Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 240: The bell tolls thirty-one times [fourth update]

The feast was a place where the world was shocked. Liu Qingcheng stained the nine mountains with blood today, and carved eight bloody words. Chu Yan, I like you so much!

But today, Chi Yue was like crazy. The sword in his hand danced wildly and slashed at the eight big words.

Qiu Yu, Hua Zhixu and others were angry. Several people counterattacked madly. Even if they were just moths to the flame, they would swear to protect these eight words in the near future.

"Kill!" Qiu Yu roared. He was crushed by Chi Yue's giant unicorn arm, and his whole body was stained with blood.

Hua Zhixu was also crazy here. He roared "Ah!!!" Qiu Mengxi did not persuade him this time. Even if they could not change the result, today, it was their attitude.

"Ah ah ah!!!" The fat man roared and rushed forward, but at this time Mu Ling'er held him down: "Are you crazy? You just got seriously injured!"

"I'll eat him!" The fat man didn't care, he was going to go!

Mu Ling'er's eyes turned red, and she covered her cherry-red lips with her hands and cried. She saw with her own eyes that Qiu Yu was seriously injured by Chi Yue and one of his arms was cut off. Hua Zhixu was blown away and spurted blood continuously. The fat man was caught by Chi Yue and his throat was pinched.

Qiu Mengxi, Mu Bai, Zi Yan, King Chu, and all Chu Yan's friends were suppressed at this time. They would fight to the death today, but today, Chi Yue was too strong. No one could shake him during the feast.

At this time, there were four figures on a mountain in the distance. One of them was wearing a Suzaku mask and sneered: "An ant trying to shake a tree."

But suddenly, the young man in white with a white tiger mask looked at this person and said coldly: "Although they are weak, they are willing to die today and fight with Chiyue at all costs, just for friendship. But in your eyes, this is just an ant trying to shake a tree?"

"This is a martial arts world. People with weak strength should die. Friendship? Ridiculous." The Suzaku man said coldly.

The White Tiger man shook his head, and then he walked out. Seeing that Chiyue was about to kill the fat man with a sword, the White Tiger man took action and rescued the fat man from Chiyue: "Stop it."

"Who are you?" Chiyue's eyes were fierce, and the White Tiger man did not speak. Chiyue thought and transformed a giant Qilin arm, and blasted towards the White Tiger man.

"Boom!" The White Tiger man blocked it, but was also knocked back three steps. Chi Yue said coldly: "Level 6 Emperor, you are not my opponent!"

"You can try! But I kindly remind you that in the feast, seizing the aura is still the key. Is it worth it for you and me to be in a stalemate here?" The White Tiger man said calmly, but Chi Yue hesitated. He was confident that he could beat the White Tiger man, but the price might not be worth it, and he knew who the man with the White Tiger mask was and which force was behind him.

Qiu Yu and others also frowned when they saw the White Tiger man, but the other party rescued them. Qiu Yu covered one arm and coughed dryly: "Thank you for your help!"

"No problem." The White Tiger man said lightly, then his eyes lit up and smiled: "It seems that I will not be needed next!"

Chi Yue frowned, but at this moment, everyone in the world was shocked, whether inside or outside the feast, everyone was shocked by a figure.

"Dong!" A heavy sound of footsteps resounded through the world, and a figure was seen. He was wearing a bamboo hat, passing through the crowd, and slowly walked towards the feast.

Everyone was shocked. At this time, there was an open space in front of the ancient bell, which made his figure extremely dazzling. The water of the Tianchi Lake was swirling around him, echoing the roar of the nine mountains.

Seeing that figure, everyone's eyes condensed. Even with a bamboo hat, he was still too dazzling. No one could forget the scene a year ago. This person was the one who carried the Haotian Tower, walked thousands of miles, and leveled the mountains and seas?

"He is, Chu Yan!" The word Chu Yan, like a sleeping dragon, woke up in the hearts of the world.

Chi Junlin's eyes were also slightly condensed. In a moment, a pressure blasted towards Chu Yan, but in the next moment, a huge hammer fell from the sky, directly approaching Chi Junlin's head, which shocked Chi Junlin. He could only block it immediately and retreat rapidly.

"Chi Junlin, do you want to die?" The vast voice resounded through the world.

Qin Zixuan descended on the giant hammer. She was still dressed in purple, with the name of the empress and the shadow of the tree. Today, she asked Chi Junlin, do you want to die?

Chi Junlin's face froze. He claimed to be the king of the world, but the empress threatened him today?

"The tenth-level emperor is considered to be a broken emperor. This woman is so scary." Tian Feng was slightly shocked. In the path of cultivation, the further you go, the more difficult it will be to cultivate. Otherwise, there would not be countless great masters in the world, but only a few emperors.

However, the emperor realm is also a watershed in the path of cultivation. The three dusts, kings, emperors, and venerables are all divided into nine levels. The extreme number of nine can break through. But the emperor is different. The emperor of the ninth level can enter the tenth level of the emperor, which is also the so-called broken emperor realm. Of course, although it is only a difference of one level, this level has a different meaning. It is rumored that once you enter the tenth level of the emperor, you can fight all emperors.

As for what is above the Destroyer, the mortals don't know, but Chu Yan once guessed that it must be the so-called Great Lord Realm. Lords are soaring above the heaven and earth, which is a more elegant realm.

"This woman, she shouldn't be very old, right?" Tian Feng swallowed his saliva. Although it is difficult for martial artists to tell age, from Qin Zixuan's aura, it is not difficult to see that Qin Zixuan is not very old.

