Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 301: Killing the King

Everyone stared at this heroic scene in the banquet. The emperor fought against the venerable. This was beyond the understanding of many people. Even a super monster couldn't do this, right?

Chen Zun was slightly startled when he felt Chu Yan's murderous intent, and then showed a mocking smile: "Ignorant guy, venerable, you are above all emperors, how can you compete with me?"

Chu Yan remained silent, and the sound of his sword howled wildly, turning into a strong wind at the banquet, and suppressed it step by step towards Chen Zun.

Everyone stared at this scene intently. Can the emperor really kill his emperor? Is this possible?

Yu Sha's eyes turned red. She was in great pain. Everything that shouldn't have happened was because of her, and Chu Yan was exposed.

"My child, it's not your fault, just believe him." Yu Wanqing sighed while holding Yu Sha. He turned to look at Chu Yan, could killing the Lord really be done?

"Hmph! You don't overestimate your capabilities!" Chen Zun let out a low roar at this time. The three souls of the venerable immediately formed a radiance above his head, and ruthlessly crushed Chu Yan down. A blood lotus appeared in his hand. The sky was dyed red, blooming and shooting countless bloody lights towards Chu Yan.

"Sword Sound Lingtian!" Chu Yan roared, and he raised the Sun-Destroying Sword, turning into invisible sword sounds that immediately collided with thousands of bloody lights.

The second level of bloodline is qualitatively different from the first level, and can be divided into different directions. For example, Qin Zixuan's giant hammer bloodline, the second level is pressure, the pressure of the giant hammer, like a mountain collapsing.

Now Chu Yan's three bloodlines have all entered the second realm. The second realm of the power bloodline is the power of heaven and earth. The second realm of the sword bloodline is the sound of the sword. The invisible sword sound is full of great killing. The second realm of the speed bloodline is Environment, control time.

Coupled with Chu Yan's transcendent insight now, he can see with his own eyes the blooming bleeding lotus. Every time the sword is struck, the blood light immediately breaks. Chu Yan's white clothes whistle in the wind, he steps up, and the Sun-Destroying Sword dances wildly. With the help of his strength and bloodline, it was like there was an impenetrable wall in front of him, blocking all attacks.

"The emperor, after all, is humble!" Chen Zun snorted with contempt. His big hand reached out again, turning into a void hand that covered the sky and the sun, crushing down on Chu Yan mercilessly.

"Everyone who wants to kill me has said so, but the person who died is not me!" Chu Yan said coldly. He faced him with his sword, and then the surrounding space shattered, facing this big hand that covered the sky. , everyone’s eyes were condensed.

"Chu Yan!" Yu Sha cried, her cheeks wet with tears, but she was powerless. This battle was too powerful, and she had already reached Mu Xingchen's peak battle.

Prince Mu sneered from the side. To be honest, he really felt the crisis at that moment. If Chu Yan did not die today, he, the Lord of the Stars, might be threatened.

But now that Chen Zun takes action, he doesn't believe that Chu Yan can survive!

"Boom!" Countless forces in the air intertwined and turned into violent winds, causing some kings to vomit blood because they could not bear the strong impact. The confrontation between Chu Yan and Chen Zun continued, with lightning and flint.

The sound of the sword continued, so fast that it was difficult to see the picture clearly.

"Die!" Chen Zun roared, and he panicked. He never thought that it would take so much effort for him to deal with an emperor, which made him a little afraid. If Chu Yan doesn't die today, then Chen Yu will definitely be executed. Kill on the spot.

"Many people want to kill me, but they all die in my hands. Do you know why?" Chu Yan said coldly: "Because, they are all just like you, self-righteous!"

"Destroy!" Chu Yan's fingers turned into swords, and he sealed them in the void, turning into a cold light that penetrated the sky and the earth. At this moment, Chen Zun's eyes narrowed, and he felt a strong threat in the light of the sword. , death threats.

"No!" Chen Zun roared, and he quickly backed away, but it was too late. Chu Yan didn't give him a chance at all, and pierced Chen Zun's chest with a sword. Chen Zun's spiritual thoughts instantly turned into phantoms, and he was horrified. looked at Chu Yan.

"This, this is impossible!"

"Venerable, invincible?" Chu Yan sneered empty-handedly. He was not in a good condition at this time and was exhausted, but he still did it. For others, the emperor may really not be able to defeat the venerable, but for him That's not impossible.

"Gulu!" This scene was so sudden that everyone at the banquet was horrified and choked up when looking at the scene in the distance.

Everyone expected countless results, but they did not expect that Chu Yan would win and suppress Chen Zun's spiritual thoughts?

The emperor, kill the lord?

This battle was subversive. The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. Prince Mu was even more frightened in the distance. If Chen Zun's appearance had ignited his hope, but now, he is in despair. Chu Yan He won and killed Chen Zun. Who else can defeat Chu Yan at today's banquet?

In the distance, Zhitian was still frightened. It was so dangerous. Chu Yan's combat power was so terrifying and completely subversive. Even figures like Chen Zun were suppressed and killed. If he had provoked Chu Yan before, he might have become a A corpse.

The Yu family, Yu Tianyin, Yu Changqing and Yu Leng were all frightened and shocked. Did Chu Yan win? The emperor kills the emperor?

