Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 350: Fight to the Death

Looking at Mu Ao and the others retreating, Li Xiaoyao's face was extremely cold, and the fat man was trembling with anger. His eyes were red and ferocious, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Ao!" The little wolf's hair stood up, extremely angry.

Qiu Meng was simple, righteous, and had a very clear distinction between good and evil. She was good friends with Chu Yan, and her voice was so moving and sweet when she called him Brother Chu.

She and the little wolf were even more connected in the ancient and hundred forests. Now that the little wolf can change its body shape, it always lies lazily in Qiu Meng's arms in Xumi Peak, being held by Qiu Meng and sleeping in that soft place.

Today, Qiu Meng was tied up and hung upside down in the woods by Mu Ao and others. Such a vicious thing is disgusting.

What's more hateful is that Mu Ao and others left and directly spread the word that if Li Xiaoyao and others did not come to the 64th Mountain to rescue people within three days, Qiu Meng would be stripped and exposed to the public, and one piece of Qiu Meng's clothes would be taken off every day until she was naked.

"How can the Ghost Girl Palace do this!" Xuan Qing was angry. The Yunhai Star Region was full of women who practiced cultivation. The reason for this was to protect women from the injustice they encountered during their practice. But today, in Xumi Peak, the Ghost Girl Palace treated Qiu Meng like this.

"Xiaoyao, how should we do this?" Everyone growled. Without Chu Yan, everyone listened to Li Xiaoyao.

"I have informed the family. I hope that the Ghost Girl Palace can still have a little conscience and send someone here to protect Qiu Meng."

"No need!" At this time, Jiang Tianwen suddenly sighed: "The family has received news that Qiu Meng... was expelled from the Ghost Girl Palace, and even her elders were implicated!"

"Why? Just because of these things in Xumi Peak? The Ghost Girl Palace, it's not that bad, right?"

"The Ghost Girl Palace has always been on good terms with the Tianyao Peak in the Ancient Demon Star Region. They are allies. The Tianyao Peak has put pressure on the Ghost Girl Palace." Jiang Tianwen said helplessly.

Everyone was furious. The women of Xuannv Sect clenched their jade hands. They were all from Yunhai Star Region and women. They understood the helplessness better. Younv Palace actually betrayed its disciples in order to maintain its relationship with Tianyao Peak.

"What about Elder Xumi? Why don't they care about this?"

"The other party did not hurt Qiu Meng's life. Besides, Elder Xumi has no right to intervene in the internal criminal law of Younv Palace." Xuanqing sighed.

"Younv Palace is inhumane. In order to maintain an alliance with Tianyao Peak, it is not willing to sacrifice its own disciples. It is considered shameful. As a sect, it is considered unkind not to protect its own disciples. What do you think?" Xuanqing said.

"I'm afraid there will be an ambush this time." Li Xiaoyao sighed. Mu Ao led them to the Sixty-Four Mountains in this way, which was definitely not good intentions.

"Qiu Meng must be saved." Hua Zhixu said coldly on the side. He was also angry. He was the only one present who knew a secret, that is, the relationship between Fatty and Qiu Meng. The two of them were no longer ordinary, but lovers.

Li Xiaoyao's eyes were also filled with deep anger. The Younv Palace was said to be a place where both humans and gods were angry. They could become brothers and were all people with friendship. Now that Qiu Meng was in trouble because of them, how could they not save her?

In that case, what was the difference between them and the Younv Palace?

"I'll go find Chu Yan!" Li Xiaoyao said.

"Then I'll go find helpers too!"

The little wolf's childish voice came, and it suddenly flew away. After a long time, a pink monster with rabbit ears and cat demons flew over the horizon. Above the monster, Qingyi stood in the void, still so beautiful, and could not see too many emotions, but she appeared.

"Chu Yan has gone deep into the sword forest. I can't get in with my own strength." Li Xiaoyao returned with a bitter smile. There were thousands of swords outside the sword forest. As soon as he approached, he was blocked and returned empty-handed.

"Don't alarm him!" Qingyi hesitated and suddenly said, "I can help you for him!"

Everyone was stunned. Qingyi went to fight? That should be enough, right? They all saw the battle between Qing Yi and Mu Feng that day. Qing Yi's fighting power was absolutely strong.

In the 64th Sealed Mountain, there was a dense forest. Mu Feng and others all gathered here. Old Man Xumi had been led away by Mu Feng. Today, they would have a decisive battle here.

Qiu Meng was hung on the tree, extremely haggard, and there was no trace of her former charm. She looked at Xuan Bingxin and others with disappointment, and shook her head self-deprecatingly: "My sect, my senior sister, actually used me as bait to lure Brother Chu to death. It's really ironic."

"Qiu Meng, all this is your own fault. Chu Yan is a thief who is an enemy of all the Tianjiao and has provoked Mu Feng. He can't even survive in the Ancient Demon Star Domain. But you approached him. Who can you blame!" Xuan Bingxin said coldly.

Mu Ao glanced at Qiu Meng's curvy figure and smiled greedily: "Bingxin, she is no longer your disciple of Younv Palace, right?"

"Yeah!" Xuan Bingxin nodded viciously.

"That's great. I'll take it when everything is over. It's so beautiful, I'll love it well." Mu Ao said with a sinister smile, and then he didn't say much and continued to wait on the side.

"If Brother Chu and the others come, you will definitely regret it!" Qiu Meng looked at Mu Ao angrily.

Everyone laughed, and Shi Tiandao sneered: "If Chu Yan dares to come here today, he will be buried here today."

Mu Feng also raised his hand at this time and held up the Immortal Burning Furnace. Seeing the Immortal Burning Furnace, Qiu Meng was shocked: "You... actually want to use magic weapons to deal with Brother Chu!"

