Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 247 Feast Ranking Battle

Outside the ancient dynasty of the dust world, the intention of killing turned into a black cloud and enveloped one side. The war has lasted for seven days and nights. This battle can be said to be the most ancient battle in the dust world. Since the fall of the ancient dynasty of the dust world, the seals in the dust world and resources Barren, with the strength of the cultivators, there has not been a great king in ten thousand years, and there has never been such an ancient battle, but today, this battle broke out.

The two extraterrestrial forces, plus the many forces on the Chiyue Valley side, suppressed the Barbarian side firmly. During these seven days, there were heavy casualties.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a tremor in the ancient dynasty, and a thin young man walked out. The young man was still eye-catching, making everyone dazzled.

"He's out!" All eyes immediately focused on Chu Yan. This young man who could always turn things around could change his fate today.

"This guy is so timely every time." Hua Zhixu laughed and cursed, but felt a little sad in his heart. This time, it is different from the past. There is no Chu Hanfeng in the wilderness, and Qin Zixuan is also trapped. Today's battle, It's like a dead end, Chu Yan appears here, who can save him?

Everyone seemed to have a glimmer of hope when they saw Chu Yan. Chu Yan walked out step by step. He came to the place where the wild side was. He looked at Liu Qingcheng, who was already crying. He stretched out his hand and touched it gently. He lowered his cheek and said, "Silly girl, don't cry. I can't bear your tears, and no one in the world can bear them either."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Liu Qingcheng cried, her eyes were red, the wild people were all injured in order to protect her. Your Majesty, the Emperor suffered countless casualties.

"I don't blame you, it's because I came back late!" Chu Yan hugged the girl distressedly, but there was a strong murderous intent under his eyes.

The appearance of Chu Yan caused both sides to temporarily stop their efforts. The people from the four divine forces were staring at Chu Yan. Gu Yu said calmly on the side: "Is it because of him that the ancient dynasty in the world was founded? That must have true meaning. The inheritance should be in his hands, right?"

Wangfeng had already flown back to Gu Yu at this time: "Master, Brother Chu is very powerful. He has inspired the ten major inheritances of the ancient dynasty by himself. Senior Brother Ye Xun is right, he must be a dragon or a phoenix among people."

"Can one person master all inheritances?" Gu Yu narrowed his eyes, but didn't say much.

Chu Yan hugged Liu Qingcheng and looked around the audience. Chi Junlin, Chi Yue, Emperor Haotian, Yan Wentian, Divine Weapon Guild, Southern Shrine, Eastern Shrine, these numerous people were brutally killed by them. They caused endless killings, and countless people died tragically in his wilderness. All of this was because of them, and the seeds of this great hatred were deeply planted in my heart.

"Boy, you showed up just in time, go and bury Cheng'er with him!" Gusu Yu shouted sharply, turned into a giant hand that reached the sky, and immediately grabbed Chu Yan from the sky.

"Chu Yan!" Hua Zhixu and others were shocked when they felt the huge force. On the Tiandao Sect's side, Emperor Wanqing was also angry, Emperor Ren, Yao Lao and others were all angry, but it was no use. Gusu Yu's palm was too fast for them to resist.

Chu Yan stared at the giant hand, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was a faint power burning in his body.

"Boom!" But at this moment, before Chu Yan could take action, a curtain of light suddenly shot out, turning into a sky-raising finger light, which immediately penetrated Gu Suyu's palm and dissipated into the endless void.

"Who!" This sudden flash of fingerlight was unexpected by no one, and Gusu Yu also roared angrily.

Looking along the trend, someone finally stood up in the direction of Qintian Pavilion. Lord Daxing said calmly: "Destiny has a beginning and an end. Heaven and earth have their own destiny. Who starts from and ends with. History is eternal. Good advice. One thing to all of you, you should do your best in the future. If you sow some seeds today, they will be the fruits of the future."

"I'm just trying to make a fool of myself. I'll kill him today, so what's the point?" Gu Suyu roared and waved his sword with a sword, but Lord Star suppressed him again: "The feast is not over yet, so let's continue the feast. Don't do it." The rules are broken, what do you think?"

"What Lord Daxing said makes sense. Since this is the mortal world, we should abide by the rules and continue the feast first. We will talk about everything after the feast is over." Regarding Qintian Pavilion, the four divine forces are wary of it. As the old saying goes, The peacemaker stood up and said.

Gu Suyu snorted coldly, but did not take action in the end. Daxingjun looked at Chu Yan strangely, and Chu Yan also looked at Daxingjun and said lightly: "Thank you, senior."

"Why do you need to thank me? If I don't take action, will you die?" Big Star Lord smiled mysteriously. Chu Yan was stunned, and then he smiled without saying anything. If Big Star Lord didn't take action, would Chu Yan die?

Of course not. Emperor Xu gave him a seventh-level magic weapon, which was enough to destroy the emperor. If Gu Suyu had his own way just now, he would definitely kill him at all costs.

