Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 207 There is always a higher level [3rd update]

Li Xiaoyao did not help, which made Yi Shuihan's face extremely gloomy. At this time, he and Chu Yan were Chen Xiao's prey and could only run away.

"Let's go and take a look!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly said to the people around him. A disciple named Li Yun next to Li Xiaoyao said helplessly: "You don't care, but you still want to go and take a look?"

"You take care of me, I'll be happy as long as I'm happy." Li Xiaoyao said, then strolled out, leaving Li Yun helpless for a while, and the next section of the journey was a chase.

"Meteor Star Pavilion's Meteor Star Step, the inherited magical power, is really powerful. It runs so fast!" Li Xiaoyao grinned, and looked at Chu Yan again and was slightly surprised. With the speed bloodline of Three Thousand Galaxy Luo, although it is not as good as Yi Shuihan , but it’s not bad at all.

"Where to run!" At this moment, a disciple of the Eastern God Altar suddenly accelerated, a sharp cold light appeared in his hand, and dug into the back of Chu Yan's heart.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and the little wolf howled loudly at this moment and rushed towards the disciple, and the sharp cold light was immediately shattered.

"Wangchen swordsmanship!" The next moment Chu Yan made a backhand sword, and the three bloodlines merged into one. His life soul only flickered faintly, but immediately a ray of light from the divine dragon struck out and struck towards the disciple of the Eastern God Altar.


"Boom!" The disciple was shocked. He, a ninth-level king, actually felt a hint of threat from Chu Yan's sword?

Li Xiaoyao was also stunned. Although he didn't see clearly the quality of Yan's soul, the sword was definitely extraordinary. He thought he could block it, but it would not be easy: "It's awesome! It's interesting!"

Chu Yan knocked the people back with a sword and continued to run wildly. On this branch, the three people were chased by people from the Sifang God Star Region. But suddenly, a patch of thorns appeared in front of them, and they reached the next section of the thorny road.

"Damn! Why at this time!" Yi Shuihan couldn't help but cursed, while Chu Yan stopped and watched quietly from the side. Feng Ting saw this scene and angrily shouted: "Hey, you Why are you standing there, why don’t you go off and go through the thorny road!”

Chu Yan frowned, but he still said without showing it: "I was responsible for the last section of the thorny road, and now you will naturally be in front of this section of the thorny road."

"It's funny, why are we in the front?" Feng Ting laughed and said, Chu Yan said coldly: "This is what was agreed before. I am a sixth-level king and cannot pass the high-level thorny road."

"Agreed?" Feng Ting said contemptuously: "Earlier, I saw that Li Xiaoyao and you were somewhat acquainted, and thought that you knew me and Shui Han, so I was more polite to you. But you don't know Li Xiaoyao at all, and you are trying to deceive. We, use us, and now you want us to lead you? "

Chu Yan laughed when he heard this: "Am I using you? When did I say that Li Xiaoyao and I were brothers? When Feng Yao approached me before, you immediately stayed away, for fear that I would cause you some trouble. Later, Li Xiaoyao met me You said hello politely, but you thought I had a relationship with Li Xiaoyao, and you kept getting close to me, hoping to pave the way for the relationship, and in the end, I took advantage of you? "

"You..." Feng Tingyu's face was unkind, and Yi Shuihan's face kept changing, but he was speechless. The reason was very simple. Chu Yan did not say that he and Li Xiaoyao were brothers. They all thought of it themselves, but now If someone was chasing him, he wouldn't waste any words and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm ordering you to lead the way now, or I'll kill you!"

"Order? Are you worthy of it?" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold and he drew out the Sun-Destroying Sword.

"Ouch!" Xiaolang also opened up his formation, roared at Yi Shuihan, and took a step forward, intending to fight Chu Yan.

"You want to fight me?" Yi Shuihan was stunned, and then laughed loudly: "The sixth level king is so ignorant!"

"Don't talk nonsense to him, I told you to kill him a long time ago!" Feng Ting shouted. At this moment, Chu Yan glanced at Feng Ting sadly, waved his wrist, drew out a palm wind, and made a loud sound, Feng Ting's eyes widened, and Chu Yan actually slapped her.

"You are looking for death!" Feng Ting's delicate body trembled. She was completely angry. She immediately sacrificed her fourth-grade life soul and turned into a red caltrop and blasted towards Chu Yan.

Yi Shuihan also snorted coldly and attacked Chu Yan directly. At this time, Sifang Shenxingyu, Li Xiaoyao and others had caught up. After seeing this, he showed a hint of amusement: "Is there internal strife? It's interesting. "

The people from the Sifangshenxingyu did not take action, and just watched from the side, waiting to pick up the leaks. As for Li Xiaoyao, he still looked at Chu Yan with a smile, and a fighting spirit rose in his heart: "It's really interesting, these martial arts and exercises are not It's advanced, but it's perfect. Every move seems to have been carefully polished. It's interesting and fun. I will definitely try it with him if I have the chance."

"Kill!" Yi Shuihan's sword was slashed out of the air, opened and closed, his eyes were still full of contempt. The ninth level of the king made him proud enough, plus Feng Ting and the other two.

But after a while, both of them looked unhappy. They did not subdue Chu Yan with dozens of consecutive moves. Chu Yan was always able to move between offense and defense with ease. This made Yi Shuihan extremely unhappy. He grasped the saber and launched a dragon The light of the tiger shot out: "Death!"

"When Chu came here for the first time, I didn't want to cause trouble, but since you forced me, I'm defeated!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then he slashed out with his sword, and the strong sword intention roared down, as if it was about to cut off the sky, so that Yi Shuihan's sword light suddenly shattered, and Yi Shuihan was shocked. The sword light came towards him, causing him to dodge hastily, but his shoulder was still seriously injured with a bloody gash.