"He is looking for death. If he didn't rely on magic weapons in the past, he would have been dead by now." Mu Feng didn't waste words and waited on the side. The 64th Sealed Mountain had gathered more than 200 disciples of the Overlord, and many people came to watch. Everyone was secretly discussing that this battle might be the decisive battle between the two sides in Xumi Peak?

The people on both sides are strong and weak, and no one here can know which side will win in the end. But today, there is no doubt about one thing, that is, today's battle will definitely be extremely tragic.

"Here we come!" Mu Ao and others suddenly stood up. At this moment, in the 64th Seal Mountain, a majestic figure came up from the sky in the distance. There were also nearly a hundred people, headed by Li Xiaoyao and Hua Zhixu, all of them came together. Gather here.

"Li Xiaoyao, Hua Zhixu, Jiang Tianwen, Xuan Qing! They are all here!"

"That woman is here too!" Everyone looked up, Miao Miao turned into a huge rabbit-eared cat demon, pink and tender, extremely cute, but this time, Miao Miao also had a ten-meter demon wolf on his body, and the little wolf was no longer the same as before. He also transformed into a cute body, but turned into an extremely ferocious demon wolf. After setting foot on the sixty-fourth peak, he immediately jumped off Miao Miao and landed on the ground with a thud, showing the aura of a demon king.

"Ouch!" The little wolf roared, hibernating, its eyes red, as if it was about to tear the opponent into pieces at any time.

"Qiu Meng!" The fat man also came, standing on the little wolf, extremely angry.

Qiu Meng's eyes were red. She looked at everyone and shook her head slightly, but just as she was about to speak, Li Sheng stepped forward first. Xuan Bingxin penetrated Qiu Meng's body from behind with a sealing formation, making Qiu Meng unable to make a sound.

Li Xiaoyao took a step, and at this moment he looked at Mu Feng coldly: "Mufeng, you can be regarded as a person who has been famous for a long time. At the end of the year, you are about to participate in the Battle of the Sky Monument. After the last battle, I didn't expect you. Did you do such a despicable thing? Are you representing the Falling Star Pavilion?"

"Li Xiaoyao, it's useless for you to tell me. Everything is cause and effect. Chu Yan killed my Meteor Star Pavilion disciple and he must pay the price today. Where is Chu Yan?" Mu Feng's momentum was not weak and he also took a step forward.

"Whoosh!" The green robe suddenly fell down, and the long green skirt was so beautiful. She looked at Mu Feng, with a murderous intent in her eyes. She wanted to kill Mu Feng last time, but was stopped by Old Man Xumi. Today, she is going to kill him.

"Younv Palace, as the dominant force, it's ridiculous to do such a sad thing. It's really embarrassing to be in the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory with you, Younv Palace!" Xuan Qing also said.

"Chichi! Xuannv Sect Xuanqing, Frozen Beauty, all the girls from you Xuannv Sect will stay here today." Mu Ao smiled evilly and said: "I heard that the girls from Xuannv Sect must be virgins, I haven't enjoyed it. Ganlin, let you have a good time today!"

"Shameless!" the woman in blue cursed.

"It's useless to talk more, Mu Feng, I'm here, let him go!" Li Xiaoyao roared again. At this moment, his body suddenly flashed and turned into a ball of flame. He took a fierce step and directly dodged to the ground. Next to Li Meng, the Younu Gong who was closest to him, his palms reached out and grabbed Li Meng's throat: "Let her go, or she will die!"

Mu Feng and others' expressions turned cold. No one expected that Li Xiaoyao would strike first, but a moment later, Xuan Bingxin sneered: "It's useless to catch her. If she dies, Qiu Meng will suffer the consequences in the world today." The most cruel humiliation. There are also tiger clans in Tianyao Peak. Although they are not as good as the Tianhu clan, they are still tiger clans with high bloodline."

"Tiger tribe, food and sex!" Everyone's eyes suddenly condensed, Xuan Bingxin could actually say such vicious words.

The two sides have reached this point and can no longer mediate. This matter can only be ended with a fight.

Realizing this, Li Xiaoyao didn't talk nonsense. He glanced at Li Meng sadly: "The ten lives of a despicable woman like you are not as good as the one life of my brother's woman, get out!"

"Bang!" Li Meng was violently shaken back by Li Xiaoyao and vomited blood continuously. She felt hatred in her heart. She followed Huo Feng back then, but now that Huo Feng is dead, everyone looks at her with such indifference. Even Xuan Bingxin, She didn't care either.

Coupled with Li Xiaoyao's words, her ten lives were not as good as Qiu Meng's, which made her even more resentful.

"Fight!" Hua Zhixu rushed out first, with his halberd in his hand, dancing in the wind, like a dragon in his hand, stirring up the nine heavens. Then he went directly to meet the opponent without being polite.

Fatty, Xiaolang, the Shi family, and members of the Xuannv clan all participated in the battlefield. The start of this battle was earth-shattering. However, Li Xiaoyao and others were still wary and did not kill. But after a while, they saw people in the mountains and forests. Suddenly there was a scream.

In the distance, a woman from Xuannv Sect had a pale face. Mu Ao was holding a sharp sword and actually pierced the woman's heart. The woman looked at Mu Ao with wide eyes, full of disbelief. She was dead. , died in Xumi Peak.

Li Xiaoyao and others suddenly roared, and finally understood that in today's battle, Mu Feng and others had completely ignored the rules of Xumi Peak and were all killers. In this battle, they would fight to the death!

"Bastard!" Xuanqing roared, her whole body turned into ice currents, she slammed into a Mu family disciple, she no longer held back, in this battle, she fought desperately, she slapped a palm with her slender jade hand, and the disciple Ice flowers immediately opened on the chest, and the cold poison entered the body, directly freezing the heart.

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