Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 330 Strong Suppression

Chu Yan's eyes immediately became cold, and he glanced at Lin Jun'er coldly. At this moment, his murderous intention appeared and he humiliated him. He endured it. This was the Li family. He didn't want to cause trouble, but Lin Jun'er's words were actually humiliating. killed his parents.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Ang stood up and unleashed his vitality without reservation. The atmosphere here suddenly became heavy.

Chu Yan glanced at Yu Ang, Lin Jun'er, Lin Kuangtian, Beiming Sword Sect Jianzi, and a woman from the Holy Academy one by one. He put down the wine glass and said calmly: "Yu family, Holy Academy, fight. Palace, Ming Ming Sword Sect, are you very strong?”

As soon as he finished speaking, many eyes immediately looked at Chu Yan, full of sarcasm.

These five major forces are all one of the top forces in the Martial King Star Region. They are also the five clans of the Li family, so they are certainly very strong.

"Are you talking nonsense?" Yu Ang said sarcastically.

"We are affiliated with the Li family. The four strongest forces are of course very strong. How can a humble person like you understand our combat power?"

"In that case, let's stop talking nonsense. Isn't today a place for competition? Let's compete directly. Let me see how powerful you noble people are and how humble I am." Chu Yan stood up and Lin Jia frowned at the side. He had seen Hua Zhixu and Fatty take action, but he had never seen Chu Yan. Everyone present was not weak, and Yu Ang and Jianzi were at the fifth level of Venerables, much stronger than him, which made him a little worried.

"Brother Chu!"

"Brother Lin, since I represent the Northwest Marquis Mansion today, I am qualified to challenge, right?" Chu Yan said.

"Looking for death? I'll grant you a favor!" Yu Ang stood up immediately, not giving Lin Jia a chance to speak again, and stepped onto the Xianlin battlefield. Then he glanced at Li Yuantian: "Mr. Li, I should have waited for the banquet to end, but there are The clown doesn’t know whether to live or die, so I’m going to take matters into my own hands and challenge myself first, so I think it’s just to cheer you up, okay?”

Li Yuantian was always calm, glanced at Chu Yan, and said calmly: "The Li family's competition is not about bullying. He is one level higher than you. You can choose to fight or not."

"This fight is not fair. If this is the case, Chu will not fight."

Uh-huh! As soon as Chu Yan said this, the whole audience laughed. Lin Jun'er even made some sarcasm: "It's really ridiculous. You are the one who wants to challenge. Now you are scared when you see Brother Yu on stage. It's really ironic, like you." People, why not get off the stage.”

"Is it fair for me to lower myself to a lower level? Of course, if you still don't dare, apologize and get out of here, and I can spare your life." Yu Ang said sarcastically.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Yu Ang, as if he were looking at an idiot, and shook his head ridiculously: "You may have misunderstood, I said it's unfair, it's for you, the fifth level of the Venerable, it's too rubbish, Chu will not even bother to bully you! You guys, come together Bar!"

"Arrogant!" Everyone immediately became angry and cursed one by one!

"To destroy you alone, do we have to work together to bully you? I alone am enough." Yu Ang said scornfully, he took a step, and then the wind blew under his feet, and immediately a huge light wheel formed in the air, like a huge Like the sun bird, the strong light can pierce through everything and suppress it mercilessly towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood there, raised his head and glanced at the strong light and snorted coldly. Then he looked so contemptuous and stood motionless.

"He's not hiding?"

"Haha, Sun Bird Slash! Yu Ang's move is a unique skill of the Yu family. I think this guy was so frightened that he forgot how to use the move and couldn't even hide. This move will kill him." Bei Ming Jianzi smiled proudly.

"Do you want to die?" Yu Ang also smiled scornfully and was not polite. The sun bird's light became even crazier, turning into a ruthless slash, cutting through the void, and finally formed a bright sword, stabbing Chu Yan's chest mercilessly. Go, this sword will definitely pierce your heart.

