Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 226 Between Wind, Rain and Dust [Chapter 3]

Despite the wind and rain in the world, the strong return of Chiyue Valley surprised everyone, but the barbaric attitude also made more people smell a trace of unrest.

Next, Chiyue Valley moves very quickly. Chitianyou has handed over Chiyue Valley to Chijunlin for command. Chijunlin is stationed in Chiyue Valley. According to his words, before the end of the year, all forces need to come to worship. If you don’t come, Kill without mercy.

On this day, an emperor came, and Emperor Haotian came in person. Along with him was Yan Wentian of the Glacier Sect. The two of them came to the Scarlet Moon Valley together. Emperor Haotian was the first to look at Chijunlin with a shocked expression.

Emperor Haotian is an emperor, but he actually feels a strong threat from Chi Junlin?

"Xian Linjun, I didn't expect you to come back!" Emperor Haotian said immediately, and everyone around him was shocked when he heard this.

The Red King is coming, the Red King is coming! It's that person, and he has returned to the mortal world!

Ten years ago, there was a feast in the world, attended by thousands of people, and finally one person walked out of the blood. That year, it was rumored that no one among the gods in the four directions was optimistic about him, and they all wanted to choose the others, but Chi Junlin relied on one person , killed all those who were qualified to be selected by the forces of the four gods, and only he was left on the battlefield for the final feast. After that, he joined the Southern Shrine for ten years.

Tonight, there is another great feast of the year. This person, crowned emperor, returns to his hometown in fine clothes!

"Master Haotian, please sit down." Chi Junlin nodded slightly, but didn't pay much attention to it. Emperor Haotian couldn't help but feel a little disparity in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. The other party was from the divine palace and a third-level emperor. Compared with him, This level of emperor was still strong, so he had to sit down with a wry smile.

"Yan Wentian of the Ice River Valley has met the owner of Chi Valley." Yan Wentian said to Chi Tianyou, who smiled: "Emperor Yan, you're welcome. My son Junlin will be in charge of Chi Yue Valley tonight."

"Yan Wentian, I didn't expect that you could be crowned emperor with your talent. It's not bad. Take a seat." Chi Junlin said with a smile, with a strong sense of ridicule.

"Where are the people from Blood Destruction Valley and Mo Yan Valley? Haven't they arrived yet?" Chi Junlin turned to look at Chi Yue, who sneered: "I'm afraid they're scared because of Chu Hanfeng's threat. Brother, Do you want me to take a team of troops to mow them down?"

"No, you should be polite to them. After all, they were allies with us in Chiyue Valley. We are giving them some time. If they don't come, don't force them. Just kill them." Chi Junlin said calmly, shocking everyone. The two major valleys in the past were just to be killed if they refused to obey?

The wind of the world was invisibly shrouding the Chiyue Valley, and thousands of sects came to visit, all choosing their positions.

What is shocking is that on this day, someone from the Divine Weapon Guild and Tongyunfang came. The leader of the Divine Weapon Guild was a middle-aged man. Behind him was a monster carriage with a group of divine soldiers above him, descending into the Red Moon Valley. .

"Qiu Wenwu of the Divine Weapon Guild came to visit Chiyue Valley, bringing a cart of level four magic weapons with him, hoping that Chiyue Valley would accept it."

"It's Qiu Wenwu, the president of the Divine Weapon Guild. I didn't expect that he would also come to the Red Moon Valley. Could it be that... the wind in the world is really going to be chaotic? He was a member of the wild side before!"

"Nonsense! In the end-of-year battle, the Divine Weapon Guild did not take action, and don't you know? The Divine Weapon Guild has separated from Baicao Hall."

"It seems that the rumors are true. This time the wilderness is really going to be in disaster. The era of the wilderness is really going to end this time!"

To Qiu Wenwu, Chi Junlin nodded, and then he calmly said: "I have not been back in the mortal world for a long time, but I heard that the Divine Weapon Guild and Baicao Hall merged. Is this true?"

