Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 321 Entering the Fire Pattern Land

"You woman, you have such a mean mouth." The fat man said nonchalantly.

"How presumptuous! I spared your life last time, but today you still don't know whether to live or die!" Feng Meiren's eyes flashed coldly, and several more figures appeared beside her. Feng Meiren raised her hand and pointed at the fat man: "Give his eyes to him. I dug him out and cut off his limbs, leaving him forever a useless person."

"Want to fight?" Fatty and Hua Zhixu were both holding back their resentment about Fenggu. Now that Feng Meiren was at gunpoint, the two of them would not hesitate.

"Feng Meiren, you are going too far. These two are friends of my Nan family. Do you, the Feng family, want to be the enemy of my Nan family?" Nan Feng took a step forward with great momentum, and immediately there were several people behind her. When the elders from Nanjia stepped out, the smell of gunpowder from both sides was extremely strong, and it seemed that something was about to break out.

Nan Feng is also extremely beautiful. She is different from Feng Meiren. Feng Meiren is coquettish, while Nan Feng is more strong-willed, a bit like a woman but not a man.

"Nan Feng, I don't believe that if he kills an outsider, the Nan family will go to war with my Feng family!" Feng Meiren said coldly.

"The Nan family may not do it, but my Xiahou family will definitely do it!" Xiahou Yuehe's sweet voice sounded faintly, and Feng Meiren's jade face suddenly froze.

Nan Feng was also quite surprised. The Xiahou family actually took action for these two people? The Xiahou family has a very special status in the Ancient Demon Star Territory because they have a great king. It was once said that under the three kings, Xiahou was the king.

"Feng family, do you want to give it a try?" Xiahou Yuehe laughed politely again. The Feng family elders frowned, and Feng Meiren bit her lips: "Yuehe, this fat man humiliated me today, even you, no Even if you give me a reason, there is no way to protect him!"

"Really? Then think of it as my humiliation, Feng Meiren, your mouth is really mean."

Feng Meiren's beautiful eyes froze, she felt a deep shame, but she had no choice but to kill. Then Xiahou Yuehe took another step, her jade steps rose into the air, and pointed at Feng Meiren with her slender jade fingers: "Feng Meiren, Don’t think that just because you have an engagement with Bai Sheng, you can walk sideways among the ancient demons, and don’t think that Bai Sheng is a candidate for the Heavenly Monument of the Demon Mountain Gate, so you can look around. If I remember correctly, half a month ago, Bai Sheng entered the three major demons. Shan, but you don’t even have the courage to fight. If that person is here, how dare you talk nonsense?”

The matter of the three demon mountains half a month ago was no secret in the Ancient Demon Star Territory. The two princes were candidates for the heavenly monument to challenge. One died and the other was timid. Who would they lose to? The ancient demon in the east is Chu Yan.

"Hmph! Who is that? Chu Yan is so powerful that he is a true genius, not comparable to these three trashes?" Feng Meiren snorted coldly. She had also heard of Chu Yan's name and admired him very much.

Fatty and Hua Zhixu shook their heads helplessly. Everyone in the world is like this. They only care about names. Now Chu Yan is right in front of Feng Meiren. Unfortunately, she doesn't recognize you.

"Don't forget that Chu Yan also comes from a despicable star, and his background is not high. But when the ancient demon stirred up a great storm, how do you know that the three of them will not be the next Chu Yan?" Xiahou Yuehe smiled mysteriously: "Feng Meiren , Remember, there are hundreds of stars in the Ancient Demon Star Territory, and there are too many people who can kill you. What happened today is just a lesson. Next time, I will go to your Feng family to kill you!"

"Go away!" Yue He yelled, and her jade hand turned into a burst of energy and pulled out. Feng Meiren's chest suddenly bloomed with red flowers, and she was knocked back several steps.

"Miss!" The Feng family elder hurriedly supported Feng Meiren and looked at the Xiahou family coldly, but Xiahou Yuehe looked indifferent, which made the Feng family dare to be angry but not dare to speak. If the Xiahou family was really angered, then If the old Taoist takes action, the Feng family will only be destroyed.

