Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 13 Why is this disaster here?

"Swoosh!" The sword wind broke through the air with great power. Qin Li was in the Dust Moving Realm, and his Yuanli even shattered the bricks and tiles on the ground.

Seeing the sharp sword blade piercing Chu Yan's throat, everyone was shocked!

"Son-in-law!" Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu were also panicked.

But Chu Yan was calm about this. Although he was not Qin Li's opponent, he knew very well that the Qin family would never let Qin Li kill him, at least not in public.

"Bang!" As expected, just as the sword blade was about to pierce Chu Yan's throat, Qin Li's face changed, and a dagger had pierced through his throat. He turned around in disbelief. The owner of the dagger was Qin Hao.

"Evil son, dare to offend Young Master Chu! I can keep you!" Qin Hao pulled out the dagger with a righteousness.

"Why..." Qin Li stared with eyes wide open, and he did not close his eyes until his death.

Qin Hao's old eyes were full of bloodshot. He killed his own son with his own hands. It was impossible for him not to feel pain, but he knew that if he wanted to save the Qin family today, Qin Li had to die.

Qin Hao hugged Qin Li and whispered in a voice that only Qin Li could hear: "Sorry, child, for the Qin family, I can only sacrifice you, but don't worry, your father will definitely avenge you! Chu Yan, Liu family! I will never let them go!"

Looking at the scene that he had expected, Chu Yan smiled coldly, but unfortunately Qin Hao didn't know that Chu Yan had extraordinary hearing. Chu Yan heard everything he said to Qin Li's body word for word, but he didn't point it out. After all, the day after tomorrow was his wedding day, and he didn't want to make a bloodbath of the Qin family before his wedding. After all, this would be unlucky for him.

"Zhao Wu Zhao Liu, let's go, Qin Hao, you know what to do."

Chu Yan didn't even look at the Qin family, waved at Zhao Wu Zhao Liu, and the three of them left the Qin family together.

"Ah!!! Chu Yan! Chu Yan! You are responsible for all this, I will make you pay!" After Chu Yan left, Qin Hao roared to the sky.

"Father, what should we do now?" Qin Xuan glanced at Qin Li's body and said with a little pain.


But the next moment, Qin Hao raised his hand and slapped Qin Xuan's face hard. He glared at Qin Xuan with red eyes: "Qin Xuan, I know you have always wanted the position of the head of the family, but I really didn't expect that you would do anything to achieve your goal. Remember, everything in the Qin family is caused by you. Even if I die, I will not let you inherit everything in the Qin family!"

"Father, I..."

"Shut up!" Qin Hao is not a fool. Qin Feng dared to provoke Chu Yan again. There must be someone who made trouble for him, but now that things have come to this, he has no choice. When he thought of Chu Yan's words just now, Qin Hao's heart was bleeding. The Qin family's century-old foundation in Tianyong City is now going to be destroyed. He is unwilling, but what can he do if he is unwilling?

Is it necessary to confront the forces behind Chu Yan?

Even if they fight, does the Qin family have a chance of winning?

Qin Hao's eyes were red, and he finally burst into tears: "Qin family, prepare to evacuate Tianyong City!"


The Qin family incident was finally settled. After this incident, all the people in Tianyong City knew a person, that is Chu Yan, who single-handedly destroyed the entire Qin family, leaving no Qin family in Tianyong City.

But what everyone didn't know was that all this was not over yet, and the Qin family was just a beginning. Just like Chu Yan who left the Qin family at this time, he did not return to the Liu family, but went to the Ye family with Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu.

"Son-in-law, are we really going to the Ye family?" Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu said helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? Follow me and learn more in the future." Chu Yan smiled faintly, then he hesitated: "Tell me about this Ye Xun, what kind of person is he?"

"Ye Xun?"

Zhao Wu frowned. He didn't know much about Ye Xun, but Zhao Liu took the initiative to speak: "Master, I know Mr. Ye. In fact, I think he is a good person. He is kind and amiable. Back then, I first went to the Ye family to take the guard exam, but I was beaten seriously and broke both legs. I had no money to treat it. It was Ye who treated me and later introduced me to others. Only then did I have the opportunity to enter the Liu family."

"Oh?" Chu Yan thought that Ye Xun should be like Qin Feng, relying on the Ye family, a dandy young master, bullying men and women on weekdays. In this case, he would not mind taking justice for himself and taking his life.

It can be seen that Zhao Liu praised Ye Xun so much, but Chu Yan found some clues.

Zhao Wu glared at Zhao Liu from the side: "Zhao Liu, you should be responsible for what you say. If Ye Xun is a good person, why would he deliberately harm my son-in-law today? If my son-in-law and my daughter were not smart, they might have been injured by the beast Qin Feng now, and you are still defending him."

"Master, I am telling the truth." Zhao Liu hurriedly said: "Although I know he harmed my son-in-law, he did have a favor to me. Not only me, but many people in Tianyong City have also received his favor. He is a kind and generous person, and he is a gentleman. In fact... I think the reason why Young Master Ye harmed my son-in-law today is probably because of an incident fifteen years ago."