Chi Junlin also said nothing. Behind him, there stood a Destroyer as well. That was the ancestor of the Red Moon Valley. The phantom emerged. If it was someone else, he would not be worried, but if it was Qin Zixuan, he was really worried. Qin Zixuan was killed by Chi Junlin in a rage. After all, it was the Southern Divine Palace. It was okay to threaten others, but threatening the empress?

"Junlin, be patient first. The feast is over. The forces from outside the sky are coming here to destroy the wilderness!" said the old ancestor of the Red Moon Valley.

Chi Junlin's face was gloomy. He didn't speak. Then, Qin Zixuan stood on the giant hammer. Next, she didn't care about the world. She just looked at the eight words on a mountain in the distance and smiled: "This little girl is very good. I like her!"

Hua Zhixu and others saw Chu Yan, their eyes were red. The fat man looked at Qiu Muhong contemptuously: "Qiu Muhong, weren't you very arrogant just now? My brother Chu will be here soon. When the time comes, you will definitely die!"

"He hid for so long, and he thought he didn't dare to come!" Situ Jun also showed a hint of fighting spirit.

"What if he comes? Young Master Chiyue rang the bell thirty times, resonated with the ancient bell, and his mind reached the nine mountains. Later, he competed for seventy-six heavenly fortunes. How can Chu Yan compare?" A woman in the Red Moon Valley sneered.

"I didn't expect you to really dare to come!" Chiyue looked at Chu Yan coldly.

"How many times will you ring this ancient bell?" Chu Yan looked at Chi Yue, who said proudly, "Thirty times, the most."

"The most?" Chu Yan's eyes were cold, he nodded, and stopped talking nonsense, then he made a move, everyone was stunned when they saw his action, they saw Chu Yan's palm turned into a loud noise, and blasted towards the ancient bell.


The first sound resounded through the world, deafening, but everyone was stunned: "Is this Chu Yan an idiot? This ancient bell has intention, every sound will turn into an attack back to the other body, he actually used all his strength for the first sound, let alone thirty sounds, it's hard to say if he can hold on to the ninth sound like this!"

Chi Yue also looked at Chu Yan contemptuously: "I want to see how many sounds you can ring!"

"Boom!" The bell continued to ring, shooting into the sky, one after another, at first some people were skeptical, but later everyone was shocked, because Chu Yan blasted it with all his strength, in one breath, the ancient bell rang twenty-seven times, and the sound continued.


Another punch, twenty-eight times!

Everyone was shocked. Although Chi Yue had also rung the bell thirty times before, he was different from Chu Yan. Chi Yue rang the bell thirty times each time, which was the weakest sound of the ancient bell. But Chu Yan was different. Every time he rang the bell, it was deafening and resounded through the world.

"Boom!" The twenty-ninth time!

"This guy!" Someone couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Only one more sound left, thirty! Then he can communicate with the ancient bell and reach the nine mountains! Can he do it?" Everyone was excited.

"Boom!" But at this time, Chu Yan punched again and rang the bell thirty times, each time with full force. The world was immediately in an uproar, and Hua Zhixu and others were excited.

The fat man looked at a woman in the Red Moon Valley and sneered: "It's not only Chiyue who can ring the bell thirty times. Chiyue, does he dare to do this? Every time he rings, the ancient bell will ring through the world?"

A woman in the Red Moon Valley blushed and argued: "So what? Only a fool would do this. Thirty rings can reach the nine mountains. He uses all his strength every time, which consumes too much energy. How can he seize the destiny later!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and ignored the woman.

But when the ancient bell rang thirty times, everyone was stunned, because the ancient bell did not reach the heart, which surprised many people. But suddenly someone screamed: "No, look at Chu Yan, what is he going to do?"

"He wants to ring the bell again? He wants the ancient bell to ring more than thirty times?"

Chiyue's eyes were also slightly condensed. He just said that he rang the bell thirty times, the most sound. But today, Chu Yan is going to ring the thirty-first time?

"He can't do it. The ancient bell can only ring thirty times!" Chi Yue said coldly.

Everyone stared at Chu Yan, wondering if Chu Yan could succeed and break the eternal record. No! This is no longer a record, but a limit. The ancient bell can only ring thirty times, but today Chu Yan insisted that it ring thirty-one times!

"Thirty times is not the maximum!" Chu Yan growled, and he raised his hand, but suddenly, countless wild forces blasted towards him, causing him to burst into blood. The ancient bell also resisted this last sound.

"I know you can do it!" Chu Yan tried to communicate with the ancient bell, but today, the ancient bell didn't listen, and it whistled wildly.

"Today, I must make you ring. My heart is as strong as a rock, and I have an indestructible will. I will ring it!" Chu Yan's finger fell, rumbling! Everyone was shocked. Thirty-one times, Chu Yan finally blasted this finger, and the meaning of the ancient bell resounded through the world, shocking everyone. Chu Yan, surpassing the eternal limit, made the ancient bell ring thirty-one times.

Chi Yue said that thirty rings were the most rings, but today Chu Yan made the ancient bell ring thirty-one times.

Chu Yan looked at Chi Yue with a smile: "You are like a sparrow, how can you know that I have great ambitions! Thirty rings are just the most in your eyes!"

The next moment, his mind reached the nine mountains, and Chu Yan stood there with a smile, looking at the highest mountain, with eight bloody words.

"Qingcheng, I'm here to fulfill my promise!"

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