Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 311 Purple Dragon Demon King

Everyone's eyes in the east fell on this woman in green.

"Who is this woman?" Everyone couldn't help but think. The current situation can be said to be the biggest shock in the history of the East. Even the monarch has appeared. The Tianyao Peak is bound to take Chu Yan and Fatty away, and this time The woman in green clothes seemed a little out of place.

The woman said, "No one of you is allowed to move. Does she have any big background that can change this dead situation?"

But is it possible? She is only a first-level or third-level venerable, but there are countless Tianzun Emperors present today, and Zuo Jun is far away.

Xiahou Guyu was startled at the side, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw the woman in green. Then he backed away without saying anything, because Xiahou Guyu knew that if this woman appeared, if Chu Yan could not be rescued, the Xiahou family would not be able to save Chu Yan. It must not be possible.

Zuo Jun saw this woman frowning slightly from a distance, and her face turned ugly.

"Hmph! Whose wild girl dares to run wild here? Get lost!" A human emperor from the Tianyao Peak in the distance roared, reached out with his bare hands, and turned into a ruthless wind to suppress the woman.

"I said, you are not allowed to move! Why do you want to die?" Qing Yi said aggrievedly, and saw a crack suddenly appeared in the void, turning into a sky-reaching giant and blasting out. The face of the human emperor changed with shock. This giant appeared too suddenly. , leaving him no chance to take precautions. Then he let out a scream and was directly killed in the ruins by this giant.

Everyone's eyes froze.

Dead, dead?

A human emperor died like this?

"Idiot!" Zuo Jun cursed angrily in the distance. At this moment, he was speechless. He looked into the void and into the distance. There was a look of fear in his eyes: "Junior Zuo Jun, I have seen Zilong. Demon Lord, I wonder what the Demon Lord means today? Do you want to interfere with my Heavenly Demon Peak?"

Everyone was stunned. Is there someone in the void? Moreover, Zuo Jun actually calls himself a junior? Purple Dragon Demon Lord, Purple Dragon Demon Lord!

Could it be that person? Everyone in the Ancient Demon Star Territory was startled. Once upon a time, there was a Lord in the Six Domains Galaxy. He was the sixteen most powerful people in the Six Domains Galaxy. Headed by Lord Zhentian, Ji Huangji was the second. However, the third person was It is the Purple Dragon Demon Lord. It is rumored that this person is a purple lightning thunder dragon who has cultivated Taoism and has the bloodline of Heavenly Thunder. However, this person has a weird personality and does not like to be restrained. He does not join any forces or create forces. He is alone among the ancient demons. Dong Dong took over the three demonic mountains and took in a few disciples, and it has been like this ever since.

For thousands of years, the Demonic Peak has risen and the Demonic Mountain Sect has flourished. This person rarely appears in the world, and has been forgotten by many people. However, the name engraved in the heart will immediately cause arousal once awakened. A ripple like a chain reaction.

"Qing Yi is my disciple, what are you going to do at Tianyao Peak?" A mischievous old man's voice came from the void.

Everyone was suddenly shocked and looked at Qing Yi. Is this woman actually the disciple of the Purple Dragon Demon Lord? Then her status is too noble, right?

"It turns out she is a senior disciple. It was me, Tianyao Peak, who offended her just now. But even so, as long as we don't hurt her today, we must take Chu Yan and that fat man away!" Zuo Jun said calmly. , he had long known that Qing Yi was the disciple of the Purple Dragon Demon Lord.

"Zuo Jun, stop talking nonsense with me here. You can only watch what my disciple is going to do today. I will kill anyone who dares to move, including you." The voice in the void sounded again, and in the voice A bit naughty and contemptuous.

Everyone's eyes were fixed. The Purple Dragon Demon Lord has not left the Demon Mountain for ten thousand years. As soon as he came out today, he just said, "What my disciple will do today, you can only watch. Anyone who dares to move will be killed." Who, including Zuo Jun... How domineering is this?

Zuo Jun's mouth also twitched, but he didn't dare to move. The reason was very simple. He knew very well that the Purple Dragon Demon Lord really had the ability to kill him.

Everyone in the eastern part of the ancient demon didn't dare to move. The air seemed to be still. Just because Qing Yi said that no one of you is allowed to move, no one dared to move anymore.

"Senior Zilong, these two people have caused countless murders in the eastern part of our ancient demon. There is a devouring bloodline in that boy's body, which is the inheritance of Lord Zhentian. Thousands of years ago, Lord Zhentian's life and death were uncertain. Now his inheritance has appeared. I'm afraid even you can't make the decision in this matter, right?" Zuo Jun suppressed his fear and spoke. The eleven great monarchs who attacked Lord Zhentian back then included him, Tianyao Peak. Today, Lord Zhentian's inheritance reappears, and he must figure out.

"Don't talk nonsense. I was not among the eleven princes who surrounded and suppressed Lord Zhentian. Today, his successors have come to seek revenge. What does this have to do with me? Again, my disciple said, none of you are allowed. If you move, I will kill whoever moves!"

At this moment, Mei Yutong's eyes turned cold. Today Chu Yan broke her arm. She was extremely angry, so today she wants Chu Yan to die no matter what. Moreover, Zuo Jun is here, she only needs to kill Chu Yan and Fatty with one blow. When the time comes, Zuo Jun will definitely be able to take action to save her.

Thinking of this, Mei Yutong had murderous intent, and the broken arm turned into a palm and struck Chu Yan and the two of them fiercely: "Die!"

