Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 316 Can You Kill Someone? [Three Updates]

"How dare you! You avoid fighting, yet you still have the nerve to talk nonsense here, you don't know whether you live or die." Qing He waved his sleeves, and suddenly a wave of air turned into flames and swallowed the fat man. The fat man frowned slightly, and he quickly retreated, swallowing it with a big mouth, dissolving most of the power, but even so, it still left a fire mark on the fat man's chest.

"Swish!" Chu Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped. He didn't take Qing He and Bai Sheng's verbal humiliation to heart before, he didn't care, but now the meaning has changed, Qing He and Bai Sheng attacked the fat man, then he can't bear it anymore.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly turned around, he said nothing, and walked towards the central battle platform step by step. Everyone couldn't understand, Chu Yan just said he was not interested, but why did he go to the battle platform now?

"What are you going to do?" Qing He frowned slightly when he saw Chu Yan stepping onto the platform.

"Don't you want to fight? Come on up." Chu Yan looked at Qing He indifferently, waved his arm, and took out a long sword that had not been used for a long time, pointing it at Qing He.

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan accepted the challenge? The people from the three demon mountains looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Didn't they say that Chu Yan was a coward? Why did he suddenly accept the challenge?"

"I don't know, but he is a little overconfident. The opponent is two realms higher than him. He is a ground master. He is just a human master. How can he win?"

At this time, Qing Yun's phoenix eyes were strange. Others didn't know, but she knew that the real reason why Chu Yan went to fight was not the so-called dignity or fame. He went to fight only because Qing He attacked the fat man. The people around him were his reverse scale and bottom line.

"Chu Yan, don't be impulsive. Both of them are candidates for the Heavenly Monument. They will definitely win the Heavenly Monument within six years. You are now a guest of my Three Great Demon Mountains. Even if you don't fight, no one can force you." Zidi said in a voice transmission. He was in charge of Gravity Mountain. He had witnessed Chu Yan's talent these days, so he valued Chu Yan very much, so he didn't want Chu Yan to get into trouble.

"Zidi, since he has accepted the challenge, the Three Great Demon Mountains may not have the right to intervene." A demon emperor from Tian Yao Peak sneered, waved his hand, and covered the battle stage.

Qinghe and Bai Sheng were also stunned, and then their faces became ferocious. Qinghe leaped onto the battle stage in one step and looked at Chu Yan sarcastically: "You are brave enough to accept the challenge, but after today, I will completely remove Chu Yan from the Ancient Demon Star Domain."

"Level 2 Venerable, I don't want to bully you, but since you are seeking your own death, I will also help you." Bai Sheng sneered in the side.

Facing the two, Chu Yan said nothing. He just slowly raised his head and looked towards the elders of the three major forces, his eyes full of murderous intent: "I only ask one question, can we kill people in today's battle?"

Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan came on stage, without saying a word, and asked as soon as he opened his mouth, can we kill people in today's battle?

"On the battlefield, it is a fair fight. You are not allowed to use magic weapons and immortal methods. You should know it, right?" An elder of Tian Yao Peak did not rush to respond to Chu Yan. Chu Yan had many magic weapons and divine objects. They had experienced this in the eastern part of the ancient monster.

"Qing He and Bai Sheng are at the same level as Chu Yan. Since you want a fair fight and set rules, why don't you suppress the cultivation of the two? Or can't you do it? Why don't I do it?" The Purple Emperor said contemptuously. The emperor's words can create rules and make everyone on the battlefield the same level.

"Cultivation is a person's talent and his own strength, not external force, but magic weapons and immortal methods are different. These powers do not belong to him." The demon emperor of Tian Yao Peak still said.

"It's ridiculous. In terms of talent, Chu Yan is 20 years old. How old are Qinghe and the others? Besides, divine weapons and immortal arts are also a kind of opportunity for cultivation. Is it possible that when your disciples of Tianyao Peak encounter enemies chasing them outside, they have to talk to the other party about the rules before fighting with them?" Zidi snorted coldly. Zidi's words were right. Luck plays a big role in cultivation. It is also an opportunity to get immortal arts and divine weapons.

"Zidi, you are making a farce. It's not that my Tianyao Peak doesn't have divine weapons. I just think that it's too bullying for us to take out divine weapons." A demon emperor from Tianyao Peak said shamelessly.

Zidi sneered in his heart. Tianyao Peak has divine weapons, but will they be willing to give them to Qinghe? As for immortal arts, Tianyao Peak has none.

"Senior Zidi, it's okay. Let him do whatever he wants. I won't use divine weapons or immortal arts in this battle." Chu Yan said nonchalantly, giving people a sense of grandeur, which made Tianyao Peak look embarrassed.

"Remove!" Chu Yan waved his hand and directly cracked the fire pattern in the sword, turning the sword into an ordinary weapon.

"Good!" The demon emperor of Tianyao Peak was surprised. Although Chu Yan was famous in the eastern part of the ancient demons, his magic weapons and immortal methods occupied a great weight, and his own strength was not shown much. Today's battle prohibited magic weapons. He was confident that Qinghe could kill Chu Yan.

"Ask again, can I kill someone in today's battle?" Chu Yan repeated. Everyone couldn't figure it out. Today's battle was unfair to him, and he couldn't use magic weapons and immortal methods. Now, he wanted to turn it into a life-and-death battle?

"On the stage of life and death, everyone depends on their own ability. Swords have no eyes, and losing their lives is inevitable." A demon emperor of the demon mountain gate stroked his beard and said. The disciples of the three demon mountains rolled their eyes. It was really shameless. Just now, the rules were set, and now everyone depends on their own ability?

"Good!" Chu Yan nodded, and then he didn't waste words, walked with a sword, and walked towards Qinghe and the others.

