Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 28: Sharing the Bed

Late at night, in Chu Yan's new house, Liu Tianfeng and many elders of the Liu family gathered here with solemn expressions.

"Doctor Zhang, how is my son?" Seeing the doctor taking Chu Yan's pulse turn around, Liu Tianfeng hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Dr. Zhang said excitedly: "When Young Master Chu was first sent back to the mansion, his breath was weak. I felt his pulse at that time. Although the injury was not fatal, all nine mortal energy veins in his body were injured. Damn, I thought that even if I survived, I would be a disabled person, but for some reason, I just saw that Master Chu's mortal pulse has stabilized and is full of vitality, and he should be able to wake up tomorrow. "

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay." Liu Tianfeng breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Uncle Liu, don't worry. This boy Chu Yan is very lucky. It's getting late. Let him rest alone." Liu Mu said from the side.

Liu Tianfeng nodded, then he glanced at Liu Qingcheng beside him, and frowned. He still didn't know why Chu Yan ran to the back mountain. Liu Qingcheng was also hesitant, so he couldn't inquire. I have to wait until Chu Yan wakes up tomorrow and ask Chu Yan face to face.

"Qingcheng, take good care of Yan'er. My father will leave first." Liu Tianfeng explained, and then he paused: "If Yan'er wakes up at night, let him pay attention. He was just injured and something happened. Don't worry." Done."

Liu Qingcheng was startled at first, and then she heard the implication of Liu Tianfeng's words, which made her feel shy.

If Chu Yan was not unconscious at this time, he would probably jump up... How bad was he in Liu Tianfeng's mind?

After being seriously injured like this, only a ghost would want to do that, right?

"Liu Mu, please work harder tonight and stay here with the Liu family's military guards. No matter what, we must not let anything happen to Yan'er again." Liu Tianfeng said to Liu Mu after walking out of the new house.

"Don't worry, Uncle Liu, I'll be here in person tonight and will never let anyone get close to Chu Yan." Liu Mu nodded.

"Leave it to you." Liu Tianfeng felt relieved and left with Dr. Zhang and others.

In the new house, Liu Qingcheng sat on the bedside, looking at Chu Yan who was still as pale as paper and felt strange.

"What exactly happened to you?"

Liu Qingcheng thought of Su Muyan's words, after the wilderness, the peerless genius...are these all true?

"But even if it's true, I'm afraid you will never forgive me in your lifetime, right?" Liu Qingcheng lowered her head sadly.

Chu Yan would become what he is now, and she had a responsibility that she couldn't shirk. If she hadn't misunderstood Chu Yan, Chu Yan wouldn't have run to the back mountain overnight, and wouldn't have fallen into the Qin family's trap.


At this moment, there was a sudden breeze blowing outside the new house, and then a figure pushed the door open without noticing.

You know, at this time, Liu Muke was still leading twenty Liu family military guards to guard this place, but when this person entered, he didn't notice anything.

Liu Qingcheng turned around and saw the person coming, and immediately respected him: "Master!"

Lu Xueting nodded lightly, and then she glanced at the seriously injured Chu Yan: "The acupuncture method has really disappeared from Qin Ruomeng. I haven't seen it for almost twenty years."

"Master, what are you talking about?" Liu Qingcheng asked confused.

"It's nothing." Lu Xueting shook her head: "Everyone knows that the best pill in the world left a shocking mystery in Chu Yan's body. Everyone wants to get this mystery, but no one knows the real mystery. , is Chu Yan, Chu Yan itself is the greatest treasure in the world. "

Liu Qingcheng was confused as she listened, not knowing what Lu Xueting was talking about, but she didn't ask any more questions because she knew that Lu Xueting must have something to do when she came to see her this time.

"Now that your wedding to Chu Yan has been completed, I received a letter from the Tianshan Sect yesterday. I hope you can go back with me as soon as possible, start practicing, and then participate in the Ten Thousand Sects' Feast in three years' time." Lu Xueting said.

"So soon?" Liu Qingcheng was slightly surprised. She thought that since she had just married Chu Yan, the Tianshan Sect would give her some time, but she didn't expect that they would take her away now.

"Well, in half a month, it will be the time when Wan Zong accepts new members. The sect master is worried that something will happen, so he asked me to take you back as soon as possible." Lu Xueting said.

Liu Qingcheng turned around and glanced at Chu Yan again. Three years ago, she became a disciple of Lu Xueting and became a disciple of the Tianshan Sect. This had always been a secret in her heart. Even Liu Tianfeng didn't know about it.

"Don't worry, you and he are only separated for a short time. If he is really not mediocre, you will meet again." Lu Xueting smiled and said: "Tianshan Sect, I also hope that your marriage can continue."

"Is it because of the wilderness?" Liu Qingcheng asked. In fact, when she joined the Tianshan Sect three years ago, she wanted to leave with Lu Xueting, but Lu Xueting did not agree. Instead, she asked her to marry Chu Yan. After the wedding, , returned to the sect and began formal practice.

Liu Qingcheng couldn't figure it out at first, but after knowing Chu Yan's identity, Liu Qingcheng understood the reason for all this.