Lin Jia's heart tightened and she broke into a cold sweat for Chu Yan. Lin Jun'er even smiled brightly. She had determined that with this sword blow, Chu Yan would be killed and Lin Feng's revenge would be avenged.

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand, letting the sunlight penetrate his body, and his whole body turned into golden light. Then he heard a clanging sound of metal collision, and the bright sword touched Chu Yan's body. On the body, it doesn't feel like a thorn in the flesh, it's more like metal, an indestructible metal that breaks directly.

At this moment, Chu Yan raised his hand, put his fingers together, and slapped Yu Ang with a slap without any feint. Yu Ang panicked and wanted to retreat, but at this moment, Chu Yan took a step forward. The surroundings suddenly became a thousand times more gravitational, causing Yu Ang's body to sink, and he was actually suppressed.

"Pa!" A slap twitched like a five-fingered mountain, and Yu Ang spurted out blood. His bones were broken, and he hit the direction of the Yu family with a thud. He vomited blood and fainted to death.

"Tianjiao? Extraordinary combat power? Just like this?"

"It seems that what I said is right. You have nothing but the shadow of your ancestors. With such strength, are you worthy of boasting and claiming to be a genius?" Chu Yan smiled sadly. At this moment, he was proud of the whole audience.

Everyone's mouths twitched. What is Yu Ang’s strength? The fifth-level venerable was actually slapped away by Chu Yan? So unbearable?

"Who said just now that someone with my level of fighting power can defeat me? Why haven't you come up yet?" Chu Yan glanced in the direction of the Holy Academy again, and saw a person from the Holy Academy lowering his head. Don't dare to challenge.

"Could it be that the Douzhan Palace, the Holy Academy, and the Beiming Sword Sect are all a bunch of cowardly juniors? They only dare to humiliate them, but they don't even have the courage to fight? Then today Chu has seen it." Chu Yan scanned them one by one. The person who spoke before.

"That's too much!" The disciples of the three major forces all roared, and Beiming Jianzi was the first to jump out: "Let's join forces and kill this guy!"

"Up!" The other two sides also sent out one person each. The three people came on stage and surrounded Chu Yan from three directions. Among them, Beiming Jianqi held a sword. As soon as the long sword came out, a storm zone was immediately formed.

On the side of the Holy Academy, a woman has a graceful figure. She clasped her hands together to form jade palms. She turned the void, as if she had opened a book of nothingness, and sang softly. Murderous intent immediately emerged, making the sky dim and covering Chu. rock.

The three parties were besieging each other, each showing their magical powers, but at this moment, Chu Yan stood alone in the center. He did not panic at all, and the sword behind his back never came out. But at this moment, his eyes focused, and there was a faint golden light shooting out. He pointed towards it with his big hand. He raised it up and turned into a big golden hand, directly holding up the three people's magical powers, unable to break through Chu Yan's defense.

"Is this how powerful you are?" Chu Yan looked at the three of them sadly and said coldly: "Holy Academy, Douzhan Palace, and Beiming Sword Sect claim to be a transcendent force in King Wu Star Territory, and their disciples are invincible. What's ridiculous is that each and every one of them As unbearable as you are, you dared to speak arrogantly just now!”

The three people were anxious, but they were all shocked. Chu Yan's power was too strong, and they couldn't break through it at all, especially the golden light that made him look like an indestructible god of war. Chu Yan waved his hand and slapped him three times in succession. All three people vomited blood and were knocked back one by one.

"A bunch of trash! Vulnerable!" Chu Yan snorted coldly. All three of them vomited blood and glared at Chu Yan unwillingly.

Lin Juner's charming face in the distance had already changed in shock. She never expected that Chu Yan would be so strong?

Yu Ang, Ming Ming Jianzi, as well as the geniuses from Dou Zhan Palace and Holy Academy, all of whom were at a higher level than Chu Yan, joined forces and were defeated by Chu Yan with one move?

"How outrageous! The Li family held a banquet today, and you actually hurt my disciples in public. What are your intentions?" The elders of the four clans were all angry.

