Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 355: Four-sided crusade

The finger light fell, and the Xumi Peak was as quiet as death. All the disciples who followed Chu Yan were shocked. Chu Yan still killed Mu Feng, and he did it after countless emperors of the Meteoric Pavilion appeared. He did not hesitate to drop a finger.

Mu Feng's body was stiff. He could not believe it until the moment of death. Chu Yan actually killed him without hesitation. He was the pride of the Meteoric Pavilion. He should have unlimited prospects. He should be a monument. The existence that all the young people of the Six Domains and Stars looked up to.

But today, he died.

Li Xiaoyao stood in the distance and shook his head helplessly. Chu Yan killed Mu Feng, and the Meteoric Pavilion would never let him go. This deadly feud was considered to be settled.

At this time, the people of the four overlords came here. Mu Ao stood in the distance, his throat seemed to be tightened by an invisible big hand, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Chu Yan actually killed Mu Feng. The little man they ridiculed at the beginning, now killing strongly, the seventh level of the Venerable, has reached the realm that can compete with Mu Feng?

"Bold thief!" The emperor of Meteorite Pavilion was angry. For them, Mu Feng's life or death was not important, but once Mu Feng died, Meteorite Pavilion would be severely damaged in the battle for the Heavenly Monument at the end of the year, and it was even likely to lose the Heavenly Monument.

"Swoosh!" At this time, Li Xiaoyao suddenly strolled out and came to Chu Yan's side, as if to express an attitude.

The blue-clothed woman frowned at this time, and she was about to step forward, but Xuanqing suddenly stopped her; "Mi'er, no, the current situation is beyond expectations. Meteorite Pavilion will definitely not let him go this time. If you go now, I'm worried that Meteorite Pavilion will hurt you as well."

The blue-clothed woman turned around and glanced at Xuanqing, and suddenly smiled brightly: "He is, my brother!"

The next moment, the blue-clothed woman did not hesitate, and leaped to Chu Yan's side in one step, and stood there quietly, as if to announce to the world that no matter what happened next, she was willing to accompany Chu Yan to face it together.

Hua Zhixu and Fatty were naturally there. Little Wolf also appeared, carrying Qingyi on his back. The good news is that Qingyi woke up, but she was still very haggard. The Immortal Burning Furnace was a seventh-level divine weapon after all, capable of burning the Immortal Emperor. Although it was resisted by Qingyi's super-strong bloodline, it was still seriously injured.

"Humph, an ant trying to shake a tree!" An emperor of the Meteorite Pavilion snorted coldly when he saw this scene.

"My name is Li Xiaoyao!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly said, and then he looked at the people of the Meteorite Pavilion.

"Li family?" The emperor of the Meteorite Pavilion frowned. In terms of strength, among the fifteen overlords of the six domains, the Li family is definitely in the top five, but the Li family has gradually declined in the past fifteen years. The reason is very simple. Fifteen years ago, the Li family suffered a heavy blow, and then a woman died in the funeral, which saved the Li family.

But even so, the Meteorite Pavilion was unwilling to initiate a war of overlords, and the fifteen overlords of the six domains were all like this. The so-called war of hegemons is a war aimed at destroying one side. That kind of war is too big. It may last for ten or twenty years, and consume resources for ten thousand years.

By then, there will even be a war between kings. Therefore, although there will be conflicts between the disciples of the hegemons in the six regions, they rarely kill each other and make deadly feuds. Even if there are deadly feuds, they will try their best to resolve and make big things small.

"Today's matter has nothing to do with the Li family. For the sake of the Li family, you are a young man, I will not embarrass you, retreat!" said an emperor of the Meteorite Pavilion.

"It's ridiculous. In the past, Mu Feng set up a trap in Xumi Peak and used Qiu Meng's life to kill all of us. Everyone in Xumi Peak saw it with their own eyes. The world can witness it. He almost killed me, harmed my brothers, and hurt Qingyi. Now you say that this matter has nothing to do with me?" Li Xiaoyao suddenly laughed. What happened that day was related to them. Now the Meteorite Pavilion has removed him from it with just one word?

