Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 249: Invitation from the Western Temple [Three Updates]

Everyone was shocked, and Situ Jun also nodded. He could feel that Chu Yan was serious, and it was not humiliation. Chu Yan was telling him that he had a reason not to lose in this battle, and a reason to win strongly.

Because what he wants to kill is Chi Yue! Tonight, the greatest genius in the world, the Young King!

"Boom!" Chu Yan took a step with a bang. That step was like a thunderous shot, sweeping across the battlefield in all directions: "One breath!"

Situ Jun's face suddenly changed. With just one step, he felt Chu Yan's terrifying power. Huge forces roared towards him. Situ Jun felt his footsteps sink. He felt as if he was being suppressed by a big mountain in the earth. Same.

This made Situ Jun look at Chu Yan in shock, and he said: "That day, the power you used to suppress Yinghao and Yaotian in Jiuyou Tianchi was not with the help of Jiuyou Tianchi? But your own power?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "The second level of bloodline is the power of heaven and earth. If it is not heaven and earth, why should I rely on Jiuyou Tianchi?"

Situ Jun's heart skipped a beat. Chu Yan's power could actually rely on the power of heaven and earth. Is that the second level of bloodline? It was a realm that he had not realized so far.

"It seems that I underestimated you. In just a few months, I could suppress you in the wilderness, but I can't do it today. But in this case, let me see how strong you are. If you lose, let me Defeated with all my heart!”

"Yes!" Chu Yan raised his hand and struck again with his sword. The sound of the sword roared wildly. His sword was not a sword energy, but turned into sound waves and shot out. Each sound wave was invisible in the world, but it was real. .

"Is this the second level of your sword bloodline?"

"Jianyin!" Chu Yan nodded. He still had one bloodline left to use, which was his third speed bloodline. Of course, this does not include the other four pure bloodlines hidden in his Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda. Otherwise, he would be enough to kill Situ Jun with one blow.

"Boom!" There was another blow, and the distribution of the battle platform changed. Chu Yan swept the six-point battle platform alone. Situ Jun couldn't help being shocked and took a step back. At this moment, he smiled, that ruthless sword The sound made his orifices bleed, and he laughed wildly: "Chu Yan, you are really amazing!"

"It's over!" Chu Yan made a palm in the air, and Situ Jun was knocked out of the fighting stage. This battle only took seven breathers. Chu Yan won!

In the feast battle, Chu Yan came in second place and became one of this year's top two.

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan really did it. He swept all the way with the least expected attitude, and finally defeated Situ Jun, becoming the two most promising to win the championship this year. At this time, Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan also narrowed his eyes slightly, his murderous intent even stronger.

"This Chu Yan is so awesome!"

"Yes, in the past three years, his voice seems to be everywhere, and he did not disappoint today. I have already said that he can definitely do it!" someone said, but someone immediately cursed: "Just shit, who just said that he was born at the wrong time and too young, so he will definitely not be able to win. I think he can win!"

At this moment, Chu Yan raised his eyes and smiled brightly. He looked at Liu Qingcheng and everyone in the wilderness. Then the next moment he raised his hand and pointed his sword at Chiyue.

"Chiyue, next, it's your turn. If I, Chu Yan, don't die, Chiyue Valley will have nightmares all year round! The wilderness remains the same!"

"The next day off, we will have the final battle tomorrow!"

Da Xingjun said calmly, "This month-long feast has had many things happen, and it is different from the past, but fortunately it continues, and tomorrow will be the decisive battle of the feast. After ten years of sharpening a sword, one Become famous through battle, but who will be crowned Young King for ten years? The world is looking forward to it.

Everyone retreated, but no one left, waiting in the place of feasting.

Chu Yan left the fighting stage, and Hua Zhixu and others immediately gathered around him. Hua Zhixu smiled excitedly and said, "Awesome! I had really good vision back then. I knew you would definitely become famous."

"Let him recover quickly." Liu Qingcheng rolled his eyes at Hua Zhixu from the side, and Hua Zhixu laughed dryly: "Sister-in-law is right."

Chu Yan also smiled. He put his arms around Liu Qingcheng's shoulders. Then he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Chiyue Valley, but he was silently planning in his heart. In the battle tomorrow, he will kill Chi Yue first, but after that, it will also mean riots in the world.

At that time, Chijun Linding would march straight into the wilderness, with his army pointing at the wilderness. What possibilities did he have to survive in the wilderness? He had to take the next battle seriously, prepare, and plan everything, so he hardly rested that day. Instead, he found Yao Lao, Ren Emperor, Hua Feng, Wan Qing Emperor, and Qin Zixuan et al.

"Seniors, the feast is about to end. There will be a fierce battle tomorrow. What are our chances of winning?" Chu Yan said.

"Two major extraterrestrial forces have intervened. It is too difficult for us to win, but we have also thought about it. If we fight tomorrow, even if we die in battle, we will send you young master away. As long as you are still alive, I will fight in this world. There is hope." The old demon gave a confused smile: "As you said, even if you lose, you must let them know that the young king of the world is our young master. In the past, you will eventually return, so that they will never have peace. !”

