Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 251: A ten-year battle, and the young king.

Listening to Chu Yan's words, Chi Yue's heart trembled. He could feel the strong killing intent from Chu Yan.

Everyone in Chiyue Valley looked slightly cold. Chu Yan's growth was too terrifying and beyond their understanding. They thought that Chi Yue would be able to kill Chu Yan in today's battle, but unexpectedly, they still lost.

"This son cannot live! Otherwise, if we give him ten years, we will all be in danger." An old man from the Southern Shrine suddenly said, and he smelled a hint of danger at this moment.

"Awesome!" Wangfeng said excitedly. He is also the sixth level emperor, but he is definitely not as scary as Chu Yan.

"You, number one? Young King? Haha, are you worthy?" Chu Yan walked slowly, like an undefendable mountain, approaching Chiyue step by step.

"The feast hasn't started yet. Only one of you and Lin Daoyu can kill me. It's as if I'm dead. That's because you are so confident. It's like killing me is like taking something from a bag. But why are you the one lying here today? ?”

Chi Yue got up and stared at Chu Yan, but he was speechless. He has always been full of confidence in this battle, even yearned for it, and couldn't wait, but today's result was not what he expected.

"Back then, my father granted you the title of Three Valleys and gave you resources. I had no enmity with you, Chiyue Valley, but your ambition in Chiyue Valley did not die. Thousands of sects held a feast and thousands of people failed to kill me and killed my brother. You want this hatred? return!"

"Boom!" Chu Yan punched again, and the ground shattered. As soon as Chi Yue stood up, she was nailed to the sealing formation again.

"You colluded with Yunlong and took advantage of me, Sister Xishuang. You must repay this revenge!"

"Boom!" Another punch.

"During the feast, you even attacked Qingcheng. I will kill you for this revenge!" Chu Yan roared, and he finally punched out. This punch reached the sky and turned into a giant arm of diamond. Chi Yue was shocked. , if he received this punch, he would definitely not survive.

"Chu Yan, if you kill him, I will kill you!" Chi Tianyou's face turned purple, and his vast vitality suddenly burst out, approaching the sealed place.

"Haha, Chi Laogou, how ridiculous are your words? If I am a little weaker today and am already dead, why would I use you to kill me? However, your current behavior proves that it is correct for Xingjun to seal the battle platform. Choice." Chu Yan looked at Chi Tianyou's punch coldly and sneered, that was Xingjun's seal, and Chi Tianyou couldn't break it!

"Boom!" Chi Tianyou punched the seal without opening it. He was angry. He looked at Xingjun: "That's it for today. Release the formation and release the people!"

"Master Chigu wants to make an enemy of Qintian Pavilion?" Da Xingjun said with a warm smile. He never favors anyone, but he understands the rules.

Chi Tianyou clenched his fists, and his eyes suddenly turned, looking towards Liu Qingcheng and others: "Chu Yan, if you dare to kill my son, today I will send you to the wilderness with no way to go, and all your possessions Your loved ones will die here, and everyone in the world will die because of you!”

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, but he was even more angry. He had already prepared for today. No matter what happened today, Chi Yue would die!

"Boom!" The punch came out, and Chi Yue's eyes widened, but along with it, there was also a huge palm from Chi Tianyou that hit Liu Qingcheng.

Everyone was shocked. Chi Tianyou broke the rules and actually attacked Liu Qingcheng and others.

"Get out!" Emperor Ren moved. He stepped forward and blocked Chi Tianyou's punch. A sword array immediately formed from behind and enveloped all the juniors. Hua Feng, Wan Qing Emperor, Yao Lao and others followed. He stood up and firmly protected Liu Qingcheng.

"Crack!" Chu Yan also punched out. The power of the punch exploded from the inside, causing a gap to open in Xingjun's sealing array. Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan's punch, If it is really defeated, how can Chiyue survive?

"No!!!" Chi Tianyou roared, but everyone was shocked, because at this moment the Star Lord Formation suddenly shattered, and there was an embarrassed figure flying out from it. It was Chi Yue, and he had a blue suit on his body. Colorful water flowed.

Although Chiyue was seriously injured, he was still breathing and crashed directly into one of the nine mountains.

"That's a magic weapon for defense. Chi Yue actually violated the rules and used the magic weapon to save his life!" someone immediately said, and everyone was shocked.

"The divine weapon seems to have been integrated into Chiyue's body. Chu Yan's blow threatened his life just now, so he used it directly. It was also the divine weapon that broke Xingjun's sealing formation!"

Chu Yan looked at Chi Yue coldly, and when he saw that Chi Yue was still conscious, he said coldly: "Using magic weapons to save your life is so vulnerable that it is pathetic. If you don't die, how can I let you live?"

"Whoosh!" Chu Yan chased him out in one step, and everyone was shocked. But the next moment, a sword light swept across Chu Yan's body, which shocked Chu Yan. He quickly retreated and fell back to the battlefield. , turned around and looked in the direction of Chi Junlin.

