Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 232 My power is the power of heaven

"Zhixu!" Qiu Mengxi was shocked on the 18th floor. Unfortunately, she couldn't step onto the 19th floor. She could only watch with her own eyes as Hua Zhixu was blasted out of the Tianchi by Yinghao and Yaotian.

"Puff!" Hua Zhixu spurted out a mouthful of blood and was directly blown away from the Jiuyou Tianchi.

Qiu Yu was furious. He looked at Jiuyou Que on the 18th floor: "The Tianchi is a test. The two of them attacked and injured people here. Isn't it a violation?"

"If you want to enter the Tianchi, you don't know whether you will live or die. You should accept your fate." Jiuyou Que's voice sounded faintly again, making everyone's eyes slightly condensed. Yes, Yinghao and Yaotian's behavior is undoubtedly shameful, but who stipulates that you can't kill people in Jiuyou Tianchi?

Jiuyou Que had said long ago that if you want to enter the Tianchi, you don't know whether you will live or die. You should accept your fate.

Now, this is Hua Zhixu's fate. Hua Zhixu was shaken out of the Tianchi. Qiu Mengxi was anxious and was immediately hit hard. He was shaken away by a wave. The next moment, Qiu Mengxi was also shaken out of the Tianchi. Two people were eliminated in a row, which was shocking.

Qiu Mengxi left the Tianchi and spit out two mouthfuls of blood while covering her chest, but she flew directly to Hua Zhixu and helped him up: "Zhixu!"

"Sorry!" Hua Zhixu said helplessly, Qiu Mengxi smiled and shook her head: "Don't blame you, you are already very good! In my heart, you are the most dazzling Tianjiao today!"

Hua Zhixu and Qiu Mengxi were eliminated. Today, there are only seven people left in Jiuyou Tianchi.

First, Situ Jun, Lin Daoyu, Qiu Muhong, Yinghao and Yaotian, as well as Qiu Yu and Chu Yan. Situ Jun and Lin Daoyu stood together on the twentieth floor. Yinghao and Yaotian eliminated Hua Zhixu at this moment, and finally took this critical step and stood on the twentieth floor, only one step away from the century-old record. Qiu Muhong, who was the seventh of the thirty-six Tianjiao, was surpassed by Yinghao and Yaotian today, and he and Qiuyu were still on the eighteenth floor.

On the eighteenth floor, Hua Zhixu was eliminated, Qiuyu's eyes were red, he took a step and stood on the nineteenth floor.

"The rest of the way! I'll go!" Qiuyu was determined.

"Dong!" The next moment, Qiuyu was on the twentieth floor. Five figures stood firmly on the twentieth floor. These five people will be qualified to challenge the century record, and everyone's heart was excited.

"This twentieth floor seems difficult. They all reached the twentieth floor, but no one has taken this step. It seems that this century record is not in vain." Someone said, indeed, the century record, twenty-one, is by no means an easy number. Jiangshan is free and talented, and there are so many Tianjiao in a hundred years, but they can only reach the twenty-first floor. Why? Because this level is difficult, as difficult as the sky.

"I broke this record!" But at this moment, Situ Jun moved. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he took this step. Finally, at this moment, witnessing the miracle, the record of the 21st floor, he, Situ Jun, stood firm! Tied the record of a hundred years!

Outside the Jiuyou Tianchi, everyone was shocked. Situ Jun did it and tied the record of a hundred years.

"The 21st floor! Situ Jun tied the record... He will be one of the most dazzling people in this hundred years. How many Tianjiao can be overlooked on the first floor? A hero of the hundred years." Someone said excitedly.

At this time, a woman from the Shenbing Guild smiled brilliantly, and then she looked at Qiu Mengxi: "Qiu Mengxi, Situ Jun broke the record. Tonight, he became one of the few people who can step on the 21st floor in a hundred years. How can Hua Zhixu compare with him?"

"Tang Yuyan, if Yinghao and Yaotian had not joined forces, Master Zhixu might not have been able to get there!" At this time, Yang Chen from the Baicao League also walked over.

Tang Yuyan snorted coldly and looked at Qiu Mengxi: "Qiu Mengxi, Situ Jun has a crush on you, which is a blessing for you. Sooner or later, she will become a peerless genius in the future, not only in the mortal world, but also shining in the sky. I advise you to be more sensible."

At this time, another honest fat man came over. He smacked his lips and glanced at Tang Yuyan: "Mengxi, who is this woman? Her mouth stinks."

Qiu Mengxi glanced at the fat man and lowered her head sadly. Tang Yuyan, like Situ Jun, was a disciple that Emperor Qiu valued in the past, but she had been at odds with him for all these years.

"If you are willing to marry, then marry me. I think Situ Jun doesn't want you, right? Haha, I really can't figure it out. How cheap are you, woman? He doesn't like you, and you are still speaking for him." Qiu Mengxi didn't say anything, but the fat man was good at observing words and expressions, so he saw some clues at a glance and sneered.

Tang Yuyan pinched her jade hand at this time, a little sad, the fat man was right, she had always admired Situ Jun, but Situ Jun's brilliance was too dazzling, and he was ambitious. She and Situ Jun had already been lovers, but she also understood that Situ Jun wanted to control the Divine Weapon Guild, so he would not give her any status, and Situ Jun must get Qiu Mengxi.


But at this time, another step shocked everyone, Situ Jun, 22nd floor! He not only tied the record, today, he broke the record of a hundred years, Jiuyou Tianchi, 22nd floor! A hundred years, the first person!

