Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 235 Nine Worlds

The light of the divine feather descended, making the world feel dazzling, and they all avoided their eyes.

"What's going on?" The world was shocked. Situ Jun's eyes were cold below. Even a fool knew that Chu Yan had obtained a great opportunity at this time, which required climbing to the top to obtain.

No one knew what was contained in the light of the divine feather, and they were not qualified. Now that the Jiuyou Tianchi was open, many Tianjiao came to break in, but only Chu Yan reached the top. After ten thousand years, no one could do this last step. Today, Chu Yan did it and opened this inheritance.

"It's over, this Chu Yan is really amazing, the life and death inheritance of the ancient trial ground was obtained by him, and today he broke into the Jiuyou Tianchi again!" Someone envied.

This time the Tianchi was opened, it was an opportunity in the world, and it would also be a sublimation for a feast at the end of the year. Everyone who participated in the Jiuyou Tianchi on this trip would gain something, baptize qualifications, and identify destiny.

In fact, Situ Jun was not considered to have lost this battle. The twenty-sixth level was a record for ten thousand years. He had gained countless insights, and even his blood, vitality, and soul had breakthroughs. He looked up and glanced at Chu Yan in the distance: "See you at the end-of-year banquet!"

Situ Jun left, and Lin Daoyu glanced at Chu Yan and left with a cold snort.

Of course, this time, Haotian Valley and Binghe Valley suffered serious losses. Yinghao and Yaotian were directly killed by Chu Yan in Jiuyou Tianchi, and their bodies were not found. This also meant that in the battle at the end of the year, Haotian Valley and Binghe Valley would not be in the top ten, and would not have the opportunity to cling to the forces outside the sky.

Luo Tianyi's eyes were cold and murderous, but he had no choice. Jiuyou Que was here, so he could only leave and wait for the opportunity to attack.

In a short moment, everyone left, and only Chu Yan was left in Jiuyou Tianchi. Liu Qingcheng sat outside the Tianchi to practice, waiting for Chu Yan.

In the Tianchi Lake, Chu Yan had already entered a very mysterious state. He was enveloped by the light of the divine feathers, as if he was trapped in a world of his own.

Suddenly, he seemed to be in a deep sleep, and an ancient star appeared in front of him. This star is in the center of the Six Domains Galaxy, so bright, like a North Star in the Six Domains Galaxy, the brightest one.

This star seems familiar to Chu Yan, familiar and strange...

"Is this the Dust World?"

From the outline, this ancient star is the Dust World, the Ten Thousand Miles Tianshan Mountain has an inner circle and an outer circle, but it is different, because the Dust World in Chu Yan's eyes at this time is the one that makes thousands of stars revolve around it and claim to be the king.

There are countless strong people walking on the Dust World Continent, the Emperor Realm can be seen everywhere, and there are even beings above the Emperor Realm, even realms that Chu Yan has never known.

"Is this the ancient world of stars? Was the ancient world so powerful? Protected by thousands of stars, he was called the king of the galaxy? But if that's true, why is it so lonely today?" Chu Yan's heart was in turmoil. He didn't know how strong the forces outside the sky were, but they were nothing more than the inherited forces of the fifteen great lords. But the world in his eyes must be no weaker than them, or even stronger.

Chu Yan couldn't figure it out, and his mind continued to drift in the ancient world. At that time, the world was not wild, and there was a vast palace in the center, like an imperial dynasty, dominating the world.

Everyone worshipped, and the dynasty stood in a three-way relationship.

On this day, there was an old figure in the palace. He stood there quietly, with his hands behind his back, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, a large army was approaching from outside the Dust World, and thousands of strong men descended on the Dust World. One of them was the leader, and there were ten people following behind. These eleven people were extremely powerful and were beyond the emperor realm. The leader wore a golden dragon robe and held a three-foot green peak.

"Zhentian Jun, everything is over. From today on, there will be no more Dust World in the Six Domains Galaxy. Give up resistance."

Zhentian Jun? When Chu Yan heard this name, his body was shocked. He was the strongest man in the Six Domains Galaxy back then. Whenever someone mentioned him in the Six Domains Galaxy, he was the representative of a generation of legends.

But today, Chu Yan actually saw him in person in his dream? Is he really a person from the Dust World? Or, the Dust World of the old times.

Zhentian Jun looked at the eleven people quietly with a cold expression. Who knew that the person who spoke was Zhentian Jun's apprentice?

In the past, Zhentian Jun was so powerful that he cultivated Ji Huangji, the second of the ** Jun. But today, he rebelled against Zhentian Jun and wanted to seize the name of Chenjian and change the world.

The vicissitudes of history, the change of dynasties, this seems to be an eternal law. No dynasty can remain unchanged forever, and no one can live forever. On this day, Zhentian Jun fought with Ji Huangji and other eleven great monarchs for three years.

During the three years, the lives of the people in Chenjian were charred, and thousands of mountains and rivers turned into ruins. In this battle, countless emperors turned into yellow earth and bones, and all fell. Even in this battle, the emperors were so small that they were not worth mentioning at all. In front of the great monarch, the emperors were like ants, weak and weak.

