Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 369: Banquet Humiliation

The Emperor has been known as the Nine-Five Supreme Being since ancient times.

In an empire, only a person with more than 10,000 people is worthy of being called an emperor.

If the Tianhuang Sect dares to use the title "Emperor", it represents a powerful person who is superior to the six realms.

Today, the Emperor's Sect held a banquet, and the overlord forces from all sides came to gather. The Emperor's Sect is located in the center of the Emperor's Star Territory, and controls a thousand stars. The imperial power is supreme.

On the main star of the Emperor Sect, there is a brilliant starlight. This starlight is like a land of immortals. Cranes often fly around, and beautiful women dance beside it. There is a wine forest in the center, and there are martial arts stages on all sides of the wine forest. It is quite There is artistic conception.

The Emperor's Sect held a banquet today, and the overlords from all over the world came to attend, and the Emperor's Sect also entertained them warmly.

"Is this the Emperor's Sect?" Chu Yan was riding a monster carriage and looked down. The magnificent hall with distinct layers was like a huge fairy dynasty. Even the ancient dynasties in the world were incomparable. A bit inferior.

"It seems that in these ten thousand years, Ji Huangji has surpassed Lord Zhentian." Chu Yan sighed secretly, how difficult it is to revive the mortal world.

The Emperor Sect is so vast, covering millions of miles, it can be said that the entire Emperor Sect is living under the influence of the Emperor Sect.

"The Li family comes to visit the Holy Land of the Emperor!" An emperor who led the Li family came here and said with respect.

"The Li family is here to make our sect shine. Please come and take a seat." The deacon of the Emperor Sect greeted him with a smile, and then the Li family entered the holy place first.

In the banquet place, seats have already been assigned. The Li family is ranked in the top five, which shows the strong foundation of the Li family. Of course, this is just a false name. In the battle fifteen years ago, the Li family Whether the family is worthy of this position is a huge unknown.

"The Jiang family is here to visit." The Jiang family also arrived, and Jiang Tianwen was among the crowd.

"The Heavenly Demon Peak has come to visit the Holy Land, haha." A large group of ancient demons came, led by an old acquaintance, Mei Yutong, the peak master of the second peak of the Tianyao Peak.

"A visit to the Meteor Star Pavilion, a visit to the Mu family, a visit to Yaoshan Gate, a visit to Xuannv Sect, and a visit to Younu Palace!"

"The gods from all directions have arrived!" The overlord forces from all directions are now gathered in the Emperor Sect, and the people sent are all overlords of one party. It can be said that all the overlords from the six regions of the galaxy are gathered in the Emperor Sect today.

"What a spirit." The fat man said with a smile from the side. Qiu Meng smiled brightly at the fat man in the Xuannv Sect.

Mi'er also came, sitting at the head of the Xuannv Sect. The person leading the Xuannv Sect was a charming woman. An elder from the Tianhuang Sect looked at Mi'er and said with a faint smile: "Fairy Han, this time She must be the new Xuannv of the Xuannv Sect. At such a young age, she has such strength. The rumors are indeed true. I would like to congratulate the Xuannv Sect for finding a suitable heir. "

"It's an old joke, why don't we see Ji Longyu's wise nephew today? Three years ago, he was amazing in one battle, and now that he thinks about it, he is still admirable." The charming woman from Xuannv Sect said politely.

Ji Longyu, this name is the name Chu Yan has heard the most since he came to the Emperor's Star Territory. The previous number one person in the Heavenly Monument had a much-anticipated glory in the Six Territories. However, I heard that this person has already been crowned emperor and will not participate this year. This is a battle for heavenly monuments.

"Haha, Long Yu is at the critical moment to break through. He will be able to step into the third level emperor in the near future." When Ji Longyu was mentioned, everyone in the Emperor Sect smiled proudly.

"It is rumored that Ji Longyu is the number one evildoer of the Emperor Sect for hundreds of years. When he participated in the Battle of the Sky Monument last year, he was one year younger than you are now." Li Xiaoyao said in a low voice from the side.

Chu Yan nodded, which was not surprising. After all, he had delayed for fifteen years, but even so, Ji Longyu was really powerful this time. He was one year younger than him, which meant that he was ranked first in Tianbei in his early twenties. He was granted the title of emperor within three years and reached the second level of emperor.

"Shi family, where is Cangsong's nephew? His demeanor back then was not inferior to Long Yu's. Now he should be made emperor, right?" asked the ancient emperor of the Emperor's Sect with a smile.

An old man from the Shi family stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Haha, not yet. He is just a guy who doesn't live up to expectations. He has been wandering in the ninth level of the Venerable for three years, but some descendants have caught up with him."

Shi Cangsong, the contemporary Sky Monument Master of the Shi family, came in second in the last Sky Monument Competition and was extremely powerful. Now it has been three years since he was crowned emperor, so many people are discussing that Shi Cangsong will definitely win this competition. Will take first place.

"Senior Shi is so humble. Cangsong has not made a breakthrough in three years. He must have his own plans. I guess no one under the emperor can compete with him now." Gu Gu said with a smile, the battle for the sky monument , although sixteen people have been decided, there is only one number one, and it is also the one who attracts the most attention.

"Haha, let's talk again, who knows about him." The old man from the Shi family seemed humble, but he revealed a bit of arrogance.

