Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 270 Decided not to endure anymore

"A member of your family?" Chu Yan glanced at Du Meiling, and Du Meiling said bitterly: "Yes, my cousin."

"Are you Chu Yan? I know you." Du Tao stepped forward at this moment. He glanced at Chu Yan and sneered: "A person from the despicable stars is now wanted by the Liu family and the Luo family like a lost dog, but You only dare to hide in Lihuo Academy. I advise you to be more sensible. Since you say you are my sister's friend, don't get her involved. She will marry into the Jiang family sooner or later. "

"Jiang family? Jiang Yan?"

"That's right! Chu Yan, to tell you the truth, Jiang Yan is a fire pattern genius and will become a fire pattern master sooner or later. It is definitely not something a despicable star like you can look at. If you know better, you should stay away from my sister. Stay away and don't get yourself into trouble." Du Tao said proudly, as if he was the one who wanted to marry Jiang Yan.

Chu Yan ignored Du Tao and looked at Du Meiling: "What do you think of this matter?"

"Now that he has provoked the Luo family and the Liu family, he cannot save himself. The Jiang family is one of the five clans. I can't cause him any more trouble." Du Meiling glanced at Chu Yan and thought to herself, and then she said far-fetched He smiled at Chu Yan and said, "You can go and don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll just go back with him."

"Meiling, your choice is very clear." Du Tao immediately smiled and stepped forward to catch Du Meiling.

"This girl." Chu Yan laughed bitterly, and he naturally understood what Du Meiling meant. If it had been a few days ago, he would have been trouble free, but Liu Qing's incident made him heartbroken, so he decided not to do anything about it. She endured it and took the lead in holding Du Meiling's hand: "Actually, things are not that complicated. Isn't it just a fifth-level fire pattern master? In fact, I am."

Du Meiling rolled her eyes and smiled: "I still like to talk big, I know. But you'd better go and don't get yourself into trouble."

"Uh..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while. This girl didn't believe him at all, but he didn't talk nonsense. He still held Du Meiling's hand and looked at Du Tao: "She is my girlfriend now, you Go back and tell the Du family that she will not marry Jiang Yan."

Du Meiling's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Chu Yan with some surprise and some worry.

Although Chu Yan has been acting very mysteriously and released 600 fire patterns during the assessment, these alone are still not enough to compete with the Jiang family. In addition, Du Tao himself is also a top level four fire pattern master.

Seeing Chu Yan's actions, Du Tao's eyes froze: "Haha, your woman? Chu Yan, you really don't know how to live or die. The Jiang family has told everyone that Meiling is Jiang Yan's woman. If you do this, Aren't you afraid that the Jiang family will cause trouble for you? "

"That's my business, but it has nothing to do with you. Can you get out now?" Chu Yan looked at Du Tao coldly.

Du Tao's face turned cold. At this moment, another elder of the Du family came over. When he saw Chu Yan holding Du Meiling's hand, he was furious: "Meiling, you are bold, you are already engaged to Jiang Yan." , How dare you hold an outsider’s hand in front of so many people, why don’t you get over here!”

"Father!" Du Meiling felt cold in her heart when she saw this elder. The elder in front of her was Du Mu, Du Meiling's father. But what Du Meiling couldn't accept the most was that her father didn't help her when her family tied the knot with her.

"Chu Yan, I'm warning you, you are just a person from a despicable star. Six hundred fire patterns are nothing. You are at most a level four junior fire pattern master. Let go of my daughter!" Du Mu roared.

"Uncle, why don't you talk nonsense with him, just grab the person back!" Du Tao said disdainfully, with vitality transforming around him.

"Lihuo Academy, all fighting is prohibited!" At this moment, Mr. Yuan from Lihuo Academy appeared and said coldly.

Du Tao's face was gloomy, but in Lihuo Academy, he really didn't dare to do anything. He finally looked at Chu Yan and nodded vigorously: "Despicable person, sooner or later you will regret it!"

After saying that, Du Tao turned and left. However, just as he was about to walk out of Lihuo Academy, he suddenly waved his big hand, and a long halberd with fire patterns appeared on the sky, and it stabbed Chu Yan between the eyebrows.

Mr. Yuan's face was slightly cold. He had already warned Du Tao, but Du Tao still dared to take action.

"Bang!" The fat man rolled his eyes at Du Tao. The fifth-level fire mark corresponded to the emperor-level strong man. He opened his mouth and swallowed the fire-marked halberd directly.

"A fire pattern like this is the goal you have worked hard for all your life, but for Jiang Yan, this kind of fire pattern can be easily picked up. How can you compare with Jiang Yan?" Du Tao also knew that a fire pattern could not hit He wanted to kill Chu Yan, so he just wanted to warn Chu Yan, and then he smiled proudly. The laughter kept echoing, and his heart was filled with blood. Nothing more than that, as long as Du Meiling married into the Jiang family, he would be able to practice to a higher level. The fire pattern is gone.

Du Tao turned around and walked, while Du Mu looked at Du Meiling with disappointment and was extremely angry. Fire pattern masters like Du Tao were already very valuable, not to mention Jiang Yan's.

