Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 323: Hu Tong's Death

"Chu Yan, you broke the formation? Why didn't you tell me?" Nan Feng smiled in surprise, but the next moment she frowned slightly, and Chu Yan looked at her sadly: "Did you give me time to tell me?"

"Everyone here is a genius, and they are all outstanding fire pattern masters from ancient demons. But after entering the sea of ​​​​stars, I have done nothing. I am a despicable person, but I have been busy breaking the formation. What are you doing? Waiting to die? Half a year, I broke the formation and said, what is ridiculous today is that you are angry with me because of an idiot's false words. In this case, you want to kill me? Come on, let me see today, who can get out if you kill me? "

Everyone bowed their heads.

Fenggu's old face stiffened and turned into a stern look as he looked at Chu Yan: "You sat on the cliff for thirty-three days, but what did you realize from it? Otherwise, with your fire pattern skills, how can you break the formation that I can't break?"

"You have cracked all the formations in Yagu, and you don't know what I have understood? Or are you just talking arrogantly and sitting on the sidelines for fifteen days to deliberately exaggerate yourself?" Chu Yan sneered and directly used Feng Gu Zhiyan responded to Fenggu with a loud slap.

"Chu Yan, since you broke the formation, why don't you take us away quickly?" Xu Hao took a step forward.

"Do I know you? I'm your father? Want to take you out?" Chu Yan smiled. He wanted to kill himself a second ago, but now that he has broken the formation, he has to lead the way? is it possible?

"You..." Xu Hao's eyes flashed coldly, but at this moment, another voice sounded faintly, and an older fire pattern master said: "Fellow Daoist Chu, your fire pattern talent is extraordinary. If you can crack this star sea formation, we should follow you. If you are willing, we are willing to pay a lot of money to hire you to lead the way for us, okay?"

"That's right, it's whatever you ask for." Hutong said arrogantly from the side.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at the crowd. He was not talking nonsense. In the current situation, he opened the formation. If he wanted to leave alone, it was obviously impossible. Fortunately, he raised his hand and pointed: "Today, I only need two If a person dies, if they die, I will lead the way for them.”

Hu Tong showed a smile, and he was the first to speak: "Who do you want to kill? Just ask, and I, the Tianhu Clan, will help you solve it."

"The first person, Feng Gu!"

Feng Gu's old face stiffened, and he immediately felt the endless killing intent: "Chu Yan, how dare you! I am a famous fire pattern master. If you kill me, there will be no place for you to survive in the Ancient Demon Star Territory!"

"In the Ancient Demon Star Territory, there is no way for me to survive. Besides, you think too highly of yourself." Chu Yan smiled disdainfully. He was about to leave, so there was nothing to fear.

"Old man, you talk too much!" Hutong snorted coldly. With one arm, he raised his sword and turned it into the sound of a tiger's roar. He blasted towards Fenggu mercilessly. Fenggu's body froze. A tiger's head was pierced through the chest, and a long sword was thrust out and penetrated through the back.

Fenggu's eyes widened and he refused to close his eyes. He was full of unwillingness and roared, but he died in the end. The famous fire pattern master of his generation was killed by a sword.

"Who is next?" Hutong said lazily. Everyone secretly praised the Tianhu clan for their tyranny. However, more people were excited and looked at Chu Yan cautiously, especially Xu Hao and Feng Meiren. They all have a grudge against Chu Yan. If Chu Yan opens his mouth next, the people here may actually kill them in order to survive.

Chu Yan opened and closed his cold light, and suddenly smiled evilly: "The second person, Hu Tong!"

Hutong was startled. The sword in his hand had been raised, and his sharp edge was exposed. He wanted to wait for Chu Yan to mention someone before he killed him, but he froze. The second person Chu Yan wanted to kill turned out to be him. ?

Zhu Qiang was also stunned for a moment. They had thought that Chu Yan would kill Xu Hao or Feng Meiren, but killing Hu Tong was something no one expected.

Hutong has a special status. He is the only person who entered the trial site with the identity of Yaoshanmen. More importantly, he is that man's younger brother. Huqiong is very protective of his shortcomings. Who dares to kill Hutong?

"Friend, this joke is not funny at all!" Hutong looked evil. Do you want his life? Is this Chu Yan crazy?

"It's not a joke. Unless you die, they will die with you! I will do what I say!" Chu Yan's voice gradually became colder. The surroundings were filled with cold air and the stars were frozen, making everyone shudder.

Killing intent? The overwhelming murderous intention! Even when Chu Yan wanted Feng Gu to die just now, he didn't show such murderous intent, right? What grudge does he have against Hutong?

"Who are you?" Hutong sensed something was wrong and quickly took a step back. Everyone from the Tianhu clan came forward to protect Hutong: "Your Excellency, we are members of the Tianhu clan, with our backs to the Yaoshan Gate. You take back your previous words!”

"Can you hide?" Chu Yan's eyes were cold. He strode like a meteor. At this moment, he took action himself. With one step, the ground turned into countless formations. Thousands of stars were used by him. He held a sword and turned into a diamond. The God of War slashed out with his sword and cut off the galaxy.

"Presumptuous!" A third-level venerable from the Tianhu tribe shouted angrily. He flew out in one step and faced Chu Yan. He turned into a big handprint and smacked it mercilessly at Chu Yan.

"Get out!" Hua Zhixu stepped out angrily, his vitality no longer suppressed, the halberd behind him floated out with him, and he grabbed it in his hand. He stabbed the sky with all his strength, and saw the galaxy breaking. The people of the Tiger Clan were suddenly shocked that day. Suddenly, Hua Zhixu's halberd brought huge pressure to him, as if he was invincible. The hole in the muzzle was blown by the cold wind, and his big hand stung. His palm print was directly penetrated. The next moment, the halberd stopped at his throat. It made his body stiff.

