Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 275: People from the Three Demon Mountains

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan wanted to kill someone?

No one expected that Chu Yan would actually take action at this time, and with the help of the power of the fire pattern formation.

Old Yuan frowned slightly on the side. Chu Yan's behavior was obviously breaking the rules. But Old Yuan hesitated and did not stop him, but watched the excitement on the side.

"Boy, you dare!" The elders of the Luo family were furious and stood up suddenly, but Chen Jingtian shook his wrist at this time, and a flame spread out, turning into a fire cloud, ruthlessly covering the Luo family.

"Old Chen, what do you mean?" The Luo family was blocked by the fire cloud and looked at Chen Jingtian angrily.

"What do I mean? Humph, today is the competition of my Lihuo Academy. I want to ask you what you mean? Why, do you want to take action?" Chen Jingtian said disrespectfully, and the Luo family's face sank. Chen Jingtian was clearly protecting Chu Yan, but they had no choice. According to the rules, people can be killed on the high platform today, and Luo Tianya also stepped onto the high platform by himself.

"Little boy, that's enough!" At this time, Chen Jingtian suddenly scolded. Luo Tianya was a man of status after all. If he died here, Lihuo Academy would not be able to explain.

Just a pressure was enough to repel Chu Yan, and the thousand fire pattern arrays on the sky gradually weakened.

"Tianya, come back!" The Luo family was relieved. Although Luo Tianya was impulsive and lost his face, he was a fire pattern master after all. The Luo family did not want to lose such a potential person.

"No! He can't leave!" Chu Yan roared and took another step. Today on the high platform was his only chance to kill Luo Tianya. Once Luo Tianya left, he would have no chance.

"You don't count!" The head of the Luo family said.

"What if I said it?" However, at this time, a nasal sound suddenly sounded in the sky in the distance, which made everyone tremble slightly. They looked up at the wooden boat of the Demon Mountain Gate and saw a middle-aged man in his forties walking out of the Demon Mountain Gate and slowly landing at the location of Lihuo Academy.

"Gu Mu! He's back?"

"This guy graduated from Lihuo Academy. Now he's successful and has a good position in the Demon Mountain Gate." People around were talking. Chu Yan looked at Gu Mu, and saw that Gu Mu actually smiled at him, which surprised Chu Yan.

"Mr. Chen!" Gu Mu said politely to Chen Jingtian. Mr. Chen nodded with satisfaction: "Gu Mu, come and sit down!"

Gu Mu nodded, and then he looked at Chu Yan, and said with great interest to Chu Yan: "You want to kill him, right? I can give you a chance, but do you dare?"

"Tell me." Chu Yan said calmly. Although it was just a glance, he had a good impression of Gu Mu, and he didn't seem to be an enemy.

"Since he went up to the platform regardless of his status and age, he will be counted as a student in this competition. There will be two more tests next, and we can even fight in the third item. But you have to think clearly, this is the Fire Pattern Platform, and you can only compete in Fire Patterns. He is a top-level Fire Pattern Master of Level 5. If I leave him on the platform, you may not win the third item, and you may die. Do you still dare?" Gu Mu said. He also has high hopes for Chu Yan. With the background of the Demon Mountain Gate, he can temporarily modify some rules.

"Why not!" Chu Yan agreed without hesitation, which made Gu Mu stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Okay, in this case, Luo Tianya will stay on the stage to participate. Luo Family, do you have any objections?"

"Gu Mu, you can only compete in Fire Patterns on this stage, and you can't use external forces, such as the Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror, right?" Luo Tianya took the initiative to speak.

"Of course, I have made it very clear just now. This is a Fire Pattern Competition. If you want to win, you have to rely on your own Fire Patterns to win!" Gu Mu said calmly.

"Okay, I agree." Luo Tianya's facial features became ferocious. Although he lost in the previous comprehension, he was not discouraged. The real power of the fire pattern lies in the carving. He is a level 5 top fire pattern master, so he must be absolutely sure to kill Chu Yan.

In the stands, all the audience became nervous. This time the competition has risen to a high level. Luo Tianya, a famous person, also participated in it. The next step will be more interesting.

"Chu Yan, Luo Tianya is not easy to deal with. He has a very high attainment in fire patterns. How can you agree to it?" Chen Nishang said worriedly.

"Today, I will kill him!" Chu Yan's murderous intentions were revealed.

There is a break in the competition. The second test is to solve the formation, which will be held tomorrow. In addition to the fire pattern, the battle power challenge on another high platform is also worth paying attention to. There are several figures who are overwhelming the heroes.

Liu family, Liu Jingtian. Jiang family, Jiang Yu. There were also several casual cultivators and some disciples, so after the fire pattern ended, many people went to the side to watch the battle power competition.

Chu Yan walked down from the high platform, and the fat man and several others immediately surrounded him. The fat man gave Chu Yan a thumbs up: "Brother Chu, it's really fun today."

Chu Yan patted the fat man's shoulder, and then he frowned slightly: "Where is Zhixu? Why haven't I seen him?"

"On the battle power stage, do you want to go and take a look?" The fat man pointed, and Chu Yan nodded at this time, and then he also jumped over and looked at the battle power stage.