"Fifteen years ago? What was it?" Chu Yan listened attentively.

"Actually, this matter is not a secret in Tianyong City. Zhao Wu must also know that Mr. Ye is actually not a legitimate son, but a concubine. He was born to Ye Tianxie, the eldest elder of the Ye family, and a concubine. When he was in Ye The family is not favored, but lives like a servant. The most important thing is that his mother is just a maid. After giving birth to him, she was not taken as a concubine by Ye Tianxie, but was just a maid. "

"Fifteen years ago, the Qin family and the Ye family discussed a border matter all night long. Qin Hao stayed at the Ye family that night, but... Qin Hao was inferior to humans and animals, and he actually defiled Ye Xun's mother. Later, Ye Xun's mother returned So he threw himself into a well."

"Is this possible?" Chu Yan thought for a while, and felt a little resonance from Ye Xun.

Although Zhao Wu was still angry, he nodded to this: "This is true. I remember that Ye Xun was very miserable back then. Ye Tianxie was also summoned by the border and died in the battle. Since then, Ye Xun has no father or mother. The life in the Ye family was worse than that of a human being, but who would have expected that, due to a twist of fate, when Ye Xun awakened his life body at the age of fifteen, he would awaken a four-star life body at once, and he was the most gifted person in the Ye family today. Only then did the Ye family take him seriously. I remember that the first thing Ye Xun did after awakening his life body was not to take revenge on the brothers who had bullied him over the years, but to go to the Ye family mourning hall to clear his mother's name!"

"He is a filial son."

Chu Yan's eyes dimmed slightly, but he still did not stop, heading all the way towards Ye's house. Although Ye Xun's incident resonated with him, how could he not miss his mother day and night in these years?

But there are some things that have been done and cannot be changed, so you have to pay a price for them.

Chu Yan came to Ye's house. The lights of Ye's house were bright at night, and several guards were lingering outside the door all night.

But when he saw Chu Yan, he immediately became vigilant.


"Uncle, these two guards were the ones who injured me back then." Zhao Liu said angrily.

Chu Yan nodded, and then without saying much, he waved his hand as if there was wind hidden in his sleeves, sending out two bursts of energy.

"Pah! Pah!"

"Ah!" The two guards were sent flying out before they could recover, and the air was still filled with the blood sprayed by them.

The Ye family suddenly became lively. The dignified Ye family and the three families of Tianyong City, who are also border guards, were actually invaded by someone? What a humiliation this is?

In the conference hall of the Ye family, the current head of the family, Ye Tao, was discussing the Qin family with several elders, but there was a sudden chaos outside the door, which made Ye Tao frown.

"What's going on?" Ye Tao said with a hint of anger.

"Master, it's not good. A thief broke into my Ye family late at night and has injured five or six guards of my Ye family." A Ye family guard rushed into the hall with a bruised face and knelt down with a bang. on the ground.

"Someone broke into my Ye's house at night?"

The expressions of Ye Tao and several elders immediately turned gloomy.

After standing up, Ye Tao grabbed a Fangtian Painted Halberd next to him and said, "How brave. Elders, follow me out to see who is the boldest person who dares to come to my Ye family to cause trouble."

"Yes!" Many elders of the Ye family stood up and followed Ye Tao to the outside of the house in unison.

At this moment, Chu Yan was holding a sharp sword in his hand. Anyone who came close to him was struck with one sword. Although one sword was not fatal, someone would definitely fall into a pool of blood. This made the Ye family guards look livid. , circled around Chu Yan, but did not dare to get close.

"Damn it! Where did this kid come from? He's a pervert!"

"I don't know, it's obviously only the fourth level of the Mortal Realm, but in the end we were beaten so hard that the guards couldn't even fight back!"

"My face! Damn, I don't know if I'm going to hit someone in the face or not!" The guards screamed for a while, but it was better not to scream. The more they screamed, the more ruthless Chu Yan was. After a while, all the guards were crying. When they came out, they all called daddy and mommy.

Chu Yan glanced at a group of aggrieved guards and said speechlessly: "I asked you guys, can you have some professional ethics? What's the point of crying? It makes me want to bully you."

Several guards felt extremely aggrieved. Why the hell wouldn’t this be called bullying?


At this moment, a strong wind swept across the sky. An old man holding a spear was Ye Tao. He jumped out and shouted at Chu Yan: "What a brave boy, how dare you cause trouble in my Ye family? I will make you pay the price today!"

Seeing the old man, the guard's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw the savior. At this time, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu also felt a little guilty.

"The boss is the head of the Ye family."


Chu Yan smiled calmly, raised his head and glanced at Ye Tao: "Old man Ye, it is me, Chu Yan, who is here to cause trouble. Come on, tell me, what price are you going to make me pay? Otherwise, I will kill myself. At your doorstep? Are you satisfied with the price?"


Ye Tao was fierce at first, but when he saw Chu Yan, his old face stiffened, and then the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

"Damn it! Why is this disaster star here!"

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