Liu Qingcheng even suspected that the Tianshan Sect would choose to accept her as a disciple, probably because of her engagement with Chu Yan. Otherwise, as one of the top ten ten thousand sects, how could the Tianshan Sect choose her as a little Tianyong? The daughter of the Liu family in the city?

"Don't think too much, I accepted you as my disciple just because you are very talented. I have traveled abroad these years, and you are the most suitable disciple for me to practice Tianshan's secret method. Three years later, Tianshan Sect will also send you to the feast of ten thousand sects. You are the representative, and as for your marriage to Chu Yan, it is just because of some fate that our Tianshan Sect cannot resist, otherwise we will be punished by heaven," Lu Xueting said.

"Master, there is no need to comfort me."

"Little girl, this is not a consolation. The background cannot be changed. However, in the process of cultivation, what really matters is talent. Your talent is indeed very good. In the future, you may not be worse than Chu Yan." Lu Xueting sighed.

"Give me one day and I'll say goodbye to my father tomorrow."

Lu Xueting nodded lightly and then disappeared from the room without a trace.

Only Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan were left in the room again. Liu Qingcheng's phoenix eyes looked at Chu Yan with a hint of weirdness.

Chu Yan...what kind of person are you? Invisibly, I have received so many favors from you.

Liu Qingcheng sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Chu Yan who was sleeping peacefully, with a face that was a little handsome and a little bit enchanting. She was actually a little bit obsessed. She was obviously the same age as herself, but For some reason, Liu Qingcheng always felt that she was so childish from Chu Yan. What Liu Qingcheng saw in Chu Yan was countless lives and deaths.

Liu Qingcheng became more and more curious. By some strange mistake, he suddenly reached out and touched Chu Yan's handsome face. But at this moment, Chu Yan's eyelashes moved, and then his eyes opened, and then he saw Liu Qingcheng. Flustered look.

Liu Qingcheng's jade face turned red, and she quickly retracted her hand, pretending to be calm and said: "You...are you awake?"

"Honey, you look so beautiful when you blush." ​​Chu Yan smiled forcefully.

Liu Qingcheng's jade face turned redder, and she stood up hurriedly.

"I'll get you medicine!" Liu Qingcheng, like a little girl who had done something wrong, handed the medicine bowl to Chu Yan without raising her head.

Chu Yan was not polite and drank all the medicinal soup. Then he clenched his fists and tried to circulate his vitality. Unfortunately, as soon as the vitality flowed out from his five fingers, it immediately dissipated, which made him stunned.

Chu Yan looked inside his body and saw that it was in a very messy state, with thin vitality and pulsating pulses, just like a ball of hemp rope tied with a knot. This made him curse inwardly: "Acupuncture method" , It’s really overbearing... I didn’t even use a stick of incense, and my body became so miserable.”

"You should have a good rest. Doctor Zhang said that although you have recovered well, you have consumed too much this time and your vitality is unstable. It is best not to practice for the next day to avoid causing old injuries." Liu Qingcheng said.

Chu Yan nodded. With his current appearance, even if he wanted to practice, it would be impossible.

"Honey, can you help me over?" Chu Yan pointed to the corner where he usually lays the floor.

Seeing the damp bedding, Liu Qingcheng felt a dull pain in her heart again. Instead of helping Chu Yan, she walked towards the corner alone.

"You can sleep on the bed tonight, I'll sleep there."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan didn't know where he got the strength. He sat up from the bed and was about to get out of the bed: "No! Absolutely not! Liu Qingcheng, let me tell you, I, Chu Yan, don't have much ability, but I can't do this to my wife. You go to bed and I'll go down."

Chu Yan's voice was urgent, and it also revealed an irrefutable meaning, which made Liu Qingcheng's almond-shaped eyes flash with complicated emotions.

For his own sake, would he be willing to sleep on the floor even if he was seriously injured?

But Liu Qingcheng would not let Chu Yan sleep on the floor. She bit her lip and suddenly turned around and walked to the bed. Then she lay on the bed alone and covered herself with a red embroidered quilt.

"Remember, you are not allowed to touch me!" Liu Qingcheng deliberately turned her back to Chu Yan so that Chu Yan could not see her expression.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, feeling happy in his heart, and then he immediately lay back, looked at Liu Qingcheng beside him and grinned: "Don't worry, my wife, I'm seriously ill now. What do I want to do to you? Impossible, haha, wife, does this count as sleeping in the same bed...?"

Liu Qingcheng was speechless for a while. She suddenly felt like she had been deceived, as if Chu Yan had deliberately set a trap for herself.

"Aren't you angry with me?" Liu Qingcheng asked softly with her back to Chu Yan.

"Angry? What anger? Why should I be angry with you?"

"It's... about the Star-Breaking Pill."

Chu Yan smiled: "So that's what happened? Don't worry, I've forgotten it a long time ago. You are my wife, how could I be angry with you. But it's a pity, that one Star-breaking Pill and several herbs are all I picked it myself in the back mountain, but don’t worry, my wife, I’ll make another one for you when I recover a little. It’s okay, be good, go to bed early.”

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Liu Qingcheng's heart trembled again. Not long after, Chu Yan was already deeply asleep. Listening to the rough snoring, she slowly turned around and looked at the face so close. There seemed to be a string in her heart that was lightly pulled unconsciously.

"Chu Yan... thank you, but after tomorrow, we may never see each other again, right?"

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