Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 39 Chu Yan can save Changlong

In fact, Chu Yan and Su Xishuang have been friends for many years, unlike Su Muyan.

Over the years, Chu Yan has been all over the world, and Su Xishuang has taken care of him. Chu Yan has always regarded Su Xishuang as his biological sister.

The two came to a restaurant. Su Xishuang was a very forthright woman. She drank a glass of wine alone and glanced at Chu Yan: "Mu Yan has caused you a lot of trouble this time, right? I heard that she was God seems to be angry with you."

Chu Yan also took a sip and said, "I'm quite angry, but there's nothing I can do about it. She's your sister. What can I do? In the past few years, you've also secretly given me the black stones that Changlong Kingdom gave you to cultivate. If I am so petty after all the kindness you have shown me for so many years, you are looking down on me, Chu Yan. "

Su Xishuang nodded with confidence: "But seriously, are you really prepared to participate in this Wan Zong Naxin?"

Chu Yan remembered the agreement with Liu Qingcheng and nodded: "I want to participate."

"Wouldn't it be better to just go back to the Wilderness? The Wilderness has not participated in the Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony for a hundred years. I heard that this time, it will also participate. You represent the Wilderness, wouldn't it be better?"

"Forget it, you don't know me yet. The wilderness is not mine, it belongs to the old man. He has nothing to do with me. Ever since he didn't save my mother, I have nothing to do with him." Chu Yan had a stern face, took a sip of wine and said seriously: "However, I will still go back to the wilderness. There is also my mother's hard work in the wilderness. If I want to save my mother, I must stand on the wilderness. If the barbarian reaches a higher level, I will definitely defeat him."

"You, you obviously have everything in the world, but you insist on asking for trouble."

"It's not like you don't understand me." Chu Yan glanced at Su Xishuang.

"That's all, you can join the Ten Thousand Sects to recruit new members. This time, because of you, six families from the ten ranks of Ten Thousand Sects have come. I heard that the number one Haotian Sect has also come, probably because they want to recruit you. "When Su Xishuang said this, she said to Chu Yan more seriously: "But Chu Yan, you have to think clearly. Everyone in the world wants to fight for your identity. The one who wins Chu Yan is equivalent to relying on the wilderness, but the same, There are also countless people in this world who want to destroy you. This time, there are many people who want to kill you. "

Chu Yan smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, in the past ten years, I have been hunted down a lot, haven't I?"

"The old demon is always here, right?"

"here I am."

Su Xishuang was relieved. In her eyes, she was full of love for Chu Yan. She was the kind of sister who loves her younger brother: "It's good that Yao Lao is here. With him protecting you, I feel relieved."

"Sister!" Chu Yan shouted sincerely. He raised his head and looked at Su Xishuang: "You have been taking care of me these years. The ten years you agreed with my mother have passed. From now on, I can also protect you. You There is no need to worry about sex all the time, I, Chu Yan, have never forgotten the kindness of these past ten years."

Su Xishuang smiled, recalling in her mind that when Chu Yan was entrusted to the royal family of Changlong Kingdom, he was only a few years old, and she would play with Chu Yan and Su Muyan every day. In the blink of an eye, they were really far away.

"Tell me about you, how is the situation in Snow Country?" Chu Yan sighed.

Su Xishuang frowned lightly. She really didn't want to mention this matter, but Chu Yan asked. She knew there was no way to avoid it, so she still said: "It's okay. The Changlong Kingdom and the Snow Kingdom have reached a truce and reached a hundred-year treaty. Within a hundred years, Both countries will not invade each other.”

"The old emperor has not wronged you?" Chu Yan got straight to the point. He never cared about the war situation between Changlong Kingdom and Snow Kingdom, but he was concerned about whether Su Xishuang would become a victim of this truce.

"Of course, he is my father after all, how could he wrong me." Su Xishuang smiled palely, and then she looked at Chu Yan seriously.

"Chu Yan, I know that you don't like Mu Yan. My sister won't make it difficult for you to marry her, but you must promise me and take good care of her for me. This is my only request to you."

"Don't worry, Mu Yan won't be harmed until I die." Chu Yan nodded. He looked at Su Xishuang with a strange look in his eyes. He always felt that things would not be that simple, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just wanted to I hope Snow Country will not do anything to harm Su Xishuang.

Chu Yan didn't care about many people in his life, Su Xi Shuang was one of them, so if Xue Guo dared to hurt Su Xi Shuang, then Chu Yan wouldn't mind letting Xue completely bury Xue Guo.

Su Xishuang nodded lightly, and she didn't stay any longer. When the meal was over, she set off directly back to the imperial city.

Before turning around, Su Xishuang glanced at Tianyong City one last time, and she sighed deeply.

"Chu Yan, I hope you can take note of my kindness to you over the past fifteen years and don't let Mu Yan down... don't let her get hurt."

Su Xishuang turned around and left, rushing towards the imperial city.

In the territory of Changlong Kingdom's Imperial City, this place is heavily guarded all year round. Especially now that Wan Zong is about to receive new members, this place is even surrounded by clank iron cavalry three times inside and three times outside.

