Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 338: Inside Xumi Peak [Fifth update yesterday]

"This..." In Xumi Peak, everyone was still intoxicated by Chu Yan's explosive damage. Did they defeat Mu Kuanglong with one punch?

The Mu family is the two dominant forces in the Qinggu Star Region. Mu Kuanglong himself can get the name of the Mu family monster, and is allowed to enter the Eternal Forest, Xumi Peak, and be set as a quasi-celestial monument. This is a representative of strength. He himself is a representative of the strong, but today, he was killed by Chu Yan with one punch.

The old man stood in the void and smiled obscenely, ignoring Chu Yan's gaze at all, and said in his heart: "Not bad! I thought that the sixth level of the Venerable would bring some trouble to this little kid, but I didn't expect to win so easily. It seems that I underestimated him, and if I want to see his bottom line, I have to cause him some more trouble."

A charming woman appeared in the distance. She could not tell her age, but her strength was transcendent. She was probably an emperor. She glanced at the wretched old man and smiled and said: "Damn old man, it's been a long time since I saw you being so interested in a young man. He has What’s special?”

The old man was stunned for a moment when he saw this woman, and then he immediately said seriously: "It's not special at all. She's just trash. She just deliberately suppressed her strength to the fourth level of the Venerable without breaking through. It's just to show off. There's nothing worth paying attention to. Well, yes "

"Go away! Do you think I'm blind? You can't even think of taking over such a good seedling by yourself. Remember to lend it to me to play with when the time comes!" the woman said angrily.

The old man laughed dryly, without explaining, and looked at Chu Yan appreciatively, his eyes narrowed into a gap: "Don't be in a hurry, wait until I find a chance to test this little guy's skills."

Chu Yan didn't know about the conversation between the old man and the woman, otherwise he would have been sure that ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping past. What did these two guys think of themselves? Borrow it for fun? Toys?

Defeating Mu Kuanglong seemed to be a very ordinary thing for Chu Yan, who walked to Li Xiaoyao with a smile.

Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Chu Yan. What kind of evildoer did he encounter? He was actually more powerful than himself. But yes, only such a person is worthy of being my brother, Li Xiaoyao!

At first, the old man said that some people looked down upon Chu Yan. After all, Xumi Peak is open to the three major star regions. There are many evil disciples here, but their strength is generally above the fifth level of the Venerable. The stronger ones also include the Seventh Level and the Venerable. Compared with the eighth-level Tianzun, Chu Yan's strength is still too weak. Even if he can defeat the sixth-level Tianzun, it is still difficult to be regarded as a seventh-level Tianzun.

But after this battle, this contempt was self-evident, and Chu Yan at least had a combat power above that of Mu Kuanglong.

This news immediately spread to Xumi Peak. With one move, the main Xumi Stone Gate was shattered and eighty-one stone pillars were illuminated. Soon the name of Chu Yan was widely spread on Xumi Peak. Of course, it was very famous. , sometimes it may not be a good thing, and he will feel distressed by it soon.

"You can practice here in the future, but remember, there are many secrets in Xumi Peak, as well as the mansions of ancestors, which contain many powerful inheritances, but every mountain is different, you can only enter your own You can't break through the other peaks that are lit up, otherwise you will anger those old guys and you will be in trouble," Li Xiaoyao said.

"Is there anyone else in Xumi Peak?" the fat man asked in surprise.

"Of course, that old man, isn't he a human?" Li Xiaoyao paused, then continued: "There are eighty-one mountains in Sumeru Peak, and there are eighty-one old men. These guys are extraordinary in strength, but they only focus on cultivation and do not care about worldly affairs. , does not belong to any party, but in Xumi Peak, even the overlord forces dare not disobey them. Take me as an example. You see, I am usually crazy, but here, I still abide by the rules, otherwise if I anger someone. If an old man goes crazy, the Li family may not be able to protect me."

"So exaggerated?" The fat man shrank his neck and whispered: "Then I'd better be more honest. Unfortunately, the fat man only lit up forty-nine of them, and they were just like the useless Mu Kuanglong."

"..." Everyone in Mount Xumi was sweating, and Mu Kuanglong's eyes were even more fierce.

"The stone pillars here can identify vitality. The ones that light up prove that they match your bloodline, life soul, and physique. The ones that don't light up are not suitable for you, so it is not a pity!" Li Xiaoyao said this, and then He glanced at Chu Yan and was speechless for a while: "After all, animals like him... are rare in the world."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly and did not defend himself. In fact, he had already discovered that there was something special about him.

Although Chu Yan does not have a special bloodline or a rare physique, he seems to have always been able to adapt to various magical powers, martial arts, and weapons.

Within the evergreen tree, he can master the inheritance of more than a thousand leaves and be proficient in all methods. In the Fire Pattern Trial Land, none of the thousands of stars could reject him, and it was the same today. He could practice all the secrets in the eighty-one mountains.

Of course, he has always attributed this credit to the fourth bloodline in his body, the unawakened bloodline. That bloodline is too special. He didn't know about the last time he went crazy. But even so, this bloodline alone can withstand it. The killing power of Zhu Xian made him immortal with just a thought, which shows how powerful this bloodline is.

But he didn't know that he had really misunderstood. His proficiency in all laws and his ability to accommodate heaven and earth really had nothing to do with his bloodline, but his empress form, which encompassed everything, accommodated all living beings, and penetrated all laws. That was his unique physique. .

"Let's go! Let me take you for a walk inside Xumi Peak." Li Xiaoyao started to guide.

