Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 229: Prodigy Situ Jun

After hearing Chu Yan's words, Chi Yue's face turned red, but today he did not dare to make a mistake. Although Chi Yue Valley was in power today, after all, the empress was still in the wilderness, so he could only endure it and threatened: "Chu Yan." Yan, you are right. You can indeed kill Qiu Muhong today, but if you do this, the Divine Weapon Guild will definitely not let you go. The number of guests in the Divine Weapon Guild is no less than that of Baicaotang. If the time comes, the Divine Weapon Guild will not let you go. The guild is causing trouble for you, don’t blame me for not warning you.”

Chu Yan smiled coldly. Chu Yan had heard this kind of threats too many times. So what about the Divine Weapon Guild? In the past, his father Chu Hanfeng fought in all directions. He is the son of Chu Hanfeng. After the wilderness, his name was Chu Yan. No one in this world can let him lose!

"Chu Yan, spare his life. He is my eldest brother after all!" Qiu Mengxi sighed. Chu Yan's sword wind suddenly turned and slashed towards a place of nothingness. This sword finally had no effect. Kill Qiu Muhong.

Qiu Muhong breathed a sigh of relief. In just a moment, sweat broke out on his forehead. Just now, he really felt the threat of death on the Chu Yan Sword. He had no doubt that Qiu Mengxi spoke for half a second in the evening. Now he is A dead man.

Chu Yan looked at Qiu Muhong coldly: "For Meng Xi's sake, I won't kill you today. You don't have to remember me well. You just need to pray that you won't run into me at the end of the year feast. In addition, today I will You can also serve as a warning. The so-called thirty-six geniuses are just a false name. If I remember correctly, Chi Junlin is only thirty years old this year. He is only one year older than you, but he is at the emperor level, and you He is just an emperor, not even a senior one. You don’t want to be different from him, but you are a latecomer like me who became famous ten years after you. I really don’t know what you have to be proud of. Zhixu is different from you. He In the future, he will be the king of this world.”

Qiu Muhong's face was gloomy, but he had nothing to say. Today he was defeated, so no matter how much he said, it was just sophistry, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Chu Yan called him again, causing his steps to tremble and he stared at Chu Yan: "What else do you want to do?"

"I'll give this back to you. From today on, the Divine Weapon Guild has nothing to do with me, Chu Yan!" Chu Yan waved his hand and threw out a token, which was his fifth-level guest status in the Divine Weapon Guild.

Qiu Muhong took the token and let out a cold snort. The Divine Weapon Guild has been established in the world for many years, and today this is the first time it has been rejected by a guest.

Today's battle is destined to spread to all directions. Chu Yan has not made a move in the past year, and many people have even forgotten that figure. But in today's battle, Chu Yan once again showed strong strength, and his power was invisible. Tell the world that this is Chu Yan's attitude, a barbaric attitude.

Chu Yan has entered the imperial level, and his second life soul is still a sixth-grade life soul. He has the mantle of the mirror image old man, can create a mirror image land, and he can become the king of the mirror image world.

"Chu Yan, I'll be waiting for you in the year-end battle. When the time comes, don't let me down!" Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan, sneered, and finally turned and left at this moment.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Chu Yan's eyes were slightly cold. There would eventually be a fateful battle between him and Chi Yue. Back then, Wan Zong was chased by thousands of people. Zhao Sanfeng's hatred should be understood. .

In the remaining period before the end of the year, Chu Yan and others continued to practice in the wilderness. After this battle, Hua Zhixu seemed to be stimulated, and he worked extra hard.

Hua Zhixu's talent is extremely good. He was born in Baicaotang and supported by countless elixirs, so his cultivation speed is very fast. Occasionally, after he improves, he will compete with Chu Yan, and Chu Yan is also interested in this. He will not refuse, and he also needs to find shortcomings in the battle.

Three days later, another big event happened in the wilderness. A figure came and sent a challenge letter to Chu Yan. When Qiu Mengxi saw this figure, her delicate body trembled slightly and she couldn't help but become nervous.

On this day, at the battle platform in the middle of the wilderness, that figure stood proudly. He looked at Chu Yan and said coldly: "Did you defeat Mu Hong?"

"Who are you?" Chu Yan was speechless for a while, the world was wild, and now he was being provoked one after another.

"Divine Weapon Guild, Situ Jun!" The young man said calmly. From him, Chu Yan felt an unusual smell. Unlike Qiu Muhong, he was neither humble nor silent, but he had a sense of danger.

"Situ Jun, Situ Jun!" The fat man muttered a few words at the side, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Damn it, it's him?"

Chu Yan looked at the fat man strangely: "Do you know him?"

"Brother Chu, you really don't know him?" The fat man was speechless for a while. Chu Yan nodded seriously, and the fat man said submissively: "The top three talents of the Thirty-Six Prodigies. When the Thirty-Six Prodigies were selected, Lin Daoyan ranked first, and Chi Month is second, he is third!”

Chu Yan suddenly realized that this was not his fault. In the past ten years, he had heard from Hua Zhixu about the thirty-six geniuses in the outer circle. But later he entered the Everlasting Jungle and saw the existence of geniuses outside the stars. He had no idea about the existence of geniuses in the world. Naturally, this kind of false reputation will not be taken seriously.

But the top three figures of the Thirty-Six Prodigies were indeed worthy of attention. From this Situ Jun, he felt a hint of threat.