In the palace, the main hall was magnificent, and Su Xishuang returned here as invited.

The current Holy Emperor is the father of Su Xishuang and Su Muyan: Su Hao.

At this time, Su Hao was sitting on the golden dragon chair. When he saw Su Xishuang entering the hall, his expression was not good-looking.

In the main hall, besides Su Hao, there were other people. This group of people were wearing white gowns and had exotic hairstyles. The leader was a young man, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes. Silk's evil intentions come.

"Princess Xishuang, we meet again." The young man laughed coldly.

"Why are you here?" Su Xishuang frowned slightly and said in a cold voice.

"Of course I, the prince, must be here. You were originally going to my Snow Country to marry me, but you suddenly ran away overnight. This kind of thing makes me lose face in the Snow Country." The young man said with a smile.

Beside the young man, there was an envoy who snorted coldly: "Emperor Su Hao, you have to give Snow Country an explanation for this matter, right?"

"Prince Yunlong, everyone in the Snow Country, please be patient for a moment while I interrogate this evil girl."

Su Hao glanced at Su Xishuang coldly, and then said coldly: "Do you still have the nerve to come back? Because of you, the hundred-year truce agreement that was about to be reached was ruined. Now the Snow Country is reorganizing its army and will attack soon. My country is Changlong!"

Su Xishuang's delicate body trembled slightly, and she squeezed her hands tightly, but at this moment, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Su Hao and said: "Father, when I come back this time, I want to tell you that I agree to your agreement with Snow Country. , I agree to the marriage and marry Prince Yunlong.”

"Do you agree?" Su Hao's unkind expression softened a little, and he nodded with satisfaction: "In this way, you are the son and daughter of my Su family, and the children of my Su family should sacrifice for the world!"

"But Father, before that, I have a condition. You must agree to me. If you don't agree, then I will kill myself here now." Su Xishuang took out a dagger and put it on her throat.

"You threaten me with death?" Su Hao stood up angrily.

"My child doesn't dare, but you must agree to this request. Otherwise, my child will not marry to the Snow Country even if he dies." Su Xishuang insisted.

Su Hao was so angry that Yunlong and his people from the Snow Kingdom kept sneering proudly. He was originally the third prince of the Snow Kingdom and was not favored, but because of his excellent talent, he was lucky enough to join the Tenth Rank of the Ten Thousand Sects and ranked second. The Shanhai Sect made him a prominent figure now, and he was the next candidate to inherit the throne of Snow Kingdom.

It is also because of this that the Snow Country's power has greatly increased in recent years and has far surpassed the Changlong Country. In order to avoid being destroyed, Su Hao chose to marry. In fact, if possible, she really did not want to marry Su Xishuang to a foreign country. After all, Su Xishuang's talent was extremely good. But Yunlong wanted Su Xishuang by name, which left him with no choice.

"You speak first!"

"I hope my father will agree and allow Mu Yan to participate in this Wan Zong Naxin meeting." Su Xishuang bit her lips and said.

Su Hao's face became even more unkind. He slapped the dragon chair angrily, and the Juechen Realm made Long Yi slump: "Nonsense! Mu Yan should join the Changlong Sect. Su Che has already arranged this!"

"If the father does not agree, then the child will kill himself here today." Su Xishuang said. When she came back from Tianyong City, she was ready to sacrifice for Mu Yan, so today, no matter what, she must let Mu Yan She joined Wan Zong to recruit new members because she was born into a wealthy family and understood that only by joining Wan Zong could she escape the cost of becoming a victim of the powerful game.

Su Hao clenched his fists, and Yunlong smiled evilly at this moment and said: "Uncle Su, if Xi Shuang persists and you refuse to agree, then I don't think there is anything to discuss about this marriage. Next, I will Let's leave first. Tomorrow, our truce agreement will be officially cancelled. After Wan Zong Na Xin passes, we will decide who wins and who loses. "

Su Hao was furious. The current Changlong Kingdom was definitely no match for the Snow Kingdom. He could only clenched his fists and shouted: "My dear nephew Yunlong, please wait a moment. I agree to say goodbye to my daughter a little later." , just take her back to Snow Country."

Yunlong smiled with satisfaction and nodded: "Okay!"

Next, only Su Hao and Su Xishuang were left in the main hall.

On the dragon chair, Su Hao glanced at Su Xishuang helplessly: "Father and daughter are the only ones left. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

"Father, my daughter has nothing to say. She knows that Changlong Kingdom is your hard work and she is willing to sacrifice for him."

"Do you hate me?" Su Hao suddenly asked.

Su Xishuang laughed at herself and shook her head: "Be born in a powerful family and die in a powerful family. I have long known that this is my destiny. It's just that my father and daughter have one thing to advise. Snow Country is a wolf with ambition. Over the years, I, the Changlong Country, have supported them, but they have grown up. Tigers are in danger, and marriage now is just a temporary solution. I can sacrifice it, but it won't solve the real problem. If we want to change the current situation of Changlong Country, we still have a way to go. "

"What way?" Su Hao became serious.

Su Xishuang raised her head and said word by word!

"Chu Yan!"

"If you get Chu Yan, you can save Chang Long from trouble!"

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