Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1194 Rules

Chu Yan flew to the lotus battle platform, attracting many eyes, because Chu Yan's realm was the immortal level, the only immortal level on the scene.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone at the immortal level, it's interesting." The crowd on the lotus leaf laughed.

Yuan Qing's beautiful eyes also looked at Chu Yan. She was also curious about what kind of results this immortal level genius who defeated her brother could get.

"Yuan Tian, ​​I heard that you fought with this person not long ago and lost to him. How is his fighting power?" At this time, a second-level immortal master suddenly laughed. Yuan Tian's face changed for a while, and he snorted coldly: "At least stronger than you."

"Haha, that may not be the case. Although I am also a second-level immortal master, I have already reached the third-level threshold. I am about to break through. The immortal level can't beat me." The genius smiled confidently.

"However, the fact that a person in the Immortal Realm can enter the Unparalleled Realm shows that he has good talent. Moreover, this lotus root battle stage is different from usual. Realm does not have any advantage here. The puppet warriors who appear on the stage in the Immortal Venerable Realm are also Immortal Venerable Realm, Immortal Realm, and the opponents are also Immortal Realm, which is fair. It can even be said that the lower the realm, the greater the advantage." Another person said.

Everyone nodded, and Chu Yan went on stage. The puppet warriors he faced would only be Immortal Realm. From this point of view, Chu Yan did have an advantage.

Of course, in addition to curiosity, Chu Yan's challenge did not attract too much attention. After all, in everyone's eyes, he was just an Immortal Realm. No matter how strong he was, it was only for the Immortal Realm. They were all Immortal Venerables and would not care.

On the lotus root battle stage, as soon as Chu Yan landed, he felt a strong power of immortal patterns sweeping through his body, as if he was going to see him clearly in an instant. He did not care, and waited quietly with his hands behind his back.

After a moment, the rules came, and a puppet warrior of the top-level Immortal Realm was born in the lotus root cave.


But in just a moment, the terrible gravity mountain descended, and the puppet warrior exploded with a bang, crushed into dust by the pure power consciousness.

The light flashed, it was the second place, and there was a loud bang, the ending was the same. During the whole process, Chu Yan stood there quietly, with a huge gravity mountain floating behind him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang...!"

Then came the third place, the fourth place, the tenth place, the thirtieth place, and the fiftieth place.

One puppet after another appeared, and Chu Yan did not move. All the puppet warriors emerged and were shattered by the absolute domain, vulnerable to a single blow. The lotus seal on his head also soared wildly, reaching as many as fifty in a blink of an eye.

After that, it was still a second kill. Finally, when his lotus seal reached eighty, everyone's eyes changed slightly, no longer despised, but slightly serious.

After all, so far, except for those eight, no one has achieved the result of eighty lotus seals. Chu Yan is the ninth person.

On the lotus leaf, Wu Mei'er's beautiful eyes flickered. It seems that this time she really found the right person.

Ying also looked up and looked at Chu Yan, her beautiful eyes were deep, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Interesting." Someone laughed, Yuan Qing looked at the confident Tianjiao sarcastically and said: "He is now eighty Dao, how about you?"

The corner of the Tianjiao's mouth twitched, but he still said calmly: "He can beat you, although he is only in the realm of immortals, his combat power is already comparable to that of immortals. It is not surprising that he can reach this point. If his realm is the same as mine, he may be stronger than me. It's a pity that he is an immortal after all, and his realm is a little lower. His opponent is only an immortal. You should understand that in front of a truly powerful immortal, all immortals are vulnerable."

Yuan Tian sneered, but did not quibble, because he knew that the Tianjiao was telling the truth. There is an essential difference between the immortal and the immortal, and they can be integrated with the heavenly way. Although Chu Yan's combat power can be stronger than that of ordinary immortals, it is still weaker in front of the real immortals.

His puppet combat power of eighty layers is probably only comparable to that of the sixty layers of immortals.

Of course, they forgot one problem, which is the nature of the lotus root battle platform.

All puppet warriors are born according to the strength of the challenger. Chu Yan has the ability to fight across borders. Will the puppet warriors created with him as the main body be weaker than the Immortal Venerable? Obviously not.

It's a pity that Chu Yan crushed them all the way and didn't give those puppets a chance to attack, otherwise they would understand that the puppets Chu Yan faced were even stronger than some challengers of the third level of the Immortal Venerable.


Three more puppets, the same ending, being crushed.

"Looking at the current situation, he is still in a state of killing all the way. It is inevitable to catch up with Ying, but I don't know where he will stay in the end." Someone trembled, even if it was the Immortal level, eighty-three marks were also amazing, after all, Chu Yan's own realm was also the Immortal level.


Eighty-four, killing in seconds, catching up with Ying.

Although it was expected, everyone was still trembling, which meant that at the same realm, the limit that Chu Yan could do was stronger than Ying, and Ying was one of the eight new stars in the future.

