Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 33 Empress Qin Zixuan [Added]

The next day, the morning light soothes the earth.

Chu Yan opened his eyes early in the morning. According to the agreement, he was going to the Liu family today to find Liu Qingcheng and ask for a divorce letter.

When he thought of this, Chu Yan felt depressed. Most men divorced women, but he was so lucky that a grown man was divorced by his wife. This was unprecedented for him in the world of mortals. ?

"Going to get the divorce letter? Are you single again?" Ye Xun was waiting for Chu Yan outside the guest room early in the morning. When he saw Chu Yan, he smiled.

"Why do I feel that you seem to be very happy when I'm single?" Chu Yan said angrily.

"Of course, think about it, this young master is so handsome and talented, and now he is considered the number one young master in Tianyong City, but I haven't even gotten married yet, and you, a top loser, got married before me. Of course I'm not happy. But now, you are single." Ye Xun said with a smile.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Ye Xun angrily and muttered in his heart: Make friends carelessly, make friends carelessly.

"Let's go, I'll go with you. If you regret it on the way, I can give you a wake-up call and help you."

"Get lost." Chu Yan glared at Ye Xun, but still rushed towards the Liu family with Ye Xun's company.

Nowadays, outside the Liu family's door, there is no bustling family like before, but instead, there is a sense of depression of a down-and-out family.

Ye Xun glanced at the empty Liu Mansion and said helplessly: "I heard that because of the incident between you and Qingcheng, Mr. Liu fell seriously ill yesterday and has been lying in bed. People inside and outside the Liu family are now panic-stricken, and some people are worried. It is said that once the engagement is terminated, the Liu family will be ruined, and many servants will pack their bags and prepare to find another way."

Chu Yan sighed and said nothing, but he knew in his heart that since he had promised Liu Tianfeng, even if the engagement was terminated, he would protect the Liu family. However, the thought of facing his sister's interrogation later made Chu Yan a little worried. have no choice.

"Uncle, are you back?" Bao'er came up to greet him.

"Come and get the divorce letter, where is Qingcheng?" Chu Yan asked feebly.

"Miss, miss..." Bao'er suddenly became speechless, which made Chu Yan frown slightly.

"what happened?"

"Hey, uncle, you'd better follow me to the lobby first. The master and Young Master Liu Mu are both in the lobby. You'll know when you go to the lobby." Bao'er said a little helplessly, which made Chu Yan feel even more uneasy.

"let's go!"

Chu Yan followed Bao'er, and the three of them strode into the lobby of the Liu family.

In the lobby, Liu Tianfeng looked pale. In just one night, his hair grew white on his temples, as if he had aged several years. Seeing Chu Yan made him feel more energetic.


"Uncle Liu! What happened to the Liu family?" Chu Yan still called him in a distant manner.

Liu Tianfeng's old face was sad, he sighed, and then looked at Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu aside.

"What's going on?" Chu Yan asked again.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu hurriedly lowered their heads in fright. Then the two of them looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, Zhao Wu couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Uncle... Well, about this engagement, you may It can’t be lifted.”

"Can't it be lifted?"

Chu Yan frowned, feeling a little surprised in his heart, but he knew that the matter was not simple, and it was definitely not what Liu Qingcheng meant, so he glanced at Liu Tianfeng: "Uncle Liu... the matter between Qingcheng and me, you You know it, so why do you have to force it?"

"Chu Yan, this time Uncle Liu really didn't force him. If you don't want to be the son-in-law of the Liu family, you have no choice but to do it now." Liu Mu said with a proud smile.

But the more Liu Mu acted like this, the more unsure Chu Yan felt. Why did he always feel that he was involved in a conspiracy.

"Uncle, Miss Qingcheng... ran away from home last night." Zhao Liu laughed dryly at the side.

Hearing Zhao Liu's words, Ye Xun and Chu Yan were both stunned. Liu Qingcheng ran away from home? What the hell?

"It's true. The lady left a note at the new house yesterday, saying that she left, and that you couldn't get a divorce letter. She said that since she has married you, it's not that easy for you to want her or not. If If you want to write a divorce letter, just wait until you find her." Zhao Liudao.

Chu Yan frowned, feeling confused as to what Liu Qingcheng was doing. She had obviously always wanted to oppose this marriage. Now that she had promised to cancel the engagement and cancel it, she would still keep the Liu family alive, but she At this time, playing a runaway from home?

"Uncle, this is a note." Bao'er handed Liu Qingcheng's note to Chu Yan. It was indeed Liu Qingcheng's own handwriting.

Looking at the crisp handwriting on the note, Chu Yan felt itchy in his teeth... Isn't this woman too cruel? She didn't want to be with him, but she didn't give him the divorce papers, and now she was at large, but she was left alone in Tianyong City to collect widows?

Ye Xun also laughed at the side.

