhu Qiang coldly: "You are sure you want to do this."

"Little girl, this kid killed my disciple of Yaoshan Gate. No one can save him today." A demon king from the direction of Yaoshan Gate said calmly, and there was actually a strong tiger roar in his body.

"That's the Lord of Yaoshan Sect! Lord Tianhu!" Everyone was shocked.

"There is a monarch over there too!" Suddenly someone said, and another person on Tianbei Mountain exclaimed. In the direction of Tianyao Peak, Zuo Jun came. Next to him, there was an old man standing. His eyes were like poisonous scorpions.

"It's the left and right kings of Tianyao Peak, and they are all here today!" Everyone's throats rolled.

Zuo Jun stood there, looking at Chu Yan with a slightly strange look. Even today, he still couldn't imagine that the little man who could be crushed to death with a wave of his hand in the past had now won the first place in the Sky Monument.

The face of the Purple Dragon Demon Lord also darkened. He secretly sighed that Chu Yan was impulsive and should not have exposed his identity. The current situation was no longer under his control.

"Boy, kill my Shi Family Sky Monument. You will die here today!" A monarch from the Shi Family also came. When he held his hand, the air turned to stone, turning into a huge mountain peak and suppressing it towards Chu Yan.

"Pfft!" Chu Yan's expression changed, his knees suddenly sank, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Chu Yan!" Liu Qingcheng and others' eyes were fixed. Liu Qingcheng was about to rush forward, but was stopped by the fat man: "Sister-in-law, don't be impulsive. You can't help him if you go up!"

Liu Qingcheng's heart was bleeding. She sent out her spiritual thoughts and said to the old man who had lost his life: "Senior, maybe you can help me kill him!"

"It's difficult. This place is just my spiritual thought. There are many kings today. Although I can protect him, if they get angry at you, I will be helpless." After a long time, a voice came, and Liu Qingcheng was almost desperate. : "Senior, save him. If he dies, I will never live alone!"

The man sighed: "He has a good talent, but as for me, I only care about you. It's not my turn to interfere with his life."

After saying that, the aura seemed to surge, sweeping towards the Yunting beyond Jiuxiao, which shocked the spirit, and actually looked at Chu Yan with some horror: "Who is he, and what is wrong with him?" His life experience allowed such a powerful person to protect him.”

"Boy, if you can't survive today, just go ahead and capture me."

"The overlords of all the six regions sent so many monarchs to kill me. They really think highly of me." Chu Yan sneered and looked at countless monarchs. The history is really amazingly similar. At the beginning, he was just When he was in the Juechen Realm, he was besieged and killed by thousands of great powers in the Haotian Sect. However, today, it is the same in the six realms. It's just that last time, he was in the wilderness. This time, who can save him?

"This son killed countless disciples of my Sifang God in the world in the past, and he must pay the price today!" Countless emperors also flew towards the direction of the Sifang God, and the leader among them was actually so familiar, Chijunlin.

"Chijunlin, in the past, you were like a lost dog in the world, but now you still have the nerve to say this." Chu Yan sneered, and then he spat out another mouthful of blood. He looked at the crowd with an extremely mocking expression.

"In the battle for the Heavenly Monument, everyone has their destiny. I took the first place in the Heavenly Monument, but I was retaliated by you privately. After today, even if I die, you are destined to become a laughing stock. The so-called battle between the Heavenly Monument and the Heavenly Monument is even more of a mystery. What a joke!" Chu Yan said arrogantly.

"People in the world will only remember the winner. If you are dead, you will not dare to speak about us!" An elder of the Mu family snorted coldly.

Qin Zixuan's pretty face looked cold at this moment, and the face of the Tiandao Ancestor was also not good-looking. Today's situation has exceeded their expectations and reached a terrifying level.

At this moment, Qing Yi suddenly arrived and appeared beside Chu Yan.

When Chu Yan saw Qing Yi, he smiled bitterly and said, "Are you here to protect me again? It's just that today, it seems that you won't survive."

"You won't die, I won't let you die." Qing Yi said firmly, there was faint blue blood burning in her body, and a huge blue broken bridge emerged from behind her. , there are black iron locks, each iron lock is full of sealing power, but at this moment, Qing Yi is shockingly breaking the seal.

"Stop!" The Purple Dragon Demon Lord frowned, clenched his palms, and turned into a force to suppress, forcing Qing Yi to stop him.

The blue-robed phoenix's eyes were cold, and he looked at the Purple Dragon Demon Lord coldly.

Qing Yi was blocked, and countless monarchs suddenly came down again. Fatty and others became angry, and each one let out a low roar, rushed to the fighting platform, and stood beside Chu Yan.

Li Xiaoyao looked around: "In the battle for the Heavenly Monument, as the overlord of the world, you are ridiculous. You have made many excuses, but you just can't bear to see others take the first place!"

Chu Yan's eyes were cold. In today's situation, Qin Zixuan and Tiandao Ancestor could not save him. He looked at the brothers beside him: "You all go!"

"Brother Chu, how many times have we fought together, how can I leave you alone this time." The fat man shook his head.

"Mi'er, let's go!" Chu Yan let out a low roar, but Mi'er stood behind Chu Yan with red eyes. She shook her head and refused to go!

"Xiaoyao, come back!" Li Hongwei said hurriedly at this time. However, Li Xiaoyao shook his head at this time and stood beside Chu Yan, making him frown and said to the many princes: "Everyone, please don't hurt my son! "

"My sect Xuannv is here too!" an elder of Xuannv sect said helplessly.

Chu Yan was moved in his heart. The true feelings of life and death could be seen. Then he raised his head and looked at the great king who was strolling towards him. His eyes were even colder.

Today is his calamity.

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