Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1189 Southeast Secret Realm

"Yes!" Marquis Donghuang responded and stepped back.

After Marquis Donghuang left, Princess Changge looked at Qingyi and her heart moved slightly: "Princess, could it be him?"

"I don't know." Qing Yi shook her head abruptly. That day, she witnessed Chu Yan being killed by Yun Qiutian's sword, which was like a thousand swords piercing the heart. Logically speaking, it is impossible to live.

But she really couldn't think of anyone else in this immortal realm who could achieve this step, being in the immortal realm, invincible in the world, and killing Taiyi with one sword.

"Where are you……"

"I miss you……"

Qing Yi's beautiful eyes were slightly misty, but she tried hard to raise her head and prevent tears from falling.


In the Wushuang Realm, in the southeast, Chu Yan is still wearing white clothes, and he is galloping across the void with his sword.

It's just that he has a special status and is wanted by the towering Taoist temple. He has long since adjusted his appearance. Although he is not as handsome as he was before, his unique temperament and extraordinary demeanor still give people a good feeling.

"The people from Towering Taoist Temple died. If Qingyi and the others get the news, they should be able to make some guesses, but that's not enough yet. The Hammer Emperor accompanied me on the expedition on the Imperial Road. Qingyi, Ye Xun and others all know about it, so this identity is just right. Without being exposed, I can still tell Qing Yi and the others that I am fine."

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's true self switched and his body became even bigger. The evil sword behind him also changed its shape and turned into a star hammer weighing tens of millions of tons.

The ability of the evil sword was discovered by Chu Yan not long ago. It can change its appearance at will, and it does not necessarily have to appear as a sword, and its own power is still alive.

Holding the evil sword that turned into a star-shaped sledgehammer in his hand, Chu Yan felt a terrible burst of power, as if it was about to rush out of the sky. He sighed: "The identity of the evil sword is not extraordinary, but now I am a top immortal." I have seen countless immortal weapons and artifacts, even the Immortal Supreme Divine Weapon has many, but compared with the evil sword, it is still inferior."

"And this evil sword seems to become stronger as I grow. There is also a sealed power in my body. If the seal is released, I don't know how terrible it will be."

"Follow me, and I will never humiliate you in this life." Chu Yan swore secretly in his heart that the evil sword has a spirit, and he can be regarded as a good brother who came from the lower world with him, and has saved his life countless times.


At this moment, a terrible pressure suddenly roared up from below, turning into an ancient golden stone wall, blocking all Chu Yan's paths.

Looking down, he saw a line of extraordinary figures standing there below. They were all handsome men and beautiful women, wearing fairy robes. They looked extremely extraordinary. The one who stopped him was a fairy in white.

"Is something wrong?" Chu Yan stopped and asked calmly.

"Immortal?" In the crowd, a young man smiled sarcastically, and then shook his head: "The times are indeed different now. Does even an immortal dare to touch this secret realm in the southeast?"

Chu Yan frowned, glanced at the young man with a slight displeasure, and said lightly: "You seem to be only the second-level Immortal Lord, right? Not long ago, in the battle at Shentian Taoist Temple, Taiyi Immortal Lord and several junior Immortal Lords were all killed. The person who killed them is only in the immortal realm. Do you think you would laugh like this when you meet him? Or do you think you are stronger than Taiyi Immortal? "

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard Chu Yan's words. Taiyi Immortal Lord's incident had a great impact, and they had naturally heard about it.

The young man looked at Chu Yan in surprise and said with a smile: "Promoting yourself in the name of others? Haha, you are the most ridiculous person I have ever seen. That immortal is really powerful. Although I don't know who he is, he can do it Someone who has reached this stage must be a top power or a descendant of the Immortal Emperor, so who do you think you are?”

"Why not? Although I am not that person, but I was born in this era, if you are not convinced, I don't mind learning from the immortal realm." Chu Yan stood proudly in the air and stood calmly.

"Interesting!" Everyone's eyes flashed.

"Hua Feng, he wants to challenge you."

"Are all the current fairy realms so crazy?" Many handsome men and beauties showed interesting smiles.

Hua Feng also showed an interesting look. Although he is not the top power, he was born in a family of Immortal Emperors. He has been the genius of the family since he was a child. Now he is also highly favored in the unparalleled world. Now there is a small immortal who wants to be The challenge is simply life-or-death.

"If you want to die, I will help you." Hua Feng made a sound and took a step forward.

"Okay." At this moment, the fairy in white spoke slowly, and stopped Hua Feng with her slender hands: "The southeastern secret realm is about to open. I'm here to help you. Don't cause trouble."

"Boy, you're lucky." Hua Feng snorted coldly, then stopped, obviously caring about what the white-clothed fairy said.

The fairy in white is named Wu Mei'er, and she is a direct disciple of Yixia Female Palace in the Immortal Realm. Now that the southeastern secret realm is opened, she has found this group of people, and they are ready to enter it and explore together.

Looking at Chu Yan, Wu Meier's beautiful eyes were filled with curiosity. There were requirements for entering the Wushuang Realm. To enter the Immortal Realm, one must have at least a decent talent. She smiled sweetly: "Don't blame me, sir. Hua Feng has no ill intentions. It’s just that the southeastern secret realm has opened and many powerful people have gathered, but there is no one in the immortal realm.”

