Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 343: Gathering in Mount Xumi

Chu Yan's eyes flashed, as if a hunting blade was approaching. Huo Feng continued to take a step back and looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Are you sure you don't want to go with me? I'm giving you a chance!"

"Whoever wants to see me, let him roll over. As for you, you are not qualified. If you don't roll over in three breaths, you don't have to leave!" Chu Yan lost his patience. He had been comprehending the Doutian Ji. Huo Feng came here and just said someone wanted to see him, so he went to see him? If someone wanted to see him every day, would he have time to practice?

"Let him come to see you? Do you know who wants to see you? Although you have good talent, you are still at a low level. However, the person who wants to see you will only have a higher talent than you, and his realm is much higher than yours." Huo Feng sneered.

"No matter who wants to see me, come here by yourself. Let me see you? Then, no!" Chu Yan responded, and then he raised three thumbs.

"Tsk, tsk, so arrogant, Huo Feng, I don't know what you think, but I really can't stand such an arrogant boy. Since he won't listen to advice, just capture him." A Tianjiao beside Huo Feng sneered.

However, at this time, Huo Feng grinned and shook his head: "No, let's go back!"

Everyone looked at Huo Feng and frowned, but since Huo Feng had spoken, they didn't ask again, and nodded and followed Huo Feng away.

"Chu Yan, I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it. It was you who wanted him to come to see you. I will inform you, but don't regret it when the time comes." Huo Feng said another sentence before leaving.

When everyone left, Chu Yan looked unhappy. He was interrupted just after he had comprehended. Now he wanted to regain that feeling and needed to lay the groundwork again.

Chu Yan didn't care about Huo Feng. No matter who the other party was, if he wanted to see him, he had the right not to see him. If the other party insisted on seeing him, just come to see him. Let him see him? Are you a king or a saint? In one sentence, I'm going to see you? You're used to it.

In a wine forest on Xumi Peak, Huo Feng came back, and the rest of the people were still at the banquet. Mu Feng sat at the head of the banquet, wearing white clothes and matching the bamboo forest, looking very comfortable. He raised his glass and said lightly: "Where are the people?"

"Brother, Chu Yan said that if you want to see him, just go and see him yourself, and let him come to see you, then, no!" Huo Feng said truthfully. Of course, he would not explain the actual situation at that time, because he disturbed Chu Yan first.

"What a lunatic! Mu Feng wants to see him, and he has to go to see him in person. Does he have such a big face?" Mu Ao sneered at the side.

"It's just ignorant. Mu Feng pleaded for him, asking us not to touch him and let him come alone to apologize. Now he is so ignorant that he dares to refuse even Mu Feng's face!" Shi Tiandao also nodded.

Mu Feng frowned unhappily. Although he, Mu Feng, dared not claim to be unrivaled in the world, he also knew that there were sixteen heavenly monuments above him, but in this Xumi Peak, at least everyone would give him some face. Today, he was rejected.

"Mu Feng, no matter what, you are also a brother, this kid is so disrespectful. In this case, in my opinion, if you don't know how to respect me, don't give me face, just do it directly." Li Sheng said.

"That's right." Xuan Bingxin also said, and beside her was Li Meng from the Ghost Girl Palace.

"In this case, I don't care about this matter." Mu Feng said lightly. With his status, it is not appropriate to attack Chu Yan after all. He devalued himself and said to Huo Feng beside him: "Teach him a lesson."

Huo Feng nodded, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yan didn't know about Li Sheng and others' gathering. He continued to comprehend the Doutian Ji. One day, he stood up and turned himself into a halberd, comprehending every swing of the halberd. He stabbed out of the void, just like a spear in his hand, so majestic.

The space in front of him was broken in waves. His posture was light and every movement was like flowing clouds and water, beautiful and beautiful, attracting many people.

"This halberd method is worthy of being a method that can fight against the sky. It is really powerful." After a long time, Chu Yan stopped. He was already sweating, but he didn't feel tired at all.

"You are really comfortable." At this time, a wonderful voice came. Chu Yan looked up and smiled: "Senior Sister Xuanqing!"

"Well, the outside world is now in chaos because of you. How are you? You are hiding here alone to practice halberd method."

"Me?" Chu Yan said puzzledly.

"Now Huo Feng, Li Sheng, Shi Tiandao of the Shi family, Mu Ao of the Mu family, and the people of the Younu Palace are all looking for you. If you meet them, it seems that Mu Feng is also involved in this matter. However, given Mu Feng's personality, he should not attack you, but the others are not weak either. You should hide first." Xuan Qing said.

Chu Yan nodded and murmured, "These guys are really endless."

Xuan Qing smiled bitterly, "Xumei Peak rarely has such a situation where several forces unite to deal with one person. It seems that you have really caused a lot of trouble. If you see the fat man and your friend, tell them. Given the personality of Huo Feng and others, if they can't find you, they may attack your friends!"

"Thank you for telling me!" Chu Yan nodded, and then he got up and left to look for the fat man and Hua Zhixu.

As soon as Chu Yan left, Huo Feng and others came here together. Seeing that Chu Yan was gone, they frowned slightly: "Xuan Qing, where is Chu Yan? Have you seen him?"

Xuan Qing glanced at Huo Feng coldly: "What does it have to do with you whether I have seen him or not?"

