Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 205 Wonderful Man Li Xiaoyao

The woman in green looked at the little wolf strangely, then she shouted meowing without saying anything and left.

After the woman in green left, Chu Yan rubbed his arm, glared at the little wolf with a bitter smile: "Be honest here in the future, this place is full of monsters, if you cause trouble to me again, I will stew you!"

"Ah!" The little wolf cried unhappy, as if he was laughing at Chu Yan, and it seemed that Chu Yan was scared. He was not afraid. Chu Yan was speechless for a while, but he was full of curiosity about the little wolf. After relying on the little wolf for two years, Chu Yan knew that the little wolf was of good status. With a wolf howl, he could command the monster wolves in all directions, and with a rage, he could make all the beasts kneel down. But why did he appear out of thin air in the back mountain of Tianyong City that day?

Chu Yan didn't know. He thought this might be the fate between him and the little wolf. He and the little wolf had a good background, but they met in the small Tianyong City. It was a kind of fate. He also said that when he was the king of heaven and earth, he would let the little wolf be the demon king of heaven and earth. He wanted to fulfill this agreement.

"What a powerful little demon." At this time, there was a loud laugh, and a young man with extraordinary bearing came from the air and looked at the little wolf.

"Ah!" The little wolf showed his fangs and took a few steps back.

"Who are you?" Chu Yan looked at the young man. Although the young man was a human, he was like a demon. He gave him the same feeling as the demon pupil. He should have practiced demon magic and his level was not low.

"You don't know me?" The young man was stunned. Chu Yan was speechless. Could it be that this young man was very famous?

"Forget it, forget it. I am arrogant. I am a disciple of the Demon Mountain Sect of the Heavenly Demon Star Domain, Feng Yao. Little brother, this little demon is good, but is it your pet? Do you want to sell it? You name a price, I am willing to pay any price." The young man smiled and looked at the little wolf with a trace of greed.

"Ah!" The little wolf roared, and Chu Yan also frowned, but he still remained polite and bowed his hands: "Sorry, the little wolf is my disciple, not a pet, let alone selling it."

"Little brother, don't rush to refuse. If it's spiritual jade, you can say whatever you want for the third-level spiritual jade, one thousand? Five thousand? Or elixir, magic weapon, as long as you want, you can choose any amount." Feng Yao waved his hand, and countless elixir magic weapons emerged, each with a high-level fire pattern.

Chu Yan was shocked. A piece of third-level spiritual jade is equal to one hundred and second-level spiritual jade, and one thousand first-level spiritual jade. This young man actually took out one thousand and five thousand. Elixirs and magic weapons are rare in the world.

But Chu Yan still shook his head in a straight line: "Sorry, I won't sell it."

Feng Yao frowned, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes: "Why bother, little brother? Although this little demon is extraordinary, it can't be used in your hands, but it is very useful to me. If you think it's not enough, I'll give you some more, and you can name the price as you like!"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Chu Yan was displeased. This Feng Yao had a domineering attitude. The most important thing was that Xiaolang was his brother, and he would definitely not sell it.

"You are really a little ignorant!" Feng Yao was stunned, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. A blue soul appeared on his forehead, which turned out to be a demon dragon. Suddenly, a momentum pressed down on Chu Yan.

"If you don't sell it, you have to rob it?" Chu Yan shouted coldly, and there was also a trace of surprise in his heart. The first soul of this young man was a fifth-grade blue soul, which was definitely one of the best in the world.

"Ah!" But at this time, the little wolf roared, and the demon dragon trembled, curled up in the soul and dared not run out. The little wolf opened his mouth, as if he was going to devour him at any time, which made Feng Yao even more shocked and greedy.

"Haha, Feng Yao, I won't sell it, so don't talk nonsense here. If you don't leave, be careful that I will refine you into a demon." But at this time, there was a loud laugh in the sky, and a white-clothed figure walked over, holding a three-foot green sword, giving people a sense of extraordinary breath.

Chu Yan glanced at the young man in white, who was the eighth level of the king, but he actually had a hint of suppressing Feng Yao.

"Li Xiaoyao!" Feng Yao's face turned cold: "You are too arrogant!"

"Haha, don't you accept it? Then come and fight, see if I dare to pull out the little loach in your soul to drink." The young man in white laughed, and at this time, several boys and girls flew out from behind him, all of them were the ninth level of the king, but they all centered on the young man in white.

"You wait!" Feng Yao nodded fiercely, roared, and turned away.

Chu Yan was speechless for a while watching this scene. The strength of this group of people was so strong. The so-called thirty-six geniuses in the world were simply ridiculous in their eyes. Are they worthy of calling themselves geniuses?

"Thank you for your help, brother." Chu Yan looked at Li Xiaoyao and nodded, but Li Xiaoyao smiled indifferently: "I didn't do anything, and I'm not an old acquaintance with you, why thank me?"

Chu Yan was stunned. Why does this guy have so many problems? He thanked him himself, but he asked why he thanked him?

"Didn't you speak for me just now?"

"I know who you are? Why should I help you? I just don't like him and want to kill his spirit. I follow my heart in martial arts. I was happy just now and scolded him. It has nothing to do with you. You don't need to thank me, and I don't need you to thank me." Li Xiaoyao laughed, and then looked at Chu Yan meaningfully: "King level 6? Interesting, see you under the Evergreen Tree."