Hua Zhixu's attack was too fierce and too fast, and he provoked the enemy.

"You have hidden your strength!" The Tianhu tribe roared: "Who are you?"

"Hutong, do you still remember the things in the world?"

Hutong's pupils shrank, and he remembered everything: "It's you!"

"Do you know why I chose the ancient demon in the Six Realms Galaxy?" Chu Yan approached step by step. Every time he took a step, his aura increased with him, which shocked everyone. His vitality was rising, and he was no longer at the level of a venerable. It is the third level of the Venerable, the pinnacle of human dignity. More importantly, he is holding a three-foot green peak, and the sword chants continuously, resonating with it.

Six realms of stars, why did I choose the ancient demon? There was a thud in Hutong's heart, as if being struck by a giant hammer. Was Chu Yan here to kill him?

Hutong was afraid. In the past year, Chu Yan's name had resounded among the ancient demons. He had known about it for a long time, and it also made him extremely afraid. He didn't even dare to leave the Tianhu clan. Now a trial was due to the three demon mountains. He was free only after the news was released that Chu Yan had left the Ancient Demon Star Territory.

But he never expected that Chu Yan would take the risk and stay with the ancient demon in order to kill him? And also entered the trial area?

"Hutong, who is he!" The Tianhu clan members didn't know what happened back then and couldn't help but roar.

"My name is Chu Yan!" Chu Yan stepped in with a bang at this moment, and a star formation formed in the sea of ​​stars. He was located in the center of the formation, so proud, and he said: My name is Chu Yan!

Chu Yan! Everyone was alarmed. Is he the one who caused a stir in the ancient demon style? One person, Chu Yan, who overturned the ancient demon east and killed countless demons?

Feng Meiren's jade face is embarrassed. Is this person the one who makes Bai Sheng timid to fight? She said before that Chu Yan was a real genius among people, but now, Chu Yan was right in front of her, the very person she had ridiculed before.

Nan Feng's phoenix eyes are weird, and she can't tell what it feels like. Has such a proud person ever been so close to her? Tianjiao does not always hide in the clouds. Now he is walking in the mortal world. Unfortunately, no one knows him.

"Xu Hao, thank you for being so pretentious and proud of being an outer disciple of Tianyao Peak. He, Chu Yan, killed Chen Tong and Qing He back then. That person was not a demon from Tianyao Peak. You are worthy of showing off your madness in front of him!" Nan Feng! She said it ridiculously, with a bit of self-deprecation, as if she was also talking about herself.

"Hutong, do you still remember what I said in the world!" Chu Yan said coldly. In the sea of ​​​​stars, he strolled out, dragging his sword on the ground and making a sizzling sound. To Hutong, , like the voice of death.

"Protect Little Tiger Lord!" The Tianhu tribe gritted their teeth and said, everyone lined up, and one of the older Renzun elders said: "Chu Yan, no matter what happened before, our Tianhu tribe is willing to apologize and compensate, you can say whatever you want!"

"Compensation? Do you know what he has done?" Chu Yan's roar suddenly sounded like a dragon's roar. Everyone in the Tianhu tribe trembled and their bodies couldn't help but hibernate.

"I will accept his life. I will go back and tell Hu Qiong that he should become the emperor as soon as possible. Otherwise, in the battle for the Heavenly Monument two years later, there will be no more Huqiong on the Heavenly Monument list. I will personally remove him from the list! "

Chu Yan said coldly, he pressed his big hand in the air, and saw that gravity seemed to be coming. After practicing in Gravity Mountain for many days, he controlled the gravity, and saw the stars in the sea of ​​​​stars rearranged to form a dragon-slaying giant sword, mercilessly moving towards Hutong. Kill.

"Pfft!" Chu Yan's fighting power is too terrifying. He is the same as everyone, but he is far superior to everyone. He takes a step and the earth shakes the mountains and rivers. If he takes another step, the Tianhu tribe vomits blood one after another. The sword cannot come out of the body, and the sound of the sword is heard. If it passes by, it can kill someone.

With a sword shot, Hutong vomited blood. At this moment, Hua Zhixu flew out, holding a halberd, and threw it in the air. Like an arrow piercing the clouds, a star shattered and immediately penetrated Hutong's chest. Hutong let out a howl. , but it was useless, the halberd pierced through, shot out from the north of him, and was nailed to the ground on the spot. Hutong died, nailed to death on the spot by this shot.

This battle was different from what everyone imagined. It was not tragic, but more like a crushing battle. Chu Yan and three people completely tortured a dozen people from the Tianhu clan, and killed Hutong with one shot in front of everyone's elders.

The hatred between Qingcheng and Qiu Mengxi was avenged today. The journey of the ancient demon was over. Chu Yan raised his head. His body was covered with blood. He wiped his face and showed a clean smile. Everything was over. .

But everyone was not calm. Chu Yan really killed him, just like he did when he first came to the ancient demon, cleanly and neatly. No matter what your background is, if you offend me, I will kill you.

At this moment, Xu Hao and Feng Mei were afraid in their hearts, and they retreated involuntarily, for fear of offending Chu Yan. At this moment, the fat man saw the two people's movements and sneered: "There is no need to hide, like you, my Brother Chu I don’t bother to kill you! Your lives are worthless!”

The two of them were resentful in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak, because the fat man was right, Chu Yan dared to kill even Hu Tong. If he wanted to kill them, who in this trial ground could stop him?

Nowadays, Chu Yan alone can be said to be invincible in the trial, and he is the only one who knows how to leave this trial place!

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