"Looking at our acquaintance, if I don't kill you today, I'll be careful next time." Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then he ignored Chen Xiao and others, turned around and stepped into the thorny road.

Yi Shuihan's face was extremely gloomy. He was actually injured by a little person of level 1 and level 6, and even threatened him? But watching Chu Yan step into the thorny land, he still said unconvinced: "You were able to get through this thorny road in the last period because you were lucky. This time you will definitely die!"

"You should worry about yourself." Chen Xiao took a step forward, the sword light fell, and stopped at Yi Shuihan's throat: "Hand over everything."

Yi Shuihan's face darkened. He gritted his teeth and tried to save himself: "Chen Xiao, I, the Meteor Star Pavilion, am also a powerful force in the Qinggu Star Territory and rule the world in more than ten directions. Do you really want to accomplish this?"

"Yi Shuihan, I really don't know how someone like you got the qualification to enter the Jungle of Eternity. You don't even have this awareness. Hand over your things, otherwise this woman will become our plaything today, and you will also be here all the time. Kick it off the green tree." Chen Xiaolen said.

Yi Shuihan's eyes were sinister, and he hated Chu Yan so much at this moment, but he still handed over the space ring. Chen Xiao is not killing him. The reason is very simple. Everyone is a force in the Six Realms Galaxy. They seek wealth, but they don't want to get things done, otherwise it will be difficult for the two major forces to explain.

"Let's go!" Chen Xiao and others stepped into the thorny road.

"Let's go too." Li Xiaoyao said with a smile, his white clothes fluttering, and he stepped into the thorns.

On the other side of the thorny road, Chu Yan walked all the way. This thorny road was still filled with fire patterns. He saw through it better and walked out safely. As soon as he left, there was a burst of applause from behind: "This thorny road is a fire pattern array, but you didn't trigger any of it. It's amazing!"

Chu Yan looked at Li Xiaoyao and nodded with a smile. Li Xiaoyao said, "Hey, you don't hate me?"

"I'll thank you tomorrow. You said you didn't know me and you didn't take action. Why should I thank you? Likewise, why do I hate you now?" Chu Yan said in Li Xiaoyao's tone, which made Li Xiaoyao stunned for a moment. , and then laughed loudly: "Wonderful, wonderful, very wonderful, I like it. Just saying this to you, if I have a chance, I will treat you to a drink."

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded, and Li Yun said to Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, let's go!"

"Let's go! Chu Yan, I owe you the wine for this meal. I'll treat you to a drink when I get the chance." Li Xiaoyao laughed and left with the disciples of the Li family as if he was very happy. Once again, Chu Yan and Xiao Lang were left alone.

"Ouch!" The little wolf howled suddenly, and a group of beautiful women came in front. Qiu Meng was among them. When she saw the little wolf, she squatted down and touched the little wolf happily. She said with a smile: "Little guy, it's you. "

The little wolf waggled its tail and rubbed hard against Qiu Meng's body, leaving Chu Yan speechless for a while. Isn't this little wolf too focused on sex and not on friends? I haven't even waggled my tail at myself. Besides... isn't that just for dogs?

Qiu Meng rubbed Xiaolang, stood up, looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that you have come here."

"It's quite a coincidence."

"I'm sorry about what happened before." Qiu Meng's trembling smile made Chu Yan stunned for a moment. Qiu Meng explained: "I heard under the evergreen tree that you are the descendant of Lord Zhentian, from Little Star. I misunderstood you before, I thought you didn’t tell me because you didn’t want to be friends with me.”

Chu Yan suddenly shook his head: "It's okay."

"But you are so awesome. You have reached this level at the sixth level of the King. Are you really from an unknown little star? Which star field do you belong to?" Qiu Meng blinked, and Chu Yan felt embarrassed again, but she Feeling Qiu Meng's sincerity, he said: "I am dissatisfied with you. I have never left the star where I am, and I don't know the outside world, nor where is the star field where I am, but I know the Eastern Altar."

"The Eastern Altar? That should be from the Sifang God Star Region." Qiu Meng smiled and said enthusiastically: "Let me explain to you, no matter where you are, you must be in the Six Domains Galaxy. As for the Six Domains, I don't know if there are any worlds beyond the Domain Galaxy. The Six Domains Galaxy is called the Six Domains because there are six star fields here, and each star field has many stars, hundreds or thousands. The Sifang God Star Domain you are in is one of them. It has hundreds of stars and is controlled by the forces of the Sifang God. "

"The forces of the four gods?"

"Well, the Eastern God Altar, the Western God's Religion, the Northern God's Temple, and the Southern God's Palace. They are known as the Four Directions God Power, but the Four Directions God Star Region is relatively poor. The other five star regions include: the Ancient Demon Star Region, where there are many demon cultivators, and the Demon Mountain Gate , Tianyao Peak, etc. are all the transcendent forces there. There is also the Qinggu Star Territory, the Meteor Star Pavilion, etc., our Younu Palace is in the Cloud Sea Star Territory, and the King of Martial Star Territory, and the last six stars. The domains make up the six-domain galaxy.”

Chu Yan listened carefully, but his heart was full of waves. What a huge world this is? The world of dust is actually just a tiny speck of dust in the Sifang God Star Domain, and the Eastern God Altar is just a force in one domain. Is this sky all the six domain galaxies?

This was the first time Chu Yan understood the vastness of the world, and his vision seemed to change somewhat at this moment. He had always been proud of the wild world, but what was the wild world compared to this endless galaxy?

And more importantly, Lord Zhentian is actually the king of this galaxy? How could he fall as a king?

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