"You're laughing! Liu Qingcheng, you wait for me, I'm going to find you now!" Chu Yan was speechless for a while, then turned around and left the Liu family lobby.

In the lobby, only Liu Tianfeng and Liu Mu were left. Liu Tianfeng still looked sad. Liu Mu persuaded him from the side: "Uncle Liu, don't worry. Since Qingcheng did this, it proves that she still has Chu Yan in her heart. Even if the two of them are happy enemies, this engagement will not be broken off so easily."

Liu Tianfeng sighed. After last night, he also reflected on it. If he hadn't taken action and been aggressive yesterday, maybe the two of them wouldn't be where they are today.

But now, seeing Liu Qingcheng running away from home with the marriage contract and going to the distant Tianshan Sect, he still felt a little disappointed.

"Uncle Liu, don't be too upset. That girl Qingcheng can join the Tianshan Sect. This is something worth celebrating. The Tianshan Sect is one of the top ten ten thousand sects. Compared with the Changlong Kingdom, it is also much stronger. Qingcheng can enter Tianshan Sect’s cultivation resources will be greatly improved,” Liu Mu said with envy.

Liu Tianfeng shook his head: "Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's too early to tell. I just hope that the two of them can have a good outcome."

"Uncle Liu, Chu Yan said before that he would tell his sister that this marriage is over. But shouldn't Manhuang be informed of this matter? Could it be that his sister is more capable of being his master than Manhuang?" Liu Mu suddenly said asked.

Thinking of that woman, Liu Tianfeng nodded with a wry smile: "Well, in this world, that woman is probably the only one who can control Chu Yan. She is the relative that Chu Yan cares about most, but she is not a relative. She is not a barbarian. The descendant is just the adopted daughter of Qin Ruomeng, but this woman, looking at the world today, everyone will give her a little favor. "

"Who is it?"

"Empress, Qin Zixuan!"

Liu Mu's eyes shrank. At that moment, his look was the same as when Ye Xun heard the words "Wild Wilderness", and his whole person was shocked to the spot.

Liu Mu laughed suddenly, and then his eyes became very different. He looked meaningfully towards the place outside Liu Mansion where Chu Yan left.

"Who would have thought that Chu Yan is actually that person's younger brother?"

Regarding Qin Zixuan, Liu Mu didn't know much, but Liu Mu knew one thing, that is, this empress must not be provoked, because if you provoke this empress, no matter how powerful you are, what is waiting for you will be There will only be two words: destruction.


Liu Qingcheng left without giving the divorce letter to Chu Yan, and the marriage contract was taken away. This was equivalent to leaving him a married man and then a widow.

This is absolutely impossible, so no matter what, Chu Yan must find Liu Qingcheng. But after leaving Liu Mansion, Chu Yan looked at the empty streets and felt helpless. The sky is so big, where can he find Liu Qingcheng? ah?

Ye Xun followed him and smiled: "Why aren't you looking for me?"

"I'm looking for nothing. Tianyong City alone is enough for me to look for for three days. If she leaves Tianyong City, I will be in even more trouble."

"That's true. Alas, I really sympathize with you. In Tianyong City, Changlong Kingdom, and the Earthly Continent, you are about to embark on a journey of finding your relatives that you will never return to. Do you need me to give you a farewell drink? For a moment?" Ye Xun said with a proud smile.

Chu Yan's teeth were itching: "You are making sarcastic remarks, I will beat you to death now. You will definitely not be able to beat me now anyway."

"..." Ye Xun's mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes at Chu Yan angrily. Although he was unwilling to admit it, Chu Yan was telling the truth. His current strength was not as good as Chu Yan's.

"Forget it, for the sake of you being so pitiful, please call me Brother Ye. I can give you some clues." Ye Xundao.

"Brother Ye!" Chu Yan turned around and shouted sincerely. Ye Xun was stunned. He was just joking, thinking that Chu Yan would not shout, but he did not expect that Chu Yan would actually I shouted, and there was no sign of reluctance at all.

"You are really shameless."

"It's the first day you met me? When will I show off?"

Ye Xun shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, take a closer look at the note in your hand. This is a spiritual paper that can only be used by Wan Zong. It has the function of transmitting sound, and now in Tianyong City, people who can take out this kind of note can Yes, tell me who they are?”

Chu Yan frowned. He had not noticed it before, but now he looked at the note carefully and found that the note was not an ordinary piece of paper, but a spiritual paper with the function of transmitting sound.

Chu Yan frowned fiercely and his face became very gloomy. Then he had a goal. If he could take out this kind of note, then there would only be one force in Tianyong City.

Tianshan Sect is Tianshan Sect!

Chu Yan was angry. He immediately turned around and walked out of the city without looking back, but there was a fire burning in his heart.

"Tianshan Sect wants to take away my wife! There is no door!" Chu Yan strode out and walked towards a fairy mountain outside Tianyong City. There, there is a teleportation array, which is specially used to connect Wanwan. Zong's.

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