"Boom!" But at this moment, Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot, and Du Tao's body shook violently in the distance. He was suppressed by a huge force. He turned around violently, and then his eyes were shocked. Seeing a wild dragon roaring from Chu Yan's feet, it immediately tore up a ravine on the ground and rushed towards the dragon, making his body freeze.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Du Tao struck continuously, his clothes were immediately torn to pieces, and several wounds were caused on his body by the dragon's roar. Only then did he barely neutralize the dragon. Then he looked at Chu Yan gloomily, and saw that There is a picture of a dragon at Chu Yan's feet, which is the eye of the fierce dragon fire pattern array just now.

"Can what you drew be considered a fire pattern?" Chu Yan sneered disdainfully.

"Five, level five fire pattern?" Everyone was shocked. Du Meiling blinked her big eyes at the side. She couldn't believe that the guy who always liked to talk big was actually a level five fire pattern master? Moreover, just by stamping his feet, he drew a level five mad dragon formation?

Du Mu was even more frightened. He looked at Chu Yan, such a young fifth-level fire pattern master? What terrible achievements will there be in the future?

"Go away!" Chu Yan glanced at Du Tao. Du Tao was shocked. At this moment, he no longer had any arrogance. He was so frightened that he ran away without even looking back.

Although the fifth level fire pattern master is only one level behind, it is an indescribable degree.

"Chu, Young Master Chu." Du Mu hurriedly stepped forward and looked at Chu Yan with a very strange look in his eyes.

"As a father, you don't want to protect your daughter, but you betrayed your daughter for your own selfish desires. People like you are really not worthy of being a father. Let's go." Chu Yan shook his head sadly.

Du Mu also felt bitter in his heart. He knew that he had missed an opportunity to become friends with a future fire pattern master. The entire Du family has missed it, and now he can only hope that Du Meiling is really Chu Yan's girlfriend.

"Meiling, please stay with Young Master Chu." Du Mu sighed, making Chu Yan secretly sigh at the utilitarianism in this world.

"Are you really a fifth-level fire pattern master?" After everyone left, Du Meiling looked at Chu Yan in surprise.

"You believe it now?" Chu Yan smiled flatly, and Du Meiling rolled her eyes: "Humph, I believe it. Thank you for today. I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He didn't want to drink now. He had to keep himself awake enough before some hatred was resolved.

Chu Yan and Fatty left together. In the past ten days, both of them had made breakthroughs, and Fatty had reached the sixth level of the Emperor. Chu Yan broke through to the eighth level of the Emperor.

"Fat man!" As soon as the two left Lihuo Academy, three middle-aged people came up to them. Chu Yan looked at the fat man curiously. The fat man explained: "These three are mercenaries with me. This is Li Ge. , the other two are Xu Yu and Xu Jing.”

"Good three."

"Haha, this little brother is Chu Yan, right? You have been a celebrity in the east recently." Li Ge smiled and nodded: "It is true that a hero comes from a young age. The emperor is at the eighth level, and he dares to provoke the Luo family and the Liu family. Not bad."

Chu Yan nodded, but kept paying attention to the surrounding scene. Li Ge, Xu Yu, and Xu Jing were all at the ninth level of the Emperor. If they dared to be mercenaries, they naturally had some abilities.

"Brother Li, do you have a mission today?" Fatty looked at Li Ge and asked, Li Ge smiled: "Yes."

"What mission?"

"Don't worry about it for now, just come with us. The reward this time is very rich." Li Ge smiled mysteriously, and Fatty didn't care. He, Li Ge and others worked as mercenaries for three months, and their relationship with each other was There is also some trust.

A group of five people came to a deep and dense forest in the east. However, Li Ge never disclosed any mission information during the journey, which made Chu Yan frown. He casually walked up to the fat man and lowered his voice. Said: "Fat man, something is wrong."

"Li Ge, what is today's mission?" Fatty did not reply to Chu Yan.

"Don't ask any more questions, just keep walking. You'll know soon." Li Ge didn't respond, but Fatty and Chu Yan suddenly stopped and looked at Li Ge coldly: "Since Brother Li doesn't say anything, what's going on today?" We will not participate in the mission, you can continue."

"Tsk, it's too late not to participate now." Li Ge turned around and looked at Chu Yan with a sneer. Then bursts of rustling sounds came from the dense forest, and more people rushed towards here, forming an encirclement immediately. Surrounded Chu Yan and the two of them.

"Li Ge, are you making a fuss out of a molehill? A boy with a seventh-level emperor and a fifth-level emperor actually sent so many people?" A young man sneered, and he also had the cultivation of the peak emperor. for.

"The lives of these two people are very valuable now. The Luo family and the Liu family gave three level five magic weapons to buy their lives. It's better to be safe." Li Ge said with a smile.

"Li Ge, what do you mean?"

The fat man looked at Li Ge coldly. Li Ge smiled calmly and said: "Fat man, don't blame me. You have caused too much trouble this time. You are going to die no matter what, so please help me. I will kill you and take the money." With three fifth-level magic weapons and a lot of wealth, my brother is enough for me to break through to the noble level. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will avenge you!"

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