The disciples of various forces looked at Li Xiaoyao and praised: "Li Xiaoyao is indeed Li Xiaoyao. The other party obviously intended to let him go, but he was unwilling to do so and insisted that the matter was related to him."

"Well, this person is free and easy, but I didn't expect that he is so loyal. He did it for Chu Yan."

"The people of Meteorite Pavilion are shameless enough. They don't pursue Li Xiaoyao. It's obvious that they are afraid of the Li family and don't want to trigger a war of overlords. But Chu Yan is not a member of the fifteen overlord forces, so Meteorite Pavilion doesn't need to worry about it."

"Xiaoyao, why bother!" Chu Yan suddenly said at this time. He raised his head and looked at Meteorite Pavilion: "Meteorite Pavilion, What happened that day is witnessed by heaven and earth. I killed Mu Feng now, he deserved to die. Now the emperor is taking revenge, which is really admirable! "

"You are right, there is really no need to say more." Li Xiaoyao nodded and said: "The Meteorite Pavilion is also a dominant force, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. There are rules in Xumi Peak. It was Mu Feng who broke the rules. Now he is suffering retribution and will not die well. Since you want revenge, I, Li Xiaoyao, swear that as long as I, Li Xiaoyao, am alive, the Li family will be the enemy of the Meteorite Pavilion forever!"

The face of the emperor of the Meteorite Pavilion turned cold. What Li Xiaoyao said was to cause a war of dominance.

"Li Xiaoyao, you don't have that much power yet!" Li Sheng growled on the side. He was also a disciple of the Li family. However, he was also severely injured in the battle that day and his reputation was ruined. He also hoped that Chu Yan would die.

"No?" Li Xiaoyao shook his head ridiculously and looked at an emperor from the Meteoric Pavilion: "My mother is Qian Mengyu!"

Everyone at Xumi Peak was stunned. Qian Mengyu? This name was very unfamiliar to the younger generation of disciples, but the emperors of the Meteoric Pavilion suddenly frowned and looked at Li Xiaoyao intently.

Qian Mengyu is definitely a nightmarish name for the old man of the fifteen major overlords. Fifteen years ago, the Li family fell into a fierce battle and launched a battle for hegemony with the Shi family. In that battle, the Shi family used With two monarchs, the Li family was almost destroyed.

But suddenly a woman turned things around. This woman was unparalleled in the world and extremely talented. She seriously injured two great masters of the Shi family and destroyed the first and seventh level magic weapon of the Shi family. This woman was Qian Mengyu of the Li family! Unexpectedly, Li Xiaoyao was that woman's son?

It can be said that the entire Li family owes Qian Mengyu. If Li Xiaoyao is really Qian Mengyu's son, the Li family might really be able to launch a war for overlordship for Qian Mengyu's son.

The emperor of the Falling Star Pavilion was hesitant. Is it worth provoking the Li family for Mu Feng? How could Qian Mengyu's son have a weak talent? He might even inherit the Li family. When the time comes, he becomes the head of the Li family, and he might actually launch a war against the Falling Star Pavilion.

"Someone from the Li family is here!" At this moment, several figures suddenly flew over, all of them were emperors. Their strength was not weaker than that of the Falling Star Pavilion, floating behind Li Xiaoyao.

Li Yun led him, and when a strong man from the Li family appeared, many people were surprised.

"The Li family has really sent an emperor!?" Everyone was shocked when they saw a middle-aged man headed by the Li family, who was Li Xiaoyao's father, standing with his hands behind his back, looking so majestic.

"Li Hongwei! Do you, the Li family, really want to go to war with me, the Falling Star Pavilion?" The emperor of the Falling Star Pavilion frowned and stared at the head of the Li family.

