Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 345: Fight to the Death

Everyone was still in shock. Li Sheng was defeated?

Is Li Sheng too weak? Impossible. Although Li Sheng is not as famous as Mu Feng, as the number one person under the Li family's monument, no one here will question his strength. Li Sheng also did several sensational things back then.

But he still lost, so there was only one explanation: Chu Yan was stronger than Li Sheng.

Nowadays, Chu Yan has the ability to compete with the overlord Quasi-Tian Monument, and his reputation is definitely not false.

Mu Feng stood high in the sky. He had watched the whole battle. Something strange flashed in his deep eyes. In the whole duel, Chu Yan never fell into a disadvantage. He always suppressed it with force, and finally defeated him with thunderous means. Li Sheng.

"Looking for trouble and being so high-sounding is considered ridiculous. Now that we are defeated, it is even more sad." Chu Yan knocked Li Sheng away. Then he stood up with his sword and strolled into the air. His long sword pointed directly below Huo Feng and others: "It's not about fighting. What? Chu is here today and wants to fight. Please accompany me!"

Huo Feng and others looked unhappy, but Chu Yan alone wanted to fight all of them now.

"You guys, come together!" Chu Yan pointed his sword at Huo Feng, Mu Ao and others.

Li Xiaoyao sneered from the side: "Huo Feng, you are so humble, your strength is not as good as Li Sheng, and you still want to fight with my brother Chu Yan. Now that Li Sheng has been defeated, can you beat him? It's ridiculous. "

Huo Feng felt uneasy. Chu Yan had acted too forcefully. Today, they and their group could be said to have raised an army to punish him, but now they have become Chu Yan's wedding dress to become famous.

"Fight!" Huo Feng took a step back and distanced himself from Fatty and Hua Zhixu. Mu Ao, Shi Tiandao and others all also stepped back and stared at Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, you really exceeded my expectations today, but even if you defeat Li Sheng alone, do you think you can fight against all of us?" Huo Feng still said arrogantly, as Tianzun, they have enough dignity, even if Li Sheng Even if they were defeated, they didn't think they would be defeated.

Li Xiaoyao also looked at Chu Yan: "Shall I accompany you to fight?"

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded. He was confident in his own strength. He believed that with his current fighting power, he could defeat anyone like Huo Feng and others. However, he was not a person who could rely on others to fight in a group battle. .

What's more, Chu Yan will tell the other party the rules when he bullies the minority with more? If you can bully each other in a group, you will never show any mercy!

"And us!" Hua Zhixu, Fatty and others all took a step forward, guarding Chu Yan's rear like an ever-strong shield.

Seeing this scene, Huo Feng suddenly sneered: "Chu Yan, what you said is beautiful, but it turns out that in the end we still have to join forces to resist us."

"Huo Feng, do you still want to be shameless? You are all self-proclaimed geniuses and quasi-celestial monument masters of the overlord force. Junior brother Chu Yan is two realms lower than you. Now he dares to fight you. He is already brave. If it were different You, if you meet someone who is two levels above you, you have already been frightened by the news, let alone a battle of courage. Now you actually let him fight against you alone?" Xuan Qing snorted from the side.

You want to bully the minority, but you can still say so high-sounding things. I feel really embarrassed to be in the same hegemonic power with you. Qiu Meng also said.

The corner of Huo Feng's mouth twitched and he was speechless. Indeed, in terms of realm, they were all higher than Chu Yan. It could be said that Chu Yan was not an exaggeration. In the end, they were just bullying others.

"Senior sister, Qiu Meng, since we know they are shameless, why should we care about shameless people? If they want to fight, then fight." Chu Yan said.

"Arrogant!" Huo Feng roared. He clenched his arm and turned it into a star-fall gauntlet. It turned into a punch and violently attacked Chu Yan. Faced with such a giant star-fall fist, Chu Yan did not dodge. He stepped forward to meet him, the sound of the sword was like a strong wind behind him.

At this time, Hua Zhixu and others also moved, and a battle between the two parties was about to break out.

It can be said that there was a fierce battle in Xumi Peak. At first, everyone thought that Huo Feng and others would have the upper hand. After all, they were much higher than Chu Yan in terms of number and level. But once the battle started, everyone knew They are naive.

Li Xiaoyao, a seventh-level Venerable, faced Shi Tiandao alone. The difference between the two was one level, but Li Xiaoyao did not miss the chance of defeat at all. On the contrary, he was extremely powerful. The more he fought, the braver he became. A long sword in his hand danced with the white clothes. , a huge flame rose up into the sky, turned into a flaming sword light, and slashed towards Shi Tiandao in the air.

"It's the Li family's Red Sun Technique!" Everyone couldn't help but be surprised: "Li Xiaoyao has also mastered the Red Sun Technique. To practice this method, you need to transform into a flame and endure the burning pain of thousands of degrees of red flames, but Once it is completed, its power will be endless, making it like the red sun at noon. Li Xiaoyao should be the youngest person in the Li family to succeed in cultivation, right?"

"Li Xiaoyao, carefree and at ease, no distinction between inside and outside, no worries about whether he goes or stays, what a Li Xiaoyao. Who just said that the strongest person under the Li Family Sky Monument belongs to Li Sheng? Haha, hahaha!"

Xuan Qing also looked at Li Sheng at this time and sneered: "Li Sheng, are you ridiculous? When you became famous, Li Xiaoyao was just a newcomer to the emperor, but now Li Xiaoyao is no weaker than you. A year later, In the dispute over the monument, it’s not your turn to take it!”

