Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1181: Fighting Mu Yan【Part 1】

"Buzz!" Wangfeng took the initiative to take a step. In this battle, he had absolute confidence, for himself and for his senior brother.

"This guy actually stood up to fight Mu Yan? Is he crazy?" Someone licked the corners of their chapped lips and said sarcastically.

In their opinion, talking about brotherly love in this place of life and death is simply courting death. The same goes for Chu Yan and Wangfeng.

Mu Yan looked up and saw Wangfeng, full of contempt. Then he took a step forward, and a crazy sandstorm rolled up around him. The originally calm wind became sharp, like a pair of extremely sharp blades.

Chu Yan always looked at the battlefield, his eyes of the world moving, alert to his surroundings.

Ye Carnival should not be able to make a sneak attack, but it's hard to say for the other three. After all, in a battle of this level, just to meet the opponent, you need to go all out. If one of them makes a sneak attack, the chance of success is very high.

"You guys, commit suicide." At this moment, Ye Huanyan suddenly spoke, his eyes locked on the other three people, making the three of them look cold. They are all top immortals, although not as good as Ye Huanyan, but they are also geniuses. When did they receive this? kind of humiliation.

"Ye Carnival, you are too crazy. Even if you are stronger, if the three of us join forces, is it possible that you can still win?" One of them shouted.

"You can give it a try." Ye Huanyan said calmly, defiantly. The three of them clenched their fists, and only one person turned to look at Chu Yan: "Do you want to come with us?"

Chu Yan shook his head calmly: "Come here."

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The man's eyes turned cold and he shouted: "You are not an immortal. Ye Huanyan is so powerful. The four of us may be able to win together, but you actually want to stay out of it? In this case, when Ye Huanyan dies, it will be the same." Your death!"

Chu Yan sighed, people are always like this, self-righteous, he and Ye Huanyan will indeed have a battle, but in that battle, he needs to join forces with others?

After reaching such a state of cultivation, it would be truly sad if it was still limited to the level where more people bring greater power.

"Do it!" The three of them looked at each other, and with a buzz, they saw a person rising up into the air, blooming in the field, which was a dark vortex that swallowed everything, and could convert all power into its own power to attack.

Another person also moved, holding a giant ax in both hands, splitting the space, and slashed at Ye Carnival.

The remaining Ai used his attribute power, and the ground trembled wildly. Thousands of ancient trees turned into green vines, spreading out and crushing everything. There was a loud banging sound, and in just a moment, the earth shattered.

It can be said that the three powers are all extremely strong. Seeing those terrifying lights destroying everything, the earth will be shattered under the attack.

"Boom!" The ground trembled violently, thousands of enemies fell, and the space turned into a storm. When the three people saw this, their eyes showed a touch of excitement. Was it successful?

Under such a three-in-one peerless attack, no one can survive.

"Buzz!" But the next second, the three people's eyes froze, a gust of wind blew up, and a golden light rose from the ground. Ye Huanyan was standing there intact, and there was a faint golden light around him that transformed into the mythical beast Xuanwu. , protecting his left and right sides, indestructible, allowing all attacks to hit him, not even his defense can be broken.

"How could this happen?" The three of them were all stunned. Is this the difference between them and the top geniuses? They are obviously in the same realm, why are they so big?

"You ants, go to hell." Ye Huanyan's voice was as cold and arrogant as ever, and his eyes were strange. At this moment, he seemed to be a peerless monster. The storm enveloped the three of them, and they fell into it. The three of them showed signs of fear. Sexy, they wanted to defend themselves, but it was too late. Those evil spirits were pervasive and penetrated their bodies.

"Boom!" Then there was a loud noise, and all three people died.

"So strong!" Mu Yan, who was fighting Wangfeng at the top, shrank his eyes, and then became even more convinced that his choice was correct.

"All the idle people have been cleared away." Mu Yan withdrew his gaze and smiled proudly: "But in the final analysis, I should also thank your idiot senior brother. If he hadn't rejected the opportunity to live in front of him, he wouldn't have had the chance to live. To me, but now, you have to die first!"

"You are an idiot, your whole family is an idiot!" Wangfeng was instantly angry. Why did Chu Yan refuse the night carnival? Isn't it because of myself? Now Mu Yan dared to humiliate his senior brother.

After killing three people, Ye Huanyan looked at Chu Yan calmly: "Do you know what you missed now? Let me ask you, do you regret it?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly. The night carnival was indeed very strong, but do you regret it?

Of course I don’t regret it.

Night Carnival raised his head and looked at the void at the top: "Let's wait until their battle is over."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. Wangfeng's side wasn't over yet, and he had no intention of fighting. All he could do now was wait.

"Buzz!" In the sky above the mansion, two fairy lights collided crazily, continuously emitting dazzling brilliance. Wangfeng's Demon King armor was extremely domineering, and every shot fired contained the spirit of the devil.

Mu Yan was good at wind and was extremely fast. There were storms all around. Suddenly he put his hands together, and there was a faint shadow of an eagle inside his body. Its golden wings trembled wildly, causing the storms from heaven and earth to pour into his body. , at this moment, he is like the king of the world, able to control everything in the world.

As he raised his hand, the doomsday storm rolled up and tore everything apart. Where Wangfeng was, there was a fragment of broken walls. The ground and stone pillars were all shattered. He was caught in the storm. Wangfeng's clothes were all broken, and those winds It was like thousands of blades scraping against his body, and cracks appeared in the black demon armor.

During the whole process, Mu Yan was standing tall, with a confident smile on his lips: "How can you win such a battle?"

Ye Kuanghuan looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "It seems that your junior brother can't hold on any longer."

Chu Yan did not respond, and kept looking at the battlefield with a serious look. Although he had not entered the Immortal Venerable, he was already familiar with the power of the Immortal Venerable, so he knew how strong Mu Yan's attack was. Wang Feng would be at a disadvantage if he fought with him.

"You still won't attack?" Ye Kuanghuan asked again.

"No need, he will win." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head.

Ye Kuanghuan was stunned for a moment, and laughed: "Can he win? Are you kidding? In this battle, Mu Yan is stronger than him in terms of realm and spell, and the attack is even more integrated with the way of heaven. This world of wind is controlled by Mu Yan. Can your junior brother win with such an attack?"

"Just watch." Chu Yan said firmly. This battle was initiated by Wang Feng, so he will definitely win.

In the storm, terrible sword lights and shadows kept passing by, slashing towards Wang Feng. He fell into it, as if he was completely swallowed up, and his white gown was stained red with blood.

Mu Yan stood high in the sky and said arrogantly: "Do you think this will work? Immortal status is immortal status, it is humble and unbearable. How can you break such an attack?"

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