"You can't kill him!" Chi Junlin said calmly, which made everyone sneer. The life and death battle was decided by Chi Yue. He couldn't afford it today. He used magic weapons to save his life. If he lost, the people of Chi Yue Valley stood up to protect him. How ridiculous?

There is no need to say more about today's battle, and everyone in the world knows the outcome.

Chu Yan also squinted his eyes. He looked at Chi Yue, unwilling to give in, but he also understood that today's matter has reached its extreme. The feast battle is over, and he has bigger troubles to face. Chi Yue's life and death are in front of him. It's not that important anymore.

But even so, he still looked at Chi Yue and said with heartfelt words: "Chi Yue, in my opinion, you are already a dead person, so I don't bother to kill another dead person. And if I were you, with the help of God, If you want to survive as a soldier, you might as well die. You are not worthy of practicing martial arts in this life, because you can only be a dead person."

"Pfft!" Chi Yue spat out another mouthful of blood, her heart filled with humiliation. This battle was humiliating for him. As Chu Yan said, he was already a dead person in the eyes of the world.

However, at this moment, Chi Yue's life and death were no longer that important in the eyes of everyone.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Chiyue was defeated today, a humiliating defeat. And this battle also fulfilled the rumors in the world. After ten years of fighting, one will be crowned the Young King. In the next ten years, everyone will only remember him. There is one name, and that is Chu Yan, the young boy king for ten years, he became the number one, and he, Chi Yue, was only the second, a humiliating second.

"He really did it. First place in the feast, Young King."

"Yes, he is only twenty years old this year, right? It is terrible to have such strength at this age. Ten years later, he can still participate in a feast, but I am afraid that ten years later, he will not know what strength he has , maybe he will also be crowned emperor." Everyone was talking about this feast. Chu Yan was a dark horse, and he reached the first place.

He did not attend the feast, and everyone was disappointed.

But because Liu Qingcheng carved words on the nine mountains and infected the world, he came.

Thirty-one bell ringings and eighty-one strokes of destiny brought the ancient dynasty back to the light of day, and it was fully inherited in the ancient dynasty, breaking the record of thousands of years in the world along the way.

The world thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had been swearing something with a proud posture all the way. He seemed to want to tell the world that his existence, his wild existence, would make it impossible for people in the world to forget.

"Carve a list!" At this time, Lord Daxing said, on the nine mountains, another era changed.

Chu Yan was first and Chi Yue was second.

Chu Yan's name will finally be famous in the world today. There is no barbarian, no Chu Hanfeng, just because his name is Chu Yan. Everyone can't help but sigh when they look at that name.

Chu Yan's name was engraved on the spot where Chi Junlin was ten years ago. Now, these two people represent each other in the world. Everyone even understands that everything Chu Yan has achieved this year was what he achieved ten years ago. Even Chi Junlin couldn't do it. Ten years later, Chu Yan would definitely be able to surpass Chi Junlin.

"It's great!" Hua Zhixu laughed from below. Qiu Mengxi rolled his eyes at him: "I'm sorry to say that, but I remember someone was very dissatisfied. He said he wanted to win the first place in this year's feast, but he didn't even get into the top ten. , worse than a fat man who only knows how to eat.”

"What's wrong with Fatty? Although Fatty is very good at eating, I am in the top ten!" Fatty expressed dissatisfaction on the side, making everyone laugh.

"Sister Zi Yan, Fatty is very powerful now. Have you fallen in love with Fatty?" Fatty raised eyebrows at Zi Yan again, but Mu Bai rushed up and started a fight with Fatty again.

This battle was really exciting. Chu Yan was standing there. He was a symbol of the times. The next decade would be a brand new decade. How many young people in the world would take Chu Yan as their idol and start their career? Let the new generation of young kings attack.

"I really did it." Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and he stood at the highest place in the world.

Yao Lao, Ren Emperor and others also laughed. Just as Chu Yan said, even if he is about to be defeated, he must let everyone know that the young king in the world is their Barbarian.

"Chu Yan! You won this battle, which represents an era in the world, but there is still a long way to go for you. I hope you can adhere to your true intentions in the future, don't forget your roots, practice all the way, and one day, Show your skills on a bigger stage." Da Xingjun also smiled at Chu Yan, and Chu Yan nodded: "Chu Yan will definitely remember the teachings of his predecessors!"

"Yeah!" Da Xingjun nodded, and finally took a step back. He did not punish Chi Yue, because Chi Yue's background was there, and as Da Xing Jun stepped back, all the rules were also changed. It's over, and it has stirred up the hearts of countless people.

"I'm afraid he won't live that long!" Gu Suyu's voice sounded coldly. The battle that lasted for seven days and seven nights was stopped because of the banquet rules. Now that the banquet is over and there are no rules, this battle will happen again. Is it on?

However, who can change the outcome of this battle? How can Chu Yan survive this time?

Everyone's hearts suddenly tightened, and Chu Yan's eyes also condensed. Is everything that should come finally coming?

Chu Yan glanced at Gu Yu, and then silently planned in his heart.

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