"Are you going to do it or am I going to do it?" Qing He said confidently, as if the two of them were hunting and Chu Yan was just their prey that could be crushed to death with ease.

"Come on, lest they say we bully others." Bai Sheng waved his hand and stepped aside. Qinghe was not polite and showed a devilish smile. Then he strolled out, held it with his bare hands, and the soul of life came. , turned into an ax of destiny, with the intention of splitting mountains, and struck Chu Yan in the void. His ax was very strong, it could cut through mountains and rivers, and directly took away half of the momentum on the battlefield.

The people of the three demon mountains are all sweating for Chu Yan. Today, the two great monarchs came here to shout that the three demon mountains are invincible. A battle between Chu Yan and Chu Yan represents the three demon mountains.

"Senior Brother Zhan Tong, I see that Chu Yan is not a timid person. Is there any misunderstanding about what happened before?" A girl in the audience whispered, and everyone looked at Zhan Tong.

Zhan Tong's face was gloomy. Although he was humiliated by Qing He's defeat before, the opponent was a level higher than him. He was not ashamed. But now that Chu Yan challenged him, he felt a little shameless. He snorted coldly: "A villain. He knows that the opponent is two levels above him and there is no shame in defeat, but he just wants to use this to increase his own worth. "

Everyone frowned, Zhan Tong's words were obviously wrong. Did Chu Yan say that on the stage of life and death, a murderer would risk his own life?

"Zhan Tong, no wonder junior sister has always looked down upon you. With your kind of character, you are not worthy of her. Venerable Chu Yan is at the second level. He concentrates on his practice, but you don't understand the rules. You went directly to Gravity Mountain to break his practice. He I don't care about him, but you spread rumors in private and ruined his reputation. Now that he is fighting for my three demon mountains, you are mocking him in the audience, which is sad." Qingyun snorted coldly.

Zhan Tong's expression changed and he glared at Qing Yun. Qing Yun had always been bad to him, but he didn't care. He looked at the stage coldly: "He will definitely lose in today's battle. Qing He is extremely powerful. Chu Yan can’t hold on to less than ten moves.”

"Ten moves are better than some people who are defeated by one move and can still boast unashamedly in the audience." An evil voice sounded, and Hua Zhixu came out with a gun. He was in seclusion before and didn't know about the pupil cutting. Otherwise, he would Personality, he has long been beaten by Zhan Tong. Don't forget, he is also a third-level Venerable now.

"Who do you think you are!" Zhan Tong was immediately angry.

"Don't accept it? The battle with Chu Yan is over. Do you dare to fight on the stage of life and death?" Hua Zhixu raised his spear and pointed it directly at Zhan Tong. Zhan Tong's face darkened, but he was overwhelmed by the opponent's strength and did not dare to fight. .

"If you don't dare, don't push me. If you dare to humiliate Chu Yan in private again, I will kill you with one shot." Hua Zhixu scolded.

"Zhan Tong, you said that Brother Chu can't win? Do you dare to bet with me?" The fat man snorted coldly from the side.

"How to bet?"

"Brother Chu has won. Kneel down in front of everyone and apologize to me." Fatty said bluntly. Zhan Tong's eyes lit up. He had fought against Qing He and knew that the other party was powerful. He was a level 4 Venerable and was definitely capable of defeating him. Some people who are at the sixth level of the Venerable, he does not believe that Chu Yan can win.

"What if we lose?"

"I'll die for you." The fat man said nonchalantly. Everyone changed. Is this fat man too confident or crazy? Actually gambling with Zhantong with his life?

"Okay! Then let's see how he can win in today's battle." A cold light flashed in Zhan Tong's eyes. He was too humiliated today. He was defeated by Qinghe and humiliated by Hua Zhixu. Now he has just entered the throne. A super fat man dared to provoke him, how could he not be angry?

"Sadly, the forces of the two great monarchs challenged our three demonic mountains. No one can defeat them. They are shameless and brave. Not to mention how to become stronger and practice. Now Chu Yan is going to fight. As a disciple of the three demonic mountains, you are actually looking forward to it. Chu Yan is defeated." Qingyun screamed at the side.

Zhan Tong didn't care. He looked towards the battle platform. At this time, the battle platform was evenly divided. Chu Yan held a mortal weapon, and the sword came out. The cold light showed up and turned into infinite sword sounds. It seemed chaotic, but the sword turned into a mournful cry. resounded throughout the sky.

Qinghe snorted coldly, and swung the mountain ax, turning it into infinite power. The ax struck out, forming a protective shield around the body, making it impossible for the sword sound to penetrate. Then he strode out without any fancy moves, and just struck out with the axe. Hit Chu Yan's chest.

Chu Yan looked at the light of the giant axe. There seemed to be a bloodthirsty python on the giant axe, determined to eat people and would not give up. But at this moment, Chu Yan refused to dodge and actually carried the sword behind his back with one hand. He grabbed the giant ax with his bare hands.

"Is he crazy?" Everyone was stunned, and Qinghe also smiled ferociously: "Catch my giant ax with your bare hands? You don't know whether to live or die!"

"Vajra Buddha Dharma!" Chu Yan roared, and suddenly his skin was dyed with golden light, and his body became larger, like a motionless Vajra. With a fist of his hand, the void was shattered? Then he held it with one claw, and the huge ax exploded with a force of ten thousand kilograms. Then the next scene made everyone's eyes freeze. The giant ax like a giant python suddenly stopped at this moment, unable to move an inch?

"The disciples of Tianyao Peak are really a bunch of trash! Chen Tong was like that back then, and so are you now!"

Chu Yan sneered, and then he stepped forward with thumping steps. The mortal sword stood behind him, and it turned into sword light and flew out with sword sound. It immediately formed thousands of sword formations, ruthlessly suppressing Qinghe.

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