"I don't know whether to live or die!" A flash of anger suddenly rose in the void, and a purple thunder dragon penetrated the sky, turning into a sky-high sword light, and shot Mei Yutong mercilessly.

"No!" Mei Yutong was shocked. The purple electric sword light penetrated the clouds and shot into the sun. The wind in her palm was immediately shattered. Then she was not allowed to dodge. The purple sword light seemed to be all-pervasive and shot directly through her delicate body. A bloody hole opened in his chest.

"Poof!" Mei Yutong immediately vomited blood, and a Po Emperor was killed on the spot. Everyone was shocked, and more people's throats rolled, showing a look of fear.

Zuo Jun's eyes also flashed with anger. Mei Yutong was his apprentice, but today he was killed by Purple Dragon Demon King with a sword: "Purple Dragon Demon King really does what he says!"

"I said, whoever moves today, I will kill him, including you!" Purple Dragon Demon King said in a deep voice again. This time, everyone's heart trembled, and finally realized that Purple Dragon Demon King was not joking.

At this time, Qingyi slowly walked to Chu Yan's side. She half squatted down, and her green long skirt fluttered in the wind. Her phoenix eyes were clear, as if she was not stained by the world. She looked at Chu Yan quietly, and suddenly smiled brilliantly. That smile was moving and heart-warming.

"What are you laughing at?" The fat man's eyes were red, and he glared at Qingyi fiercely. He was not from the Ancient Demon Star Domain, and he didn't know what Purple Dragon Demon King was. He only knew that Tian Yaofeng was unkind today and killed Chu Yan. Now this woman appeared and was still laughing.

"He's not dead yet, I'm very happy, so I smiled." Qing Yi said crisply, but her words shocked everyone. Chu Yan is not dead yet?

This immortal method is too terrible. If you want to use this method, you must first kill yourself. Now Chu Yan has no signs of life. He has lost his breathing and heartbeat. His limbs are shattered. How could he not be dead?

The fat man was also stunned and no longer so impulsive: "Are you serious?"

"Yeah!" Qing Yi nodded lightly: "I don't know why. His body is indeed dead, but his soul is still there. I can feel that there is still a blood in his body that is repairing his injuries."

The fat man was surprised and couldn't help but tears in his eyes. He was desperate just now, but now he knew that Chu Yan was not dead, he smiled, and smiled happily.

"Leave him to me." Qing Yi said to the fat man, walked forward, and carried Chu Yan on her back with her weak body. She groaned, and then did not speak. She just carried Chu Yan and walked towards the distance step by step.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Now there are countless Heavenly Lords and Emperors in the Ancient Demon Star Domain, but today, Qing Yi carried Chu Yan on his back and left from everyone's sight, but no one dared to stop him, just because the Purple Dragon Demon King was coming again.

The fat man also followed, but before leaving, the fat man suddenly paused. He looked at everyone coldly: "This sentence should have been said by my brother Chu, but today, he is unconscious, I will say it for him! Tian Yao Peak, Demon Mountain Gate, Tianhu Clan, if my brother Chu doesn't die today, then one day, it will be the day of your extinction!"

The fat man left a sentence and left. After a long time, the purple thunder dragon in the sky dissipated, and everyone in the eastern part of the Ancient Demon could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is it over?" Everyone couldn't help but ask. Too much happened today. The Jiang family wanted to execute Chen Nishang, but unexpectedly, it brought destruction to the Jiang family. In the eastern part of the ancient demon, the Jiang family, the Liu family, and the Luo family were all destroyed. More than half of the people in the Lihuo Academy and the Du family were killed or injured. The Tianyao Peak and the Demon Mountain Gate suffered heavy losses. It can be said that the entire eastern part of the ancient demon participated in the plan to kill Chu Yan today.

But they did not succeed. Instead, Chu Yan destroyed the three tribes, which was a shame for them.

In the distance, Zuo Jun thought about the fat man's threat, and a strong anger arose in his heart.

"Senior Zuo Jun, I'm sorry for offending you today. Goodbye." Xiahou Guyu said in a low voice. He didn't want to touch Zuo Jun's bad luck now, otherwise who knows what Zuo Jun would do.

The Xiahou clan members left. At this time, Tiandao Patriarch glanced at Zuo Jun and said lightly: "Tianyao Peak, the grudges of ten thousand years ago have not ended. Today's cause will surely sow the fruit of the future. Goodbye!"

"Tiandao, can you leave?" Zuo Jun's eyes turned cold at this time. He did not dare to attack the Xiahou family. The ancestor of the Xiahou family was also a monarch, but someone had to bear his anger today.

"Since that kid is not dead, you will die in his place." Zuo Jun said sternly, and the monarch's power descended, covering the sky, and then turned into a big hand and ruthlessly crushed Tiandao Patriarch.

Zuo Jun's move was like a huge mountain, which shocked everyone. Huqiong in the distance even showed a wicked smile. In the past, Tiandao Patriarch severely injured him with a thought. Is he finally going to die today?

However, at this time, Tiandao Patriarch felt the threat of Zuo Jun's suppression and snorted coldly. The next moment, a divine power suddenly appeared in his body and greeted Zuo Jun.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Zuo Jun was shocked. His power was actually repelled. At this moment, the power of the Heavenly Dao Patriarch changed, and it was vaguely climbing towards a higher realm.

"Jun Wei! You broke through!?"

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