Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 203 The ups and downs of the past six months

The voice of the ancients penetrated into Chu Yan's mind, making his eyes tremble: "How can my humble heart cross this endless world?"

Chu Yan was walking on this hopeless road. He didn't know how long it had been. It might have been a day, a year, ten years or a hundred years, but the world was infinitely big. Chu Yan was thinking about every step he took. The solution to this world.

"I am humble today, how can I be humble forever? My heart can create an endless sky, so can this endless world be as big as the sky in my heart?"

On this day, Chu Yan suddenly stopped. He did not continue walking forward, but raised his head and looked at the endless sky.

Suddenly, he laughed: "It turns out that this endless world is the endless sky created by myself. Want to seal me with my creativity? It's too ridiculous! Today, I am broken today!"

After saying this, Chu Yan shone brightly, his body actually floated, and he broke out directly from the sky of this world.

"Chu Yan broke the first level!" At the ancient trial site, all the geniuses understood the meaning of cultivating the Tao and were not in a hurry to leave. Many people stayed here to watch Chu Yan break the stairs. If they did not break, they would die. Many people People are even looking forward to Chu Yan dying on this road of life and death.

"It's just the first level. Mr. Mi and the others have already passed the third level before. There's nothing surprising. There are ten levels of life and death on the ten-level stairs. This Chu Yan will definitely die." Some people said unhappily. Hua Zhixu looked at a group of people from the side. Tianjiao, however, sneered: "Today's trial in this ancient time allowed me to see what Tianjiao is. I had always aimed to be crowned Tianjiao, but I didn't expect that they would all be villains like you."

"Master Hua, you've said it before. We are all geniuses of all sects. Why do you call us villains?"

"Now the ten-level staircase has become a road of life and death. Once you enter, there will be life and death. My brother Chu Yan dares to step on it. That is a courage. But each of you claims to be extraordinary and a person of destiny. When this road of life and death comes, you have no choice. Isn't it ridiculous that one person dares to enter but is here to mock my brother?" Hua Zhixu sneered, and everyone's expressions turned gloomy.

"If you have the guts, go ahead and try it." The fat man said excitedly at the side, but no one tried to do it until now. The matter of life and death is no joke.

Chu Yan entered the second world, where huge forces descended. Each force weighed thousands of tons, trying to crush Chu Yan's body.

"Is this the way again? You want to use my power to crush me! Since I can cultivate this power, how can I be crushed?!" Chu Yan stepped out to the second level and passed!

Chu Yan reached the third floor, and the geniuses were all shocked. In the next month, Chu Yan stepped onto the first floor every five days on average, and exactly reached the ninth floor in one month. All the geniuses were shocked, and some even clenched their fists. Chu Yan really succeeded and reached the ninth floor on the road of life and death. This is a record.

"Can he succeed?" Many geniuses murmured, feeling a little unhappy. They all knew that the Holy Land was extraordinary. If Chu Yan entered this Holy Land, he would definitely surpass them one day.

But the strange thing is that Chu Yan stopped in the ninth level of the world. For a full month, he did not take another step, as if he was imprisoned there forever, unable to retreat. Once he retreated, it would be a dead end. And he couldn't go any further.

The geniuses who originally had high expectations began to grow tired of it. For a month, Chu Yan did nothing and just stood still in the ninth world.

"He is indeed very powerful, but no one can achieve this last level. The road to life and death is at an end. Chu Yan is about to die." A prodigy said calmly, and everyone nodded in approval.

Ye Xun, Qiu Yu and others are also always staring at the ninth world of the ten-level ladder. No one knows what is there, but everyone who has participated in the world of the ten-level ladder knows that it is extremely terrifying above the third level and may be destroyed. Power has the intention of destroying one's heart and has the aura to kill others. What will be the ninth floor? How terrible will it be? Who can and can do it?

"Chu Yan, it's moving!" At this moment, someone suddenly said in shock. Chu Yan, who was on the ninth floor, stood up, raised his head, and looked towards the last floor.

On the ninth floor, Chu Yan's eyes were slightly focused. Here there was the power of killing, the intention to destroy the heart, the aura of killing people, the endless sky, and the power of the nine worlds all concentrated together, making him sweat.

"Is this the Nine Worlds?" Chu Yan secretly sighed at the reality of this world. The pain came from all the limbs and bones.

"The world in ten directions will destroy the world. If you take this step, I will kill you! How dare you!?" The words of the ancients echoed in my ears.

Chu Yan clenched his fists. He refused to accept it. He stared at the last level of the world: "My name is Chu Yan. I was born in the wilderness. Why don't I dare!"

"Boom!" Chu Yan finally took this step, but the next moment, Chu Yan's expression changed with shock. He felt that the murderous intent from ten worlds was coming, as if they wanted to crush him.

"Puff puff!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan's whole body was scratched, and there were thousands of bloody wounds, and blood spattered everywhere, turning him into a bloody man. However, at this moment, he still did not retreat, and the next miracle was a heart-piercing power. Fiercely shot through his chest and shattered his heart!

Chu Yan was shocked. As the ancients said, he would kill him if he took this step! Now, the ancients destroyed his body, shot through his heart, and had countless murderous intentions to break him to pieces!

The pain was really incomparable, and what was even more shocking was that Chu Yan kept enduring it. He watched with his own eyes as he was peeled off, and every inch of his skin turned into powder and disappeared from the world.


"Dead, dead?"