"Let's go!" Li Xiaoyao waved his hand, and a group of people followed him away, leaving Chu Yan with a bitter smile. This Li Xiaoyao is a wonderful person.

"I follow my heart? What a good I follow my heart." Chu Yan remembered this person, and then he looked up. At this time, he could see the style of the Evergreen Tree. The thousand-meter-old tree, evergreen, covered the sky and the sun, and there were tree spirits under the tree. The emerald green vitality was visible, like an elf.

Everything is abnormal in the Everlasting Jungle. There are shrubs a hundred meters high and weeping willows as big as a thumb. It seems that everything is possible here. Thousand-meter sparrows, goshawks as big as bowls, rabbits and wolves are all often seen. There are rivers flowing in the sky, thousands of meters of mountains standing upside down, everything is possible, and Chu Yan can't help but secretly sigh that this world is free.

The evergreen trees here seem to be a milestone. No matter where you are, you can see the towering ancient trees, so that you will not lose your way.

Three days later, Chu Yan was closer to the evergreen tree. On this day, a group of women came. They were all extremely beautiful, each one like a fairy. When the little wolf saw it, he howled twice, attracting a The woman's gaze.

"What a cute little demon!" The woman's eyes lit up and she walked towards Chu Yan: "Is this little wolf your pet?"

After learning the lesson of sealing the demon, Chu Yan smiled directly and said: "He is my brother, not a pet, and he will not be sold."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter: "You are quite interesting. Although I like this little wolf, I never take away a person's beauty. How come you are as guarded against me as you are against thieves?"

"Uh..." the woman said, which made Chu Yan feel embarrassed and felt that he was a little bit villainous. Fortunately, the woman didn't care and smiled at Chu Yan: "You also came to practice at the Evergreen Tree, right? My name is Qiu Meng, from Younu Palace in the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory, what about you? "

"I come from an unknown place, so I won't be embarrassed if I don't tell you." Chu Yan smiled politely. Qiu Meng was embarrassed. At this time, another woman came up: "Qiu Meng, tell your origin when you see him. He But he deliberately conceals it and doesn't treat you sincerely, so why do you need to talk to him so much? Let's hurry up. "

"Uh, okay." Qiu Meng agreed and rubbed the little wolf again before leaving sweetly. When she looked at Chu Yan out of the corner of her eye, she shook her head and felt that Chu Yan was not very good.

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. The world was interesting, but he had some thoughts in his heart. Now that he had come to the Everlasting Forest, he had heard about the Qinggu Star Territory, the Ancient Demon Star Territory, and now there was the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory. But how big was this so-called star territory? Yan didn't know anything about it, which made him sigh inwardly at how big the world was. It was really infinite.

"So many people!" Chu Yan was about to reach the Eternal Evergreen Tree and couldn't help but exclaim. There are more than a hundred people here, and each one of them has extraordinary strength. The lowest is King Level 7, but their strength is comparable to thirty in the world. Six geniuses.

"Brother Chu!" Yi Shuihan saw Chu Yan stepping forward.

"Brother Yi." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and Feng Ting followed from the side. Seeing Chu Yan's fake smile: "I didn't expect you to really make it this far. What kind of earthly continent are you really from?"

"I did come from the Earthly Continent." Chu Yan nodded. Yi Shuihan's eyes lit up again, thinking to himself that his guess was correct. Chu Yan must have come from the place where that person was. He smiled and said, "Chu Yan Brother, in this case, do you know Lord Zhentian?”

"Lord Zhentian?" Chu Yan shook his head. He didn't know what Lord Zhentian was: "Is Lord Zhentian very powerful?"

Yi Shuihan was stunned and laughed: "Haha, you fool, you asked Lord Zhentian if he was powerful. Do you know who Lord Zhentian is? The leader of Lord Zhentian was the strongest person in the Six Realms Star Sea. You actually asked me if I was great."

"Six Domains Star Sea? The strongest person?" Chu Yan was quite surprised that Lord Zhentian was so powerful, but to be honest, Chu Yan didn't have much idea about the current Six Domains Star Sea because he didn't know anything about the Six Domains Star Sea. where is it.

"Then why does Brother Yi think that I am related to Lord Zhentian?"

Yi Shuihan shook his head helplessly: "It seems that you still don't understand the reason. I told you that this eternal jungle was opened by Lord ** to benefit future generations. And Lord Zhentian is Lord ** First of all, since you can step into this place, it is not inherited by the descendants of the Fifteen Great Lords. It comes from the entrance of Zhentian Lord. Back then, Zhentian Lord fought for the six realms of the star sea. He was the first person in all time and the king of the six realms of star sea. . But he suddenly encountered a disaster ten thousand years ago and disappeared since then. Rumors say that he died early and his descendants have not appeared. "

Chu Yan was shocked and thought to himself: "Could it be that the ancient trial place in the world was left by Lord Zhentian?"

Chu Yan was a little confused. At this time, many people looked at Chu Yan with strange expressions. Li Xiaoyao fluttered in white and said with a smile: "Descendants of Lord Zhentian? Interesting, interesting! This year is indeed not in vain!" "

Feng Yao also licked the corner of his mouth greedily, showing an evil smile: "It turns out he is a kid from an unknown place, I will bet on that little demon!"

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