At this time, new stars including Huo Feng, Yin Wudao, Xiao Xiaoyinglie and others also became interested in Chu Yan and paid attention to the battle stage, because Chu Yan was going up, and they were the only ones left.

"Does anyone know which faction this person came from?" someone asked. Even if they were immortals, those who could achieve this level would never be unknown. Just like Xiao Xiao and others, when they were immortals, they were the new stars of that era and represented an era.

"I heard that he was a subordinate that Wu Meir had recruited not long ago. His combat power was comparable to that of a second-level immortal. As for his origin, it is not clear." Someone said, and more people were curious about Chu Yan.

"Eighty-seven." While everyone was talking, three more rays of light rose up from the Lotus Root Battle Platform, which meant that Chu Yan had defeated three more puppets. This result was already equal to Yuan Qing.

From then on, it was ninety, until ninety-five, Chu Yan never made a move, and relied entirely on his consciousness to crush him. From now on, it seems that he can continue. Even in the previous assessment, the only one who could achieve this step was The first three of the eight rising stars.

There was another flash of light on the Lotus Root Battle Stage, and the ninety-sixth puppet general was born.

At this time, the puppet war general was already very eye-catching. He was covered in golden armor, and the terrifying power seemed to burst out. Just standing there gave people a terrifying sense of weight.

"Can he survive?"

Glancing at the puppet war general, Chu Yan discovered that at this point, the power in the puppet's body was already more terrifying than his own. It had reached a limit and every line on his body was flawless.

"Pure consciousness of power and color?" Chu Yan saw through the puppet and said softly. It can be said that this puppet warrior is already very strong. At least he thinks that with a puppet in the fairy realm, it should be enough to sweep away many immortals present. I respect the second level strong man.

But then, he smiled and shook his head, but so what?

As long as he is still in the immortal position, he will not be defeated. For him, this is absolute confidence, and it is also the iron rule that he has practiced to this day. In the same realm, he is invincible. No one can defeat him in the same realm.

Even a puppet under this rule reaches the limit of immortality.

"Boom!" Chu Yan stepped out with the sole of his foot, jumped out in the air, and walked towards the puppet general. His steps seemed extremely slow, but with every step he took, he could see a few more cracks in the air. Come on, it was as if his foot crushed the sky, and then the ground a hundred meters below exploded and sunk.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" He stepped out with extremely violent steps, and the puppet warrior's body seemed to have suffered terrible damage. The bones were broken, and with a bang, it shattered and exploded.

"What a violent way!"

People's hearts trembled, Chu Yan's fighting was completely irregular, he attacked with pure power, and just like that, he trampled continuously with the soles of his feet.




With every step Chu Yan took, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, as if that foot did not crush the puppet, but fell on their hearts. Everyone counted unconsciously. .

"one hundred!"

"Boom!" Another kick, and Chu Yan trampled on it. The 100th puppet general was smashed to pieces and dented. Everyone was stunned. They thought that Jian Wuque's appearance would be the answer to this challenge. It was a perfect ending, but who would have thought that the immortal they despised could actually do it now.

One hundred people, even the Night Emperor and Fire Phoenix failed to achieve it, but Chu Yan did it. Although the puppet he challenged was only in the Immortal Realm, it was still brilliant enough.

"Buzz!" At this moment, the Lotus Root Battle Platform flashed with light again, and the 101st puppet general appeared, bigger and more terrifying than the previous 100. As soon as he appeared, the ground trembled wildly. stand up.

Chu Yan looked up at the puppet general with a serious look on his face. From the puppet general, he felt a danger, which was so powerful that he had never experienced it before even facing Taiyi Immortal Lord.

The Eye of the Great World operates and sees everything. Chu Yan frowned slightly: "No wonder those three people were defeated. Although the 101st puppet general is still in the immortal realm, except for the realm, all the other powers have been lost." It has exceeded this limit to the extreme. It can be said that this puppet is completely an immortal, and that realm is not restricted at all. "

Although most prodigies can leapfrog and kill enemies, most of them have weaker talents than themselves. Just imagine, how can a person whose talents are as strong as yourself in all aspects, but whose realm is one level stronger than yourself, be able to leapfrog? Obviously impossible.

"The 101st Puppet War General, no one can defeat him, can he do it?" Many eyes also became excited. They didn't expect that this time, there would be a chance to see him again.

Wu Meier's hands were slightly clenched, and her beautiful eyes were full of expectation.

Facing the puppet general, Chu Yan buzzed, and the power in his body burned. The terrifying power burst out, and he stretched out his hand to hold the dark star hammer.

There are rules on the puppet battlefield, and divine weapons cannot play their role, so the Star Hammer is just a mortal weapon here, but Chu Yan still took it off, which shows how serious he is about this battle.

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