Qiu Wenwu smiled and said calmly: "Since Junlin's nephew knows, why should he expose his shortcomings? Everyone in the world understands the position. Back then, Lord Chigu saw the barbarian's majestic momentum and chose to depreciate himself as a sect. Of course, I don't think this is the case. It is a shameful act. It was the forbearance of the Red Valley Master that made the Red Moon Valley retreat completely at the end of the year, waiting for the return of the king who came to rule over the nephew, isn't it? "

Chi Junlin laughed loudly and nodded: "Very good! Everyone in the world knows how to position, so how will the Divine Weapon Guild position itself this time?"

"Don't this car of magic weapons represent anything?" Qiu Wenwu said, while Chi Junlin nodded with satisfaction: "Come here, give President Qiu a seat!"

At the end of the Yan Sect, several elders came to the main hall to visit King Mi. King Mi glanced at them: "Are they from Chiyue Valley again?"

"Well! Sir, Chiyue Valley has been dormant for two years. This time it is closed again. It has the potential to rule the world. The wind in the world has changed. Now everyone in the world has heard that Chu Hanfeng has left. The wilderness is in danger. We need Position yourself!”

"Dad, have you forgotten what King Chu said? I, Mo Yangu, can no longer interfere in the affairs of the world!" Mi Tong persuaded from the side.

"But young master, this time there will be a fight in the world, and the wilderness will perish. How difficult is it for me, Moyangu, to be alone?" The elder of Moyangu said helplessly.

Mi Tong is also silent, and King Mi also knows all this. If Yangu was just a small country or a small sect, he might be able to survive alone, but they are not after all. Today, if they don't express their stance, will the other party bypass them?

"Chijunlin is far more courageous and ambitious than Chitianyou! We all underestimated him, but we didn't expect that the king would come back from the killing!" King Mi sighed, then turned around: "Prepare a generous gift, go to Chijun Yue Gu, I’m going to pay a personal visit to this little guy who’s come back in beautiful clothes!”

Mi Tong looked at Mi Wang's decision and sighed... He didn't know whether Mi Wang's decision today was correct.

However, at this moment, a strong wind roared, and a heavy hammer descended on the Moyan Valley. Qin Zixuan stood on the hammer, still wearing purple clothes, as if she was above all living beings. Everyone in the Moyan Valley was shocked when they saw the empress.

"Miss Qin?" Mi Wang was also surprised and narrowed his eyes: "I wonder why Miss Qin came here today? Is it on behalf of King Chu?"

Qin Zixuan glanced at Mi Wang with contempt and said lightly: "I am here today only on my own behalf. Mi Wang, I hope you will not regret your choice today. Although King Chu is no longer in the mortal world, the king of this mortal world can only be surnamed Chu forever. In the past, Chu Hanfeng spared you a valley. Today you broke the agreement. Then when Yan'er is crowned king in the mortal world, you will be the day of bloody destruction of the last Yan Valley."

Mi Wang's eyes condensed slightly. He did not take Qin Zixuan's threat to heart, but there was a huge news in it, that is, Chu Hanfeng was really no longer in the mortal world, and the news was accurate.

"Humph! Chu Yan can't grow up!"

Qin Zixuan didn't waste words, raised the heavy hammer, so calmly: "Don't forget, there is still me, Qin Zixuan, in the mortal world!"

Qin Zixuan left, and didn't even ask Mi Wang to change his mind. She just told Mi Wang not to forget that there was still her, Qin Zixuan, in the mortal world! This is a threat.

"Master... we..."

King Mi took a deep breath, but he looked a little older. The situation in the mortal world has changed greatly, but there are Chu Hanfeng and Qin Zixuan in the wilderness. Xue Mie Valley has the Eastern Altar, and Crimson Moon Valley has the Southern Palace. Only his End Flame Valley is just a valley. He can be crowned as an emperor, which is also the gift of Qin Ruoming in the past. Today, he must take a position.