"Thank you!" Nan Feng said gratefully. Although she didn't know why Xiahou Yuehe took action, she finally resolved today's conflict.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Xiahou Yuehe returned to his former calmness. However, there was a scene that no one noticed. She looked at Chu Yan resentfully and murmured in a low voice: "Huh! He is still a guy who is willing to cause trouble!"

On the tenth day of Yagu's enlightenment, Chu Yan and Feng Gu still hadn't woken up and were still meditating on their own. All forces were not in a hurry to enter the trial site and had been waiting outside. Everyone also wanted to see these two people. How long can it take to comprehend, and what can be comprehended.

After another five days, Feng Gu's whole body was emitting a strange light. He suddenly opened his eyes and showed a confident smile: "What a profound fire pattern, I should be the first."

But the next moment, he saw Chu Yan next to him, and his old face froze. He had personally understood the fire pattern on the cliff. It was a very long road. The further he walked, the more he understood. He walked on it for fifteen years. On the same day, he thought he could be the first in the game, but unexpectedly, Chu Yan was still comprehending?

"Master Fenggu, congratulations on your fifteenth day of enlightenment!" Nan Feng stepped forward with a smile: "This trial is held at a happy event for my Nan family. The two people who have achieved the deepest enlightenment are both in my Nan family."

"Hmph! I have learned a lot, but some people may just deliberately delay time and refuse to wake up! Hypocrisy!" Fenggu said dissatisfied.

"Senior Fenggu, no matter what, Shanshi is trying his best, how can you say that to him?" Nan Feng frowned slightly, even if Chu Yan was just sitting, he was still fighting for it, how could Fenggu say that to him?

"Miss Nanfeng, you are still too young. Don't be deceived. I have understood the essence of Yagu Fire Patterns for fifteen days. On the fifteenth day, I have unlocked all the formations. However, this child is still sitting unconscious. Isn't it? What is hypocrisy? Miss Nan Feng, let me ask you, have you not negotiated a remuneration with him? "

Nan Feng did not deny that the decision to hire Chu Yan was sudden, but the remuneration was never mentioned.

"That's right. Please be careful, young lady. He must be trying to be mysterious and increase his worth."

Feng Gu speculated on the side, but his words were full of humiliation, which made Nan Feng frown slightly and look at Chu Yan. Could it be that he had really seen the wrong person? On the 15th, all formations were resolved, so why didn’t Chu Yan wake up?

When Feng Gu woke up, Chu Yan was the only one left in front of the cliff. Nan Feng was still looking forward to it at first, but her face turned pale in the following days.

On the 20th, Chu Yan hadn't woken up yet. Even if what Fenggu said was wrong, there couldn't be such a big difference between Chu Yan, a twenty-year-old boy, right? Everyone was very optimistic about Chu Yan at first, but then gradually turned into contempt.

On the 30th day, Chu Yan didn't wake up, and the family was tired of it. Xu Hao sneered: "You are really good at acting, senior, let's go to the training ground first."

Xu Hao entered the trial area, and the Lu family also shook their heads and walked towards the trial area, including the fire pattern master of the Xiahou family, who also sighed: "Miss Yuehe, let's enter too, I'm afraid this kid didn't understand What, it’s just delaying time.”

"No rush!" Xiahou Yuehe smiled slightly, she believed Chu Yan.

"Feng'er, enter the trial!" The elder of the Nan family snorted coldly. Nan Feng frowned. She looked at Chu Yan again. Could Chu Yan really be lying to her? Otherwise, why don’t you wake up on the 30th?

Nan Feng persisted, and it took another three days. On this day, Chu Yan finally woke up. His eyes were shining, but he was not allowed to recover. He could only feel the eyes falling on him like rays on his back.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yan got up and returned to Nan's house.

"Chu Yan, after understanding it for thirty-three days, have you unlocked all the formations?" Nan Feng looked at Chu Yan with some expectation.

Chu Yan shook his head and said seriously: "No, this formation is too difficult. It seems to have no end. Even on the 33rd, I can only say that I have mastered half of it, but I dare not say that I have solved all the formations."