In the ancient trial ground, the Tianjiao were shocked. The terrible scene was shocking. Chu Yan, a living person, was suddenly crushed into powder in front of their eyes. He was bloody and bloody, and he didn't even have a thought left.

"Brother Chu!" The fat man's eyes turned red immediately. He wanted to rush to the tenth world! But at this time, Ye Xun suddenly stopped him!

"Really, really dead?" Hua Zhixu was also shocked. He always felt that all this was too unreal. Chu Yan was still standing there in the last second, but now there was no body left!

Ye Xun, Qiu Yu, Zi Yan, Mu Bai and others' eyes turned red immediately. The visual impact of this scene was too strong. Ye Xun clenched his fists fiercely, and he tried to restrain himself.

"Let's go, there's no need to waste time. He's just a dead man." Yinghao sneered at this scene and shook his head. Originally, he was still afraid of Chu Yan's threat to him, but now, Chu Yan is dead.

Lin Daoyu smacked his lips and said a little unhappy: "He died so easily up there. If he survived, I would definitely skin him alive and pull out his tendons. It's a good thing for him!"

Mi Tong and Lin Daoyan frowned as they looked at the shattered body of Chu Yan. Neither of them spoke, and they didn't know what they were thinking. Finally, they looked at the world of the ten-layer ladder, shook their heads, and turned away.


On this day, there was a big storm in the ancient trial. It was rumored in the world that Chu Yan was dead and turned into ashes, with no bones left.

This news immediately caused a storm in the world. When the news reached Haotian Valley, Fan Ye, Qian Dong, Mu Ling'er and others were all stunned. They didn't believe it. But one day, Ye Xun came to Haotian Valley and took Fan Ye and others away in the name of the Northern Temple. They believed the news after hearing it from Fatty himself.

They were all heartbroken. They wanted to die.

The news of the ancient trial of life and death spread far and wide. During this period, many evildoers and even emperor-level strongmen came to explore, but in the end, due to life and death, and Chu Yan's previous experience, no one dared to take this step.

Chu Yan died, Ye Xun returned, and then Ye Xun seemed to be crazy. He was crazy about revenge. In the world, anyone from the Four Valleys, Shura Sect, and Tianshan Sect who was met by him was dead.

Ye Xun's crazy massacre lasted for a long time in the world. For a time, Ye Xun became a nightmare for the Four Valleys and several major sects. The disciples of the Four Valleys and Wanzong did not dare to leave the sect alone and could only go together. And this massacre continued until one day, someone from the Eastern Altar came and stopped several people from the Northern Temple. Led by Lin Daoyan, Yinghao and others, Ye Xun was seriously injured before it was quelled.

Ye Xun's life and death were unknown and he was rescued.

Half a month after the Ancient Trial, the world was in turmoil again. On this day, countless strong men descended on Tongtian City, and the White Tiger Gang was bloodbathed. Shao Baiyu escaped by chance.

These people's target was Tianjian of Tongtian City, but Qiu Yu seemed to be prepared. When these strong men arrived at Tongtian City, Tianjian was no longer there. As for Qiu Yu, Fan Ye and others, no one appeared again, as if they disappeared out of thin air, and no one knew where they went.

In the fourth month after the opening of the Ancient Trial, the storm gradually faded. Now it is near the end of the year, and it is the Moon Festival. It is the day when Haotian Valley opens the Haotian Tower, but unfortunately, this year's Haotian Tower refuses to open. Even if Emperor Haotian takes action personally, the Haotian Tower keeps wailing. It seems to be waiting for someone, and for that person, he refuses to open!

Therefore, the matter of entering the Haotian Tower this year was forcibly stopped, which disappointed all the disciples of Wanzong.

November, Tianshan Sect.

In the third month after Chu Yan's death, Liu Qingcheng betrayed the sect, was hunted down, and was imprisoned. Because of helping Liu Qingcheng escape, Zheng Yutong was expelled from Tianshan Sect, and his cultivation was destroyed, becoming a useless person. Someone in Tianshan Sect wanted to hunt her down, but she was rescued by a man in white with a spear and no news was heard from him again.

In the snow, Liu Qingcheng was alone in an ice prison in Tianshan Sect. She looked up and could still see the eye-catching name on the Shengtai Monument. Her eyes were slightly red, and a tear fell, melting the snow.

"I don't believe you are gone. If you are gone, I will never live alone!"

Near the end of the year, news came out that Liu Qingcheng, the daughter of Wanzong with the name of Qingcheng, would be engaged to Gusucheng, the Eastern Altar.

For a time, Tianshan Sect became the most dazzling sect in the world. On this day, several visitors from outer space came. Gusu City came with betrothal gifts to get engaged to Liu Qingcheng. Lu Xueting was extremely surprised and sold Liu Qingcheng for glory. The wedding date was set at the end of the year. The world was in the spotlight and invited all the sects and four valleys in the world to come to congratulate and witness the most grand wedding banquet in the world.

In less than half a year, everything changed in the world. The Eastern Altar became more rampant, and the forces from outer space continued to pour in, and various news continued to break out.

However, there was no news about the young man who created a brilliant moment. He seemed to have really died, silently, and even gradually forgotten by the world.

And finally on this day, after the dull ancient trial ground, the tenth floor of the ten-story ladder, with thousands of stars gathering and thousands of powders returning to one, there appeared a young man. He had a stern look and a touch of demonic aura. The corners of his mouth suddenly rose and he stood with a smile!

"The road of life and death, you finally failed to kill me!"

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