When Yu Sha saw this scene from the side, she was not happy at all, but was full of worry. Chu Yan killed Chen Zun today, but he undoubtedly offended the Chen family to death. The Chen family is not the Mu family, they have more sages, Chu How can Yan survive?

In the distance, the woman from the Xiahou family smiled sweetly: "The Emperor Beheaded, the top Jiang Fan and Hu Qiong back then may not be able to do like him, right?"

Uncle Gu smiled bitterly at the side: "Miss, it seems you were right. If this boy doesn't die young, his future will be limitless!"

"Next, it's your turn!" Chu Yan did not stop his movements to kill Chen Zun. His cold eyes shot out and fell on Chen Yu in the distance, with no concealment of the murderous intent in his eyes.

"No!" Chen Yu panicked. He had never been so panicked before. He kept backing away: "Chu Yan, you can't kill me. I am the queen of the Chen family in the central part of the country. If you kill me, the Chen family will never kill me." I’ll let you go!”

"I dare to kill even the disciples of Tianyao Peak. Do you think your Chen family will scare me more than Tianyao Peak?" Chu Yan smiled contemptuously. Yes, Chu Yan dared to kill even Chen Tong of Tianyao Peak, let alone him. Chen Yu, Chen family?

As Chu Yan said, no matter what your background is, if you provoke me, I will kill you with one sword!

"Pfft!" At this moment, everyone was startled. Chen Yu trembled, and he knelt down directly. He didn't want to kneel down, but there was no way. Even Chen Zun couldn't do anything to Chu Yan, let alone a small person like him. Emperor?

"Chu, Master Chu, save my life!" Chen Yu begged without dignity at this moment. Everyone at the banquet looked at Chen Yu sadly.

"Chen Yu, you said that my life is like a piece of grass. Killing me will dirty your hands. Now, I didn't expect you to be so cowardly!" Chu Yan said coldly, but his murderous intention did not weaken at all, and he still approached with his sword.

"Chu Yan, please think clearly. If you kill him, there will be no turning back. The Chen family will never let you go!" Prince Mu also panicked. If Chen Yu died at the banquet, he, Prince Mu, would also be punished. implicated.

"I didn't want to cause trouble, but it was you who forced me today. In this case, let's all pay the price!" Chu Yan said coldly. At this moment, the sound of his sword roared, and everyone's eyes froze.

"Poof!" Chen Yu was dead, killed on the spot, and no one could even stop him.

"Next is you!" Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked at Mu Tingfeng in the distance. Mu Tingfeng immediately panicked and howled: "Father, save me!"

Prince Mu's face was gloomy and he took a step forward. He could not watch Chu Yan kill Mu Tingfeng on the spot.

"You want to stop me?" Chu Yan looked at Prince Mu coldly. Prince Mu felt heavy in his heart, but he was helpless. Chu Yan was too strong. Although the two of them were both at the peak of the emperor, their combat power was not at the same level.

"Chu Yan, what happened today is our fault, and you took it out, so why do you have to do it all? Just say whatever you want, and I will do my best to satisfy you!"

"I want his life, will you give it to me?" Chu Yan pointed his sun-destroying sword and said emotionlessly. Everyone's heart sank. Chu Yan was determined to kill Mu Tingfeng today.

"Chu Yan, if you are like this, we can only unite together. Even if you have extraordinary combat power, there are countless emperors present. If we attack you together, you may not survive!" Prince Mu let out a low roar, and he also Making a last ditch effort.

"You can try it!" Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense. He strolled out and sacrificed his life soul. At this moment, the situation suddenly changed during the banquet. Everyone was startled, and a huge mirror image was formed here.

In this world, Chu Yan's body continued to grow, reaching a height of 100 meters, like a giant. He could trample someone to death with just one kick, which frightened everyone. At this time, Prince Mu was also frightened. In the mirror world, Chu Yan is the king and unrivaled.

"Kill!" Prince Mu's heart was filled with fear, but he still burst out. Following him were the Wang family and all the subordinates of Prince Mu's Mansion. Yu Changqing's heart was filled with fear, and he actually killed them too.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan clasped his hands together and slashed the sky with his long sword, turning into a ruthless rain of swords and piercing towards Prince Mu and others. If the sword was thrust out, one of them would be killed. There was a line of blood at his throat. The sword seals the throat.

"No!" Prince Mu howled heartbrokenly. He thought that today's banquet would be the beginning of his Mu family's take-off, but unexpectedly, because of Chu Yan alone, his Mu family paid a heavy price.

"Boom!" At this moment, the sound of thunder rolled, a strong command came from outside Prince Mu's palace, and suddenly a thunder seal came.

At this moment, Chu Yan raised his eyes to look at Jiutian. The thunder mark appeared so suddenly that he hurriedly took a step back and blocked it with his sword. However, after a moment, his eyes shrank and he spit out a mouthful of blood. His figure He was knocked back a hundred meters, and he immediately placed the Sun-Destroying Sword on the ground to support him.

This scene was so sudden that the mirror world was directly shattered. Prince Mu and others just breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised their eyes to look beyond the sky.

I saw countless figures suddenly appearing there. They strolled over, and each one looked down at Chu Yan with a hint of cold contempt. The leader was a powerful Tianzun.

"They are outsiders, their auras are so strong!"

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