Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 376 Battle with Li Sheng

Chu Yan suddenly appeared outside the inn. He looked at Yao Lao like a respected elder, which made many people in the Li family secretly exclaim: "So this old guy really knows Chu Yan?"

"He called Chu Yan the young master, but Chu Yan seemed to treat him as an elder, and they had a close relationship." Someone else said.

Seeing Chu Yan, Li Sheng's face froze slightly, but only for a moment, he returned to normal, still holding his head high. Now that Li Hong was by his side, he didn't need to be afraid of Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, it turns out that he is really your servant, but even if this old dog is your servant, he opened his mouth to humiliate the Li family. If he doesn't kneel down and apologize today, he will die."

Chu Yan's eyes were sharp, and he looked at Li Sheng like a beast. Just by looking at his eyes, Li Sheng felt a stinging pain of being torn apart.

"Yao Lao, I'll solve the trouble here first." Chu Yan was really angry. He had a bottom line, and Yao Lao was the bottom line. The ten years of protection were as heavy as a mountain.

"Young Master, I'm fine. I'm glad to see you. If you must apologize, I'll do it." Yao Lao said anxiously. He was very pleased to see Chu Yan's achievements and did not let Chu Hanfeng down, but he didn't want to cause trouble for Chu Yan because of himself.

The Li family is the dominant force after all, plus that Li Hong, it seems that the Li family members respect him very much, and he must have a high status in the Li family.

"You have protected me for more than ten years. Now, it's my turn." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and then he looked at Ye Xun and Wang Feng. It's been a long time since we last met, but there is no need to say much between brothers, and there will be no strangeness for a long time. Ye Xun just stood there, as if he would be obliged to do whatever Chu Yan did.

"Li Sheng, you really deserve to die." Chu Yan said coldly, and he didn't waste words and started walking towards Li Sheng. His steps were not fast, but full of strong overwhelming power.

Li Sheng's heart thumped. Chu Yan took only a few steps, but the strong vitality made it difficult for him to breathe. Every step he took seemed like a huge mountain smashing down on him, making him pale.

"Puff!" Li Sheng spurted out a mouthful of blood, shocking the people around him.

"Chu Yan hasn't made a move yet, but Li Sheng is already seriously injured?"

"What kind of power is this?"

"It's bloodline suppression. Look carefully, Chu Yan seems to have become a different person. The combination of four pure power bloodlines is indeed enough to deter some low-level people!" someone said.

But immediately, more people frowned again. No, deterrence only exists between realms. For example, an emperor, a powerful emperor, has a strong deterrent effect on the venerable. This is the so-called emperor's power.

When an emperor faces a venerable, even if he does not attack, just the breath can make the venerable feel oppressed or even seriously injured, but this situation rarely occurs between the same level, not to mention that Li Sheng is a venerable at level eight, one level higher than Chu Yan?

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

One is that Li Sheng is too weak, but is this possible? He is the twin prides of the Li family, the younger brother of Li Hong, and the most promising person in this generation of the Li family. How can he be weak? He should be very strong, right?

The second possibility is that Chu Yan is too strong, strong enough to crush Li Sheng.

Li Hong frowned when he saw Li Sheng's expression, and took a step forward: "Are you Chu Yan?"

"Who are you?" Chu Yan said bluntly, and Li Hong laughed immediately after hearing it. In today's Six Domains Galaxy, he didn't expect that someone would ask who he was: "Li family's contemporary Tianbei, the controller of the seventh Tianbei, Li Hong."

Everyone outside the inn looked at Li Hong with envy. As a member of the younger generation, Li Hong is the idol of many people, and he has stood at the peak of the younger generation.

"It is rumored that after the Tianbei dispute ended three years ago, Li Hong went out to travel and did not return for three years. Now his aura is even stronger."

"Yes, he was able to be crowned emperor three years ago, but now he is still a venerable. It seems that the rumors are true. In this Tianbei dispute, he wants to strive for the top five or even the top three." People from all sides envied.

The people of the Li family are all proud.

"Then what?" Chu Yan suddenly said, and everyone was stunned. He asked who Li Hong was, and Li Hong told him, so dazzling, but now, Chu Yan actually asked Li Hong, then what?

"You want to stop me?" Chu Yan said again, without any intention of retreating, but a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Li Hong raised his head, purple clothes fluttering, looking down at Chu Yan: "You are Xiaoyao's friend, and logically, you are also a guest of the Li family, but even so, there are some things that you can't do. Let that old slave apologize, otherwise today, none of you can leave here."

"You think too highly of yourself." Chu Yan snorted coldly, without stopping his movements, and continued to move forward. The four major power bloodlines ruthlessly crushed towards Li Sheng.

Li Sheng stood there in shame, spitting out another mouthful of blood, and almost knelt on the ground.

Li Sheng raised his head and glared at Chu Yan with resentment. He was once the pride of the Li family and the most watched person of this generation, but all this was broken after Chu Yan appeared. His brother was expelled from the Li family, and he was also excluded. He was defeated in the Xumi Mountain, was criticized, and had a demon in his heart.

Until now, the Li family has not focused on training him, but Chu Yan's status has been rising day by day, gradually becoming stronger, and now, he is looking down on him.

"If you insult my elders, then you kneel down!" Chu Yan roared, and took another step with a thud. The ground sank deeply, showing how heavy Chu Yan's step was.

"Bang!" Li Sheng spurted blood wildly in the distance, and knelt on the ground with a thud. His knees were broken, as if he was suppressed by a mountain of gravity.

"How dare you!" Li Hong was angry. With his status, he didn't want to attack Chu Yan. He felt that he was bullying Chu Yan, but Chu Yan provoked him again and again today, so he didn't endure it anymore.