Everyone under Jiuyou Tianchi was boiling, Situ Jun's brilliance today was too dazzling, it could be said to be dazzling, the first person in a hundred years, who could compete with him?

"Twenty-second floor, breaking the record!" Tang Yuyan smiled brilliantly, with a hint of pride in her smile. Even though they were just lovers, she was still sincerely happy for Situ Jun: "Today, Situ Jun is number one. Who else can compete with him?"

But at this time, a force that eliminated evil spirits rose into the air, making countless people smack their lips. Chu Yan opened his eyes, and his body, which had been sitting cross-legged, stood up from the fourth floor. From his body, an extremely terrifying force rose!

The power of heaven and earth was endlessly rushing towards Chu Yan. Everyone was surprised: "That power is so strong!"

"Chu Yan, what are you doing?" Everyone stared with wide eyes, and saw Chu Yan standing there. He punched out of the void, and this punch seemed to hit a huge wave, which made people tremble. His power was like the will of heaven. The fusion of the power of heaven and earth was a kind of momentum, and it seemed to be a state of unity between heaven and man.

"I finally understand!" Chu Yan smiled. After ten days, he fully comprehended the second level of the power bloodline. The power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth, borrowed from himself, this blow was the will of heaven. How strong is that power?

Seeing Chu Yan wake up, everyone was surprised, and then Qiu Yu leaned over and looked at him, revealing a smile. Is that evildoer finally going to show up?

"Brother Chu! Yinghao and Yaotian seriously injured Xiao Huazi on Tianchi. Yaotian also said that your life is only worthy of standing on the fourth floor." The fat man's fearless shouting on the side made everyone speechless.

Chu Yan frowned and looked at Jiuyouque: "Is it okay to kill people in Jiuyou Tianchi?"

"Life and death are not your own, just accept your fate!" Jiuyouque said lightly, but Chu Yan's eyes turned cold and he nodded: "Okay, I understand!"

Everyone was stunned, no one knew what Chu Yan meant by "he understood", but then Chu Yan moved, he had been motionless on the fourth floor for a long time, and finally started to challenge higher floors.

Yinghao, Yaotian and others were still standing on the twentieth floor. Yaotian looked at Chu Yan and snorted coldly: "What if you woke up, it's just bluffing."

"You said that my life is only worthy of the life of the fourth floor?" Chu Yan looked at Yaotian calmly, but there was a hint of kingly questioning in his voice.

Yaotian frowned, but immediately said calmly: "That's right, that's what I said, your life is only worthy of the life of the fourth floor."

"Stand there, I'll take your life." Chu Yan said coldly, but the next moment, he understood, and he walked out directly. Everyone was shocked to see this scene, the fifth floor, the sixth floor, the seventh floor... the tenth floor... the fifteenth floor... Chu Yan stepped out step by step, and at this time the Jiuyou Tianchi seemed to be flat under his feet, without any obstacles.

In one breath, the eleventh floor?

Everyone stared with wide eyes. No matter how long Chu Yan was delayed on the fourth floor, now he did it. In one breath, the eleventh floor? Who can do it?

What's more amazing is that this is not over yet. Chu Yan continued to approach. He stepped out step by step and chased Yaotian. The sixteenth floor, the seventeenth floor, the eighteenth floor! The nineteenth floor! The twentieth floor!

At this moment, Chu Yan stood on the twentieth floor, and the one he recorded was equal to Yinghao and Yaotian.

Who said that Chu Yan lost? He walked to the 20th floor in one breath. Who can do it?

Yaotian's face was even more uncertain. Just now, he had made a bold statement that Chu Yan's life was only worthy of the fourth floor, but today, in a short moment, Chu Yan had stood with him.

But at this time, Chu Yan did not take the next step, but turned around calmly and looked at Yinghao and Yaotian. Everyone's heart trembled. Chu Yan's intention was self-evident.

Yinghao's heart sank. At this time, he actually felt a sense of fear. He stared at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, this is the Nine Nether Heaven Lake, a hundred times the gravity, if you want to fight, you may not be able to beat us!"

"You two, are also worthy of fighting with me?" But at this time, Chu Yan smiled contemptuously, and he clenched his palms, as if it was God's will, a hundred times the gravity? Now he has comprehended the second realm of power bloodline, the realm of sublimation, the power of heaven and earth, the unity of heaven and man, and who is worthy of comparing strength?

Nine Nether Heaven Lake, so what?

"Get out!" Chu Yan thought, and punched out. Even though the gravity here was a hundred times, Chu Yan's steps were like a mountain. Every step caused a huge wave to rise in Tianchi. He punched out with an extremely huge momentum, using the hundred times gravity of Tianchi to cover Yinghao and Yaotian.

"Boom!" After punching out, Yinghao and Yaotian were shocked and their faces changed drastically. At this moment, Yinghao even became timid. He stepped back and wanted to leave Tianchi.

"Is this your pride? It's ridiculous. Today, I will trample it!" Chu Yan roared and punched out again. At this moment, he didn't even give the two a chance to escape. With a huge punch, he hit Yinghao's chest, breaking his bones and Yinghao spurting blood.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Luo Tianyi's eyes were red in the distance: "Evil son, you dare!"

"Jiuyou Tianchi was originally given to you to practice. Since you don't follow the rules, today, I will kill you with one punch!"

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