"Absolutely not. If you all die in battle, what's the point of leaving a false name in the wilderness." Chu Yan shook his head to stop it, but the old demon sighed: "But young master, there is no other way. "

"There is still a chance! We still have a chance!" Chu Yan shook his head, and then he turned to the old demon and said: "The old demon, you will follow my instructions. After the battle tomorrow, you don't want to kill the enemy, as long as we delay it for a while. , hold on, there will still be a chance, I want everyone in the wilderness to live. "

The old demon frowned. He didn't know what opportunity Chu Yan was talking about, but he still nodded and said: "In that case, then I will listen to the young master."

The final battle is finally coming. This battle cannot be defeated by Barbarian, but Chu Yan is determined to make them all bleed.

At this moment, Wangfeng suddenly came over: "Brother Chu!"

"Looking for me?" Chu Yan was full of good impressions of Wangfeng. Wangfeng nodded with a smile: "Well, my master asked me to call you over. I wonder if you are free?"

"Your master is looking for me?" Chu Yan hesitated, but still agreed. Then he looked at Yao Lao and others: "Seniors, you must wait for me, and you must not be impulsive tomorrow. Because of you, the wilderness can exist. value."

Yao Lao and others all nodded, but they didn't have much hope in their hearts. In their opinion, tonight was a catastrophe in the wilderness, and they were ready to die for Chu Yan.

Qin Zixuan also left that day. She went to ASEAN, an extremely mysterious place where there are many ancient shadows. Their existence is so strong that they should not even appear in the mortal world.

"Princess!" The people from Guying said respectfully when they saw Qin Zixuan.

"Make a move for me once and destroy the Eastern Shrine and the Southern Shrine. I will go back with you." Qin Zixuan got straight to the point.

But after hearing Qin Zixuan's words, an old man laughed bitterly: "So what if it is destroyed? If you destroy an Eastern altar for him today, there will be another Eastern altar in the past. The road for him to grow up is destined to be a bloody road. Back then, Qin Ruomeng said that these people are the path he should take, so why should the princess ask? Blood and tears can make him grow. "

Qin Zixuan was silent. She snorted coldly and flew out without saying a word. The direction she went to was actually the realm beyond the sky.

Qin Zixuan left on this day, and no one knew where she went. She had never returned to the mortal world once, and left at the most critical moment in the wilderness.

At this time, Chu Yan followed Wangfeng to a wooden boat in the void. In this wooden boat, Gu Yu was wearing a gray robe and looked calm. He said calmly: "The little guy is here? Don't hold back. My name is Gu Yu, Wangfeng is my master, and I am also Ye Xun’s master.”

"Juniors have met seniors." Chu Yan said respectfully, waving his hand as the old saying goes: "No need to be polite."

"I wonder if the senior has come to ask the junior for something?" Chu Yan still said respectfully. This old man has an extraordinary aura, and there is a trace of the same power as Qin Zixuan in him, so Chu Yan concluded that it should be the existence of Emperor Po.

"Little baby, I heard that you got all the inheritance of Lord Zhentian?" Gu Yu spoke. Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he immediately regained his composure: "Senior is joking. This junior was abandoned by the nine inheritances and is not worthy of inheritance. How can I get all the inheritance?”

"Haha, the little baby is not good." Gu Yu smiled and shook his head: "I have no other intentions. You have already seen the situation in the world. The Eastern Shrine and the Southern Shrine, the two major forces have joined forces to encircle and suppress you. In the wild land, you, the barbarian, used to be the king of the earthly world, but you are humble before the forces of the four gods. The benevolent emperor is no more than the emperor of heaven, and has not stepped into the realm of breaking the emperor. In the battle tomorrow, the rules will be broken, and no one can protect you. "

"What do you want to say, senior?"

"Tomorrow you win the championship. According to the rules, my Sifang God can recruit disciples. If you join my Western God force, I will take action to protect you from death." Gu Yu said lightly, Wangfeng also smiled and said: "Brother Chu, this is a good thing, in the future we will They are fellow disciples.”

Chu Yan hesitated, and indeed, Manhuang just lacked a reliable helper. If the Northern Temple was willing to take action, it would indeed be an opportunity for Manhuang: "Senior, there should be conditions, right? For example, Lord Zhentian's Nine Great inherited?"

"Haha, smart man, I think you should have memorized the nine major inheritances. There is no harm in leaving it to me. On the contrary, wouldn't it be better to have the blessing of an external force?" Gu Yu said with a smile.

Chu Yan hesitated for three seconds and nodded directly: "Yes, if senior can keep me safe in the wilderness, I will join the Northern Temple! I will hand over the nine inheritances with my own hands."

Gu Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, then tomorrow, I will wait for the good news of your victory. Now hand over the nine inheritances."

After hearing this, Chu Yan hesitated. He was not familiar with the Northern Temple. Although Ye Xun was there, he was only a disciple, so he was not prepared to hand it over all. But if he didn't hand it over, as the old saying goes, as an elder, he But it was unreasonable, so after thinking about it, Chu Yan waved his hand and drew out three inheritances: "Senior, I can give you three inheritances first. After tomorrow, if senior really helps Manhuang solve the problem, I will definitely give you the remaining nine inheritances. All offered.”

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