He soared into the air, strolled out, and summoned three life souls. They were all cast from fifth-grade life souls, releasing infinite divine power. One of them was extremely mysterious. It was the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper and could control the attributes of the seven stars. He slashed towards Chu. rock.

Facing Li Hong's attack, Chu Yan didn't waste any time and faced it forcefully. Because he had fought against Mu Aotian before, he knew how terrifying the Sky Monument was, so he directly used his second true self to fight against him.

Transforming into a ten-foot-tall giant, with Vajra Dharma added to his body, Chu Yan clenched his fist and struck out directly. This strike was extremely ordinary, but extremely powerful, as if it weighed tens of millions of tons, making everyone's eyes freeze.

"What pure power..."

"Chu Yan, really want to fight Li Hong?" Everyone was shocked.

Li Hong, the holder of the Li Family Sky Monument, is a ninth-level venerable. Chu Yan was two realms away from him, but at this moment, Chu Yan was directly fighting against him.

Wangfeng laughed excitedly at the side: "Haha, Senior Brother Chu really didn't disappoint me. It's so awesome, it's simply terrifying."

Ye Xun also smiled and nodded: "He was a lunatic back then, and now, he is even crazier."

On the side of the Eastern Altar, Qingyin's delicate body was trembling in the air. Looking at Chu Yan's strong fighting power, she felt a little unfair in her heart. This man was the ant she once looked down upon, but now, everyone is paying attention, and she, Qingyin, ? But he is only one of thousands.

"That's what makes it interesting." Lin Daoyan stood with his hands behind his hands, but he was full of strong arrogance. He has always been like this. When he was in the mortal world, he was arrogant in the world. Now in the Six Realms, he is still arrogant, and his temper has not been rubbed away by this.

Even from the beginning to the end, Lin Daoyan only looked at Chu Yan with a bit of admiration and fighting spirit.

The relationship between the two has always been very strange. They have been enemies since childhood, but they appreciate each other. That kind of appreciation is a kind of appreciation after being invincible and lonely. When he was in the mortal world, Lin Daoyan looked down on no one. Even Gusu City, he didn't take it seriously. Chi Yue had always played his dog leg, but Chu Yan was different. He had regarded Chu Yan as his opponent a long time ago. And it is a once-in-a-lifetime opponent.

"Boom!" Li Hong and Chu Yan collided, creating a strong aftershock and causing the earth to crack.

Chu Yan strode forward without stepping back, and punched again. A flash of surprise flashed in Li Hong's eyes: "It really surprises me. The seventh-level venerable has such terrifying combat power. No wonder Li Sheng will fight against you." A loss in hand.”

"You really disappoint me, Sky Monument Master, it's nothing more than that." Chu Yan snorted coldly, and the golden body transformed into a powerful killing force. Without any nonsense, he slashed directly at Li Hong, and then his palm changed slightly, forming a line of Pointing to the light, the Heaven-Destroying Finger suddenly thrust out, accompanied by a sword chant.

"You're so crazy!" Li Hong's eyes froze. He shook his big hand and fired a terrifying flame finger. The flames burned, forming a huge flame shadow and rushed towards Chu Yan.

Facing that blow, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. It was the secret skill of the Li family: magma destruction. He had seen it when he and Li Xiaoyao were competing, but the power released by Li Hong was stronger than Li Xiaoyao.

"Even if you have great fighting power, you don't know the meaning of the Heavenly Monument at all. The Heavenly Monument cannot be insulted. The Heavenly Monument, under the emperor, is invincible!" Li Hong said arrogantly, the giant flame shadow destroyed everything, and the god blocked the killing god. , the demon was blocked and the demon was destroyed, making the earth seem to melt, and everyone's eyes seemed to be stagnant.

"So strong... Is this the Heavenly Monument Master? It is indeed as rumored, the Heavenly Monument cannot be insulted!"

"I'm afraid Chu Yan can't stop this move, right?"

Chu Yan took a step back. The next moment he clenched his fist, and a floating tower appeared in the sky. It was the life soul of his second true self, Taishan Tower! This is the first time Chu Yan uses the second soul to fight.

"Bang!" The two forces collided with each other, and everyone stared. The old demon was very worried. The power of Li Hong's magma was too strong, and seemed to be able to burn everything, but Chu Yan's Taishan Tower was not weak either, with the power of the soul of life. , vaguely blooming with brilliant light, constantly suppressing Chu Yan.

At this moment, everyone witnessed with their own eyes that the tower blasted towards Li Hong's giant magma shadow, and then the air became hot. But the next moment, Chu Yan suddenly sank, and his body retreated, being blown away nearly a hundred meters away. .

"Chu Yan is still not as good as Li Hong after all. Sky Monument Master is too strong."

But Chu Yan stood up, looked at Li Hong and sneered again and again. Did he really lose this move?

"Heavenly Monument, invincible?"

Li Hong looked at Chu Yan coldly, but he didn't dare to move a step, just because he felt uncomfortable in his body at this time, the energy and blood attacked his heart, his five internal organs were ruptured, and the blood reached his throat, but he swallowed it back alive.

"Li Hong, I have collided with Mu Aotian, Cao Yu, and Hu Qiong. No wonder their rankings are higher than yours. Compared with them, you are really weak!" Chu Yan said lightly, and Li Hong's eyes flashed. Hanguang: "A defeated general still dares to speak arrogant words."

"Defeat?" Chu Yan sneered, and then a fire lotus suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and then he heard a scream from below. Li Sheng's facial features were all ferocious. He covered his heart and knelt on the ground with a bang, as if he had endured it. The most painful thing in the world.

"Li Sheng, I said, if you don't die, I won't live. Now, you deserve to die!" Chu Yan said calmly, and then everyone's eyes focused on Li Sheng's blood spurting out in front of everyone.

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