"You..." Huo Feng frowned, but he didn't care about Xuan Qing. Xuan Qing was a very famous person in Xuannv Sect and had good talent. He didn't want to provoke him, so he snorted and turned away.

Just then, the blue-clothed woman next to Xuan Qing suddenly looked up, looked towards the direction of Younv Palace, and said lightly: "Younv Palace, wait!"

Xuan Bingxin frowned and looked at the blue-clothed woman. In the past three years, this woman has been very famous. She landed in Xuannv Sect. It is rumored that she is the disciple of the Queen. She has a mysterious ice physique, which is very special. Now her strength is not inferior to hers: "What's the matter?"

"I said it back then that you Younv Palace will regret it! Today, it's the same!" The blue-clothed woman repeated. Xuan Bingxin's jade face sank, snorted coldly, and left with Huo Feng.

Regarding the gathering of Huo Feng and others, a huge storm immediately formed in Xumi Peak. Huo Feng and many other strong men joined forces to deal with Chu Yan?

Many people were surprised, but some people got the news that Chu Yan was very arrogant. Mu Feng wanted to see him in person, but Chu Yan refused to see him, which also caused a lot of ridicule in Xumi Peak.

Who is Mu Feng? He has been famous for a long time. Now he has reached the ninth level of the Venerable. It can be said that he can rank seventeenth in the Venerable realm. Except for the sixteen real Tianbei people, no one can beat him.

But he wanted to see Chu Yan, but was refused by Chu Yan?

Chu Yan left Doutian Ji and met Li Xiaoyao on the way. He asked, "Xiaoyao, do you know Mu Feng?"

"Mu Feng is quite powerful. If you can avoid provoking him, it's better not to provoke him." Li Xiaoyao nodded.

"It's too late. I've already offended him." Chu Yan smiled bitterly and told Li Xiaoyao the whole story. Li Xiaoyao was speechless for a while: "You really can cause trouble, but since you've offended him, there's no need to worry. With Mu Feng's identity, he shouldn't take the initiative to attack you. Just be careful of Huo Feng and the others!"

"Now Huo Feng has formed his own power. We are few in number. I'll go find some helpers." Li Xiaoyao hesitated and suddenly said.

"Shall we join?" Xuan Qing flew over at this time. Li Xiaoyao was stunned and said with a smile: "Of course we welcome you. After the battle of the Evergreen Tree, we had no chance to fight again. Now we are in the same trench again."

The joining of Xuannv Sect undoubtedly brought some help to Chu Yan. Li Xiaoyao also brought a few friends, namely Li Yun, Li Yin and others. Another party also gave Li Xiaoyao face and was willing to help. They were the Jiang family. Li Xiaoyao's fiancée was in the Jiang family.

One day, at the top of the cliff, a strong wind suddenly blew from the sky, and Huo Feng and others came here.

"Here we come!" Li Xiaoyao's eyes condensed slightly, and he became serious. The other party had a lot of people, and there were also several geniuses from the big families, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Li Xiaoyao, Xuannv Sect and Jiang family, we will not look for you today. If you don't want to cause trouble, retreat quickly." Huo Feng came and immediately showed a terrible aura.

"It's ridiculous. Chu Yan is my brother. If you want to fight him, I will fight him!" Li Xiaoyao was also talking nonsense. He has always been like this. If you want to fight, then fight. He has never been afraid of anyone.

"Huo Feng, you are the eighth level of the Venerable and have been famous for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It's ridiculous to respect someone who is two levels lower than you." Xuan Qing also sneered on the side.

"He is too arrogant. Don't blame others." Mu Ao said on the side.

"Arrogant? Only you know the truth best, right? You, Mu Ao, went to provoke that woman and almost got crippled. Now you dare to shout here. It's ridiculous. And Huo Feng, the same." The blue-clothed woman said.

Mu Ao and Huo Feng's mouths twitched, and their faces were not good. The Qingyi incident at the beginning made both of them lose face. Today, when it was mentioned again, they were all angry.

"Are you Chu Yan?" Suddenly, a white robe fell down in the air. He was so noble that he attracted many eyes and made countless people tremble. Even Li Xiaoyao frowned.

"Mu Feng! The first person in Xumi Peak!"

Xuanqing and the Jiang family members all became serious. Huo Feng and the others did not take him seriously, but Mu Feng was not. This person was too famous and had already surpassed everyone present.

"In the past, I asked Huo Feng to send a message to see you. Did you ask me to come to see you?" Mu Feng's voice was a little cold, which made everyone's heart sink. If Mu Feng took action, Chu Yan would be in big trouble today.

"It's ridiculous. When I was practicing under the halberd, Huo Feng came and interrupted my practice. I was angry. Then he said that someone wanted to see me and asked me to go over and see him. If you encounter such a thing, what would you do?" Chu Yan looked directly at Mu Feng and said.

Everyone frowned, and even Mu Feng looked at Huo Feng in the same way. Interrupting others' practice? This is a taboo in the practice world.

Mu Feng also snorted coldly, but Huo Feng was from the Meteoric Pavilion after all, and he and Mu Feng were from the same school. Today, he would not offend his own people. He said coldly: "If that's the case, it's just a misunderstanding. You provoked people from various tribes before. Xumi Peak is a place for cultivation, and you shouldn't start a war. You should apologize to everyone. I will make the decision for you here. Let's end it now. Are you willing?"

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