"Chu Yan, I heard that you defeated Mu Hong three days ago. Today I will challenge you. If I win, let Mengxi follow me back to the Divine Weapon Guild. She does not belong here." Situ Jun said lightly, his voice There is a hint of pride in it.

Chu Yan smiled: "Your Divine Weapon Guild is quite interesting. If Qiu Muhong loses, it will be you. Does that mean that if I beat you, Qiu Wenwu will come in person next time?"

"If you beat me, no one from the Divine Weapon Guild will bother you anymore! But if I win, I hope Manhuang won't stop Meng Xi from following me back." Situ Jun said coldly.

"Why do I have to fight with you? First of all, I am the software Mengxi or something. If she is willing to go with you, the door of my wilderness is always open and my legs are on her body. She can leave at any time. I have never I tried to stop her, but she didn’t leave, and no one could force her to do so. Besides, my wilderness is not a place for you to challenge, so get out!”

Chu Yan's voice was stern, shrouding Situ Jun with a touch of intimidation, which made Situ Jun's face change slightly. But just as he was about to get angry, he felt a threat. With the empress on top, no one in the wilderness could make a difference.

"Chunjian Chuyan, after being in the wilderness, it seems that I think highly of you. It turns out that you are just a person who dares to use divine objects to show off your power. Without divine objects, you are a timid young man who doesn't even dare to fight! "Situ Jun nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

"You are really sick!" The fat man sneered from the side, and Situ Jun's face suddenly turned cold: "You'd better pay more attention to what you say!"

"Am I wrong? According to what you said, Chu Yan has just entered the imperial level and has been famous for two years. According to the calculation of Wanzong disciples, it is less than three years, but you have been famous for many years, and yet he refuses to fight with you today , In your eyes, I have become a coward. Then let me ask you, if we send a powerful person to challenge you, will you be a rat if you don't fight?" The fat man looked directly at Situ Jun.

"You said that I, Brother Chu, have the ability to use divine objects, so why don't you also use one? The Haotian Tower is now under the Tianshan Sect, and everyone knows it. Why don't you go try to carry it?"

Hua Zhixu was indispensable for this kind of ridicule. He laughed at the side and said: "Haha, fat man, don't talk nonsense. If we send the Great Master to come forward, then he will definitely say that we are bullying him. In their eyes, they challenge low-level people." When people win, they are proud, but when we fight, we are bullying!”

Situ Jun's expression became even darker, and every word they spoke was full of ridicule, but he had nothing to do, because the other party was right. Based on his age or the time he had become famous, he would not be able to win a battle with Chu Yan. Wu.

"How do you want to be fair?" Situ Jun was calm. He had absolute confidence. At the fifth level of Emperor Jinxi, he believed that even if he lowered his level, he would not lose to Chu Yan.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the wilderness. The demon old man returned. He looked down at Situ Jun and said, "Do you want to fight? I will give you a chance today. In three days, Jiuyou Tianchi will face Chen Chen. When the time opens, you two can go out together and see who of you can get the recognition of Jiuyou Tianchi, and who can aspire to Tianchi before the year-end feast!"

The world is shocked. Is Jiuyou Tianchi about to be opened? The second largest ancient trial place in the mortal world, Jiuyou Tianchi, has been guarded by the Nine Nether Birds for thousands of years. Today, it is open to the mortal world before the end of the year?

Situ Jun also narrowed his eyes slightly. This matter was too big. He snorted coldly and finally did not stop. He stood up and flew out of the wilderness.

Hua Zhixu was also a little excited on the side. Has Jiuyou Tianchi been opened?

The old demon came to the wilderness at this time, and he glanced at Chu Yan: "Young Master, fortunately you have fulfilled your destiny, Jiuyou Tianchi will be opened for you! It's just Jiuyou Que's request that this news needs to be told to the world, so that all parties can All disciples can join in and practice together.”

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Yan nodded. No matter what, he must go to Jiuyou Tianchi. The first chapter of Xuantian's Broken Chapter is there.

"Then get ready and call your friends. Once the Jiuyou Tianchi is opened, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties. Go there and practice hard. It should be the end of the year when you return." Yao Lao took the photo. Patting Chu Yan on the shoulder, this time he went to Jiuyou Tianchi with Emperor Ren. He thought he would encounter some trouble, but unexpectedly Jiuyou Que agreed very readily, which also gave Yao Lao a hint of the problem. Jiuyou Tianchi seems to be waiting for Chu Yan.

But when he thought of Chu Yan's words, Yao Lao felt helpless again.

Is the wilderness still there? There is a long way to go, and Chu Yan still has too much to walk.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded, and in the next few days, he called Hua Zhixu, Fatty, Qiu Yu, and Liu Qingcheng. It wasn't that he didn't want to call Fan Ye, Qian Dong and others, but as Yao Lao said, there was a danger hidden in Jiuyou Tianchi, and kings below level five would be in a near-death situation. He didn't want Fan Ye and others to follow him into danger, so he didn't call out. superior.

The opening of Jiuyou Tianchi also caused a stir in the world. Any ancient trial site is the focus of all forces.

"I really didn't expect that the Jiuyou Tianchi would be opened before the end of the year. This is also a sublimation for the year-end feast!" Regarding the opening of the Jiuyou Tianchi, it immediately caused a great stir in the world.

The geniuses from all sides hope to use Jiuyou Tianchi to perform baptism and make breakthroughs before the year-end feast, so on this day, all the forces in the world gather in Tianchi.

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