For three years, Lord Zhentian was seriously injured, but the eleven great lords were not feeling well either. Lord Zhentian looked at them with a smile: "For three years, you still couldn't kill me."

"Master, you are destined to die, why bother to resist! You will no longer exist in the mortal world." Ji Huangji sneered, but at this time, a couple came from the sky. On this day, the couple stood there quietly.

When Chu Yan saw the couple, his eyes suddenly turned red: "Dad! Mom!"

At that time, Chu Hanfeng was wearing a silver armor, holding a thousand-meter-long spear, and was still so young.

Qin Ruomeng was beside Chu Hanfeng, wearing a divine phoenix red dress with a phoenix crown. She was extremely beautiful. The two of them stood there quietly, as if they had decided this world.

"Jun Zhentian, I can stay in the dust for ten thousand years and pass on a fortune to you, which will make you immortal, but you will never be you again. Are you willing?" Chu Hanfeng said in a message.

Lord Zhentian's eyes were red, and he looked at Chu Hanfeng through Qingxiao. He smiled: "How can I be willing to let the thief die! Even if I am shattered to pieces, I will take revenge at all costs!"

"Then I will teach you that one Qi can transform into three beings. From today on, you will transform into three people with one thought, but you will never be Lord Zhentian." Chu Hanfeng said lightly. With one thought, Lord Zhentian transformed into three. From then on, the light transformed into the three pure beings and divided into three realms.

The Chenjian was sealed and disappeared from the six realms of the galaxy. Also disappearing from the Chenjian was Lord Zhentian. No one knew where Lord Zhentian had gone. After a long time, there were rumors that Lord Zhentian had fallen. , the world of ancient times has also disappeared.

This is the history of the mortal world. Chu Yan looked at this scene, his eyes turned red. The Nine Nether Bird was the mount of Lord Zhentian back then, and it was also the patron saint of the mortal world. He stayed here for thousands of years, protecting At the Jiuyou Tianchi.

When looking at this scene of history, Chu Yan's eyes turned red. He finally understood better what Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruomeng went through back then. They came to the mortal world thousands of years ago. It turned out that they had been protecting them all the time. here.

Chu Yan smiled brightly. He was proud of Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruomeng.

However, after seeing these histories, Chu Yan also guessed some elements. Chu Yan had seen Ji Huangji, the person named Ji in the Six Domains Galaxy, Ji Wufeng in the Eternal Jungle, and the leader of the Six Domains, the Emperor Star Domain. The Emperor's Star Territory is also the first of the Six Territories and the most powerful place.

Chu Yan knows that Lord Zhentian is not dead, but where are the three thoughts that Lord Zhentian transformed into now? Chu Yan didn't know, but no matter what, Chu Hanfeng saved the world. Otherwise, it would have been destroyed thousands of years ago. Then he would never let the world be in trouble today.

"It seems you have seen it all!" Jiuyouque's voice sounded, and Chu Yan's spiritual thoughts suddenly woke up. He looked at Jiuyouque: "Where did Zhentian Lord's three thoughts go?"

"No one knows." Jiuyouque sighed and said calmly: "I stay here. The master said that if you can break into the twenty-seventh floor one day, and the divine feather is given to you, that is what you want. Xuantian Fragment Chapter 1, and I will obey you from now on, but I will only hide in your body. Unless your life is threatened, I will definitely not take action. "

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. Will the Nine Nether Bird follow him from now on?

"Your road is still too far. It is a road of death and a road of life. It all depends on your thoughts. You can practice again. When you leave, Tianchi will no longer exist." Jiuyouque's voice said lightly, Then it turned into a ray of light, landed in Chu Yan's palm, and turned into the pattern of Nine Specters, and then there was no sound.

Chu Yan was puzzled for a while, but since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it too much, took this opportunity to seize the opportunity to practice, and began to study this divine feather fragment.

"The first chapter of the Xuantian Chapter, the first floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, finally lit up!" Chu Yan breathed a long sigh of relief, and then he thought about it, wanting to understand the true meaning, but at this moment, there was an extremely ancient The voice sounded in his mind.

"Heaven and earth are compensated, with a beginning and an end. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower suppresses the nine heavens, collects thousands of divine objects, and is called the king of the divine objects. It turns into a divine light to illuminate the blue sky. You will be a king throughout your life as a soldier." The ancient sound sounded, and Chu Yan shook violently. He could feel that a force was sweeping over him, making his body tremble, as if someone was spying on him.

"Too weak!" The ancient man sighed, Chu Yan was startled, who is this ancient man? You actually said he was too weak?

"But since I have been awakened by you, there will be no turning back on this journey. If I waver, I will die. Today I will give you the first form of the Nine Heavens Method, to cultivate the way of heaven and master the will of heaven. From today on, the first floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda, This is your other world. Here, you can cultivate your second self." The voice of the ancients continued. Chu Yan was shocked. After awakening on the first level of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, could he cultivate his second self?

If all nine levels are opened, wouldn't it be possible to cultivate nine selves? Nine powers, nine times the energy reserve? What a terrible secret would this be?

"Could this be the true meaning of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda? To cultivate the Nine Paths of Oneself in one lifetime?" Chu Yan's eyes were bright. If this was really the case, wouldn't it be too scary?

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