"In this case, I won't argue with you this time. It won't happen again." Chu Yan responded proudly with his hands behind his back. Everyone was confused. This guy...

Just being polite to him, did he really think he was invincible and could defeat Hua Feng?

Wu Mei'er was also slightly startled, amused by Chu Yan's actions: "I wonder what you call the young master?"

"God Hammer Emperor!" Chu Yan said frankly. Everyone was stunned and laughed even more: "You are really not modest at all. You dare to call yourself the emperor when you are at the level of immortal?"

"Young Master is humorous. In that case, I will call you Young Master God Hammer. Did you come here for the secret realm in the southeast?" Wu Meir smiled charmingly. Her voice seemed to have a kind of magic, which made people feel relaxed and moved.

"Naturally born brow bones!" Chu Yan's eyes condensed. He, who practiced the Eye of the Great World, couldn't help but sigh secretly. Wu Meir was born with brow bones. She must have practiced some kind of charm. Every frown and smile was fascinating. People with weak wills would be confused immediately when they saw her.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yan tried to calm his anger: "I did hear that there is a secret realm here, but I don't know its name, so I came to take a look."

"That's it. There is only one secret realm in the southeast in this area. Master Shenchui is alone, and he has no master to follow him?" Seeing Chu Yan regain his composure, Wu Meir's beautiful eyes became more brilliant. She was born with brow bones, and she inherited the Fox Demon Immortal Secret from her master, so she was very clear about her charm. Even some ordinary immortals could make them fall under her skirt as long as she moved a little. Chu Yan was just an immortal, but he could resist her temptation.

"I am a casual cultivator." Chu Yan said calmly.

"In that case, Master Shenchui, why don't you join us? The secret realm in the southeast is full of dangers. If there are more people, we can take care of each other when we encounter unexpected events." Wu Meir smiled charmingly.

"If I join, how will the opportunities be distributed?" Chu Yan did not agree directly.

"It depends on the contribution points." Wu Meir said.

After pondering for a while, Chu Yan nodded. The Lord of Wushuang Mansion asked him to come to the southeast to look for opportunities. Now it is not known whether it is the secret realm of the southeast. It is indeed more convenient if there are more people. The most important thing is that Wu Meir has obviously been paying attention to the secret realm of the southeast for a long time and knows much more than he does.

"Okay." Chu Yan agreed, and Wu Meir smiled: "Mr. Shenchui is straightforward!"

Hua Feng frowned slightly, slightly displeased with Wu Meir's behavior, and said lightly: "Don't hold us back when you are in the secret realm!"

"Just take care of yourself." Chu Yan said calmly, Hua Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and then he snorted coldly, without saying much.

The secret realm of the southeast is in an active volcanic area. The temperature nearby is extremely high. Many towering and continuous mountains have been melted into fiery red, and there is no vegetation on them.

There is a raised flame lotus in the center of the volcano, and each petal is glowing with a faint halo. In the center of the lotus is a huge lotus root, covering an area of ​​1,000 meters. Looking down from the sky, it looks like a suspended battle platform.

As Wu Meier and her group descended, they stopped in front of the flame lotus. Many geniuses had gathered nearby. Seeing Wu Meier and her group, they glanced at them casually and didn't care.

"I have seen in the ancient scrolls of the sect that this flame lotus is the entrance to the Southeast Secret Realm. There is a wonderful fairy pattern formation on the lotus root battle platform. Everyone who goes up to the battle platform needs to go through a challenge." Wu Meier said softly. Chu Yan looked up and saw that the fairy light was lingering on the lotus root, which was interwoven with thousands of fairy patterns, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

"Wu Meier? You are here, but I advise you to give up as soon as possible. This Southeast Secret Realm must belong to my sister." A very magnetic voice suddenly came from the side. Looking over, I saw a handsome man in red: "But you are so beautiful. If you are willing to marry me, I can consider persuading my sister to leave you a share in the Southeast Secret Realm."

After speaking, the man's eyes swept over Wu Meier unscrupulously, full of greed.

"Yuan Tian, ​​you are so presumptuous!" Hua Feng frowned and took a step forward.

"Hua Feng, who do you think you are? Are you qualified to talk to me? You failed to pursue my sister back then, so now you have to settle for the second best and go to Wu Meir?" The man was extremely arrogant and laughed.

"You..." Hua Feng's eyes flashed with a sharpness, and he whispered to Wu Meir: "Mei'er, he is lying, don't listen to him."

"Mr. Hua Feng is polite." Wu Meir remained charming and could not see her emotions, but Chu Yan was very close to her and could feel the coldness on her body, but it was not surprising. Yuan Tian's words of settling for the second best were extremely humiliating.

"Wu Meir, you want a piece of shit like Hua Feng? Hey, there is also an immortal position, haha, Wu Meir, your taste is really unique now." Yuan Tian saw Chu Yan and mocked unscrupulously: "In that case, I won't bother you anymore, but if you regret it and agree to marry me, I can still help you."

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