"Since the overlords from all parties have arrived here, there is no need to be polite. Whether it is discussing with each other or talking to each other, there is no need to be polite." Gu Gu said with a smile.

Chu Yan sat in the last corner and remained silent, but at this moment he frowned slightly and saw several unkind eyes falling on him, which made him smile bitterly. It seemed that he couldn't hide even if he wanted to?

"Chu Yan!" From the direction of Tianyao Peak, Jiang Fan's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he shot towards Chu Yan.

Nowadays, Chu Yan's name is resounding throughout the six regions, no one knows it, no one knows it. Now that Jiang Fan said it, everyone from all sides looked at Chu Yan.

"Is he the one who killed Mu Feng on Mount Xumi? I didn't expect him to be so young?"

"Well, but in my opinion, rumors are just rumors after all, and they have no credibility. I heard that Mu Feng was seriously injured. Otherwise, how could he kill people at the seventh level of the Venerable? If he was really killed If he wins, he can only be a loser." Another overlord sneered.

"Haha, Brother Chen is right. Some people are always willing to exaggerate the facts." A ninth-level disciple of the Mu family said calmly. Then he suddenly saw Ji Dong in the Emperor Sect and said flatteringly: "Brother Ji Dong, am I right?"

"Shut up!" Ji Dong looked gloomy at the side and suddenly yelled, not angry. He is also a ninth-level Venerable, but he was also defeated by Chu Yan. But these people are now laughing at Chu Yan as a waste. Doesn't that mean that he is worse than a waste?

The Mu family disciples were startled, not understanding what this meant, but at this moment, a strong murderous intention suddenly rose above the banquet, rolling towards Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan! Die!" In the direction of Yaoshan Gate, Hu Qiong suddenly stood up and roared like a beast king roaring.

Chu Yan frowned fiercely, and immediately raised the sword behind him, blocking Hu Qiong's beast roar. He looked at Hu Qiong coldly: "Hu Qiong, this is the Emperor's Sect. Today you are the banquet guest here, and so am I. , now that you are attacking me directly, don’t you take the seniors of the Emperor Sect into consideration?”

"Haha, nephew Huqiong, what Little Friend Chu said is right, this place is the Emperor Sect after all." Gu Gu smiled faintly at this moment, and then he looked at it meaningfully and said with a smile: "But I heard it earlier, There are two great monarchs standing behind the little friend. She once said that she will not interfere in the dispute between future generations. Today, in our Emperor Sect, all the major overlords are present. We might as well compare with each other and take a look at the past three years. How much progress have you made?”

The Yaoshan Sect elder's eyes narrowed: "Haha, Gu Gu is right. It will take three years. Why don't we take today's opportunity to learn from each other? Do you have any opinions?"

"We in the Falling Star Pavilion are also willing to participate." An elder of the Falling Star Pavilion said with a smile.

"Since it's the best, how can we compete?"

"Let's compete against each other at the same level. Since everyone is skeptical about Little Friend Chu's strength, we might as well send a few disciples of the seventh level of the Venerable to compete with him and see how charming Little Friend Chu is." After that, the ancient and elegant Looking at Chu Yan: "Little friend Chu, what do you think?"

Chu Yan sneered in his heart. This ancient man seemed to be helping himself, but in fact he was digging a hole for himself. He has enmity with all the major overlords, and in this competition, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

"It's said that you are so powerful. You don't even have the courage to fight, right? If that's true, it doesn't matter. However, you must apologize to my Shi family in public today for killing my Shi family disciple." At this moment. A seventh-level disciple of the Shi family said calmly.

Everyone followed the sound, and their eyes couldn't help but light up: "This is Shi Canglong, a disciple of Cangsong. It is said that he has been in seclusion for a year. Although he only has the strength of the seventh level of the Venerable, his combat power is still higher than that of Shi Tiandao. He wants to fight for the Shi family." "?"

"Apologise? Haha, your Shi family is really polite. The Mu family has suffered great losses. It's okay if you don't go out to fight today, but Hua Zhixu must die." The Mu family started fighting alone, attracting many eyes. .

Mujia, Mujun! The Venerable is at the seventh level, but he also has a record of fighting against the Venerable at the ninth level. He and Shi Canglong were both key members of the family, so naturally they would not enter the so-called Sumeru Peak.

"Ancient senior, is this how the Emperor Sect entertains guests? They want to fight, but I don't even have the right not to fight?" Chu Yan said lightly.

Everyone sneered in their hearts: "He is indeed a timid young man. It seems that the rumors are really not credible."

Gu Gu also shook his head secretly, and said with a little disappointment: "What are you saying, little friend? I also thought that everyone doubts my strength, and I also want to give you a chance to prove yourself. But if you don't want to fight, you don't have to." war."

"In that case, I'm here to attend the banquet today, not to please others!" Chu Yan took a sip of wine and said with a slight smile, which made everyone feel disappointed again.

"Everyone, little friend Chu has said this, so don't be embarrassed, let's continue drinking." Gu Heshilao said, but deep down he was a little disappointed with Chu Yan.

Hu Qiong's eyes were filled with murderous intent, but unfortunately this was the Emperor's Sect, so he could only endure it.

Several overlords also sneered, and they decided in their hearts that Chu Yan was not worthy of his name. Otherwise, why would he not even have the courage to fight if everyone was so provocative?

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