"Meteor Star Pavilion, you are all old men now, so don't get involved in this trivial matter." Li Hongwei said solemnly, and then he looked at Chu Yan again and showed a bitter smile: "Little guy, you are really fooling around. !”

"Uncle!" Chu Yan said to the head of the Li family, feeling grateful. The Li family is still on his side, which is rare. Of course, he doesn't know what Li Xiaoyao has done. Li Xiaoyao used the golden order.

"Everyone, are you ready to continue watching?" an emperor from the Falling Star Pavilion suddenly said.

"Ms. Li, I'm afraid you won't be able to save this son today!" The thunder was rolling, and strong men came again. The emperors of the Mu family, the Shi family, and the Younu Palace all intervened and strolled in from a distance.

"This son has killed countless disciples of my Mu family, and my Mu family must take him away today!" An emperor of the Mu family raised his hand and pointed at Hua Zhixu.

Li Hongwei frowned, obviously he did not expect that the four overlords would all send emperors. In the current situation, even he would be extremely difficult to save Chu Yan.

"As a dominant force, it would be inappropriate to spread the word about such a difficult situation for a junior, right?" Li Hongwei said seriously.

An old man from the Shi family took a step forward and snorted coldly: "This woman destroyed my Shi family's Immortal Burning Furnace, a level 17 divine weapon, and she must pay the price!"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoyao and others sneered and shook their heads, sighing inwardly. Xumi Peak was originally a place of cultivation. Why did the Shi Family's Immortal Burning Furnace appear here? Wasn't it just to kill Chu Yan?

What's more, it was Old Man Xumi who really destroyed the Immortal Burning Furnace, but the Shi family did not dare to retaliate, so they could only blame Qing Yi.

"My Younu Palace has also harmed countless disciples. There must be an explanation today." Another person stood up.

Li Hongwei's face became even heavier. Today's four overlords were obviously well prepared. Each side had more than ten emperors. It would be too difficult for him to keep Chu Yan alone, and if he didn't do it well, it would be very difficult for him to do so. It will be a battle of overlords.

As for the Jiang family and the Xuannv sect, although they each suffered losses this time, they did not harm their important disciples. Once the war situation takes shape, the two forces may not be willing to help the Li family. After all, the battle for hegemony involves many things. There are too many, and no party dares to make a decision easily.

"Xiaoyao, come back." Li Hongwei hesitated and sighed.

"Father!" Li Xiaoyao frowned. He looked at Li Hongwei, but at this moment, Li Hongwei shook his head helplessly: "I have tried my best for today's matter!"

"Xiaoyao, go back!" Chu Yan said suddenly. He had no intention of blaming the Li family because he had no power at all, but he also understood today's incident that it was impossible to resolve it with the power of the Li family alone. He didn't want to Li Xiaoyao was also dragged in.

Chu Yan looked around ridiculously, looking at the so-called overlord forces. His palms were weak: "What a weak force!"

Seventh-level Venerable, Invincible Sumeru Peak, these titles sound very majestic, but they are still so unbearable when faced with the overlord's power. As soon as the Emperor comes out, a random person can easily crush him to death.

Li Xiaoyao had been brought back to the Li family by Li Hongwei at this time, his eyes were red.

Li Hongwei also sighed. He believed that Chu Yan's talent was indeed extraordinary and he was the strongest person he had seen in a hundred years. But unfortunately, the world of martial arts was ruthless and his wings were not full enough after all. Too young.

"Everyone, it was Chu's honor to have you fight side by side with Chu in the past battle, but there is no need to die for Chu. Let's all go back." Chu Yan looked at Jiang Tianwen and the woman in blue.

The woman in blue shook her head slightly, but Chu Yan stepped forward, stretched out his hand, gently rubbed the woman's forehead, and smiled brightly: "The little girl back then has grown up... Mi'er, Do you still listen to me?"

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