"Move, Crimson Moon Valley!"

On this day, in Crimson Moon Valley, End Flame Valley descended, and King Mi came in person. He didn't even care much about King Mi, and directly left King Mi aside. It is worth mentioning that on the same day, someone from Xue Mie Valley also came, it was Lin Daoyan.

After the end of the year, Lin Daoyan had not appeared for nearly a year. On this day, he returned to the mortal world again, and his aura changed greatly, with a faint fluctuation of the fifth level of the emperor level.

Chi Junlin glanced at Lin Daoyan and frowned slightly: "Xue Mie Valley sent a junior like you?"

Beside Lin Daoyan, an elder said calmly: "Now Master Daoyan can fully represent my Xue Mie Valley just like you."

"A young man dares to say that he is the same as me? Go back and let Elder Lin come here by himself. Otherwise, Xue Mie Valley is not worthy of forming an alliance with my Chiyue Valley. One day, when the wilderness is destroyed, I will march to Xue Mie Valley!" Chi Junlin said bluntly. The elders of Xue Mie Valley frowned, but at this time, Lin Daoyan didn't care at all. He walked forward alone, dragged a chair, pulled it aside and sat down. He was dressed in white, and he was born elegant. He looked at Chi Junlin quietly.

"Ten years ago, I was only nine years old. That year, you, Chi Junlin, became famous and became famous in the world. I regarded you as an idol. Today, it seems that you, Chi Junlin, are just like that. You have achieved something in the outer world and returned home in glory, but you come back to this small world to display your divine power and show off your talent?"

"Boom!" Chi Junlin's expression changed drastically, and there was a hint of murderous intent, but at this time, Lin Daoyan was still calm, letting the wind of the emperor realm whistle around him at will, and he said lightly: "Kill me? Chi Junlin, do you want to die?"

Everyone was shocked, Lin Daoyan actually said to Chi Junlin, kill me, do you want to die?

Chi Junlin also changed slightly. The next moment, he felt a force approaching him from Lin Daoyan's body. It was a divine thought above the level of Emperor Breaker, which made him immediately retract his vitality and look at Lin Daoyan: "You worshipped as a disciple of the master of the Eastern Altar?"

"Chi Junlin, you are from the Southern Palace, a disciple of an inner sect elder, and you have infinite charm in the world, but in my opinion, you are not as good as Chu Yan. Chu Yan was born in the wilderness. His father Chu Hanfeng could destroy the eight directions with one thought, but now you are just a disciple of one of the eight directions. I came here today to tell you that my Blood Destruction Valley will not participate in this riot in the world, and I also want to advise you that Chu Yan, you can't be killed!" Lin Daoyan sneered, stood up and left. Everyone was shocked. He walked out of the Red Moon Valley so calmly, but no one dared to stop him.

However, outside the hall, Lin Daoyan suddenly paused, and he looked at Mi Wang jokingly: "Mi Wang, you are the most pathetic in this battle! That's enough, Chen Jian, I will not come back!"

Everyone was shocked. Lin Daoyan said that Mi Wang was the most pathetic. He said that he would not come back to Chen Jian!

Is Lin Daoyan not going to participate in this year's Wanzong Feast?

Lin Daoyan, the first of the thirty-six Tianjiao, the youngest one among them, the second person to become famous after Chi Junlin, has been compared with Chu Yan by countless people. He is full of mystery and rarely appears. He seems to always be strategizing, preparing for a rainy day, and silently planning everything. However, today, he will eventually leave Chen Jian.

It was not until many years later, when everything in Chen Jian was settled, that someone in Qin Tiange watched Lin Daoyan's records.

Everyone knew that countless major events in Chen Jian, the big storms in Chen Jian, had his figure, and he left a strong and colorful mark in Chen Jian invisibly.

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