"You are the ones who are so presumptuous!" Chu Yan's momentum suddenly swelled and he crushed everyone: "Mr. Li personally presided over the battle just now. What's wrong? Don't you take the Li family in your eyes?"

"This..." Everyone was speechless. Indeed, Li Yuantian personally presided over this battle just now. He also said that this battle was unfair to Chu Yan. Yu Ang was at a higher level and now he is defeated. Who can blame him? Later, a group attack was defeated, so who can blame them?

Li Yuantian glanced at Chu Yan with deep meaning and said in admiration: "Boy, that's very good. With your fighting power, you must be able to fight against an ordinary sixth-level Venerable, right?"

After all, Li Yuantian is a member of the Li family. Chu Yan still politely handed over his hands and said: "Looking back to the seniors, the juniors have never fought against anyone at the sixth level of the Venerable, but if they are all useless like the Yu family and the Beiming Sword Sect, I think should be no problem."

"Haha! Interesting, interesting, young and energetic, I'm optimistic about you." Li Yuantian laughed loudly. As for the other four forces, they all felt hatred in their hearts, but they had no choice. If you lose, you lose. This is the Li family. It's still the turn. Don't make trouble for them.

"Today's competition opened my eyes. I will perform well next." Li Yuantian stroked his beard and smiled, as if he admired Chu Yan very much.

Chu Yan smiled and nodded, without saying much, he returned to his seat in the Northwest Marquis Mansion and sat down.

Lin Jia looked at Chu Yan strangely from the side, filled with shock in his heart. He suddenly understood why his father would send Chu Yan to fight. Chu Yan's combat power was too terrifying.

After the Xianlin banquet, it is time for the challenge. People from all major forces can come forward to challenge, but if Chu Yan makes a fuss earlier, how can this challenge be carried out?

Chu Yan from the Northwest Marquis Mansion alone was enough to win, but this was an ordinary competition, and all the forces just wanted to show off in front of the Li family, so they would not miss this opportunity, so they also competed on stage one by one.

At this moment, a man and a woman came from a distance. The man was handsome and dressed in white. The woman was beautiful and tall. She was wearing a tight-fitting long skirt, which made her proud even more erect. She had a red whip rolled in her hand. .

"Sister Mengyun!" Lin Jun'er saw the woman's surprise and happily stepped forward to greet her.

The woman nodded slightly, then looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Is he the one who killed Lin Feng?"

"Well, there are two other people who are his friends. I guess they are also related. Sister Mengyun, you must avenge Brother Feng." Lin Jun'er's beautiful eyes were fierce, but she felt proud in her heart. Now Lin Mengyun is here Yes, Chu Yan will die today.

At this time, everyone also looked at Lin Mengyun, full of envy. A swordsman from the Beiming Sword Sect said: "Lin Mengyun, she is here too. She has long been a member of the Li clan. She should be for the Northwest Marquis Mansion. Bar?"

"I don't think so. Don't you know that Lin Mengyun's only brother Lin Feng was killed outside not long ago. She came today probably because of this incident." Another person said.

"Brother Lin, this girl is nice and pretty. Is she from your Northwest Marquis Mansion?" the fat man said with a smile at the side.

Lin Jia was speechless for a while, rolled her eyes at the fat man and said, "You should worry about yourself. She is Lin Feng's sister. She has joined the Li family long ago. She is a member of the Li family with a different surname. She has a noble status. She is here today, probably for Lin Feng's sake." thing."

The fat man snorted and shook his head secretly. It seemed that he had no chance with this beauty.

"I heard that my brother was beheaded outside not long ago. The Hou family was incompetent. Not only did they not mention my brother's revenge, they actually made the enemy an honored guest to participate in Li's competition this time?"

After Lin Mengyun finished speaking, her delicate body was light and her slender legs flexed slightly, turning into a beautiful curve and leaping onto the battlefield. Her tall figure made everyone couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Since the Hou Mansion is incompetent, I will personally participate in this challenge today. You three, come up."

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