There are eighty-one Sumeru Mountains, with many mountains. This place does not belong to any of the six realms of the galaxy, but many talented people have come out of it. Therefore, the wind of martial arts is very strong here, and the descendants of the three realms are all here.

On this day, the news that Chu Yan lit up eighty-one stone pillars spread immediately and could be heard everywhere in Xumi Peak.

"I heard that someone lit up eighty-one stone pillars."

"Eighty-one stone pillars? I don't know who is stronger compared to that person." Suddenly another person laughed. When everyone heard this, golden light suddenly appeared in their eyes. They naturally knew who that person was. A and Chu Yan is the same person who lit up eighty-one stone pillars!

In the past three years, Chu Yan was not the first person to light up 81 stone pillars, but the second one.

Mu Feng, the evildoer of the Qinggu Star Territory and the Meteor Star Pavilion, has a very famous reputation in Xumi Peak. Some people even said that during the competition for the Heavenly Monument two years later, this Mu Feng had already locked a piece of the Heavenly Monument. .

"Someone lit up eighty-one stone pillars? Who was it?"

"I don't know. It seems that the one Li Xiaoyao brought here is not from the Li family. He is a fourth-level Venerable. He has good combat power and defeated Mu Kuanglong!"

"Mu Kuang Long? Is that trash worthy of attention?" Someone sneered. At this moment, in a large mountain, his figure flew into the air and fled into the distance. As for where he went, no one asked. Knowing this, he showed an expectant smile and chased after him.

Chu Yan and the others followed Li Xiaoyao. As soon as they entered Xumi Peak, the three of them were shocked. This place was surrounded by clouds and mountains, and the secrets of cultivation were revealed everywhere. Any ginkgo tree might have something left by their ancestors. The trace, a broken wall, may be where Yi Jian Xiu danced his sword before. Looking at the sword marks, one can understand the profound meaning of the sword.

"It is truly a treasure land for cultivation." The three of them exclaimed.

At this moment, Hua Zhixu suddenly stopped and raised his head. He saw an upside-down stalagmite in front of him, exposed in the open space. This stalagmite was ten thousand feet high, like an upside-down halberd. It immediately attracted Hua Zhixu's attention. look.

"What a magical stalagmite, Chu Yan, I want to stay here and understand it." Hua Zhixu said.

"This is not a stalagmite, but a real halberd." Li Xiaoyao said with a smile: "This halberd is called the Dou Tian Halberd. It is said that there was an ancestor who was here in the past and used it as a halberd to play games with the sky, but unfortunately After several years of fighting, he finally failed to defeat the sky. He died of exhaustion and unwillingness. He set up his halberd here and weathered it for thousands of years to form this huge halberd stone, paving the way for the ancestors. One day, someone in future generations will be able to pull out this halberd and fulfill his unfulfilled wish."

"Is this really a halberd?" The three of them were shocked. This halberd was at least 10,000 meters high and weighed 100,000 tons: "How can anyone wield this halberd?"

"I don't know! There are many strange places in Xumi Peak. You will find out gradually." Li Xiaoyao did not explain.

Hua Zhixu stayed here to realize Taoism, practice the halberd technique, sit on the ground and watch the rocks, trying to communicate with the halberd.

Chu Yan and the other three did not stay. Xumi Peak was used for spiritual practice. However, people are different and each has a different way of practice, so they should not be able to work together.

After leaving the Dou Tianji, Fatty also found a suitable training place for him. This place was extremely special, it was actually a pond of wine and a forest of meat.

Hua Zhixu laughed at the side and said: "Haha, I didn't expect that you, fat man, would actually light up the stone pillars on this mountain, bull!"

"What do you mean?" The fat man looked innocent.

"This place was left by an ancestor of the Shang family, named Zhou. This man lived a life of eating, drinking and having fun. However, what made him great was eating, drinking and having fun. He actually showed extraordinary strength. He once made arrogant promises to eat the sky. He is known as the Great Swallowing King. However, the method of practicing in this mountain is also very special. You have to swallow enough wine and meat every day. If you can't eat it, it will be regarded as a big sin and you will be punished by the wine forest, so you can practice in this mountain. There are very few people, you are one of them!" Hua Zhixu gave the fat man a thumbs up.

The fat man rolled his eyes, but this training place was indeed suitable for him. Eating had always been his strong point, and with the devouring bloodline, it could be said to be a powerful devouring power.

Fatty and Hua Zhixu both found a place to practice, leaving Chu Yan alone. They also encountered some strange mountains and seas on the way, but he was not in a hurry and continued to walk with Hua Zhixu and continued to watch.

At this moment, Chu Yan frowned slightly, and he and Li Xiaoyao were forced to stop. They looked up and looked ahead. There was a young man in purple walking through the air. This man was holding a knife in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. The swords merged, giving people a look. An extremely strong sense of touch.

"Are you Chu Yan? Fight with me." The man raised his sword and immediately attracted many eyes.

"Shi Wudao!" Li Xiaoyao said to Chu Yan: "The Shi family is the same as my Li family, the overlord of the King Wu Star Territory. This person is the quasi-celestial monument master of the Shi family! He has cultivated the number of distractions on the left and right, and two in one body. The soul can control both sides and is a role."

Chu Yan nodded. Li Xiaoyao was very crazy. He said that this person was a character and should be very powerful, but Chu Yan felt a little depressed. Was it another challenge? If it continues like this, he is afraid that he will have no chance to practice. Just being with such a group of challenging people every day is not an option.

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