After Chu Yan finished speaking, there was an uproar, and all the elders in the Nan family looked at him angrily.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yan asked in confusion.

Nan Feng sighed, her eyes full of disappointment. Thirty-three days was too long, and she did not understand all the formations. Instead, it raised the difficulty of the formations, making her believe what Feng Gu said even more, which made her not there either. Believing it: "Nothing, let's enter the trial ground."

Feng Gu smiled proudly and said mockingly: "Little friend Chu, you are really amazing. In thirty-three days, you have learned twice as much as the old man!"

Chu Yan frowned, and the fat man explained to him at the side, which finally made him understand. But he didn't say much, just shook his head sadly, people's hearts are unpredictable, and he didn't blame Nan Feng for being born in this world. It will inevitably be affected.

He and Nan Feng formed a good relationship that day, so there was no need for a quarrel. Since Nan Feng didn't believe in him, what could he say?

Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Fenggu and sneered in his heart, did fifteen people understand all the formations? Shameless talk! This formation is so difficult. It was made by the ancestors, and every stroke is like a fairy's pen. Not to mention it is fifteen days, even if Chu Yan has thirty-three days, there is still no end in sight.

"Let's join the formation path too." Xiahou Yuehe laughed lightly, no one believed him, Xiahou Yuehe, believe it!

This is love, and friends also have levels. Some people can trust you unconditionally, but some people can't.

Chu Yan doesn't blame Nan Feng, but there is something going on. There is no need to expose it, and he doesn't want to expose it. If necessary in the trial, he will still help Nan Feng, but this love is limited to this. What can he do for Chen Nishang went to die for Nan Feng, but she couldn't.

The entrance to the Fire Pattern Trial Ground was in the cliff valley. The Fire Pattern Formation was untied and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. Stepping into the sea of ​​fire was the place of trial. Chu Yan and the Nan family stepped in together. He only As I stepped forward, the world suddenly changed. The cliffs and valleys disappeared, the demon forest disappeared, and the surroundings transformed into a brilliant sea of ​​stars. Everyone was included in the sea of ​​stars, as if they had become part of the sea of ​​stars.

"Is this the place of trial?" When everyone stepped here, they all exclaimed in admiration. This fire pattern trial place has been rumored for a long time, but no one has actually stepped into it. When they saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary.

"It is rumored that this trial place is a training place for the great monarch. There is a cultivation platform built in it. Inside the immortal cultivation platform, one can reach the sky in one step and cultivate an immortal body. The creator of this trial place relied on this cultivation platform to cultivate Taoism and become an immortal. Leave Sendai for the benefit of future generations.”

"Cultivation of immortals?" Chu Yan listened. This was the second time he heard about immortals. The last time was in the ancient dynasty of the mortal world. When he thought of killing immortals, he mentioned that under immortals, he was a mortal. Do immortals really exist?

Chu Yan didn't know that the height was too far away from him. If it was true, he would always know.

Entering the trial site, the powerful men from all sides were on guard. This was a void of stars, an independent space, and all connections with the outside world were cut off.

There is a sea of ​​stars above here, and there is a sea of ​​stars below. In all directions, there is a sea of ​​stars, endless as far as the eye can see. When everyone appears here, it is like a star grain here, and it is impossible to tell the direction. But the strange thing is that the stars in these seas of stars are all real. , every twinkling star contains a wonderful power for people to comprehend.

"There are fire patterns everywhere here. The fire patterns should lead the way." Lu Gang said. The Lu family's fire pattern master nodded and took the lead to go out. The same was true for the fire pattern masters from other forces, including Feng Gu and Chu Yan. People also stepped forward to lead the way.

A group of people walked thousands of meters in this trial site and encountered many fire patterns along the way, but they were still low-level fire patterns and could be cracked. However, although the fire patterns were low-level, no treasure or inheritance was found in the trial site, which made everyone Disappointed.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly stopped. Everyone was confused. Nan Feng also frowned and said, "Chu Yan, what did you discover?"

"We were deceived. This is not the real place of trial at all!"

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