Li Sheng was angry on the side, but he could only be angry. In today's battle, his defeat was so humiliating that he didn't even have the courage to join the battle.

In the distance, Chu Yan transformed into his true self, transformed into a giant arm reaching the sky, a body ten feet tall, and punched down like a mountain. His palm was covered with golden Sanskrit, like an ancient mark, and he punched Huo Feng's chest fiercely. Smash it.

Huo Feng's heart sank. The approaching punch made him feel a forced gravity pressure. He looked at Chu Yan in disbelief: "You...how is it possible? How many bloodlines do you have?"

"You don't deserve to know!" Chu Yandong punched out. That punch was so terrible that it weighed ten thousand tons. Everyone's eyes froze. Before the fist touched Huo Feng, Huo Feng's chest was sunken. He was actually broken by the air wave.

"Huo Feng, with such strength, you dare to show off? In the end, you can only be laughed at by everyone!" Chu Yan was ridiculous. The punch did not decrease at all and continued to press.

Everyone's eyes were fixed. Huo Feng was completely suppressed and had no power to fight back. If Chu Yan had defeated Li Sheng before, he would have had some luck. But what about now? Didn't Huo Feng lose?

Is Huo Feng weak? Of course not. He also has a very high status in the Meteorite Pavilion. Otherwise, Li Meng of the Ghost Girl Palace would not have chosen him. He was just suppressed by Mu Feng's halo, but now, he was defeated, completely defeated.

"Where is your pride? Is it so unbearable?" Chu Yan growled, with no intention of stopping. After this punch, Huo Feng might not die or be disabled, but the injury would definitely take him a year to recover.

"Chu Yan, you dare!" Mu Feng's eyes condensed in the air, and a sense of pressure from the Heavenly Lord suddenly suppressed Chu Yan.

Chu Yan raised his head, his eyes like ice, and looked directly at Mu Feng: "Meteorite Pavilion, can't afford to lose?"

"Now that Huo Feng has been defeated, I also admit that your strength is indeed good!" Mu Feng said with a hint of command.

"Then what?" Chu Yan sneered again, which made everyone stunned. Mu Feng admitted Chu Yan, but Chu Yan asked Mu Feng, then what?

"What do you mean?"

"I, Chu Yan, came to Xumi Peak to respect the ancestors here and to practice here. I didn't want to cause trouble, but you have been bullying me again and again. Today, you have gathered people to target me, Chu Yan. Haha, now you know you can't win, and you want to let it go with a word of recognition? Is there such a good thing in the world?" Chu Yan growled, and his foot took another step, and the fist wind was closer to Huo Feng.

"You dare!" Mu Feng growled, his eyes became colder: "Huo Feng is the genius of my Meteorite Pavilion. In a year, he will represent the Meteorite Pavilion to seize the Heavenly Monument. If you dare to seriously injure him today, you can't afford the price!"

"Meteorite Pavilion? If you make trouble for me for a waste like him, then I have overestimated this overlord force! Everything today is his own fault, and he must pay the price!" Chu Yan punched out again, and Mu Feng's barrier was broken immediately. With a bang, the fist fell without reservation and hit Huo Feng's chest directly.

"This is the price of provoking me!"

"Bang!" The sound of continuous bone breaking sounded, and everyone was shocked. Did Chu Yan really punch out?

Huo Feng was almost dead. This kind of injury would take a year to heal, right?

Mu Feng was angry. Although he guessed that Huo Feng might lose, he did not expect that Chu Yan would dare to attack him after he opened his mouth, without giving him any face.

"You are looking for death!" Mu Feng's eyes flashed with cold light. He jumped out of the void, a thousand meters away, and crossed in one step. The next moment, the power of the Heavenly Venerable directly enveloped him, turning into a huge force to suppress Chu Yan. When he reached out his palm, a jade sword appeared. Was there a murderous intent on the jade sword?

"No, he is going to kill!" Li Xiaoyao's eyes sank, and there was a murderous intent on the jade sword. The next moment he soared into the sky, but at this moment, Mu Ao and others immediately fought and shocked Li Xiaoyao back violently.

Chu Yan also frowned fiercely, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and opened the four major power bloodlines, but even so, his arm was still pierced by a sword. Mu Feng was too strong.

"This is Xumi Peak!" Chu Yan took a step back and looked at Mu Feng coldly.

"How about Xumi Peak? I will kill you today and leave here. Can Xumi Peak still catch up with Meteorite Pavilion?" Mu Feng said coldly, with more killing intent, and approached Chu Yan very quickly.

"Brother Chu!" The fat man shouted anxiously, but the opponent was Mu Feng, who was too strong. He and Hua Zhixu had no way to deal with him.

Chu Yan's eyes sank, and he felt the jade sword approaching, and he was also angry. He was not wrong today. Huo Feng and others were all here to cause trouble. Now that he won, Mu Feng wanted to kill him?

Chu Yan clenched his fist, the sound of the sword whistled, and he suddenly took a step forward. Everyone was stunned when they saw Chu Yan's actions. Chu Yan, want to fight Mu Feng?

After so many years of cultivation, Chu Yan had already understood a truth. In this martial arts world, it was ridiculous to follow rules. Since the other party wanted to kill him, he would fight back. If he wanted to fight, he should not hesitate.

The next moment, Chu Yan's body doubled and turned into a golden giant. He punched out with an iron fist, and even had a killing intent. He turned into a sword and approached Mu Feng directly. At that moment, everyone's eyes froze. Was this a fight to the death?

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