"Young Master Junlin, please continue hosting the feast." Big Star Lord said calmly, and Chi Junlin nodded coldly: "Since you have made breakthroughs in the Nine Mountains and the Ancient Dynasty, the next step is the ranking battle. Click There are a total of ten people who have entered the ancient dynasty. These ten people are tentatively ranked as the top ten. The remaining people are ranked according to their destiny. The top thirty-six people will be eliminated!"

"Next, on the promotion stage, everyone can challenge themselves. Each person has two challenge opportunities. The loser will be eliminated and the ranking will be determined!" Chi Junlin said.

In fact, it was said that thirty-six people were selected, and there were only a few people left who were really interesting in this feast. Needless to say, the top ten people are Chu Yan, Chi Yue, Mi Wang, Situ Jun, Lin Daoyu, Qiu Muhong, and four people from outside the world. They are all inherited from the ancient dynasty, and can be said to be the strongest in this year's feast.

Outside the top ten, there are only a few people who are favored.

Qiu Yu, Fatty, Hua Zhixu, Liu Qingcheng, Tang Yuyan. These five people have the most luck. Apart from them, there is another person worth noting, that is, a dark horse of the Tiandao Alliance. This person has been walking alone since entering the feast. He is wearing white clothes with a red flower dyed on them. , seems to be announcing something. No one noticed him at all at first, but it wasn't until he walked out of the Nine Mountains that everyone discovered that his destiny was second only to Qiu Yu, temporarily ranking twelfth.

But no matter who it is, they are proud to be among the first thirty-six people in the feast. They are all well-deserved. In the next ten years, no one in the world will know their names.

The first person will be crowned Young King for ten years and become the center of everyone's attention. Of course, this name has also made many people suspicious. Among them, Chi Yue is still the most favored, and Situ Jun ranks second, because they know that the four masked people are people from outside the world, and they are also very popular. Chu The rock is neither up nor down, and is more controversial.

In terms of realm, Chu Yan is the weakest among the top ten, but in terms of talent and trump cards, Chu Yan has the most, so no one knows how this battle will go.

"I have to admire you. You are really lucky. You are not dead after so many times." The battle platform rose, and Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan coldly.

"The same goes for you." Chu Yan said calmly. In the next battle, he would definitely kill Chi Yue with his own hands. Three years of hatred must come to an end.

Chi Yue snorted coldly. He ignored Chu Yan and turned to look in the direction of Qintian Pavilion: "Big Star Lord, you said that a feast is a rule, ringing the bell, seizing the destiny, seeing the destiny, all those who can do this are As a hero, how can we be afraid of life and death? How about the next battle, without any restrictions or restrictions, and just do it with all our strength? "

"You mean, there are no restrictions on the upcoming decisive battle, and life and death are determined by fate?" Da Xingjun narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"That's right. Since everyone has their own dissatisfaction, if they lose, they will inevitably find many excuses. It's better to just have a life and death battle without any restrictions. The winner will be worthy of Lingyun World." Chi Yue said with a smile.

"A true strong man should be like this." Lin Daoyu said calmly from the side and looked at Chu Yan. He and Chu Yan should have had a life and death battle long ago.

"What do you think?" Da Xingjun hesitated. In previous years, no one was allowed to kill people at the feast. After all, those who have come to this point are all geniuses. The descendants must be preserved in the world. Otherwise, there will be only one feast every ten years. How can the next strong person develop in this world?

But this is different. This battle seems to reflect the battle between the two sides. Chi Yue even said that the winner is worthy of Lingyun Heaven and Earth, and the loser should be punished.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan, and even a fool understood that Chi Yue's words were aimed at him alone. Hua Zhixu narrowed his eyes at the side: "This Chi Yue is targeting you, he wants to kill you on the battlefield. you."

"I know." Chu Yan said lightly, and then he looked at Chi Yue with a hint of sadness: "I hope you don't regret your words. Although I don't believe in destiny, no one in this world can let me lose!"

Everyone was startled, but Chu Yan agreed. The next battle was destined to be a battle of life and death.

But everyone frowned and were not optimistic about Chu Yan. Among the top ten, Chu Yan was weak alone. Except for Wangfeng, almost all of them wanted Chu Yan's life. It was definitely an unwise move for him to agree.

"In that case, it's just right. Next, come on up!" The battle started, and Qiu Muhong was the first to jump onto the battlefield, with a breeze sword in his hand, pointing at Chu Yan.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. Qiu Muhong challenged Chu Yan? Everyone thought a lot about who the first match would be, but they didn't expect that the first match would be Qiu Muhong.

"No, Qiu Muhong has made a breakthrough and reached the fifth level of the Emperor! It seems that he has made great progress in the ancient dynasty." Someone noticed something strange.

Chu Yan looked at Qiu Muhong with strange eyes. To be honest, this was the first time he saw someone so eager to die. He turned and looked at Qiu Mengxi: "Mengxi, this time, I will kill him! Don't worry. "

Qiu Mengxi's jade eyes were strange, but she didn't speak. She also understood that Chu Yan had let Qiu Muhong off too many times, but Qiu Muhong did not repent. During the feast, he even tried to attack Liu Qingcheng, which violated Chu Yan's taboo. This time , no one can save him.

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