The battle power stage competition was also very violent, and the first item was a melee. Of course, the realm cannot differ by three levels, otherwise it is meaningless. Hua Zhixu is now the eighth level of the emperor and is assigned to the realm of the upper three levels of the emperor.

"Zhixu also came with murderous intent this time." Chu Yan sighed. Hua Zhixu's attack was very targeted. He had been looking for opportunities to attack the Liu family, the Luo family, and the Jiang family.

"Let's go, among the emperors, no one can suppress Zhixu unless he is a peerless monster." Chu Yan said firmly. Next, he also needs to make some preparations. This time he needs to kill Tianya in the fire pattern competition.

Top level five? Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he returned to the guest room and started practicing directly. He put his soul into the sea of ​​consciousness. Looking at the exquisite fire patterns on the sky, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"How high did my mother's fire pattern achievements reach back then? There are so many nine-level fire patterns." Chu Yan sighed, according to the correspondence between fire patterns and cultivation levels: level five is for the emperor, level six is ​​for the venerable, and level seven is It corresponds to the emperor, and the eighth level corresponds to the king. What about level nine? Chu Yan didn't even know what kind of existence existed above the Great Lord, and how terrifying this ninth-level fire pattern was.

Chu Yan turned on the mirror image with a thought, transformed the whole world into his own world, and then painted crazily in the mirror world.

If someone enters Chu Yan's mirror world at this time, they will be surprised. Chu Yan is not carving fire patterns, he is clearly conjuring them out of thin air. With a wave of his hand, thousands of fire patterns appear in the world, and then he Then he understood the fire pattern formation bit by bit and looked for a breakthrough.

In half a day, Chu Yan broke through seven hundred fire patterns in a row. Then he actually entered a state of selflessness and began to carve fire patterns by himself. He waved his hands according to his spiritual thoughts, and then the earth shook, and the appearance of a woman emerged. The woman is like a goddess, with her colorful dress covering the sky. She is a real god. She holds up the world with her hands, encompassing everything and accommodating thousands. She is called the empress.

"It's amazing!" Chu Yan looked at this woman and sighed in shock. This was not the first time he saw this scene. He had also seen it in the old man's secret mansion in Mirror Image. He thought he was lustful, but he discovered today that it was not the case. .

Fire patterns can actually represent divine thoughts. Divine powers, magical weapons, and elixirs are all composed of fire patterns. But what is the source of fire patterns?

Chu Yan's consciousness entered a deeper level, what is the fire pattern? Why can fire patterns change the power of change? This traceback made Chu Yan sit still for a long time. It seemed to him that time was passing quickly around him as if thousands of years had passed.


At the same time, another group of strong men arrived from the east of the ancient demon. This group of people came in light clothes and rode a flying divine sword. They finally stopped next to the two wooden boats at the Yaoshan Gate and Tianyao Peak.

The people in the eastern part of the ancient demon were secretly surprised when they saw this group of people. One of them said, "Are they from the three demon mountains? They are here too."

The three demon mountains are very different from ordinary forces. They are not a force. At most, they are an old man leading a few disciples. But even so, no one in the ancient demon star domain dares to underestimate them, not even the demon mountain sect. , Tianyao Peak is not the same.

There are two reasons. First, this old man was one of the fifteen great kings at that time, and he was as famous as the old guys from Tianyao Peak and Yaoshan Gate. Secondly, this old man has not many disciples, but every one of them is an elite, a peerless genius, and invincible at the same level.

The Flying Divine Sword stopped, and a young man walked out with his sleeves fluttering. He was very demonic, giving people the illusion of being imposing, making countless young people secretly bow their heads.

"It's Broken Mark! He actually came here in person!" Someone looked at the young man and whispered, and countless women looked up and looked crazy.

The combat strength test has ended today. Fatty and Hua Zhixu were lying on a cliff. Fatty held a straw in his mouth and looked at Duanhen: "It's strange, Fatty is not bad in appearance. These people have no vision. Woman, it’s really vulgar.”

Hua Zhixu rolled his eyes at the fat man at the side, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the woman next to Duan Hen: "Is it her?"

"Her? Little Hua Zai, you can do it. You went to the Ancient Demon Star Territory to pick up girls behind Mengxi's back?" The fat man also paid attention to Qingyun who was next to Duanhen. When the battle in the world ended that day, Chu Yan was so angry that he turned into a beauty. Isn't the woman who appeared after trying to kill Hu Tong but was blocked by Hu Qiong's Thought, this Qingyun?

"Get out!" Hua Zhixu cursed, then rolled his eyes, stood up, and went to look for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan frowned slightly when he learned that Qingyun was from the three demon mountains.

Chu Yan didn't know who Qingyun was, but Hua Zhixu understood her words clearly in the past. One sentence of jackdaw and one sentence of phoenix confirmed that Chu Yan was humble and full of hostility, which made Chu Yan still curious. for a while. Since I saw it in the Ancient Demon Star Territory today, I guess I will know the reason soon, right?

But the key now is tomorrow's battle. Tomorrow, he will kill Tianya on the high platform and sacrifice Liu Qing's broken piano sound with his blood.

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